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The economy does not seem to be too healthy



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    adhal81adhal81 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 115 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Poor people who can't think beyond holding duelist flurry down or knocking mobs of cliffs, how ever will you make any AD.

    Oh well I will be glad to syphon it off you through the AH. You may not be making AD, but I sure will be.
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    swoomustdienowswoomustdienow Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 136 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    adhal81 wrote: »
    Poor people who can't think beyond holding duelist flurry down or knocking mobs of cliffs, how ever will you make any AD.

    Oh well I will be glad to syphon it off you through the AH. You may not be making AD, but I sure will be.

    That's cute, but not what anyone in this thread is talking about. I have thousands of zen currently for sale on the AH and enough money on me to buy several thousand more, no items I need to purchase, and I wouldn't consider myself rich in this game. Especially seeing how much Rogue guild mates make every single DD. I would be inclined to say that it's the people making money who see the problems more than the people not.

    Anyone who's played the markets - or kept an eye on them - can see a real, disturbing trend forming that cannot be healthy for the game. Other than the rare piece, even BiS items are worth a great deal less than what they were just a couple of days ago. That is what many are talking about, and the personal peeve of people calling it supply and demand in action while casually hand-waving away the fact that large values of foreign elements have entered the equation rendering that pretty **** impossible to relate to any real world economics. Take my BiS castle set - it had supreme value...until a few days ago word leaked out to many of an easy path. It's now worth a third of the price, which trickles down to the value of other products for sale. It's simply lazy to call that supply and demand in action.

    I don't want a wipe, I don't want a reset, I'm not carving a headstone. I'm also not foolish enough to sit there going, 'Yup, working as intended!' or pull out the tired 'You're just bad' card. I just want it fixed, so when the next influx of items comes in we don't see this kind of abuse playing havoc yet again.
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    chuamishaelchuamishael Member Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Right now the best thing to do is to hoard ad, as it's only going to become more valuable until people figure out how much people grind. Don't hold zen, or items. Of course, use your own intuition about which direction the economy is going and how to preserve and grow your in game wealth. In my opinion, there isn't enough new ad added to the economy to keep up with the ad sinks, especially when I look at the cost of items in ad in terms of days spent grinding for it.

    Agree!! I was thinking about this. I think Hoarding AD is better, since zen will continue to fall.
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    zieglerzzieglerz Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 197 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    ladymyajha wrote: »
    Well in some ways this isn't a bad thing. If demand is average, and supply is equal to demand, and everyone is getting what they want at the prices they are now, it'll be good when the game launches and all the new players who come in will be able to purchase their items.

    There is nothing worse then deciding to play a new game, and go and buy normal run of the mill gear, and find out that you need to grind for months to be able to afford it, because the players who have been playing for a while are sitting on a ton of <insert currency here>.

    Let the game launch, let the money and demand raise a bit, then complain.



    ...This game has launched. The little kick off thing in a week or whatever it is...is just marketing recovering from being called on the "soft launch" they tried to pull. There will be no huge influx of players...anyone who was interested in this game has already tried it.
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    lltsnwnlltsnwn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 787 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    madqhue wrote: »
    A quick perusal of the Auction House shows Tier 2 class gear going for 10-20k diamonds or less, tradeskill implements going for 50k for a green, and then Ancient pieces from Castle Never going for 1-2 million.

    All of the economic sinks in the game (consumables like potions, repair kits etc) use gold which is not the currency of choice in the Auction House system. Every day more and more Tier 1 and Tier 2 items are being pulled out of dungeons and there is no way for the number of new level 60s with lots of diamonds to spend to maintain a steady demand. The only way the economy recovers is if the supply of items dries up, and that only happens if people stop running dungeons either by running Gauntlgrym exclusively or by simply leaving the game.

    I saw a couple people post in General Chat that they were selling their T2 gear for gold. That is always an option...
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