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Release Notes: NW.5.20130812b.2

panderuspanderus Member, NW_CrypticDev, Cryptic Developer Posts: 1,007 Cryptic Developer
Release Notes: NW.5.20130812b.2

Quests and Environments
Protector's Enclave
  • The companions outside the Grand Emporium and the mounts at the Shaundakul Stables have been rotated out for ones new to Fury of the Feywild.
  • Nest Egg: There is no longer a non-disarmable trap in the sewers.
  • Wizard's Folly: Lucian can no longer cause the player's camera to leave the playable space.
  • Moonstone Mask: Clever players may no longer be able to sneak into the VIP area through creative means.

Blacklake District
  • Landmark icons have been added to the Skirmish Master and travel gates.

Tower District
  • Landmark icons have been added to the Skirmish Master, the travel gate, and the dungeon entrance.

Blackdagger Ruins
  • A landmark icon has been added to the Skirmish Master.

Helm's Hold
  • Landmark icons have been added to the Skirmish Master, the travel gate, and the dungeon entrance.

Ebon Downs
  • Landmark icons have been added to the Skirmish Master, the travel gate, and the dungeon entrance.

  • Landmark icons have been added to the Skirmish Master and the dungeon entrance.

Pirates' Skyhold
  • Landmark icons have been added to the Skirmish Master and the dungeon entrance.

Icespire Peak
  • Landmark icons have been added to the travel gate, and the dungeon entrance.
  • Grast the Gut-Cruncher’s door behind him may no longer be interacted with while in combat.

The Chasm
  • Landmark icons have been added to the Skirmish Master, the travel gate, and the dungeon entrance.

Rothe Valley
  • Clearing the Nest: The encounters in this instanced quest have been made a bit less hectic.
  • Night Raid: Several chests and skill objects have been trimmed from this instanced quest.
  • Temple of the Spider: Halbryn Darkstalker's arena no longer doubles up on door geometry.
  • Temple of the Spider: Players may no longer bypass a boss by jumping through a nearby hole.
  • Landmark icons have been added to the Skirmish Master and the dungeon entrance.

Mount Hotenow
  • Players may no longer utilize a "safe" spot when fighting Pyraphenia.
  • Landmark icons have been added to the Skirmish Master, the travel gate, and the dungeon entrance.

Whispering Caverns
  • Landmark icons have been added to the Skirmish Master, the travel gate, and the dungeon entrance.
  • The Dead Vault: Players will now die horribly when falling outside of the play area instead of just getting stuck.

  • A new quest, Tomorrow and Tomorrow, has been added to reward players who come back for a second day in Sharandar.
  • Another major voice-over pass has been completed.
  • Further improvements have been made to the look and feel of Sharandar as a whole. A performance optimization pass has been included with these updates.
  • Master of the Hunt: Players must now complete Into the Farthest Forest before being able to queue for Master of the Hunt.
  • New Boons have been added to the selection for those who contribute greatly to the campaign for Sharandar.
  • Boons now have the correct icons
  • New cutscenes have been added to better introduce the Dark Fey Enclave and the Realm of Malabog.
  • Sun beams in the Arcane Reservoir no longer allow certain visual effects (like Icy Terrain) to draw over them.
  • The new instanced quests have seen a significant update, both in quest logic and environment art.
  • The Battle for Sharandar quest will now find Feydark Crystals in all instances and maps for Sharandar.
  • Instances quests now only require that there are 3 daily quests completed and on cooldown for their respective neighborhoods instead of specifically today’s daily
  • quests complete.
  • Patching Things Up: The trees should now reappear and be usable again after another player has interacted with one.
  • Malabog’s Castle now has updated and improved collision on the environment.
  • Fulminorax’s strafing attacks now cover the entire distance battlefield.
  • Environmental FX have received a performance and other minor changes.

Midsummer Festival
  • Buff icons from food now match the item icons.
  • Flower interaction text is no longer green.
  • The bartender now sells potions.
  • The Midsummer Provisioning profession now shows how much time remains before it is no longer available.
  • Tomatoes, Squash, and Watermelon are now available at the Florist's store.
  • Trolls no longer stack up on each other quite as often.
  • Yina Morradi no longer voices out-of-character information.

Control Wizard
  • Arcane Singularity: This power now properly deals full damage to level-scaling enemies, such as Call to Arms orcs and Midsummer Festival crashers.
  • Conduit of Ice: This power no longer incorrectly benefits less from the Power stat than intended.
  • Eye of the Storm: This power previously added too much damage for the duration that it lasted. Rather than redesign the auto-crit aspect, it now procs a bit more reliably, but does not last as long.
    • This power now has a 3% chance to trigger from At-will powers, and is 3 times more likely to trigger from Encounters and Dailies.
    • Ranking up the power now also increases the proc chance, resulting in a 5-15% proc rate based on power type used.
    • Its duration has been greatly reduced, and now lasts for 2-3 seconds based on rank.
  • Ice Storm: The lockdown time after using Ice Storm has been reduced by .5 seconds.
  • Maelstrom of Chaos: Hitting targets with Maelstrom of Chaos now refreshes the duration of Arcane Mastery stacks on the player and any Chill stacks on the target.
  • Shield: Shield Release no longer incorrectly multiplies its Action Point gain for every target hit.
  • Shield: Shield Release no longer incorrectly builds a stack of Arcane Mastery for every target hit, resulting in situations where hitting 5 targets would both max the stacks while also instantly reducing its own cooldown.
  • Storm Pillar: Hitting targets with at least a half charged Storm Pillar now refreshes the duration of Arcane Mastery stacks on the player and any Chill stacks on the target.
  • Sudden Storm: Hitting targets with Sudden Storm now refreshes the duration of Arcane Mastery stacks on the player and any Chill stacks on the target.
  • Feat: Elemental Empowerment: Some powers no longer incorrectly apply a second stack of the DoT effect from this feat.
  • Feat: Snap Freeze: This feat was previously offering too much bonus damage for a feat that was so easy to access. The overall damage boost from this feat has been reduced by 5% and it no longer affects Daily powers.

Devoted Cleric
  • Chains of Blazing Light: The chain no longer sometimes activates in a much larger area than intended.
  • Hammer of Fate: This power dealt far too much damage overall, so it's gained a new feature and had its damage reduced.
    • If the power deals a killing blow, the player will now regain 15% of maximum AP (at max rank). However, the power's overall damage has been reduced by 40%.
    • Sun Burst: When hitting both enemies and other allies at the same time, the player now gains 25% more Action Points from this power.
    • However, this power no longer incorrectly multiplies the intended Action Point gain per cast by the number of enemy targets affected.
  • Punishing Light (Divine): The cost to maintain this power has been reduced by 20%.
  • Soothing Light (Divine): This power now heals for up to 20% more, based on the target's missing health.

Great Weapon Fighter
  • Unstoppable: Several odd cases have been addressed that sometimes caused Unstoppable to be toggled on until the player switched maps.
  • Unstoppable: This ability has proven to live up to its name a little too well as of late. In both PvE and PvP it's adding a bit too much survivability for how often it can be used.
    • To help address this, the temporary health from Unstoppable now stacks with other sources of temp health, and is consumed first, but goes away when Unstoppable ends.
    • This means that the temp health granted by Unstoppable will no longer stick around after it ends, making it easier to build further Determination from the remaining temp health.
  • Unstoppable: The tooltip has been updated to correctly state that it grants 8-16% temp health (based on Determination). This is not a change in the actual temp health granted by the power.
  • Weaponmaster's strike no longer place a long-lasting visual effect on targets. The visual now lasts .5s and has been supplemented by a "splat" to let players know the effect is still active.
  • Slam: Now builds twice as much threat to enemies.

Guardian Fighter
  • Crushing Surge: The string of in this power is now around 17% faster overall, resulting in increased damage output.
  • Crushing Surge: The heal from the third hit of this power has been increased by 15%.
  • Crushing Surge: The third hit of this power no longer incorrectly benefits less from the Power stat than intended.
  • Knight's Valor: This power no longer incorrectly causes Shield Release to multiply its Action Point gain for every target hit.

Trickster Rogue
  • Duelist's Flurry: This power no longer incorrectly gains slightly too much of a benefit from the Power stat.
  • Gloaming Cut: This power works best as an execute, but lacked the damage to fill that role. To help it better serve its function, it now deals up to 50% more damage (at max rank) based on the target's missing health. In addition, rank 3 of the power now provides more Stealth on kill, and rank 1 provides slightly less.
  • Shadow Strike: This power no longer incorrectly gains slightly too much of a benefit from the Power stat.
  • Sly Flourish: The benefit this power gains from the Power stat has been slightly reduced.
  • Wicked Reminder: This power no longer incorrectly gains slightly too much of a benefit from the Power stat.

Malabog's Castle: Final Encounter
    • More visual and mechanical updates have been made to the final encounter of Malabog's Castle.
    • The primary boss no longer fires his side breath attack the wrong direction.
    • The secondary boss' casts may now be interrupted with less damage.
    • The Profane Fire spell (AoE Stamina and Action Point drain) may no longer be deflected. However, it can now properly be dodged and blocked.
    [*]Catapults may no longer be walked through quite as easily.
    [*]Cyclopes no longer have floating shields.
    [*]Fomorian Witches no longer change players to animals even when dodging, blocking, or employing any other form of CC immunity.
    [*](Known Issue fix) Level-scaling enemies now deal and take the expected amount of damage, even from levelless sources.
    [*]Redcap Giantsouls' targeting "splat" FX now match the range of their attack.
    [*]Redcap Powries can no longer drain the Action Points of players who are dodging, blocking, or employing any other form of CC immunity.
    [*]Redcaps now show a charge bar when getting ready to fire off certain attacks.
    [*]The Action Point drain from Redcap Powries' Punt ability can no longer be deflected.

    • Cold Iron Warrior: This companion's Iron Strike ability now has a 30 second cooldown on the knockdown effect vs. Fey creatures.
    • Sprite: This companion now properly uses her Split the Tree ability.
    • Storm Rider: Ice Arrow's damage has been decreased to balance out its faster attack speed.
    • Storm Rider: The power now syncs more smoothly with its animation and visual FX.

    3D Edit Mode
      • Returning from Edit Mode now spawns the author at the correct Y location.
      • The ESC menu can now be clicked on when entering the menu with an object selected.
      [*]Authors may no longer incorrectly enter Edit Mode when previewing their projects in Cryptic maps (like Protector's Enclave).
      [*]"Invalid Name" errors in project names now properly explain the reason for the error.
      [*]Reach Marker objectives no longer incorrectly show many more maps than expected.
      [*]Search: Performance has been improved for searches with Language set to All.
      [*]Search: The Featured tab now shows featured archives.
      [*]The "Clear Room" and "Populate Room" buttons once again function in the Map Editor.
      [*]When the ampersand (&) is used in a quest title, it no longer shows up html encoded (&) in the quest journal.

      • Inventory: Items in bags other than the main bag may now be discarded.
      • Inventory: Tooltip text now shows the correct colors on items such as lockbox keys.
      • Inventory: Tooltip text no longer overlaps when using a mobile device.
      • Professions: It is now more clear when a profession is at its maximum rank.
      • Zen Market: New items no longer show up multiple times.
      • Zen Market: Side-tabs and sub-tabs now display, hide, and accept input as appropriate.
      • Zen Market: The category order now matches the order in game.
      • Fixed checkboxes occasionally not functioning properly on some screens.
      • Fixed an issue where Internet Explorer 8 would stop functioning under certain circumstances.

      Graphics / Stability
      • Improvements have been made to texture loading, so that characters don't show a too-low level of detail for the distance at which they're viewed.
      • Occlusion for very large interior rooms should be improved in cases where you would be unable to see objects past a certain distance.

      Items / Rewards / Economy
      • Dungeon Loot
        • Purple gear from epic dungeon chest rewards now bind on pickup.
        • Epic dungeons now offer a choice of rewards. When the dungeon event is running and a player would get an item from an item set, the player is now presented with a choice of items of that slot, so he or she can select the desired stat allocation.
      • Item Sets
        • o Avatar of War: The Onslaught effect now lasts for up to 10 seconds.
        • o Champion Mage: The set bonus now properly affects Icy Rays, Sudden Storm, and Conduit of Ice.
        • o Focal Magi: The 4-piece set bonus now mentions that it can stack up to 6 times, and specifically affects Control-based Encounter powers.
        • o Imposing Scrapper: The effect of the 4-piece set bonus now only stacks up to 10 times, for a defense bonus of up to 20%.
        • Shadow Weaver: When using certain spells, the 4-piece set bonus will no longer buff enemies.
        • Shadow Weaver: The 4-piece set bonus no longer applies to powers that do not actually attack foes.
        • Stalwart Bulwark: This set has been reworked. The new effect is as follows: When you are blocking, strikes against you generate stacks of Stalwart Bulwark. Your next power deals 20 bonus damage for each stack of Stalwart Bulwark on you. You may have up to 10 stacks.
      • Wondrous Bazaar
        • Enchantments and Runestones have had their cost reduced by 11% on average, with a bigger reduction at the higher end and smaller reduction at the lower end.
        • Feat Respecs have had their cost reduced by 11% on average, with a bigger reduction at the higher end and smaller reduction at the lower end.
        • Item Transmutation has had its cost reduced by 11% on average, with a bigger reduction at the higher end and smaller reduction at the lower end.
        • Dancing Shield, Dancing Blade, and Cat Companions in Wondrous Bazaar have their price reduced by 15%.
        • Level 60 Blue Gear at the Wondrous Bazaar has a 15% price reduction.
      • Adventurer's Reward Packs now properly come with Greater Scrolls of Identification.
      • Blue-quality gear now has a lower chance of dropping.
      • Bounty rewards have been added to Sharandar.
      • Chests in the world may now be interacted with by more than one player at a time.
      • Enchantment and Runestone drop rates from Skill Interacts and non-boss critters have been reduced slightly.
      • Seal of the Lion and Seal of the Manticore vendors: There were multiple inconsitencies across classes and levels with what gear was available, what level each piece was, what Enchantment slots the piece had, and in some cases, which stat the gear was providing. These have been changed to be more consistent, and now all classes should have all slots of gear available on each of these vendors, and a wider range of levels should be available as well.
      • Seal of the Lion, Seal of the Manticore, Seal of the Pegasus vendors: Prices for all items have been reduced.
      • All Bounty Stores (except those new in Sharandar) have had the cost needed to buy a Seal reduced from 40 Bounty Items to 20.
      • Sharandar Campaign: Completing "Unlock the Realm of Malabog" now also adds 2 new potions to the Sharandar Store.
      • Sharandar Campaign: The cost of the following projects have been increased by 1 Gold: Assist Artisans, Assist Ritual Magic, Iliyanbruen Warden Training, Iliyanbruen
      • Warrior Training, and Iliyanbruen Champion Training.
      • Sharandar Campaign: Assist in War Effort: This task is now repeatable.
      • The Lesser Loamweave enchantment that is awarded from the Knight of the Feywild pack has been renamed to “Loamweave Enchantment” to better match the item that was advertised.
      • The Sinister, Sylvan and Fomorian weapons have had minor visual fixes applied to them.
      • Most mounts have received updated rider positions and animations to reduce clipping and improve the overall visual appearance.
      • Fixed an issue where a number of FX that are normally displayed on the player’s character would display on their mount instead when mounted.

      • Another localization pass has been completed. Most of the text in the Fury of the Feywild patch should now be up-to-date.
      • Combat damage floater text can now be translated, and will be in a future update.

      User Interface (UI)
      • Campaign System
        • A major update has been made to the Campaign System UI. Links and prerequisites are now shown in a much clearer fashion, and task types are delineated in specific sections.
        • Overall Gold costs of completing the Sharandar Campaign have been reduced significantly as a whole, though individual tasks' costs may vary.
        • Repeatable Reward tasks, such as Gift of Artisans, now properly unlocks when the player reaches Realm of Malabog.
        • The rewards for participating in the Sharandar intro are now properly shown in the Campaign and Rewards pages.
        • The titles and descriptions for several tasks has been updated.
      • Chat
        • A Looking For Group channel has been added with /LFG and /LFM as aliases.
        • The Trade channel now accepts /wtt, /wts, and /wtb as chat channel aliases.
        • The Zone and LFG chat channels no longer allow item links. All other channels (e.g. guild chat, party chat, custom channels, and of course Trade) still allow item links.
      • Enchantment: When slotting Enchantments or Runestones, the confirmation dialog no longer shows the Astral Diamond cost to unslot.
        • This is intended to clear up confusion; at first glance, it appeared that it was a cost to slot instead of unslot.
      • Tooltips
        • Certain items no longer display "Use" text despite being unable to be used.
        • Items that cannot be sold no longer display "Double-click to sell" while in the Vendor UI.
        • Items with an expiration time now properly distinguish between real time and game time.
        • Items with an expiration time now properly show their time if they have less than one minute remaining.
      • Character Select: When attempting to delete a character, the confirmation now explicitly states that all items, trade bars, gold, and Astral Diamonds will be deleted along with it.
      • Even more items that previously had placeholder icons have now had the correct icons attached.
      • HUD: Temporary health is now displayed in the health bar tooltip.
      • Mail: When attempting to mail a bound companion, the mail no longer claims that the companion may be unbound.
      • Minimap: The clock under the minimap no longer incorrectly displays in orange text.
      • Overworld Map: The Midsummer Festival now has a more noticeable icon on the Overworld Map.
      • Professions: Profession category tooltips now show when the player is at max rank in that profession.
      • Report a Bug: /bug window now stays on screen instead of disappearing immediately after invoked
      • The Boons page of the Character Sheet has had an update to support the increased number of boon choices available. The art has been improved in this pass.
      • When Action Points are drained, a combat float message now pops up and the Action Point meter flashes red before draining.
      Post edited by panderus on


      • panderuspanderus Member, NW_CrypticDev, Cryptic Developer Posts: 1,007 Cryptic Developer
        edited August 2013
        Also the Preview shard should be up with this version before 11:30PM PST.
      • j1709j1709 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
        edited August 2013
        Since devs will start balances and changes to both feats and powers for classes, it would be appreciated if we players could get a complimentary reset in order for us to re-plot our characters in line with the game's changes.
      • antovarasantovaras Member Posts: 1 Arc User
        edited August 2013
        Enchantment: When slotting Enchantments or Runestones, the confirmation dialog no longer shows the Astral Diamond cost to unslot.
        • This is intended to clear up confusion; at first glance, it appeared that it was a cost to slot instead of unslot.

        Then instead of of remvoing what is essential infomration you should remove the potential for confusion. This is a really bad UI call.
        A world to defend
        A city to protect
        innocents to save
        "Why?" They ask "they hate you"
        We're heroes it's what we do.
        *patiently waiting on Paragon City*
      • pandapaulpandapaul Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 424 Bounty Hunter
        edited August 2013
        The fact the devs even mention " unstoppable provides too much survivability for
        Pve" confirms 100% that they have lost touch completely with what is happening within the game..

        Completely out of touch
      • axhind77axhind77 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 13 Arc User
        edited August 2013
        So, now, if i understand right, Slam not only does 60% less damage, but it generates more threat? Bravo Cryptic you really read all the posts created by GWF community about Slam...Simply unbelievable, punish so much players that had the bad idea to roll a GWF as main...At least raise Slam cap to 10...at least that. C'mon don't let us down give a sign you are really listening to us!
      • centur1ancentur1an Member Posts: 39 Arc User
        edited August 2013
        •Stalwart Bulwark: This set has been reworked. The new effect is as follows: When you are blocking, strikes against you generate stacks of Stalwart Bulwark. Your next power deals 20 bonus damage for each stack of Stalwart Bulwark on you. You may have up to 10 stacks.

        can you confirm this is correct and not just a type? each stack now builds 20 power? is this a joke ? took 2 months to get all pieces

        GWF -•Slam: Now builds twice as much threat to enemies. we have an "off spec" yeah but why are you trying to make GWF main PVe skill into an Agro Skill ?

        •Unstoppable: This ability has proven to live up to its name a little too well as of late. In both PvE and PvP it's adding a bit too much survivability for how often it can be used.

        So the two main classes I play are being changed, and not for the better, why do you always bring PVP into this ? PVE and PVP should have NO bearing on each other,

        New Feature: Companion Rank-Up!
        •Companions who have maxed out on ranks can now be upgraded for Astral Diamonds!

        how much AD per rank is it ? i'm Guessing its not going to be reasonable ?
        How about you 1: leave classes as they are and change lesser used skills to be more useful? and 2: Spend the extra time fixing the 999 issues with the game you currently have ?
      • maxillion2maxillion2 Member Posts: 125 Arc User
        edited August 2013
        centur1an wrote: »
        •Stalwart Bulwark: This set has been reworked. The new effect is as follows: When you are blocking, strikes against you generate stacks of Stalwart Bulwark. Your next power deals 20 bonus damage for each stack of Stalwart Bulwark on you. You may have up to 10 stacks.

        can you confirm this is correct and not just a type? each stack now builds 20 power? is this a joke ? took 2 months to get all pieces

        GWF -•Slam: Now builds twice as much threat to enemies. we have an "off spec" yeah but why are you trying to make GWF main PVe skill into an Agro Skill ?

        •Unstoppable: This ability has proven to live up to its name a little too well as of late. In both PvE and PvP it's adding a bit too much survivability for how often it can be used.

        So the two main classes I play are being changed, and not for the better, why do you always bring PVP into this ? PVE and PVP should have NO bearing on each other,

        New Feature: Companion Rank-Up!
        •Companions who have maxed out on ranks can now be upgraded for Astral Diamonds!

        how much AD per rank is it ? i'm Guessing its not going to be reasonable ?
        How about you 1: leave classes as they are and change lesser used skills to be more useful? and 2: Spend the extra time fixing the 999 issues with the game you currently have ?

        People have ben complaining about that set for a while man we all knew it was gonna get nerfed it was just to good for a t1 set
      • devaneiodevaneio Member Posts: 142 Arc User
        edited August 2013
        "Hammer of Fate: This power dealt far too much damage overall, so it's gained a new feature and had its damage reduced. However, the power's overall damage has been reduced by 40%."
        This is a joke, right?

        Oh, forget. This game has reached a point of no return, complaints will not change anything, developers are completely disconnected from gameplay.
      • maxillion2maxillion2 Member Posts: 125 Arc User
        edited August 2013
        devaneio wrote: »
        "Hammer of Fate: This power dealt far too much damage overall, so it's gained a new feature and had its damage reduced. However, the power's overall damage has been reduced by 40%."
        This is a joke, right?

        In PvP cleric culd 1 shot with it no joke but that's only in pvp
      • shunterinoshunterino Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
        edited August 2013
        The Midsummer festival is no longer on the Preview Shard. Intentional?

        The new Sharandar bounty rewards are a good idea specifically because you can use them to buy Feywild Sparks, assuming you can convert bounty into seals, only can't seem to find the bounty hunter who converts them. Am I going blind or has this not been implemented yet?

        For some reason every time someone wins an Inferno Mount it appears on my screen a dozen times in quick succession. Feels like something went wrong there.

        The Sharandar Campaign task that now needs to be completed 9 times to proceed seems a bit much.
      • devaneiodevaneio Member Posts: 142 Arc User
        edited August 2013
        maxillion2 wrote: »
        In PvP cleric culd 1 shot with it no joke but that's only in pvp
        Exactly and thats the utility of this daily. Clerics are chased in PvP, the most easy kill in this game, the only "ace" that we had.
      • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
        edited August 2013
        I am a bit concerned that with the changes to the clerics, it may simply not be feasible to play a solo PvE cleric any more. Many foundries (excluding those that were "easy" or "cleric-friendly") were simply too hard to be enjoyable - Feywild, however, felt right - appropriately challenging for a solo cleric. Now, with the changes to the hammer and other core PvE powers, I simply doubt that people will enjoy playing Feywild with a cleric.
        Hoping for improvements...
      • axhind77axhind77 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 13 Arc User
        edited August 2013
        Seems the idea of "balancing" for Cryptic is random nerf classes (hey its D&D right? Probably they are rolling dices for it...) and then wait for reactions and maybe, just maybe revert their decisions. I hope clerics players are enough to make Cryptic devs change their mind on Hammer. With GWF we already lost the war with Slam...
      • powereddjinnpowereddjinn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
        edited August 2013
        Nerf the 2 classes that needed a PvE buff
        How about solving the PvP issues by making the 3 maps debuff all the classes as required rather than making sweeping changes which kill 1 already close to dead class & making another even less fun to play
      • powereddjinnpowereddjinn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
        edited August 2013
        Reinforce Protective Wards

        You are joking, changed from 3 to 9, sorry but this is beyond a joke, make some content rather than increasing the 'borewall' requirements!!!
      • shunterinoshunterino Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
        edited August 2013
        Reinforce Protective Wards

        You are joking, changed from 3 to 9, sorry but this is beyond a joke, make some content rather than increasing the 'borewall' requirements!!!

        I was surprised by this too. What was the thinking here? It's always one extreme to the other with you guys.
      • shunterinoshunterino Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
        edited August 2013
        shunterino wrote: »

        The new Sharandar bounty rewards are a good idea specifically because you can use them to buy Feywild Sparks, assuming you can convert bounty into seals, only can't seem to find the bounty hunter who converts them. Am I going blind or has this not been implemented yet?

        My mistake, the bounty master is in the main hub and you can't use seals to buy sparks. There are some new relics shards that can only be found in the new lockboxes that can be exchanged for sparks, so a p2w feature. Shame, almost felt like seals were going to be useful for the first time ever. What was i thinking?
      • emzie136emzie136 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
        edited August 2013
        " The Zone and LFG chat channels no longer allow item links. All other channels (e.g. guild chat, party chat, custom channels, and of course Trade) still allow item links. "

        I don't understand the reason for doing this?
      • dante123pldante123pl Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 282 Arc User
        edited August 2013
        R.i.p gwf :(
      • meiramimeirami Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 423 Arc User
        edited August 2013
        Please, reconsider what you are doing to the Hammer of Faith. Clerics are already easy to kill in PVP thanks to the lack of good CC and the self-heal debuff. The Hammer of Faith has been many times the only thing I could save myself with, and at least I haven't seen anyone asking it to be nerfed even if clerics get occasional lucky kills with it. Secondly, who cares if it now gives ap on kill? Most clerics generate ap just fine as it is – it's staying alive long enough to use any skills that is the problem. In fact, it should rather generate AP if it doesn't kill the target.
      • arabaturarabatur Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 778 Arc User
        edited August 2013
        Why not just delete all DC's and GWF's? It would be a much quicker death then this horrible and frankly shameful balance change.
        Definitely not an Arc User.
      • washmyballswashmyballs Banned Users Posts: 6 Arc User
        edited August 2013
        WOW nerf the best classes for Dps. just got my TR to 60 and now i feel like uninstalling. even with the best gear its almost impossible to solo epic bosses with 4 person parties, since theres always a **** that wants to DC on the last boss. I wouldn't mind a free reset for stats and especially POWERS. also looks like i might delete my lvl 30 GWF as well. SMH
      • washmyballswashmyballs Banned Users Posts: 6 Arc User
        edited August 2013
        emzie136 wrote: »
        " The Zone and LFG chat channels no longer allow item links. All other channels (e.g. guild chat, party chat, custom channels, and of course Trade) still allow item links. "

        I don't understand the reason for doing this?

        whats not to understand? if u want to show your stuff off go to the TRADE channel instead of FLooding zone. bad enough with gold seller botters.
      • dante123pldante123pl Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 282 Arc User
        edited August 2013
        just delete GWF from the game this class doesnt have any use at all thou and yet they got balls to nerf it , cant even find right facepalm for it
      • barricade005barricade005 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
        edited August 2013
        From a PVP perspective, for every TR and GWF complaining about the changes there are 4 people wondering why the hell it took so long to implement them. Seems every arena has at least 3-4 rogues, proof positive that something was out of whack as far as I'm concerned. I think the patch notes describe the GWF "unstoppable" situation pretty clearly.
      • zekzt87zekzt87 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
        edited August 2013
        And where are the optimisation changes ?
        Like hud that takes up to 15 fps [why in gods name a game hud eats perfomance ?] and the crappy enclave optimisation that can chocke even the hi-end rigs [i won such pc and i can drop to like 20 fps in enclave, i imagine people with more mediocore-standard hardware crawl there - im talking about the maxed out graphics of course.. in the end you dont buy a pc for 2.5k E to play games on low graphics]

        Not to mention dungeons that can chocke framerate as well when to many ads get spawned by a boss [btw maybe they should reduce the number of mobs that are spawned and just make them way stronger ?]
      • sunsfire2004sunsfire2004 Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 141 Bounty Hunter
        edited August 2013
        *RIP GWF

        *RIP any one vs perma Stealth TR as there not fixing issue if any thing they made issue bigger
      • dragonanidragonani Member Posts: 7 Arc User
        edited August 2013
        Also CW's will not be able to control mobs as well, the main way we get our AP up (shield repel) will not work anymore. So no more being able to control with Singularity often. Also a nerf to Eye of the storm. Not to mention some big nerfs to GWF and TR. I don't see why they nerfed nearly everyone?

        The only reason people some people glitch dungeons is because certain ones are insanely difficult that should not be; I mean mini bosses (that are harder than the main boss) that have 50+ mob monsters with a huge amount of health and deal lots of damage with their auto hit attacks. Now with everyone being even weaker, I feel like that game is encouraging people to exploit. If "Balance" patches continue like this I feel like it will become impossible to legitimately finish many T2 dungeons. Unless they properly nerfed the dungeons with the players.
      • twerkulatorrtwerkulatorr Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 55 Arc User
        edited August 2013
        Stalwart nerf is waaaay too much of a change. I could understand a slight nerf at best, it was not significantly overpowered in the first place.
        Twerkulatorr (Rogue) & Twerk (Guard)
        Peter Puffer's Foundation @ Mindflayer
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