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Cloud of Steel, abit op?



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    anothersorrowanothersorrow Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 171 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Yeh thats the most case scenario.dudes that play more than anybody while completly sucking at the game.they say everything sucks and its unbalanced and when someone tries to open their eyes they just throw a sarcasm and feel smart and mature.
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    warkupozwarkupoz Member Posts: 43
    edited June 2013
    I throw a sarcasm all the time for all of the most.
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    baddobb1baddobb1 Member Posts: 123 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Nerf CW's they have a constant ranged attack that does tons of damage, locks you down and then they teleport away so quickly when ever you try to get near them.
    Had a GF even QQ to tonight in a match because he kept dying, he seemed to think, it was unfair he couldn't block the person in front as well as me throwing daggers at him.
    Heck, just give them a 360 floating shield that blocks everything.
    Should make them happy.
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    griz024griz024 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 138 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    warkupoz wrote: »
    Turns out everyone who does PVP hates PVP.

    This game isn't diverse enough to have "pro" pvp players, get over yourselves. "Lol think harder" is a fine argument, I'm sure.

    When the problem is you are not thinking, "lol think harder" is a pretty **** good argument.

    OP cries about cos being overpowered b/c he cant see where the tr tossing them is located. If had stopped and thought for a sec before posting he may have noticed that the daggers piling up on his toon indicate the direction from which the tr is throwing them. Instead, he comes on the forums and cries nerf when a tiny lil' bit of reasoning could have solved his problem.
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    anothersorrowanothersorrow Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 171 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    griz024 wrote: »
    When the problem is you are not thinking, "lol think harder" is a pretty **** good argument.

    OP cries about cos being overpowered b/c he cant see where the tr tossing them is located. If had stopped and thought for a sec before posting he may have noticed that the daggers piling up on his toon indicate the direction from which the tr is throwing them. Instead, he comes on the forums and cries nerf when a tiny lil' bit of reasoning could have solved his problem.

    at least someone here seems to know how to play
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    destinyknightdestinyknight Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    griz024 wrote: »
    When the problem is you are not thinking, "lol think harder" is a pretty **** good argument.

    OP cries about cos being overpowered b/c he cant see where the tr tossing them is located. If had stopped and thought for a sec before posting he may have noticed that the daggers piling up on his toon indicate the direction from which the tr is throwing them. Instead, he comes on the forums and cries nerf when a tiny lil' bit of reasoning could have solved his problem.

    Exactly. I was hinting that on a thread about someone crying because they couldnt kill a CW anymore because Shocking Execution got nerfed.
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    bananachefbananachef Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    That's pretty neat. Although I don't think any of those details show up on my breadbox :(
    2 GWFS, 3 TRs, 2 GFs, 1 HR, 1 CW
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    hann1bal13hann1bal13 Member Posts: 50
    edited June 2013
    This isn't about "crying". There's plenty of rogues like me that can overcome the stealthy throwing CoS builds. I just think it's stupid that it's so effective because of how incredibly easy it is to do and it doesn't feel like dnd rogues. Yes, they use ranged weapons, but being a rogue is all about sneaking in close and delivering killing blows from behind. Personally, I think emphasizing this is more fun. I'm sure there's plenty of people out there who think it's fun just the way it is, but that's how I feel and if a lot of other players feel the same way, it would be nice to see adjustments made to encourage fighting at melee range. I have no problem what-so-ever getting close to people and I suspect that the people who struggle with closing gaps have poor encounter power choices and/or are attempting to run in like a GF or GWF would.
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    warkupozwarkupoz Member Posts: 43
    edited June 2013
    griz024 wrote: »
    When the problem is you are not thinking, "lol think harder" is a pretty **** good argument.

    OP cries about cos being overpowered b/c he cant see where the tr tossing them is located. If had stopped and thought for a sec before posting he may have noticed that the daggers piling up on his toon indicate the direction from which the tr is throwing them. Instead, he comes on the forums and cries nerf when a tiny lil' bit of reasoning could have solved his problem.

    The problem with your "argument" is that its' really easy to just go "NU-UH" without offering any actual reasons. Which is what you're doing. A good argument is backed up with examples as to why it is correct, not blind statements like "IF ONLY YOU HAD THE PROCESS OF THOUGHT YOU COULD UNDERSTAND." That's just an insult. Which are also awesome, but they dont' make your argument any stronger if you don't have some evidence as to why you are right.

    It's stupid that I had to provoke you before you actually explain anything.

    Nothing about Trickster Rogue reminds me of DnD rogues. When was the last time you saw a Rogue in DnD go all shadow ninja decoy on a bunch of demons? I sure as hell wasn't taking out swathes of bandits as a level 5 rogue in my table-top games. I'm pretty sure we're all assumed to be prestige classes when we start.
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    kevinf08kevinf08 Member Posts: 432 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    I play a rogue and IMO CoS is OP.

    Needs balancing, maybe 2 less charges or someting.

    If the tears from rogues would be too severe to nerf this skill, give every class the ability to stealth and use this ability. There is no other class that has an ability that can bring you to under 1/2 hp (or kill you, depending on enchants, lurkers) while you can't even see the person kililng you from range.

    Perhaps another solution would be to make the rogue targetable while he does this kind of like how the rogue is targetable when he is close to you, since he isn't exactly being stealthy when he's sitting in broad daylight throwing knives at someone.
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    deknodekno Member Posts: 181 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    tr is a single target dps machine, he should be able to destroy everyone and ALL classes no matter what he does. dont ask for nerf cause youre playing another class against him in your pvp, that should not even be possible for another class to even come close to a rogue and be able to survive. just stupid ppl thinking the classes should get nerfed cause a rogue is dealing dmg.

    he is for dealing dmg in pve and you want to nerf him cause he is strong in pvp? get off. fkn pvp whiners asking the game to be nerfed out of pvp situations. soon enough the rogue will be another useless class in dungeons, even weapon fighters are getting up to his dmg, and that stupid wiz aoe spammer, why does he even deal dmg? he is supposed to control stuff not compete and spamming **** all over the place competing with rogues to hit the top dps meter.

    if you want to deal dmg, or want to survive in your pvp, roll the class that does accordingly and ask for buff for him, dont ask someone to make a class useless cause u cant survive him in pvp. wtf u know about what gear he is wearing anyways? if a 50% crit rank 9 gemmed out swashbuckling rogue comes at you, are you not supposed to die? get off.

    it should not even be a contest to start with, all classes should get r4ped by rogue, never even see him coming, thats what he is about, just watch your health go to zero without knowing where he strikes from. BOOM! SEx7 Tenebrous Rank 9's, end of story. thats good design. bad design is when they throw pve characters up against each other.
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    hann1bal13hann1bal13 Member Posts: 50
    edited June 2013
    Dude, we are TRs asking for this nerf. I don't even have another 60. TR is my main and will likely be my main for the whole game. I just think it is really dumb to have an at-will power that is so strong, it's perfectly viable to prioritize it over your encounter abilities, which should be better. I think 2 less charges would be enough of an adjustment. This skill should be used for poke and to finish off fleeing enemies.
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    hkiewahkiewa Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 379 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    dekno wrote: »
    tr is a single target dps machine, he should be able to destroy everyone and ALL classes no matter what he does. dont ask for nerf cause youre playing another class against him in your pvp, that should not even be possible for another class to even come close to a rogue and be able to survive. just stupid ppl thinking the classes should get nerfed cause a rogue is dealing dmg.

    he is for dealing dmg in pve and you want to nerf him cause he is strong in pvp? get off. fkn pvp whiners asking the game to be nerfed out of pvp situations. soon enough the rogue will be another useless class in dungeons, even weapon fighters are getting up to his dmg, and that stupid wiz aoe spammer, why does he even deal dmg? he is supposed to control stuff not compete and spamming **** all over the place competing with rogues to hit the top dps meter.

    if you want to deal dmg, or want to survive in your pvp, roll the class that does accordingly and ask for buff for him, dont ask someone to make a class useless cause u cant survive him in pvp. wtf u know about what gear he is wearing anyways? if a 50% crit rank 9 gemmed out swashbuckling rogue comes at you, are you not supposed to die? get off.

    it should not even be a contest to start with, all classes should get r4ped by rogue, never even see him coming, thats what he is about, just watch your health go to zero without knowing where he strikes from. BOOM! SEx7 Tenebrous Rank 9's, end of story. thats good design. bad design is when they throw pve characters up against each other.

    I bet you are fun at parties.........
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    neyph69neyph69 Banned Users Posts: 150 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    warkupoz wrote: »
    The problem with your "argument" is that its' really easy to just go "NU-UH" without offering any actual reasons. Which is what you're doing. A good argument is backed up with examples as to why it is correct, not blind statements like "IF ONLY YOU HAD THE PROCESS OF THOUGHT YOU COULD UNDERSTAND." That's just an insult. Which are also awesome, but they dont' make your argument any stronger if you don't have some evidence as to why you are right.

    It's stupid that I had to provoke you before you actually explain anything.

    Nothing about Trickster Rogue reminds me of DnD rogues. When was the last time you saw a Rogue in DnD go all shadow ninja decoy on a bunch of demons? I sure as hell wasn't taking out swathes of bandits as a level 5 rogue in my table-top games. I'm pretty sure we're all assumed to be prestige classes when we start.

    Whats funny is your reading comprehension considering he DID give an example. Look at your toon and see what way the daggers are coming from. That is advice, not simply saying "NU UH". Also, As a TR i have no problem dealing with these specs. Simply hit your own stealth and wait for theres to fall off, hit em with a shadow strike and restealth with a ITC and destroy there face.
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    kabothoriginalkabothoriginal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 465 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    TR's are already got a HUGE nerf, several actually... and then you have people come in here saying they are TR's and they think the class deserves MORE nerfs? Yea my B.S.-O-Meter is pegged to the max.

    Please let me off this B.S. Train asap.

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    pinkfontpinkfont Member Posts: 563 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    kevinf08 wrote: »
    I play a rogue and IMO CoS is OP.

    Needs balancing, maybe 2 less charges or someting.

    If the tears from rogues would be too severe to nerf this skill, give every class the ability to stealth and use this ability. There is no other class that has an ability that can bring you to under 1/2 hp (or kill you, depending on enchants, lurkers) while you can't even see the person kililng you from range.

    Perhaps another solution would be to make the rogue targetable while he does this kind of like how the rogue is targetable when he is close to you, since he isn't exactly being stealthy when he's sitting in broad daylight throwing knives at someone.

    Cool, add severe diminishing returns on CC from Control Wizards and you have a deal. Otherwise no. Clouds of Steel is fine. Once the ranged DPS ranger is released you certainly aren't going to be begging for a ranged nerf to your class, I can assure you.
    A rich rogue nowadays is fit company for any gentleman; and the world, my dear, hath not such a contempt for roguery as you imagine. - John HAMSTER
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    griz024griz024 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 138 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    warkupoz wrote: »
    The problem with your "argument" is that its' really easy to just go "NU-UH" without offering any actual reasons. Which is what you're doing. A good argument is backed up with examples as to why it is correct, not blind statements like "IF ONLY YOU HAD THE PROCESS OF THOUGHT YOU COULD UNDERSTAND." That's just an insult. Which are also awesome, but they dont' make your argument any stronger if you don't have some evidence as to why you are right.

    It's stupid that I had to provoke you before you actually explain anything.

    Nothing about Trickster Rogue reminds me of DnD rogues. When was the last time you saw a Rogue in DnD go all shadow ninja decoy on a bunch of demons? I sure as hell wasn't taking out swathes of bandits as a level 5 rogue in my table-top games. I'm pretty sure we're all assumed to be prestige classes when we start.

    Lol silly, sad lil man (or boy most likely). I guess you missed the advice in that post b/c you were too busy nerd raging to read with comprehension. Let me simplify it for you: notice the side the daggers are coming from and run the opposite direction. Easy as that. Even with the "
    umping trick" the tr will not be able to put out enough to kill you (unless you are already at low health). There is a counter to everything in is game (minus post-patch gf's killing them 1v1 is more prayer and luck-_-) you just have to stop and ponder the problem. Calling'nerf' and racing for the the safety of the dev's skirts isnt the answer.

    Also, you have yet to see me upset. It takes more than a ignorant post to get my panties all knotted up. I am merely matching the OP's buster with my own. Such a post does not deserve a polite answer, imo. Fight fire with fire and rude stupid with rude smart, i say.

    So remember to run the opposite direction of the daggers. Daggers are bad
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    dilaniodilanio Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 44
    edited June 2013
    xermell wrote: »
    this guy is not a TR.

    He isn't. He is the cw who is getting killed by cos. Just a troll or uninformed player who doesn't know how to play his class.
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    griz024griz024 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 138 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    neyph69 wrote: »
    Whats funny is your reading comprehension considering he DID give an example. Look at your toon and see what way the daggers are coming from. That is advice, not simply saying "NU UH". Also, As a TR i have no problem dealing with these specs. Simply hit your own stealth and wait for theres to fall off, hit em with a shadow strike and restealth with a ITC and destroy there face.

    Ty for support neyph. I didnt notice your post or i wouldnt have bothered to respond.

    So as to not waste this post heres an idea i had on how to deal with cos rogues (not tested in-game just a theory now) as a tr. Try using deft strike. Once you notice what direction they are hitting you from start spamming deft strike and moving your cross hairs around the suspected area, if you "hit" him you will teleport behind him, as you teleport start spamming lashing blade. A hit with both abilities should knock him outta stealth and then he is a sitting duck. If he dodges you can just double dodge in the opposite direction and should be outta his range.

    As i said before this is just an idea i had today. It hasnt been tested yet, but i think its good plan of attack.

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    mojodammmojodamm Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    For anyone who thinks Cloud of Steel isn't D&Dish, you never ran (or ran into) a dart-specced rogue in 2nd Edition...
    "The Grey has Risen, Book One" - NW-DDK8N6EYP
    "No Prey, No Pay" - NW-DG2XDJH84

    Coming soon, "The Infinite" - NW-DMOHSQHM5
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    huckasexhuckasex Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 145 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    griz024 wrote: »

    Ty for support neyph. I didnt notice your post or i wouldnt have bothered to respond.

    So as to not waste this post heres an idea i had on how to deal with cos rogues (not tested in-game just a theory now) as a tr. Try using deft strike. Once you notice what direction they are hitting you from start spamming deft strike and moving your cross hairs around the suspected area, if you "hit" him you will teleport behind him, as you teleport start spamming lashing blade. A hit with both abilities should knock him outta stealth and then he is a sitting duck. If he dodges you can just double dodge in the opposite direction and should be outta his range.

    As i said before this is just an idea i had today. It hasnt been tested yet, but i think its good plan of attack.


    deft strike needs a target, thus doesnt work against an invisible
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    buddahshoesbuddahshoes Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    doing massive damage from a ranged and/or stealth mode is totally normal... the point of a rogue is to kill something preferably before it knows you are around and certainly before it pounds you. i agree the melee rogue is mmo based, d&d intended for the rogue to eventually move up to assassin or something big and nasty.
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    wixxgs1chtwixxgs1cht Member Posts: 430 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    actually, one can target stealthed rogues. Experienced 1000 times by good players pounding me and me pounding other rogues. Especially in melee or impact shot range.
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    maggotholemaggothole Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I love my rogue, but attacking from perma stealth is the falcon punch of cheesiness.
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    kevinf08kevinf08 Member Posts: 432 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    dekno wrote: »
    tr is a single target dps machine, he should be able to destroy everyone and ALL classes no matter what he does. dont ask for nerf cause youre playing another class against him in your pvp, that should not even be possible for another class to even come close to a rogue and be able to survive.

    I win buttons are clearly the epitome of PVP balance.
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    deknodekno Member Posts: 181 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    hann1bal13 wrote: »
    Dude, we are TRs asking for this nerf. I don't even have another 60. TR is my main and will likely be my main for the whole game. I just think it is really dumb to have an at-will power that is so strong, it's perfectly viable to prioritize it over your encounter abilities, which should be better. I think 2 less charges would be enough of an adjustment. This skill should be used for poke and to finish off fleeing enemies.

    ok that makes u a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, nobody is forcing you to buy a ferrari, yet u r the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> who buys a ferrari and go back to them and telling them to tune down their cars because in your opinion they are too fast, how <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> is that? how about you go buy a lada and stfu? play another class, get off, either u are just plain stupid or just having fun trolling with the same <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> sht those nerds asking for nerfs cause they dont have the ad or money to gear their characters properly. wiz is one of the defensively weakest class in the game and you think a cloud of steel is too strong, its just preventing you from having fun with your wiz in pvp doesnt it? good, stop crying.
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    deknodekno Member Posts: 181 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    all wiz's begging for nerfs, lamers.
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    yeruneyerune Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    So far, most of the suggestions are based on the TR remaining stationary once you know his general location. I play a TR, I do not remain stationary.
    Another suggestion is to wait until stealth runs out. You will probably not survive that, you will lose your point and I have two feats, one daily and dodges to remain in stealth.

    I'm definitely not saying to remove it completely, as I love it for solo PvE. But it's the combination of keeping stealthed, an easily feated snare, long range, massive damage buildup and extreme scaling with runes that makes it IMO much too powerful for PvP.

    I don't need the snare in PvE, nor the massive damage buildup. If I remain half-stealthed, so not automatically targetable but still visible to players (as in melee-range visible stealth), it would still be fine in PvE and IMO more balanced in PvP.

    (still hurts to suggest a nerf to my main class though)
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    huckasexhuckasex Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 145 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    yerune wrote: »
    ..., an easily feated snare,...

    just wondering: how do you snare with CoS? since there is no feat that actually does that
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    utuwerutuwer Member Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    huckasex wrote: »
    just wondering: how do you snare with CoS? since there is no feat that actually does that

    I believe that he is talking about "speed swindle" from saboteur tree, it snares the target when you score a critical hit for a short duration.
    You say 4v5 is impossible? Cool story bro.
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