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So, you're going to decrease glory gain for losing team huh?



  • klingensturmklingensturm Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    didnt bother to read the whole thread, only till page 3, therefor i dont know if someone mentioned it before but wouldnt a capcha while respawning actually work?
    some kind of question or minigame a bot cant do. i have not thought it through but it seems to be a solution to make it impossible for bots and afk'ers to respawn. i f you dont respawn, in a certain amount of time, you should get automatically kicked AND penalized in some way.

    P.S: quitters should be penalized aswell in my opinion as they reduce the fun of others and steal their time.
  • rapticorrapticor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,078 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    yerune wrote: »
    I like the idea of having the Daily fulfilled only on a win, seems fair enough considering the requirements of the other Dailies.

    I don't like the idea. Unless you really want to kill off PvP nearly entirely. No AD.. Reduced XP.. Reduced Glory. There's really no incentive at that point especially for people new to the game.
  • lakowskilakowski Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    kindyre wrote: »

    PvP is about the challenge and PvP is about the Glory. No, not the points. But the accomplishment of overcoming a worthy adversary. Of outsmarting a smart opponent. You should be able to relish the feeling of victory. And you should be able to learn from the mistakes that lead to defeat. The experience itself should be rewarding, win or lose, or you shouldn't be doing it. Or it has no purpose.

    This! (Well said)
  • woodlandwoods1woodlandwoods1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    EAWare tried reducing the rewards for losing in SWTOR and it all but killed PvP until things were changed back.

    This is a bad move.
  • gbateman55gbateman55 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    If implemented correctly, I think a Skill Rank and/or Reputation system for PVP could work wonders. Getting matched up with players of a similar Rank/Reputation could potentially eliminate these problems.
  • notmuchleftnotmuchleft Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Simple solution.

    1) Winners are eligible for (eg.) 70% of the prize pool.
    2) Loosers are eligible for (eg.) 30% of the prize pool.
    3) The prize pool is divided by the number of players left at the END of the match.

    So lets take the scenario that there is only one player left on the loosing side. They are rewarded with the full amount of the 30% prize pool, so they at least get a decent reward for hanging around.

    I realise this can be spoiled by bots on the loosing side, but bots will never be gotten rid of, so we just have to build bridges and get over it. At least the real player gets a reward regardless of what the other players or bots get.
    Only two things in this life are infinite. The universe and human stupidity, and I'm not so sure about the former. ~ Albert Einstein
  • serialmomserialmom Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    Or they could just force people to stay in the match and give them no option to leave after the gates open.

    Some form of penalty is needed for your so called "legit" *cough*quitters*cough* players.

    greetings premade pubstomping d*uchebag! I am only here to point out the mental retardation in your statement! Players are free to kill the process in task manager and login to another character, that is if there is the lack of an option to log out of the characters considering the lack of an option to leave the broken joke of a pvp system! Happy Pubstomping, and Good Journey!

    -Beverly Sutphin
  • etherealjetherealj Member Posts: 1,091 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    0 Glory for losing badly + penalty for leaving = no queueing.

    no reward+forced participation= no interest.

    Kindergarten math right there.
    Use the <removed exploit lead-in> to interact with the auction vendor.
  • serialmomserialmom Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    didnt bother to read the whole thread, only till page 3, therefor i dont know if someone mentioned it before but wouldnt a capcha while respawning actually work?
    some kind of question or minigame a bot cant do. i have not thought it through but it seems to be a solution to make it impossible for bots and afk'ers to respawn. i f you dont respawn, in a certain amount of time, you should get automatically kicked AND penalized in some way.

    P.S: quitters should be penalized aswell in my opinion as they reduce the fun of others and steal their time.

    Capchas are the biggest pain in the *** on the internet and easily circumvented, why in the hell would anyone who is not a dyslexic schizophrenic actually think it is a good idea to squint their eyes and get a migraine every 20 seconds on top of being spawn camped by the pubstompers they're rollin up against? Good troll sir.

    -Beverly Sutphin
  • serialmomserialmom Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    If they at least couldn't queue for the duration of the match then I'd be happy.

    It makes the losing team cry.
    It makes PvP for the winning team epic. (unless you're just going to be a tool about it)
    Nobody wins...except the premades.

    And lowering the rewards (with a proper punishment for leaving early) would effectively kill already shoddy PVP and provide an overall better PvP experience.

    the pvp is poor quality, it's become a running joke really. people used it for the dailies and the glory, that was the only reason to do it. If premades were a segregated qeue, and there were gear score brackets with no larger a gap than 1k at the most, or 500 tops at level 60 (or else it hurts, and before people got something for staying, now, they don't and I was one who stayed against people who said they were friends and had gear that made them look like they descended from mount olympus to me but they were friendly about it though unlike most premades). People already have difficulty in a new Q when they're booted or leave, which was why I'd began trolling people by booting them (after people continually kicked 2 of my characters right before they loaded into the debating grounds as I was trying to level them avoiding the same old monotonous lack of pve content for the second or third toon) so they would be stuck in the next Q's group unable to leave nor to be booted until they logged out then logged back in after their original match finished. it made me feel better for a day or two, until i decided a bot was more practical and could go at it 24/7 even after I found the way around the port lockout since it felt degrading to need to do it for a bunch of nerds booting you before you loaded. Then, I pwned the nerds, and had the bot auto kick entire teams on a timer so that no one else could join when it happened. Imagine how many more people would desire to do that soon. I amazingly was team leader in solo Q most of the time when I played. It became less about the xp/glory, and more about getting even with the worst community I have encountered since heroes of newarth to put it plain and simple. There was a way around the port lockout when starting a new match before your previous one ended, besides changing instances and some bots got around it, and I would rather force people to look up the solution themselves while we're on the subject of 'forcing' people to do things and subjecting them to <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> treatment. Have fun with your broken game guys, lol.

    "Is this as good as it gets?" -Jack Nicholson
  • squid2dsquid2d Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    etherealj wrote: »
    0 Glory for losing badly + penalty for leaving = no queueing.

    no reward+forced participation= no interest.

    Kindergarten math right there.


    and for a more advanced equation you could probably factor in the sheer dullness of 2 rather badly designed maps
  • pjavokpjavok Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    pinkfont wrote: »
    Exactly. This thread has made me realize that I have a very different perspective than the rest of the community, which is fine. It's just strange because there's basically two things being suggested in this thread: Experience and glory decreases, which are already being implemented, and a penalty for leaving. Now, I'm under the impression that these suggestions are mainly designed to punish bots and afkers, but I just don't see how it actually makes sense logically. Bots don't leave matches. They don't need to. They just spend the entire match running into a wall or walking in circles around the campfire. The penalty would actually only affect other players, and these players would most likely be in a game where they can't possibly do anything but die over and over again repeatedly. And at the end of it all, these players who were forced to stay in a game that wasn't fun or competitive for them, they don't even get the rewards they would have gotten a month ago?

    This is the fix?

    This is what the community as a whole thinks is a good idea?

    Well I know when I'm on the side of a losing argument, and it's fine that no one agrees with me, but I can't pretend like it makes any sense to me.

    Yes master. Your will is my command.

    Exactly this! This patch only hurt real players that had the bad luck of joining a bot team. Bots will continue to play since they dont get tired of loosing but human players do really get tired of this lame pvp system.

    And , of course, you guys discusing about a deserted debuff? So you want to kill players that leave games with 3 bots... Yea they totally make the pvp unfun.
  • spittlezspittlez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Just finished a 5v3 match. So the 3 of us were used as punching bags and got nothing for it. This is gonna do great things for PVP...like kill it dead.
  • farcursefarcurse Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 46
    edited June 2013
    this is a FPS game style , domination started whit fps's so if you are going to copy something do it right , no rewards for anyone or rewards for everyone, even modern fps's win or lose u get rewards , u get exp new guns etc , ppl quit matches, ppl join in the middle of matches , no one complains we just keep playing , the pvp match doesn't stop, this simply a bad broken copy of that system

    and the rewards are all based on player performance so it encourages u to do better ( but that only works becouse its a fair fight )
    bad gun ? np , compensate whit player skill etc ,the prob is a player compensates whit skill in this game and ppl will go "oh noes too op!" nerf nerf nerf!, the recent patch proves just that... u find a class op , make one and play it perhaps u will have more fun

    gs matches make sense good idea , pre-made teams vs pre-made only doesn't work, big delays on match up we are talking about a possibly long wait until some one decides to make a full pre made, but its a nice idea too

    ya........ solve everything whit a stick ( THIS IS A MINI-GAME ) the hole point of playing a mini-game is to have fun , if the game stops being fun ,u quit and go do something else , pve new match up etc. , if u keep having problems whit it, you pretty much never play it again,if u lose content u get bored , u get bored u look for new mmo's , and play those
  • iergoiergo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 107 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Leave penalty is a bad solution it will only lead to asking for another solution to a new created problem; vote to kick. I hope they do add it! I already know what I would do if there is a leave penalty. I would simple do more pvp and not bother trying to win if I end up with a bad pug. Free points capturing the first base. Logic is either way both side are getting screwed out of glory. Whereas, now that there isn't a leave penalty I could simple leave and find a pug that is more favorable.

    In general on the forum there is this idea of being adaptable in regards to changes in the game from class ~etc. So, you would imagine bots ~etc would also adapt to your solutions, no?

    Good luck!
  • elwardenfelwardenf Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    spittlez wrote: »
    Just finished a 5v3 match. So the 3 of us were used as punching bags and got nothing for it. This is gonna do great things for PVP...like kill it dead.

    Last night (and I am just trying to get some decent gear after hitting lv60)... one guy quits cause the other team are all wearing purple gear. And the leader could not get in and could not be kicked so that was 3v5. Turned out to be a (winning team about 100 points form winning and then its a) 1v5 and the other team rested where I would re-spawn and whack me again. Not even a chance to run away!
  • rapticorrapticor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,078 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    elwardenf wrote: »
    Turned out to be a (winning team about 100 points form winning and then its a) 1v5 and the other team rested where I would re-spawn and whack me again. Not even a chance to run away!

    They need to fix that so the other team can't do that and it's lame when people do that. It's mostly a problem on the Hotenow map since it's easy to get up there for just about everyone. And those who can't can just use ranged abilities. Making it higher to reduce line of sight would pretty much fix it. It can also happen on the other one but not quite as easily.
  • yasha00yasha00 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 479 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    kindyre wrote: »
    1. Like I said, it's just a synopsis. If it seems random, read the full post on page 4.

    2. My god is called Reason and of course you mere mortal may convene with him as well. It does take some effort and an open mind though.

    3. Did you really just say "it's fine" that "bots are just selling stuff for AD?"

    Absence of good AD farming opportunities is a core problem here, yes. That's what I just said, isn't it? If there were better ways to farm AD, you wouldn't feel drawn to farming PvP.

    The PvP set is not the only T1 set. There is no reason to assume it was intended as THE entry set. In fact, for some classes, it's better than the other T1 sets and even some T2 sets. Not to mention that T1 dungeons have such low GS requirement that you don't even need purples to enter them. The PvP set just seems to have gotten labeled as "the entry set" because it's so easy to get. This needs to change.

    What for? So that people like you stop seeing it as something to grind. If it's harder to get than dungeon T1, you won't be drawn to farming PvP. You'll go farm dungeons instead. As it should be. PvE rewards are there to be farmed. PvP rewards should be a matter of prestige. They should be earned, not farmed. To the Victor go the Spoils.

    Well said, love the part about Reason, haha.
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