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Are there any GWF that are actually happy with the patch?

judicasjudicas Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 156 Bounty Hunter
edited June 2013 in The Militia Barracks
As the post says, GWF still does not seem viable. It is actually painful to load mine up and play it anymore, I'm just wondering if anyone else is having better luck. Mostly talking about T2, everything my GWF could do my CW does better.
Post edited by judicas on


  • belladanbelladan Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 146 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    I don't know... This pirate king lair went pretty well. Meh group for dps in all honesty. And to be clear about it:

    As all classes have been adjusted, current playstyles need adjusting.

    So admittedly, I wasn't expecting much.

    I was running the Takedown, IBS and Roar all the way through it with bravery and weaponmaster slotted, staying top dps until we got to the toss and and forget stage; at which point the CW pulled ahead. By the time the end boss rolled around, he was sitting around 5.7mil to my 5.3mil. Going into the first round, like usual I subbed out takedown for our pitiful not so fast ability. (as aoe is important in this fight.) We wiped. So I subbed out IBS for Daring, and kept roar and not so fast. and to be clear about it, aiming Daring seems to be a tad more difficult then aiming Roar.

    AFter the second wipe and the *** for tat of the CW going hey GWF! You're supposed to tank! I pulled out all the stops and amped up my defensive line to the measely 45% tank-destroyer system. (think Trunks in Beefy mode.) Daring shout, Restoring Strike and Roar. This also included changing the weaponmaster slot out for 3/3 steel blitz. Kept bravery. (as I like it. Ressurection!)

    All in all, it was a slower fight. We won and yet again the offhand doesn't drop. Just the GF and the DC weapon. I got to sell another one of those lovely bound rings for 1 gold 60 silver.

    I glance at the dps rating at the end and apparently those 3 fights allowed me to produce 4.6million more damage, for a grand total of roughly 9.9million. CW was only 8.9million.

    I didn't even have to bind my Warlord's chestpiece, nor add any of my 3 other defensive-type clothing pieces...

    As a summary, even with reasonable Recovery, I still do not think the cooldowns make it worth having the shouts on the bars except during the boss fights. Even with 2/2 daring, it seemed worth using in this fight. With everything bunched up and whatnot, our last round was much easier in the "save people" category. With whatever changes they made, my AP generation almost doubled, yet Daring still produces a fraction of the AP that 3/3 Roar does. My alt that I'm currently leveling will be running 3/3 daring and Roar, and I'll look at it at that time. (as his stats work better with Shouts.)
  • th0rfinnth0rfinn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 119 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    I've dungeoned like 3x in FH, Karrun and spellplague and I felt like a beast. I'm somewhat geared, idk how a low gear GWF would feel tough but my feel has been good so far unless someone comes up with a meta that leaves the gwf out. I was first in DPS in Karrundax 2x and spellplague (aside acomplishing side roles that doesn't include DPS like kiting and pulling), I wasn't playing with teamates with uber gear but It was fine for me.
  • judicasjudicas Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 156 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Hrmm I was wondering because I was in both pirate and spider earlier, pirate was 1 GWF 1 GF 1 CW and 2 DC. while the only person to die was the CW because he got stupid the whole run was painfully slow, our cap needs to be removed badly. For spider it went a bit better with 1 GWF 1 DC 1 TR 2 CW , on spider I was painfully aware of the fixes to CW because 1 was arcane the other was ice, Yeah the run went well but i cant help but feel it would have gone just as smooth if they ran without a 5th. My dps vs either of the CW or the TR was pathetic. Im not sure, i guess I'm not happy being pigeonholed into the whole crappy tank routine, especially when i was billed as a big bad *** aoe machine. About to run castle ill let you know how that turns out, going to be same group as spider.
  • isleeislee Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Still less damage than my guardian fighter, with less mobility, less cc, and less survivability. No, not happy. Still can't randomly activate unstoppable. Still cc'd from 100% to 0% by any class, still one shot by any class. Still total ****ing ****.
  • chronomancerchronomancer Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,223
    edited June 2013
    Daring shout sounds good on the tooltip but the skill is a joke. Not worth getting. Go with Battle Fury instead.
  • ark00ark00 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    i noticed a slightly augment of damage..that's all...yeah, the extra hp with unstoppable are just lovely, but our role in the dungeons has't changed..i'm 11.7kgs+stone tryed destroyer instigator and sentinel but i still fell the same way..useless..it is not only about the damage, wich however is still so low compared to all other classes,but really guys what the fak we should supposed to do??...
    oh and i tought deep gash was useless..now it don't even stack..don't take that feat-.-
  • ross123321ross123321 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    How can people keep saying gwf dmg is low compared to other classes? You must be doing something terribly wrong.
  • glace4glace4 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ross123321 wrote: »
    How can people keep saying gwf dmg is low compared to other classes? You must be doing something terribly wrong.

    Agreed. Ran Spellplague with guildies and one pug GWF as a 10.2k+stone GWF. I was top of the meter by a good 10%, rogue next, CW 20-30% behind us, and the other GWF doing 1/3 my damage. We basically 4-manned the dungeon with that GWF doing next to nothing, so don't say the group just sucked... I'd like to see you and your group 4-man Spellplague with 1 Cleric and no tank.

    Me 11mil dmg, other GWF 4mil... Some people are just doing it wrong. (And no, he was NOT Sentinel Spec/Tank geared.)
  • imobiusimobius Member Posts: 111 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    I'm happy beyond belief.
    I was afraid they would overbuff GWFs and they'd either become the FotM class or they would become <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> easy and made a joke to everyone.

    I'm glad they were limited with their buffs. Rather have them building it up, instead of having another god class due to overbuffing.
  • e11ze11z Member Posts: 144 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    glace4 wrote: »
    Agreed. Ran Spellplague with guildies and one pug GWF as a 10.2k+stone GWF. I was top of the meter by a good 10%, rogue next, CW 20-30% behind us, and the other GWF doing 1/3 my damage. We basically 4-manned the dungeon with that GWF doing next to nothing, so don't say the group just sucked... I'd like to see you and your group 4-man Spellplague with 1 Cleric and no tank.

    Me 11mil dmg, other GWF 4mil... Some people are just doing it wrong. (And no, he was NOT Sentinel Spec/Tank geared.)

    Someone needs to do a 4 GWF 1 DC dungeon and show everyone the power of AOE TANKS!!
    The Best PVP Guild on Dragon/Neverwinter: YoloOldSkoolSwagLoveNeverGingersLuvDupStep even if it's just one of us, you might as well just afk.
  • uncag3duncag3d Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    judicas wrote: »
    As the post says, GWF still does not seem viable. It is actually painful to load mine up and play it anymore, I'm just wondering if anyone else is having better luck. Mostly talking about T2, everything my GWF could do my CW does better.

    lol your joking? they are hands down op now.. we have one in end-game gear /rank 9's never dies takes 3 ppl 2 mins to get him down.

    It's not his gear im better geared then him an he is a complete beast now compared to b4 the patch.
    islee wrote: »
    Still less damage than my guardian fighter, with less mobility, less cc, and less survivability. No, not happy. Still can't randomly activate unstoppable. Still cc'd from 100% to 0% by any class, still one shot by any class. Still total ****ing ****.

    LOL ALL of that is wrong wrong wrong, you would have to be in lv 40 greens for any of that to be true, an you would still be incredibly fast an you can chain lock ppl down ez.. also they are the TANKEST class in the game btw.
    FearITsSelf #1 GF
    From #1 Guild Pve/Pvp [ Lemonade Stand ]
  • wolfenhowlwolfenhowl Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Because to get at those numbers your thinking of we have to get peak gear and to get geared we have to get dragged into instances as people generally have a big distaste for our class...does that answer your question?

    Our main enchant is plague fire that drops guess where? CN...do ppl look for gwf to get into CN...NO!

    People nowadays want 11k+ to get into T2...how can you get into T2 if you can't run T2 for gear in the first place.Oh use the AH you might say,well guess what to get the AD for T2 gear you still have to at least sell T2/CN gear.And that's not even mentioning that our sets items are a lot more expensive since there a lot fewer pieces into the markets since there's so few of us running for the chest.

    The only good thing about this patch is they turned us into trash mob tanks as we have the tools to get mass mobs on us and the mitigation that gf don't have vs many hitting enemies.
  • gtxinsanegtxinsane Member Posts: 116 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Unstoppable still bugs up. So no.
    Gabriel Angelfire - Devoted Cleric // Karguk the Impaler - Great Weapon Fighter // Zephalyne - Control Wizard
    PVP: How to make your life less miserable as a Devoted Clerics -- Still in it's Unfinished Glory
  • krazeiefurykrazeiefury Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I ran pirates twice last night and put up 11.5 mill both times. we had 2 gwf,CW, GF, and a cleric one time and a balanced group the other and both times I almost doubled the next closest person. This was a huge improvement over pushing mobs off the side, taking shortcuts and the drama of my first experience. I'm down to run this whenever now.
  • natemathnatemath Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I ran spider last night. Im at 12k w/stone and full ancient weapons. Greater Plague slotted with Rank 7 Darks and Rank5/6 Azure's. My stats are 4.6k Power, 4.1k Crit, 2.2k ArP. 2.1k Recovery and 2.1k Defense. Im still specc'd into the destroyer line (i like destroyer but i may try instigator instead) I was #2 on that run and our rogue was top and he was similarly geared to me. Overall i was happy with what i was able to produce. I was at 17mil damage with the rogue around 19mil. This was a one of each class run. We failed though at the end, CW wasnt in good gear nor enchanted and our GF was still DPS spec. But overall it felt good and i noticed i was able to keep the 4set bonus of AoW up more often than not (it still dropped of course but seemed alot better than before patch.) I think we would have won if our CW was better geared with a little more skill too since we were able to keep the adds down and TR solely on the boss.
  • wingserwingser Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 70
    edited June 2013
    the new GWF is amazing in pvp.
  • mistamista87mistamista87 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    i play a recovery build GWF, wearing two blade and two warlord for the increase recovery, giving up the 4 pc set bonus. slotted recovery/def and power enchantments. and spec into the initiator tree. i was happy with my GWF before the patch, even though i wasn't pushing out the dmg one would think a GREAT weapon fight would ranking behind any TR and sometime CW in dps, 1st/2nd in kills, and never lower then 2nd in dmg taken...but im more of a team player while in PVE, buffing team mates and getting adds off healers becomes more of a focus for me. since the new patch, im able to do this more effectively and im pushing more damage. "not so fast" was giving a good dmg increase, as my main encounter used to give CA to my group, its made a big impact. the temp hp i get from going unstoppable is a life saving in both PVE and PVP. and my build allows huge amounts of Determination and Action point to be gain extremely fast. so im constantly using TAB/Slam.

    my only disappointment, when i read that mighty leap was getting a range increase i got secretly excited. the inner child scream that i was going to be jumping across the board huge distance...yet, i can barely notice the distance increase at times but it is noticeable, especially in PVP.
    INTRO ID: 6400114G010603067007260S3f1fb2

    Server: Midgard (EAST)
    CLASS: LVL 75+ Heretic
    IGN: iMista
  • vampiregoatvampiregoat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    we still hit with a teddy bear but now the teddy bear has a small rock in it to do a little more damage. Funny I am a HUGE orc wielding a sword the size of a tree and monsters laugh when I hit them.
  • isleeislee Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    uncag3d wrote: »
    lol your joking? they are hands down op now.. we have one in end-game gear /rank 9's never dies takes 3 ppl 2 mins to get him down.

    It's not his gear im better geared then him an he is a complete beast now compared to b4 the patch.

    LOL ALL of that is wrong wrong wrong, you would have to be in lv 40 greens for any of that to be true, an you would still be incredibly fast an you can chain lock ppl down ez.. also they are the TANKEST class in the game btw.

    Threatening rush and lunge beat sprint's mobility ALL DAY LONG. No contest. My GF cannot be kited.

    Bull's charge hits as hard or harder than anything on my GWF with a longer cc (traveling through the air+prone. I have infinite charges from threatening rush).

    Lunge hits as hard or harder than anything on my GWF while having a massive ~30ft range (and shorter cooldown than any GWF encounter power).

    Cleave at will actually moves your character forward when you use it, unlike GWF at-wills that always miss because someone takes one step away.

    All my GF's encounter powers move me into my target by a significant amount, so they never miss. My GWF's encounters barely move me towards my target, so it's so easy to miss.

    I have no doubt that GWF's wreck terrible people, but with unstoppable still completely bugged, I find everything you're saying very hard to believe.
  • irk2013irk2013 Member Posts: 241 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    wingser wrote: »
    the new GWF is amazing in pvp.

    ROFLMAO... REALLY???? I still destroy them as easy as I did before the patch.
  • irk2013irk2013 Member Posts: 241 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Islee is 100% correct GF is better in ALL aspects of the game than GWF ALL ASPECTS.....

    p.s. and Gf's do't even need to break a sweat while GWF's got to work like a mudder...
  • gctrlgctrl Member Posts: 459 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    islee wrote: »
    Still less damage than my guardian fighter, with less mobility, less cc, and less survivability. No, not happy. Still can't randomly activate unstoppable. Still cc'd from 100% to 0% by any class, still one shot by any class. Still total ****ing ****.

    One of the best pvp'rs in the game is a GWF, you're just bad. Here are your only 4 options:

    1) Get better at the game/your class.
    2) Get better gear/enchants.
    3) Learn from successful GWFs/theorycraft your build more.
    4) Uninstall the game and admit to yourself that you didnt do 1 - 3 well enough.
    Guild: Lemonade Stand | Server: Dragon (Original) | PvP Forever | 1og0s
  • gctrlgctrl Member Posts: 459 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    irk2013 wrote: »
    ROFLMAO... REALLY???? I still destroy them as easy as I did before the patch.

    So can I, but there are still good GWFs out there that I can't handle so easily. One of the best pvp'rs in the game right now is a GWF and he is practically unbeatable 1v1. He has huge survivability and dishes out a ton of damage with the help of tene enchants. If all these whiny GWFs on the forums could watch this guy for just 30 seconds they would shut their mouths.
    Guild: Lemonade Stand | Server: Dragon (Original) | PvP Forever | 1og0s
  • isleeislee Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    gctrl wrote: »
    One of the best pvp'rs in the game is a GWF, you're just bad. Here are your only 4 options:

    1) Get better at the game/your class.
    2) Get better gear/enchants.
    3) Learn from successful GWFs/theorycraft your build more.
    4) Uninstall the game and admit to yourself that you didnt do 1 - 3 well enough.

    Godly players making **** classes look good is nothing new. Take your trash ad hominem argument elsewhere. Actually, keep it here. I don't expect anything better from people here, anyway.
  • ataranesataranes Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 61
    edited June 2013
    th0rfinn wrote: »
    I've dungeoned like 3x in FH, Karrun and spellplague and I felt like a beast. I'm somewhat geared, idk how a low gear GWF would feel tough but my feel has been good so far unless someone comes up with a meta that leaves the gwf out. I was first in DPS in Karrundax 2x and spellplague (aside acomplishing side roles that doesn't include DPS like kiting and pulling), I wasn't playing with teamates with uber gear but It was fine for me.

    I felt like a beast too. I mentioned this in another post. With Roar and Daring constantly up, I was in unstoppable or slam all the time (even moreso than usual). I was top damage in spellplague until the final boss where the CW and TR both pulled ahead with the TR on single target with me, and the CW on add duty. We wiped a few times (TR, CW, DC, GF, GWF group - 1 of each class) so that gap kept getting bigger. But I was very happy. Also, with being in Unstoppable and Slam so much, I was able to avoid damage and survive bad pulls where the whole group wiped but me and they ran back in time.
    Steelkat/Unfrozen Caveman - DCs
    Guild Leader of MOPP4
    MOPP 4′s community was created to cater to those who have served or currently serve in the armed forces around the world as well as friends, family & supporters of the armed forces. We also now proudly support the Wounded Warrior Project. For more details please go here.
  • irk2013irk2013 Member Posts: 241 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    gctrl wrote: »
    So can I, but there are still good GWFs out there that I can't handle so easily. One of the best pvp'rs in the game right now is a GWF and he is practically unbeatable 1v1. He has huge survivability and dishes out a ton of damage with the help of tene enchants. If all these whiny GWFs on the forums could watch this guy for just 30 seconds they would shut their mouths.

    Some people excel at pvp regardless of the class they are playing it is like in their genes or something and means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things. a FEW people don't make everyone else bad players those FEW are just superior pvpers regardless of class.
  • djleberdjleber Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Loving the new GWF, to top off the patch i regeared some stats and my god - what a machine in pvp. full stunlock build i averaged over 4 game 10-2 KDR and we won 3/4.

    On top of that in PvE. Ran FH was top damage from the start and stayed there the rest of the dungeon (compared to similarly geard CW/TR)
  • belladanbelladan Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 146 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    *winks* I don't want to waste my lessers on building a pvp only set yet. Saving them for building my alt GWF. Already have 2-3 pieces to deck him out with and a couple of enchants. At lvl 20, he did better in pvp then my lvl60.
  • realborealbo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I'm happy with it. I can finally use sure strike in dungeons now and more people are willing to take a GWF. I've been tearing up the dps charts as well. People complaining need to L2****ingplay.
  • gctrlgctrl Member Posts: 459 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    islee wrote: »
    Godly players making **** classes look good is nothing new. Take your trash ad hominem argument elsewhere. Actually, keep it here. I don't expect anything better from people here, anyway.

    Godly players? Get the **** out of here. The skill cap in this game isn't anything special, he's just taken the time to come up with a build that is extremely effective if you play appropriately and have the appropriate gear. Yes some players learn faster than others, but thats life.

    Good players will adapt and thrive with what they have, bad players will whine and blame the mechanics of the game 90% of the time.

    When good players do not thrive despite their experience and high skill level, then you can start complaining about the game itself. Until then stop your whining. Balance needs to be centered around a classes MAXIMUM potential, something that many game developers are starting to learn. Look at MOBAs like Dota for example, changes are made to the game based upon gameplay that happens at the highest skill levels and then works it way down from there.

    You do not focus on making the worst players happy unless your only goal is to make money.

    edit: And the good/successful GWFs out there aren't "making the class look good", they're are showing that the class is good if you know what you're doing.
    irk2013 wrote: »
    Some people excel at pvp regardless of the class they are playing it is like in their genes or something and means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things. a FEW people don't make everyone else bad players those FEW are just superior pvpers regardless of class.

    Blah blah, read my above text for a response.
    Guild: Lemonade Stand | Server: Dragon (Original) | PvP Forever | 1og0s
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