nick1sternMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 330Bounty Hunter
edited June 2013
Even Turbine probably the worst least communicative game company leaves event item vendors available after an event.
If Turbine is smart enough to realise not everyone is a no life online gamer that people need the ability to turn in special currencies from events or they lose interest in the game and move on in frustration...then certianly a company as big as cryptic/pw should be able to understand this dynamic and correct the issue they created.
****, over 200 bones just taking up space now. What do?
Weren't the bones in the "riches" part of the inventory? Only the bags were taking up space until you convert them, if I remember right.
ninespearsMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
Please bring Bone vender back! or at the very least provide a way to convert bones to other currency.
alyanna7Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
I after the recent BoP decision being changed, I have faith that Cryptic will listen to us & bring the bone vender back. I'm just adding my post so as one more vote for it. I personally have over 500 bones right now, some of which came from bags I got immediately before the event ended & I didn't open until after the sun had come back out in PE. It would be nice to use them for something other than a waste of space in my seals inventory.
Please continue listening to your customers & let us trade in the bones we still have, Cryptic.
ehndMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 5Arc User
Even Turbine probably the worst least communicative game company leaves event item vendors available after an event.
If Turbine is smart enough to realise not everyone is a no life online gamer that people need the ability to turn in special currencies from events or they lose interest in the game and move on in frustration...then certianly a company as big as cryptic/pw should be able to understand this dynamic and correct the issue they created.
Nah... Blizzard is the worse. By a lot. And even they have event vendors out perpetually in WoW.
But that being said, ya... We need that vendor back, kkthx.
I after the recent BoP decision being changed, I have faith that Cryptic will listen to us & bring the bone vender back. I'm just adding my post so as one more vote for it. I personally have over 500 bones right now, some of which came from bags I got immediately before the event ended & I didn't open until after the sun had come back out in PE. It would be nice to use them for something other than a waste of space in my seals inventory.
Please continue listening to your customers & let us trade in the bones we still have, Cryptic.
I totally agree. My vote goes towards a caturday-style bonus item for around 500 bones - say a purple skeletal dog, perhaps? For all us hoarders out there. :-)
sasheriaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 1Arc User
Makos' Apprentice will return for a limited time so hold onto those bones. We need a new game build (and maintenance) to add him back.
Good to know. Probably should chalk this up as a learned lesson. Don't tie the vendor with the event Make it separate so you can activate/deactivate the vendor without triggering the event (which I assume since you said need a new build to add him back since I'm sure the vendor is tied to the event hence why they disappear when the event ended)
Good to know. Probably should chalk this up as a learned lesson. Don't tie the vendor with the event Make it separate so you can activate/deactivate the vendor without triggering the event (which I assume since you said need a new build to add him back since I'm sure the vendor is tied to the event hence why they disappear when the event ended)
Actually, that's a great idea. Could even put the vendors in a few days early to start announcing the event festivities and schedules, that way all players, including the players that don't frequent the forums, would get a nice heads up. Seeing mystery NPC's pop up would sure stir up anticipation too
Actually, that's a great idea. Could even put the vendors in a few days early to start announcing the event festivities and schedules, that way all players, including the players that don't frequent the forums, would get a nice heads up. Seeing mystery NPC's pop up would sure stir up anticipation too
That would be pretty cool. That vendor can even do something like "town barker" saying "Doom! doom! <Enemy> draws near, they are going to attack our town in three days!"
What Cryptic really needs is the ability to insert NPCs and stuff into instances without having to do maintenance and take down the servers. If players can join (which are far more complicated than NPCs) while an instance is running, no reason they couldn't have some process on their end to introduce an NPC and place them in every instance of a zone. Instead, there's going to have to be another patch soon and that will likely HAMSTER people off even more, especially after going live.
Plus, it will interrupt my busy schedule of crafting many, many pairs of pants.
sasheriaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 1Arc User
What Cryptic really needs is the ability to insert NPCs and stuff into instances without having to do maintenance and take down the servers. If players can join (which are far more complicated than NPCs) while an instance is running, no reason they couldn't have some process on their end to introduce an NPC and place them in every instance of a zone. Instead, there's going to have to be another patch soon and that will likely HAMSTER people off even more, especially after going live.
Plus, it will interrupt my busy schedule of crafting many, many pairs of pants.
That is why it is good that Cryptic should work on the code now for future event. Ability to trigger event without having the bring the system down. It will come in handy with repeat event like holiday event, yearly event, monthly event, or even spur of the moment event (random event that occur once in a while to put in spice. It could be a random of 6 event that will occur once every day at random time. It could have special drop that stimulate the market)
Makos' Apprentice will return for a limited time so hold onto those bones. We need a new game build (and maintenance) to add him back.
Could you have your PR dept drop this tidbit into the Twitter and FaceBook feeds? Thanks for posting this!
crepidusMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited June 2013
Yeah got booted off the server last night and couldn't get back on without getting booted again soon after so I just turned off my computer and went to bed. Now what am I supposed to do with 100+ bones? Lame.
ahsmagnetMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
made a ticket
100+ bags of bones
Discussion Thread
Response Via Email (Customer Support) 06/20/2013 11:30 AM
Thank you for your patience.
We have passed this along and the Vendor will return in game.
Unfortunately I have not been provided a time as to when the vendor will return exactly but we do plan on bringing him back as soon as possible.
GM Navi
Perfect World Support
Check out our latest game, Neverwinter!
Customer By Web Form 06/20/2013 11:26 AM
logged in today markos + assistant are gone. where can i redeem all these bones?
Because limited event vendor would stay after the event is gone, right?
You have to have absolutely no common sense to expect otherwise, its not like you needed 500 bones for something, so there was no point hauling them.
Yes they should, most other games they stick around for a week or so.
What about people who played last night and did not spend all their bones? What about people who can't play every day? The event was stated to run until the 20th, not x am PST on the 20th. According to my Calendar I logged back in while the event was still running.
Seems like the Devs agree as they are putting the vendor back.
Ha! I have a competition for you all let's see who wins (no prize except bragging rights). Who was left with the most bones? Produce evidence with a pic or you might be lying just to claim the prize!
I have 52 and here's the proof:
If no one can show me a picture of more then I WIN !!!!!!!!
Because limited event vendor would stay after the event is gone, right?
You have to have absolutely no common sense to expect otherwise, its not like you needed 500 bones for something, so there was no point hauling them.
Actually, yes, it is quite common for MMOs to keep a limited event turn-in vendor around for some time after the event ends. In fact in the decade I have been playing MMOs, I cannot think of a single game that did not allow you to turn in event-related drops to receive event-related rewards for at least some reasonable period after the event. Likewise in my experience, they always announce when the will remove the ability to redeem drops from an event well before they do so in order to allow players a reasonable time to get their rewards.
Also, 500 bones could purchase 27 tier 3 Savage Enhancements. With no losses in the fusion process, that could be converted to 6 tier 4s which could be turned into a tier 5. Thus, 500 bones could net you one tier 5, two tier 4s, and three tier 3s with some change left over for some tier 1s and 2s. Those could be used or sold. The only thing that makes those bones of no value is removing the vendor.
It is one thing to suggest that there is a logical connection between the end of an event and the end of turn-ins for the event. It is therefore reasonable for the patch that ends the event to also remove the turn-in mechanisms if the removal of the turn-in mechanisms is announced ahead of time. It is quite another thing to suggest that someone has "absolutely no common sense to expect" a turn-in vendor to remain after the end of an event when it is quite standard in the industry for this to be the case. It is actually unreasonable to expect otherwise when no announcement has been made linking the end of the event with the end of the ability to redeem rewards from the event.
alemap000Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 9Arc User
edited June 2013
Cheers to the powers that be! Thanks for being responsive to player need and agreeing to put back in the vendor so folks can trade in their bones.
Well done!
nick1sternMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 330Bounty Hunter
Ha! I have a competition for you all let's see who wins (no prize except bragging rights). Who was left with the most bones? Produce evidence with a pic or you might being lieing just to claim the prize!
I have 52 and here's the proof:
If no one can show me a picture of more then I WIN !!!!!!!!
Thats not bones those are bone bags.
Bags contain 1-3 bones.
Or 0 if there is a blue skeleton dog in it.
You win nothing since you do not understand your own contest.
Thats not bones those are bone bags.
Bags contain 1-3 bones.
Or 0 if there is a blue skeleton dog in it.
You win nothing since you do not understand your own contest.
You wanted me to pull them out of the bag and take an individual picture of each bone? I find your thinking to be somewhat marrow minded.
And I still win.
alemap000Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 9Arc User
edited June 2013
No bones about it, you need to flesh out your competition. Snerk.
This is the kind of thing that winds me up about MMO communities nowadays.
All you idiots shouting down people who are actually legitimately quite put out by not being able to spend hard earned rewards due to this. You narrow minded petty fools. You just seem to log on here to delight in other peoples grief. So say you'd played hard to try to buy something then through no fault of your own, poof your PC or connection goes down and then it's all been for nothing....then how would you feel ?
PW would loose nothing by doing the sensible thing and leaving the vendor up a while. But oh know you just slag off fellow players to make yourself feel superior without a second thought.
teircenMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 22Arc User
edited June 2013
They've already said they'll be putting the vendor back in.
Apparently the vendor was tied to the event so when the event timer ended he, along with everything else, went poof. They need to patch a change in to place the vendor back in without the rest of the event.
Hopefully this is reviewed as a learning experience to move forward with. They certainly received ample feedback from the player base on it.
fergaswergMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
Ha! I have a competition for you all let's see who wins (no prize except bragging rights). Who was left with the most bones? Produce evidence with a pic or you might be lying just to claim the prize!
I have 52 and here's the proof:
If no one can show me a picture of more then I WIN !!!!!!!!
Makos' Apprentice will return for a limited time so hold onto those bones. We need a new game build (and maintenance) to add him back.
We greatly appreciate it. But, a new patch and build to put him back in, and probably another to take him back out? Isn't this one of the big no-no's of OOP?
If Turbine is smart enough to realise not everyone is a no life online gamer that people need the ability to turn in special currencies from events or they lose interest in the game and move on in frustration...then certianly a company as big as cryptic/pw should be able to understand this dynamic and correct the issue they created.
Weren't the bones in the "riches" part of the inventory? Only the bags were taking up space until you convert them, if I remember right.
Please continue listening to your customers & let us trade in the bones we still have, Cryptic.
Nah... Blizzard is the worse. By a lot. And even they have event vendors out perpetually in WoW.
But that being said, ya... We need that vendor back, kkthx.
I totally agree. My vote goes towards a caturday-style bonus item for around 500 bones - say a purple skeletal dog, perhaps? For all us hoarders out there. :-)
Good to know. Probably should chalk this up as a learned lesson. Don't tie the vendor with the event
Please review my campaign and I'll return the favor.
Actually, that's a great idea. Could even put the vendors in a few days early to start announcing the event festivities and schedules, that way all players, including the players that don't frequent the forums, would get a nice heads up. Seeing mystery NPC's pop up would sure stir up anticipation too
That would be pretty cool. That vendor can even do something like "town barker" saying "Doom! doom! <Enemy> draws near, they are going to attack our town in three days!"
Please review my campaign and I'll return the favor.
I mean taking up space in the currency bag. It's filling up with drakes and such.
What Cryptic really needs is the ability to insert NPCs and stuff into instances without having to do maintenance and take down the servers. If players can join (which are far more complicated than NPCs) while an instance is running, no reason they couldn't have some process on their end to introduce an NPC and place them in every instance of a zone. Instead, there's going to have to be another patch soon and that will likely HAMSTER people off even more, especially after going live.
Plus, it will interrupt my busy schedule of crafting many, many pairs of pants.
That is why it is good that Cryptic should work on the code now for future event. Ability to trigger event without having the bring the system down. It will come in handy with repeat event like holiday event, yearly event, monthly event, or even spur of the moment event (random event that occur once in a while to put in spice. It could be a random of 6 event that will occur once every day at random time. It could have special drop that stimulate the market)
Please review my campaign and I'll return the favor.
Could you have your PR dept drop this tidbit into the Twitter and FaceBook feeds? Thanks for posting this!
Yes they should, most other games they stick around for a week or so.
What about people who played last night and did not spend all their bones? What about people who can't play every day? The event was stated to run until the 20th, not x am PST on the 20th. According to my Calendar I logged back in while the event was still running.
Seems like the Devs agree as they are putting the vendor back.
I like this idea. I wouldn't mind trading my bones on a 1:1 bone to gold ratio..
Thank you.
I have 52 and here's the proof:
If no one can show me a picture of more then I WIN !!!!!!!!
Actually, yes, it is quite common for MMOs to keep a limited event turn-in vendor around for some time after the event ends. In fact in the decade I have been playing MMOs, I cannot think of a single game that did not allow you to turn in event-related drops to receive event-related rewards for at least some reasonable period after the event. Likewise in my experience, they always announce when the will remove the ability to redeem drops from an event well before they do so in order to allow players a reasonable time to get their rewards.
Also, 500 bones could purchase 27 tier 3 Savage Enhancements. With no losses in the fusion process, that could be converted to 6 tier 4s which could be turned into a tier 5. Thus, 500 bones could net you one tier 5, two tier 4s, and three tier 3s with some change left over for some tier 1s and 2s. Those could be used or sold. The only thing that makes those bones of no value is removing the vendor.
It is one thing to suggest that there is a logical connection between the end of an event and the end of turn-ins for the event. It is therefore reasonable for the patch that ends the event to also remove the turn-in mechanisms if the removal of the turn-in mechanisms is announced ahead of time. It is quite another thing to suggest that someone has "absolutely no common sense to expect" a turn-in vendor to remain after the end of an event when it is quite standard in the industry for this to be the case. It is actually unreasonable to expect otherwise when no announcement has been made linking the end of the event with the end of the ability to redeem rewards from the event.
Well done!
Thats not bones those are bone bags.
Bags contain 1-3 bones.
Or 0 if there is a blue skeleton dog in it.
You win nothing since you do not understand your own contest.
You wanted me to pull them out of the bag and take an individual picture of each bone? I find your thinking to be somewhat marrow minded.
And I still win.
All you idiots shouting down people who are actually legitimately quite put out by not being able to spend hard earned rewards due to this. You narrow minded petty fools. You just seem to log on here to delight in other peoples grief. So say you'd played hard to try to buy something then through no fault of your own, poof your PC or connection goes down and then it's all been for nothing....then how would you feel ?
PW would loose nothing by doing the sensible thing and leaving the vendor up a while. But oh know you just slag off fellow players to make yourself feel superior without a second thought.
Apparently the vendor was tied to the event so when the event timer ended he, along with everything else, went poof. They need to patch a change in to place the vendor back in without the rest of the event.
Hopefully this is reviewed as a learning experience to move forward with. They certainly received ample feedback from the player base on it.