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Bone vendor is gone



  • figgefigge Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    lerdocix wrote: »
    Did they blocked your account so you won't spent bones before you logged out for night?
    Then its your own fault for having no common sense.

    The server disconnected me right after the last invasion. How was I supposed to trade in my bones?

    It's common sense to leave a way for people to cash in their rewards for a while after an event.

    It's common sense to expect it.
  • lerdocixlerdocix Member Posts: 897 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    figge wrote: »
    The server disconnected me right after the last invasion. How was I supposed to trade in my bones?

    It's common sense to leave a way for people to cash in their rewards for a while after an event.

    It's common sense to expect it.
    You had exact time when servers will go offline. What more did you expected?
  • mechomancermechomancer Member Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    wolfrat14 wrote: »
    They said the event would end today at 9 am PST. With maintenance at 7 am PST, any intelligent person could safely assume you would need to visit the bone vendor to spend your bones before the maintenance. There was a server full of people doing just that at 7 am PST, right up until the servers disconnected.

    Yeah, any intelligent developer would have NOT run the event up to patch time, or maybe NOT have said there was another wave when there wasn't, or maybe SHOULD have thought about the fact that players are PLAYING the event, and give them more than 5 minutes to spend their last bit of loot before the sun comes out and fries Makos the Bone Vendor......maybe, just maybe, when folks logged back in a couple of hours later after the patch, or whenever was convenient for them soon after (maybe within 24 hours) the vendor for their loot would be there. I mean, what good would it do for the new people, nothing, just leave it there for a day or AND GIVE A WARNING as to when it would be disappearing.
    Yeah, allowing us to earn loot up until the vendor is gone was just a brilliant idea....
  • mechomancermechomancer Member Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    lerdocix wrote: »
    You had exact time when servers will go offline. What more did you expected?

    I would EXPECT them not to drop loot I can't spend. Yes, we had exact time when servers would be going off line, but come on, don't drop stuff for me to spend at a vendor who your taking away right after you drop it.
  • zombieelviszombieelvis Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Part of the problem was people were asking this question for the past couple days and there was no reply from Cryptic. I saw the community manager reply to other threads, but nothing addressing this question.
  • cloud990plcloud990pl Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    There was topic about it (before event went down), I asked on NW twitter during maintenance about this and got no response also send ticket asking about npc and got no info. I logged in 20 mins after update and vendor was already gone.
    There was no info anywhere about vendor disappearing.
  • mechomancermechomancer Member Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Part of the problem was people were asking this question for the past couple days and there was no reply from Cryptic. I saw the community manager reply to other threads, but nothing addressing this question.

    THIS, THIS RIGHT HERE! I would have even accepted a snarky "well, the EVENT ends at such-and-such time, so take that into consideration. Oh, and by the way, we will let you get loot up until the second we take the vendor away, so you have to choose whether or not to get loot you cant spend or spend what you have and not participate in the event."
    But no reply to community concerns is par for the course with PW and Cryptic.
  • xunxanxunxan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Maybe they will do like another game I played would do from time to time:
    Bring the vendor back for a day, a week or so after event, and have some really nice items in it, like maybe a purple skeleton dog.

    Then everyone that missed out on cashing in bones this round can come on forum and troll with 'you should have known' posts ;)
  • kriactkriact Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    kriact wrote: »
    I didn't spend any of mine. Only played yesterday evening. Thought I would be able to do it today. Said the event was through today.

    I just read the news post again. It said ending 9:00 am. I didn't notice this before. Just June 20th. If they put the bone trader back I'll trade my bones.
  • ravedgeravedge Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I would agree with the others that the vendor should be brought back in. People still had bags and bones to spend. Event or no event, if you have a currency that is meant to be spent in game, why wouldn't it be so bad to put the vendor back in. Even if you "smarter" (as some of you implied) then the others that kept their bones, this is a common thing in most MMO's that the vendor is left there in case any other remnants of the currency is floating around.

    People have lives and can't be on all the days of the event.
  • pelomixapelomixa Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    personally I think an event vendor makes sense. Always reward the same currency and let people spend it as they please when they want to.
  • bcvaporbcvapor Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 285 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Rift is a main competitor to this game now. They are the best I've seen at public events and general public game play of all MMOs I've played. They leave the vendor out for a couple days after an event because not everyone can log in every day or few hours to make sure they aren't stuck with useless items.

    ..the way Cryptic has just done.
  • theauralextheauralex Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    580 bones here and no vendor to use them on. It took a while playing to amass them. Please allow us access to the vendors so we can make use of them.

    ....I saw that System Notification of the "New Portals in one minute" and thought that I would have time to go and trade with the vendor. Unfortunately that was false.
    .....It all started with Zork then JeeNus Too(MUD), Sundered Realms (MUD), Ultima Online, Dark Age of Camelot (since SI), WarHammer Online, WoW, Guild Wars 2 and now NeverWinter Founder x2
  • teircenteircen Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    None of the responses telling people that they should have known better or that it was clearly posted are in any way constructive or helpful. Most are presenting a "holier than thou" attitude where they know better so you should too. These posts do not help in any way shape or form and are really no better than trolling. The best way to deal with such people really is to ignore them. Don't quote them, don't respond, just ignore them and don't feed the trolls.

    The event was clearly posted as ending at 9am PST on the web site. However...

    Maintenance was scheduled right before close and I know a fair number of people who were planning on waiting until just before close to trade in bones. If anything the event should have ended at the same time maintenance started to alleviate the confusion this snafu created.


    The vendor should have stuck around for a while (a week?) after the event for anyone who didn't have a chance to spend. You never know, maybe they planned on trading bones last night but lost power/ISP unexpectedly or were called away to an emergency and couldn't be online today before it closed. Leaving a vendor in place for a little while hurts nothing and is just plain courteous to the player base... you know, the people you want to keep happy so they keep playing and maybe spend some money on the game?

    I'm not saying Cryptic is a horrible company for not doing this. If anything I think they've demonstrated that (sometimes) they listen to the player base and respond accordingly. I'd say there's a fair chance they'll put the vendor back in once they realize they're upsetting the players and it hurts nothing to put it back in. (Ideally they could have even updated the quest NPC with follow-up details giving story-line as to how the players have helped save the town even)

    Neither am I a fanboi. I was one of many who posted requests to Cryptic to clarify if they were even going to leave the vendor in after the event or, if that wasn't planned, to please make it so. Sometimes they listen and sometimes they ignore what seems very reasonable requests. Not every request is reasonable and some aren't doable but the fact that they ignored a good number of people making the exact same request without giving ANY feedback about it is a PR gaff on their part. They're only hurting themselves. Hopefully they notice the ire on this one and respond at least eventually.

    Provide feedback and give it a little time. Lets see how Cryptic responds.
  • alemap000alemap000 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Actually, I've never been in a game that pulled the vendor at the same time as the end of the event. Even hypergreedy Tera waits a few days then pulls the vendor.

    Poor customer service in what was otherwise a fantastic event.
  • kingstearskingstears Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I did spend a good deal of the Bones that I collected, but for the last 40 min or so I just played through the Event. It never occured to me that I would not be able to spend the Bones that I earned less than a minute before the servers went dark for maintainence that could be completed before the listed Event end time.

    It seemed to me that I should expect the Bone Vendors to be there with an NPC thanking the good Adventurers of Neverwinter for rising to the challenge of the Invasion and repelling the invaders. That would have even dove-tailed into a great welcome for the new Launch players that just survived the ship-wreck.

    Instead, we got nothing.

    I really feel bad for those players that made an effort earlier this week and didn't happen to have a chance to log in. Since there was no warning that the vendors would disappear, I would bargain that many of them, thinking they would jump on again, never spent any of what they had, hoping that they could get a particular item from the store.

    I think it would be really nice if PW could do a little dialog fix on the NPC and Vendor that were on the Event Platform and thank us for participating in the invasion, buy something nice for yourself and then clearly state the vendor will be here for a limited time only.
  • figgefigge Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    lerdocix wrote: »
    You had exact time when servers will go offline. What more did you expected?

    Exactly what I said. What did you read?
  • kainor1kainor1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Excellent post and pretty much summed up my thoughts.
    teircen wrote: »
    None of the responses telling people that they should have known better or that it was clearly posted are in any way constructive or helpful. Most are presenting a "holier than thou" attitude where they know better so you should too. These posts do not help in any way shape or form and are really no better than trolling. The best way to deal with such people really is to ignore them. Don't quote them, don't respond, just ignore them and don't feed the trolls.

    The event was clearly posted as ending at 9am PST on the web site. However...

    Maintenance was scheduled right before close and I know a fair number of people who were planning on waiting until just before close to trade in bones. If anything the event should have ended at the same time maintenance started to alleviate the confusion this snafu created.


    The vendor should have stuck around for a while (a week?) after the event for anyone who didn't have a chance to spend. You never know, maybe they planned on trading bones last night but lost power/ISP unexpectedly or were called away to an emergency and couldn't be online today before it closed. Leaving a vendor in place for a little while hurts nothing and is just plain courteous to the player base... you know, the people you want to keep happy so they keep playing and maybe spend some money on the game?

    I'm not saying Cryptic is a horrible company for not doing this. If anything I think they've demonstrated that (sometimes) they listen to the player base and respond accordingly. I'd say there's a fair chance they'll put the vendor back in once they realize they're upsetting the players and it hurts nothing to put it back in. (Ideally they could have even updated the quest NPC with follow-up details giving story-line as to how the players have helped save the town even)

    Neither am I a fanboi. I was one of many who posted requests to Cryptic to clarify if they were even going to leave the vendor in after the event or, if that wasn't planned, to please make it so. Sometimes they listen and sometimes they ignore what seems very reasonable requests. Not every request is reasonable and some aren't doable but the fact that they ignored a good number of people making the exact same request without giving ANY feedback about it is a PR gaff on their part. They're only hurting themselves. Hopefully they notice the ire on this one and respond at least eventually.

    Provide feedback and give it a little time. Lets see how Cryptic responds.
    - Level 60 Commoner
  • darminiondarminion Member Posts: 35
    edited June 2013
    lerdocix wrote: »
    Did they blocked your account so you won't spent bones before you logged out for night?
    Then its your own fault for having no common sense.

    Yeah, how DARE he have a life, right? That monster. Obviously he should drop everything and dedicate his life to Neverwinter.
  • nyghomanyghoma Member Posts: 546 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Yeah, most "SMART" MMO companies will leave an event vendor up for at least a week past the event's last day. WTH was Cryptic thinking? Not everyone is able to log on the trade in bones.

    Cryptic do the right thing and get the vendors back up.


    Every time they idiot-proof something...they make better idiots.
  • azmoran11azmoran11 Member Posts: 51
    edited June 2013
    figge wrote: »
    Exactly what I said. What did you read?

    Some facts, the server came up around 8:30am AND THE EVENT WAS STILL GOING ON. So for 30 minutes I was still farming enchantments and bones. Then at 9:00 the server sent out a message that portals would open in 1 minute. Instead the sun came out, the event was ended and the vendors went away.

    THAT'S FACT. So to all you making nasty comments need to stfu. Just bring back the vendor for a week and problem solved.
  • dissengulp71dissengulp71 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    teircen wrote: »
    None of the responses telling people that they should have known better or that it was clearly posted are in any way constructive or helpful. Most are presenting a "holier than thou" attitude where they know better so you should too. These posts do not help in any way shape or form and are really no better than trolling. The best way to deal with such people really is to ignore them. Don't quote them, don't respond, just ignore them and don't feed the trolls.

    The event was clearly posted as ending at 9am PST on the web site. However...

    Maintenance was scheduled right before close and I know a fair number of people who were planning on waiting until just before close to trade in bones. If anything the event should have ended at the same time maintenance started to alleviate the confusion this snafu created.


    The vendor should have stuck around for a while (a week?) after the event for anyone who didn't have a chance to spend. You never know, maybe they planned on trading bones last night but lost power/ISP unexpectedly or were called away to an emergency and couldn't be online today before it closed. Leaving a vendor in place for a little while hurts nothing and is just plain courteous to the player base... you know, the people you want to keep happy so they keep playing and maybe spend some money on the game?

    I'm not saying Cryptic is a horrible company for not doing this. If anything I think they've demonstrated that (sometimes) they listen to the player base and respond accordingly. I'd say there's a fair chance they'll put the vendor back in once they realize they're upsetting the players and it hurts nothing to put it back in. (Ideally they could have even updated the quest NPC with follow-up details giving story-line as to how the players have helped save the town even)

    Neither am I a fanboi. I was one of many who posted requests to Cryptic to clarify if they were even going to leave the vendor in after the event or, if that wasn't planned, to please make it so. Sometimes they listen and sometimes they ignore what seems very reasonable requests. Not every request is reasonable and some aren't doable but the fact that they ignored a good number of people making the exact same request without giving ANY feedback about it is a PR gaff on their part. They're only hurting themselves. Hopefully they notice the ire on this one and respond at least eventually.

    Provide feedback and give it a little time. Lets see how Cryptic responds.

    Great post and hits the nail on the head - there is really no need to claim "we all knew it was ending at 9AM PST" as we did NOT know what "ending" entailed. I have played numerous MMOs and vendors for events remain in place for some time after the event. Restore the vendors so all can barter the bones please before this becomes more of a PR mess for a game that has so much potential.
    Frothy Ironanvil, Lvl 60 Dwarven Cleric
    Leader, Stormblades
    Dragon Shard
  • galantdramongalantdramon Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Definately, I've played many games, and they've had many events, and any with a "gather X to get Y from special vendor Z" leaves the vendors around for a day or two at least -after- the 'event' ends, so you can farm to the last minute, then sell the stuff off.

    I don't think this was deliberate, I think this was an 'oopsie' and once they realize what happened, they'll put him back, or stick an 'event vendor' somewhere like the Seal vendors, to handle this kind of thing as a "Event Over, go see Joe if you still have stuff to turn in" kinda thing.

    At least, I hope it was a simple mistake, and not deliberate, 'cause apparently the "gather X" part was going right up to the wire, and so far, NW doesn't -seem- to be that kinda game.
  • eag1e67eag1e67 Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Any decent gaming creator would have had the decency to at least leave the NPC in for 24 hours to give people the chance to trade their bones in, but then, this is a subsidiary company of PWI so says alot really doesn't it
  • killerellakillerella Member Posts: 215 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    wolfrat14 wrote: »
    They said the event would end today at 9 am PST. With maintenance at 7 am PST, any intelligent person could safely assume you would need to visit the bone vendor to spend your bones before the maintenance. There was a server full of people doing just that at 7 am PST, right up until the servers disconnected.

    Intelligence? haha. Maybe you didn't realize it, but everybody on the planet isn't in your timezone. Additionally, even if they are in the same timezone, there a a really keen thing called sleep that most normal people participate in...In this case, I can imagine waking up, the shards are down for maintenance, and afterwards when you login the 1st thing you would try to do is to cash in your bones, and horrifically find that the NPC missing.

    In view of this blunder, Im not feeling so bad about missing the entire event. <does a little dance> Seems like anyone upset here sure has the right to be though. Hopefully Teircen is right and Cryptic will fix this. If anything, Cryptic has been very good so far at keeping the pulse of the community and enabling quick fixes.
  • sasheriasasheria Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    nyghoma wrote: »
    Yeah, most "SMART" MMO companies will leave an event vendor up for at least a week past the event's last day. WTH was Cryptic thinking? Not everyone is able to log on the trade in bones.

    Cryptic do the right thing and get the vendors back up.

    Personally I would have left the vendor in a special place (like maybe a building with all event vendors)

    That way when NEW players see the building, they will see different event that they could participate (when it opens) you can have special event vendors, holiday vendors, etc etc.
    To grow old is inevitable, to grow up is optional.
    Please review my campaign and I'll return the favor.
  • kingstearskingstears Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    azmoran11 wrote: »
    Some facts, the server came up around 8:30am AND THE EVENT WAS STILL GOING ON. So for 30 minutes I was still farming enchantments and bones. Then at 9:00 the server sent out a message that portals would open in 1 minute. Instead the sun came out, the event was ended and the vendors went away.

    THAT'S FACT. So to all you making nasty comments need to stfu. Just bring back the vendor for a week and problem solved.

    Amazing. That's the epitome of an anticlimatic ending in MMO gaming.
  • killerellakillerella Member Posts: 215 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    kingstears wrote: »
    Amazing. That's the epitome of an anticlimatic ending in MMO gaming.

    Yeah, I was thinking they would have some surprise awards for the players that collected the most bones etc...Maybe even post a congratulatory list of top collectors somewhere. Everyone would just get an email specifying where you placed in the event with an attached award based on your finishing tier, champion, gold, silver, or bronze. Ah well, something for the next contest.
  • serpentttserpenttt Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 77
    edited June 2013
    ****, over 200 bones just taking up space now. What do?
  • s1ssys1ssy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I mean still have the "Reward Claims Agent" right next to the hall of justce where you can redeem codes from some magazine back in February.
    There's even a free spot next to him, why not put a vendor there that sells commodities of the last respective event. He'd not be in anyone's way (Let's be honest, who's ever in that part of town anyway?) and I could still get rid of my stuff while another event is going on.
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