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Release Notes: NW.5.20130812b.2



  • sunsfire2004sunsfire2004 Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 141 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    dragonani wrote: »
    Also CW's will not be able to control mobs as well, the main way we get our AP up (shield repel) will not work anymore. So no more being able to control with Singularity often. Also a nerf to Eye of the storm. Not to mention some big nerfs to GWF and TR. I don't see why they nerfed nearly everyone?

    The only reason people some people glitch dungeons is because certain ones are insanely difficult that should not be; I mean mini bosses (that are harder than the main boss) that have 50+ mob monsters with a huge amount of health and deal lots of damage with their auto hit attacks. Now with everyone being even weaker, I feel like that game is encouraging people to exploit. If "Balance" patches continue like this I feel like it will become impossible to legitimately finish many T2 dungeons. Unless they properly nerfed the dungeons with the players.

    From pve side all new stuff was well to easy and still is

    and tr have got buff not nerf and can still perma stealth solo pve and break pvp so no nerf for them
  • devlinnedevlinne Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I just say one thing to you devs.

    When the MILLIONS of ppl come crying to the forums that now they can't dodge lashing blade anymore. You better turn a deaf ear to them, cos YOU made this changes. Noone asked for it, no one ever said anything about "Hmmm I think L.A should teleport us to our target IN STEALTH....

    You said you playtested right? BETTER STANDBY YOUR DECISIONS THEN and stop EFFING with the game that we love.
    PITY,REGRET, AND MERCY are just EXCUSES for the strong not to kill the weak!
  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    panderus wrote: »
    Release Notes: NW.5.20130812b.2

    Trickster Rogue
    • Gloaming Cut: This power works best as an execute, but lacked the damage to fill that role. To help it better serve its function, it now deals up to 50% more damage (at max rank) based on the target's missing health. In addition, rank 3 of the power now provides more Stealth on kill, and rank 1 provides slightly less.

    From what I saw in the Preview Shard, it seems the damage increase it gets based on the target's missing health only goes as high as +30% at max rank. Is this by any chance a typo?
  • sirjestosirjesto Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 176 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Seems like the 3 months and hundreds of bucks i've spent on my GF, my only character, obtaining the stal set, changing appearance and color and socketing with rank 8's and perfect enchants, is now flushed right down the toilet. Good job...I don't have the will to start all over again.............
  • jarlsburgjarlsburg Member Posts: 222 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Reinforce Protective Wards

    You are joking, changed from 3 to 9, sorry but this is beyond a joke, make some content rather than increasing the 'borewall' requirements!!!

    Where do you see this? I have looked at the list of changes multiple times and can not find it. If this means they are increasing how many times I have to complete tasks to open a new area from 3 to 9 I don't think I will even bother with the new content.
  • imsmithyimsmithy Member Posts: 1,378 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    panderus wrote: »
    Release Notes: NW.5.20130812b.2

    Level 60 Blue Gear at the Wondrous Bazaar has a 15% price reduction.

    Guys , seriously.... it is blue transmutation specific gear (lets be honest , nobody buys these things for the stats) its the only way to get the only GOOD looking wizards hat in the entire game and it will still cost well in excess of 1.3 million AD? and that isn't counting the silly 61k transmutation cost , really guys? really? .

    It's already bad enough that I cannot transmute my ancient necklace into a wizards cape ( only ancient necklaces cannot be transmuted into capes for some reason , all other necklaces can) but now I cannot get a good looking hat either due to ridiculous costs....
    panderus wrote: »
    Release Notes: NW.5.20130812b.2

    Stalwart Bulwark: This set has been reworked. The new effect is as follows: When you are blocking, strikes against you generate stacks of Stalwart Bulwark. Your next power deals 20 bonus damage for each stack of Stalwart Bulwark on you. You may have up to 10 stacks.
    Wowzers! , this is really bad thinking on Cryptics part , we already have far too few good Gf's out there and now you do this to them , many of them have not only spent an age actually getting a full working set (due to glitches with the set apparently??) but then have also gone to the effort of spending a literal fortune enchanting and transmuting the set and now you guys at cryptic make the set's bonus worthless , surely just lessening the actual effect like dkcandy suggested , this is going to cause all sorts of rage if it does actually go to full live.....
  • silverfox1313silverfox1313 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    WTF??? The rework on Stalwart Bulwark is F***ING DUMB. I can't believe the intelligence (or lack thereof) of the design team. So glad I bought one of my pieces for 150k so that now it is only worth maybe 4k. They really should compensate people when they make choices like this, as they screwed up their economy and normal players have to suffer when they turn a high value item into complete <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. I won't spend another penny on this game.
  • dardovedardove Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    imsmithy wrote: »
    Guys , seriously.... it is blue transmutation specific gear (lets be honest , nobody buys these things for the stats) its the only way to get the only GOOD looking wizards hat in the entire game and it will still cost well in excess of 1.3 million AD? and that isn't counting the silly 61k transmutation cost , really guys? really? .

    It's already bad enough that I cannot transmute my ancient necklace into a wizards cape ( only ancient necklaces cannot be transmuted into capes for some reason , all other necklaces can) but now I cannot get a good looking hat either due to ridiculous costs....

    Yeah, they need another pass on AD costs. The helmets in particular, but also the companions and transmutation price.
  • szandmanszandman Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    These guys don't know anything about balance and couldn't scratch their asses with a bobcat in each hand when it comes to pvp.
  • silveralucardsilveralucard Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 410 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    WTF??? The rework on Stalwart Bulwark is F***ING DUMB. I can't believe the intelligence (or lack thereof) of the design team. So glad I bought one of my pieces for 150k so that now it is only worth maybe 4k. They really should compensate people when they make choices like this, as they screwed up their economy and normal players have to suffer when they turn a high value item into complete <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. I won't spend another penny on this game.

    i am one of those my only character is a GF and fully equipped, so my 2M Set will be worth 25k at most, we invest in rings and belts for the set and enchants as well with this the rings and belts are not going to be the BiS for the set, and also the set will be totally <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, so all the time spended here and the money (since i am a supporter) now is like i invested in some random set that it is going to worth nothing.

    as they mention they will lose me as a player in the game will not continue supporting PWE and will try to boicot the company in my country and in all availble source, i will contact every magazine and every recognize gaming blogger so this game goes to hell cause it is outrageous that after a lot of money from players have being invested in this they want to change it and without notice from the start.

    the most perfect comparison is this. you invest in a ferrari, and buy 22" special rims, racing tires the full extras package, and then after you used one day they say "Sir the ferrari was a mistake, the correct car should be this toyota Yariz, but we cannot return what you invested, so we will keep it...." so you ended up paying for a toyota the same that you paid for a ferrari and ended up with Rims and tires that do not even fits. i think this is not intended and if player in the US have the means they probably can sue since this change was never mentioned in any patch note or notice in advance
    Everything works out in the end . If it hasn't worked out yet, it isn't the end...
  • twerkulatorrtwerkulatorr Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Also, bind on pickup was sneaked in again? Didn't we already test this Cryptic? It was unanimously agreed that BOP was bad for the game/economy. Although, I do like the idea of the salvage feature I don't feel that in it's current state it's an adequate alternative to selling loot.
    Twerkulatorr (Rogue) & Twerk (Guard)
    Peter Puffer's Foundation @ Mindflayer
  • trollgretrollgre Member Posts: 297
    edited August 2013
    stalwart is OP but the reworked version 4set bonus is useless not even close to other t1 gf set
    200 damage for 10 stack? it will almost consume all your guard meter when fighting lots of adds
    and you cant even keep the stalwart stack, it will disappear in less than 10 secs if not used

    BoP looks ok bec you can pick now what part you like and theres a salvager

    most classes are balance now at PVE some are even useless during boss fights any plans at reworking dungeon boss and unlimited adds?

    tried karrundax during DD and its impossible to do 1st and 2nd boss the normal way unless you all have OP gears
    too many adds, low defense, weak heal (potion heals higher than the healer?)
  • thyralionthyralion Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Release Notes: NW.5.20130730a.2 (the patch before that...)

    Great Weapon Fighter

    Bravery: Ranking up this power now affects Run Speed (+15% at max rank), but the Deflect bonus has been reduced to +8% at max rank.
    Slam: The damage from this power has been reduced; it had previously done too much damage for its area of effect, duration, and utility, and the intent is to change its focus mostly to utility.
    The initial cast now interupts targets, and while slowed, affected targets now deal -15% damage (at max rank).
    The power now shows its max estimated damage rather than its per-tick value, and per-tick damage has been reduced by 60%.
    Rank ups now provide 1 additional second rather than 2.

    And then make that slam skilll draw more aggro while keeping the monsters alive longer. With reduced defense from det and deflection. What - the - f?

    Thank god I farm cn draco with tr, cw and dc only, poor useless fighter classes.
  • aspanectaspanect Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I find it very sad that whenever there is a balance update everyone does nothing but complain about it.
    I understand that people spend IRL money on items, and time is just as valuable as currency; but its unbelieveable that players who sound like they have been playing MMORPGs for a while STILL get bent out of shape when thier class gets nerfed. It happens in every game, frequently.

    **Yah, if it were 19.95 a month it would be like "oh well" but some people have spend thousands of $$$$ on their gear/enchants. not even close to the same thing. ITs like buying a high end computer, then getting a recall so they can replace the cpu with one that runs half as fast. (but you would not complain if that happened to you).

    I wonder how many people that complain so loudly are actually playing other classes as well. Because if they were, they would understand the need for balance updates. Understandably there are some that are done hastily and otheres that weaken classes and skills more than originally thought.

    ** I have played a thief/rogue since i started playing D&D in 1979. I have no interest in playing other classes.

    I play a TR and spend most of my time in PvP and and almost equal amount queueing for Delves, it is hard to solo Epic Bosses, and PvP can be very unbalanced depending on the makeup of your team. ..,.

    ** so your ok with another 35% cut in ur overall damage in a PVE setting?

    Going up against an organized team of players in PvP is very difficult and can feel like a balance issue. When they are using a voice system to communicate and call out caps and aggressors they can better control the field than a group that is running around only trying to make kills and maximize caps. When a team works together to hold agro, deal damage, heal, and CC and CAP they are more efficient and can appear to be unbalanced. I understand though that a well organized team is better than 5 yahoos workign for themselves, and this is something that most other players dont understand.

    ***What you dont understand, is the nerf to TR damage is to counter the 1 shot kill. which is accomplished by stacking tene's. Now to do that u need a LOT of coalescent wards, or AD to buy the tenes. which id say about 3% of the rogue population has atm. so they are nerfing everyone to bring that 3% down to par. and now the other 97% will have to fork out the cash to stack tenes, if they wanna bring their charback up to where it was.. Money grab, nothing more.

    Every class has its detractions and benefits to being played, and the class you favor is always going to seem to be the one that gets the biggest nerf. Learn to play with the nerf and then you can say you're a better player for being able to play through it.

    ***That is assuming, with the TR's lowerd burst damage ability, that anyone will even want them in a group. I dontthink so, especially since a GF or GWF will be able to OUTDPS a tr now in any instance, in any situation. Yes they gave a buff to gloaming cut, but imnot forking out the cash to respec to gloaming. and shouldnt have to.

    But to whine and complaing that they have "Ruined the game! - Destroyed PvP! - Or its best to just delete all GWF and DC off the servers because they're usesless now" is just assinine.

    *****no whats assinine is to defend, across the board, everyhting pwe has done. makes me think they sign your paycheck.

    Thats what everyone said about the nerf to CW's RoE power when the lunch update was posted, and I still seem to come across alot of CW's in the world, dealing heavy DPS in dungeons and getting the most kills in PvP. At the time of launce there were so many CW players crying about never playing the game again, how it was ruined and that the Dev team were all morons who didnt know how to code. Yet people still play Neverwinter, Control Wizards, and Trickster Rogues.

    *****The first 60% reduction to rogues was countered by switching to a lashing build, now lashing is cut by 35% whats left to fall backon? nothing. we have no encounter that even came close to the burst damage that lashing can do from stealth. and now that its doing 35% less damage. wont even be used. so now we are down to at wills, and im sorry but the bleed effect just isnt enuff to make it worth continuing.

    You're not two year olds that have been denied a candy bar at the grocery store, stop throwing tantrums like them!! Stop complaining about the changes and just deal with them.

    *******no we just want the ACTUAL problem solved. NERF the TENE! and problem solved. BUT as people have paid hundreds if not thousands of dollars for the ad to buy the tene's or the coals to make them. that will never happen. its all about the allmighty dollar to pwe. whatever they can do to force us to pay more cash is what they will do. now and forever. so take ur across the board defend pwe attitude and move it to the "i work for PWE and therefore they cando no wrong" board.
  • flamexsoldierflamexsoldier Member Posts: 89
    edited August 2013
    What on earth is wrong with you, Cryptic? Usually I accept these changes, think that you must know what you're doing, but seriously? Changing the Stalwart Set so completely is almost like fraud. I buy it expecting one thing and then you change it to something COMPLETELY different? You couldn't just maybe nerf the power output you had to COMPLETELY CHANGE IT?

    I was looking forward to the Fury of the Feywild, but now that stupid timer is just counting down my doom. Honestly I thought your plans for GWF were bad enough, but now you just destroyed my last viable character. Honestly I don't know how you expect to keep players when you keep pulling <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> like this.

    Usually I brush off people who whine and say they're going to quit, but now I think I know where they're coming from.
  • meiramimeirami Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Was Flame Strike ninja nerfed, too? Because it doesn't seem to crit anymore on the Preview server.
  • pagansamapagansama Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    One word

    "Jay Wilson_ed"
  • leillannaleillanna Member Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I fell out of my chair laughing so hard after reading these patch notes. I don't even.....
    Bad game,bad devs,bad company.
    You have taken what is a rich world and spat on it cryptic.
    You have taken classic D&D classes and ruined them.
    You should simply shut this MMO down.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Eilistraee zhal zuch tlu wun ussta xukuth.
  • aethanasaethanas Member Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    panderus wrote: »
    Release Notes: NW.5.20130812b.2
    Items / Rewards / Economy
    • Dungeon Loot
      • Purple gear from epic dungeon chest rewards now bind on pickup.
      • Epic dungeons now offer a choice of rewards. When the dungeon event is running and a player would get an item from an item set, the player is now presented with a choice of items of that slot, so he or she can select the desired stat allocation.
    • Item Sets
      Stalwart Bulwark: This set has been reworked. The new effect is as follows: When you are blocking, strikes against you generate stacks of Stalwart Bulwark. Your next power deals 20 bonus damage for each stack of Stalwart Bulwark on you. You may have up to 10 stacks.

    For the first: peeps have warned you of this regulation of getting epic equipment; you should maybe rethink this solution.

    For the second: a Guardian Fighter was able to be a strong class indeed, but this nerf is very extrem and is upsetting by now many players because of understandable reasons.
    If you plan on nerfing the damage of a Guardian Fighter you have to compensate this class in other terms like defence or avoidance of incoming damage and you even have to make a Guardian Fighter more mandatory for a dungeon, as right now he could be unproblematic replaced by other damage dealing classes.

    This patch as a response to the player feedback is a disappointment at least in these two respects.
  • mrsmonmrsmon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    panderus wrote: »
    Release Notes: NW.5.20130812b.2

    [*]Item Sets
    [*][*]Stalwart Bulwark: This set has been reworked. The new effect is as follows: When you are blocking, strikes against you generate stacks of Stalwart Bulwark. Your next power deals 20 bonus damage for each stack of Stalwart Bulwark on you. You may have up to 10 stacks.

    why have .. why have you ... *vomits* all these changes are not for the good of the player base. its ruined. GG to power GF.
  • ameranth342ameranth342 Member Posts: 141 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    THANKS dev's, Been a huge fan of the D&D series for alot of years but now with this patch it as finaly brought me to my sences and made me realise what an idiot i have been in hoping this game would sort itself out in the end.

    Huge leason learnt, never to go near another pwe game ever again
  • panderuspanderus Member, NW_CrypticDev, Cryptic Developer Posts: 1,007 Cryptic Developer
    edited August 2013
    j1709 wrote: »
    Since devs will start balances and changes to both feats and powers for classes, it would be appreciated if we players could get a complimentary reset in order for us to re-plot our characters in line with the game's changes.

    This was brought up today internally. A decision was not yet reached but it is still being decided for sure. Sorry I don't have a more definitive answer at the moment.
  • cross2112cross2112 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 62
    edited August 2013
    how you gunna solve the gf ****? reset aint gunna do **** for us GF's. it'll be nice, sure. but nowhere close to whats needed to be done.
  • bowiethemantisbowiethemantis Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    panderus wrote: »
    This was brought up today internally. A decision was not yet reached but it is still being decided for sure. Sorry I don't have a more definitive answer at the moment.

    Not going into specific changes like the Stalwart set and the GWF nerfs, you're essentially saying that the development team is/was considering NOT giving the players a respec token after changes of this magnitude are introduced to the game?...

    I'm just going to slowly walk away from my keyboard and avoid a ban by typing what I'm actually thinking right now.

    Oh well here's just a bit: DISGUSTING
  • enderlin50enderlin50 Member Posts: 993 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Cold Iron Warrior: This companion's Iron Strike ability now has a 30 second cooldown on the knockdown effect vs. Fey creatures.
    Sprite: This companion now properly uses her Split the Tree ability.
    Storm Rider: Ice Arrow's damage has been decreased to balance out its faster attack speed.
    Storm Rider: The power now syncs more smoothly with its animation and visual FX.

    These Companions aren't even on the PreviewShard right now. Not in ZEN Market, not in the Hall.
  • yokanaanyokanaan Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 151 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Wouldn't it be easier to make 2 shards instead of 3 - one for PvP and one for PvE?

    You would be able to choose what you want to do mostly.
    Of course PvP players would be able to play dungeons and other content on their shard but paths and other things would be changed so that PvP nerfs wouldn't apply to PvE shard?

    And PvE changes from PvE shard wouldn't apply to PvP.
  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    panderus wrote: »
    This was brought up today internally. A decision was not yet reached but it is still being decided for sure. Sorry I don't have a more definitive answer at the moment.

    It would be pleasing if by any chance a complete reset would be possible with the coming changes. A lot of players are definitely looking forward to a positive response to this request.

    I also hope that the changes to Stalwart Bulwark would be retracted as well. Item sets slotted with various high end enchantments and have been transmuted isn't as easy to replace/change unlike "balanced" feats and stats. Some builds tend to work around item sets much more than their power/feat setup. Not to mention this "reworked" set just doesn't compare to how the set used to work. I am a TR player, not a GF, but I believe this change in the set is just uncalled for. No one was complaining about it. Rather, GF's have been leaning towards it due to how their T2 sets grow pale in comparison to Stalwart Bulwark's 4 pc. set effect.

    Looking forward to hearing more news from the Cryptic Team regarding these recent changes!

    PS. Please note that I play as a Trickster Rogue! I haven't tried a Guardian Fighter in all my stay in the game, but anyone can understand the implications of how this set change will impact the overall effectiveness of most Guardian Fighters who invested in their Stalwart Bulwarks. Whether it be too powerful for a T1 set, it just doesn't merit a change that will severely throw their investments down the drain.
  • furion192furion192 Member Posts: 187 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    LOL why nerf wicked reminder? majority of TR(98%) don't care about that encounter at all. Why? the defense the enemy will lose is not enough and it Doesn't tell you the resistance/defense the enemy is going to lose, damage is weak, any encounter to replace the slot is better.
  • trollgretrollgre Member Posts: 297
    edited August 2013
    this is what they think why they reworked stalwart
    GF 1 hit KO?
    it might be the stalwart lets change it (5 stack stalwart only adds 1k+ damage to skills)

    the real reason is KC + tene (this is how they can 1 hit KO others)

    1000 or lower Arpen > 8000 power
  • aethanasaethanas Member Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I also hope that the changes to Stalwart Bulwark would be retracted as well. Item sets slotted with various high end enchantments and have been transmuted isn't as easy to replace/change unlike "balanced" feats and stats. Some builds tend to work around item sets much more than their power/feat setup. Not to mention this "reworked" set just doesn't compare to how the set used to work. I am a TR player, not a GF, but I believe this change in the set is just uncalled for. No one was complaining about it. Rather, GF's have been leaning towards it due to how their T2 sets grow pale in comparison to Stalwart Bulwark's 4 pc. set effect.

    I agree, it would have been better to lower the percentage a Guardian Fighter is getting Power relative to his max HP than to break the Set completely.
    On paper it was looking more powerful than it was actually in the game; and even in the statistics a Guardian Fighter was usually doing a lot of damag, but only if there were a lot of possibilities to do area effect damage.
    The problem is especially that we always have many adds during boss fights and the Guardian Fighter is not able to withstand them so easily if one does a single mistake, so now a Guardian Fighter would have a much harder time to cope with so many adds even to the point that he gets overrun by them.
This discussion has been closed.