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WTB Customer Service *Updated*



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    jihancritiasjihancritias Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Spending $100 and HOW to spend it are concepts you have no clue of especially in a game like this. All you do on the forums is ***** about PW and their CS. That's all you do. You spending $100 or $5000 in this game, no one cares how much YOU spent.

    The fact is that anyone I know that has put in a support ticket has had their issue resolved within a day. You on the other hand still have no clue why your account is gone forever. I am just trying to show a little lamb like you the path to move on but it seems you are super ignorant.

    There is no good luck with your "When is CS ever gonna look into my...". Your account is gone forever get over it.

    I seriously doubt that everyone you know that put a ticket in has had it resolved within a day. Unless you are talking about cs dumping tickets and sending a mail telling you they didn't want to lose the ticket, so they trashed it, then you are lying. There are repeated threads and posts about this exact thing. I had a ticket in for 16 days, and never got a response, other than the standard bot mail. Other tickets I put in for lost items from mail, ward missing, losing ad in auction, all got trashed by customer service.

    Troll elsewhere, or bring the truth to the conversation. Stop hugging their ba**s.
    TL : DR? Then don't waste my time responding.
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    doomkookiesdoomkookies Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I will remain better than you
    Cya nerd!
    Also, get Diamond I and GS of 14k first before talking.
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    zerokunoichi7zerokunoichi7 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I seriously doubt that everyone you know that put a ticket in has had it resolved within a day. Unless you are talking about cs dumping tickets and sending a mail telling you they didn't want to lose the ticket, so they trashed it, then you are lying. There are repeated threads and posts about this exact thing. I had a ticket in for 16 days, and never got a response, other than the standard bot mail. Other tickets I put in for lost items from mail, ward missing, losing ad in auction, all got trashed by customer service.

    Troll elsewhere, or bring the truth to the conversation. Stop hugging their ba**s.

    It's against forum rules to post anything regarding the Customer support tickets that were sent BUT you already knew that right?
    If not you wouldn't be posting this idiotic response KNOWING that you can't POST about Customer Support relations on the forums.
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    pestilence149pestilence149 Member Posts: 195 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    If you want a good laugh, I'll tell you that I bought level 60 bracers. Doesn't sound like a problem, right? Well here's the kicker: I was in a bid-war over them. They were super-cheap on the bid, so I was going at it. Then, at some point, I clicked the Bid button, a window popped up, asking if I'd like to bid for such and such a cost, and I clicked Yes. Suddenly, the item disappears. I figure maybe the guy put it up with too low a bid and took it down or something. I head over to my mail to collect my outbid amounts, and realize that the game decided that, instead of bidding, I should buy it out - for 999,999 Astral Diamonds! Yay me! XD

    It'd be one thing if I ACCIDENTALLY CLICKED Buy Out, or the confirmation popup was for Buy Out, but no, I clicked bid, and the confirmation was for the bid price. Hah, at least I made someone's day.

    Hah, Going to take your first advice and stop replying to the trolls, I think I am done defending myself, If anyone else wants to post about their customer service horrors go for it, and I seriously feel your pain Doom~ but Id estimate my account to be atleast 5,000,000+ just off the top of my head :(
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    pestilence149pestilence149 Member Posts: 195 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    It's against forum rules to post anything regarding the Customer support tickets that were sent BUT you already knew that right?
    If not you wouldn't be posting this idiotic response KNOWING that you can't POST about Customer Support relations on the forums.

    I am not posting about my EXACT ticket number, this is spoken to Cryptic/PWE (whatever you want to call them) In general to speed up their customer service for PAYING customers who are waiting weeks upon weeks to get nothing but a closed ticket saying re-submit and we are saying WE WANT ACCESS TO THE THINGS WE PAID RL MONEY FOR. Nuff said.

    Edit ; In case anyone else thinks this is against the rules.
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    zerokunoichi7zerokunoichi7 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013


    Oh, right you are the idiot keep on defending the guy that get's his thread closed because he can't listen to a moderator.
    PWE and Cryptic know full well how much of a problem the customer support is causing which is why they have been taking measures to improve it and expand on the support staff.

    There are literally thousands if not tens of thousands of tickets being filed daily and the support staff has and will continue to be expanded until they are able to cope with the number of tickets being submitted. You can read this thread for more details.

    In the mean time I am sorry but there's nothing the forum staff can do except state there's no argument from the company that the response times are slower than they should be. Just please remain patient and they will get back to you.

    These threads are not closed because we don't care or because we refuse to improve the situation. These threads are closed because of the behavior that occurred in this thread. If I could leave these threads open without having nonstop unproductive bickering and insults I would but it simply doesn't happen.
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    andomiindandomiind Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
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    zerokunoichi7zerokunoichi7 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I am not posting about my EXACT ticket number, this is spoken to Cryptic/PWE (whatever you want to call them) In general to speed up their customer service for PAYING customers who are waiting weeks upon weeks to get nothing but a closed ticket saying re-submit and we are saying WE WANT ACCESS TO THE THINGS WE PAID RL MONEY FOR. Nuff said.

    Edit ; In case anyone else thinks this is against the rules.

    Yeah, that's why your other thread got closed down. I mean you just put more work for moderators for your own stupidity. Then you get more idiots to join in on this?
    I hope you get temp banned from the forums constantly spamming the same **** over and over again when it has been answered.
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    jihancritiasjihancritias Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    It's against forum rules to post anything regarding the Customer support tickets that were sent BUT you already knew that right?
    If not you wouldn't be posting this idiotic response KNOWING that you can't POST about Customer Support relations on the forums.

    There you go. Don't respond to what I said, besides calling it idiotic, which is a standard response when you have no argument at all.

    I guess, if they want to delete my post, they can take it down any time they want. Mine, and the tons of other posts complaining about it.

    And, posting actual mails from cs is against the rules. I doubt talking about sent tickets that have since been deleted by them, is against the rules. If so, then these forums would be a lot smaller.

    Try again chump. Like I said, troll elsewhere, or stop lying.
    TL : DR? Then don't waste my time responding.
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    pestilence149pestilence149 Member Posts: 195 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Standard practice for MMOs these days to ban your account when you do a chargeback or file a dispute with PayPal. It sucks, but it's their right to do so. So either you bite the bullet and just play without disputing charges, or do the dispute to get a refund (if you're lucky) and jet. Getting money back from Visa, MC, etc. is easier than PayPal for online purchases.

    I understand it is "Standard Practice" once money has been revoked, I have not yet revoked any form of money, but I was stating that it is our right to do so when there is nobody to contact within their company. I already contacted Visa and I will have no problem getting the money back, but like I told Visa I am more invested in the hours already spent, back on topic though I was not saying that they do not have a right to once funds are withdrawn, but what about when MY funds have been withdrawn and I am unable to access them, they expect me to jump through hoops for 14+ days. So far I dont know what I will choose, but within a week it will definitely be either A , B or hopefully C ) Return to my old Account.
    Foundry Missions ;
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    Any feedback and suggestions are welcome please enjoy!
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    zerokunoichi7zerokunoichi7 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    There you go. Don't respond to what I said, besides calling it idiotic, which is a standard response when you have no argument at all.

    I guess, if they want to delete my post, they can take it down any time they want. Mine, and the tons of other posts complaining about it.

    And, posting actual mails from cs is against the rules. I doubt talking about sent tickets that have since been deleted by them, is against the rules. If so, then these forums would be a lot smaller.

    Try again chump. Like I said, troll elsewhere, or stop lying.

    So how do you think anyone is going to argue your idiotic question when no one can provide proof to you because it's against the rules?
    No one can so every time someone says that they got their ticket answered you go "RAGE! NO THEY DONT RAGE RAGE".
    Again, you never had an argument. Again, idiotic.
    or stop lying.

    Yep, that proves my point that was stated above. It's boring to throw out an argument that can't be disproved. Try again troll.
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    jihancritiasjihancritias Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    "These threads are not closed because we don't care or because we refuse to improve the situation. These threads are closed because of the behavior that occurred in this thread. If I could leave these threads open without having nonstop unproductive bickering and insults I would but it simply doesn't happen. "

    You posted this from ambisinisterr why? I mean, this last paragraph is why the threads are closed. Yet, in your first post in this thread, you respond to pestilence with "Dear Diary, I am bad at life".

    That's the only thing you need to say and apparently you have some sort of obsession with this game. "

    Seriously? Are you daft? Read doomkookies post. Follow the link. Drink it in. Learn something.
    TL : DR? Then don't waste my time responding.
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    pestilence149pestilence149 Member Posts: 195 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    There you go. Don't respond to what I said, besides calling it idiotic, which is a standard response when you have no argument at all.

    I guess, if they want to delete my post, they can take it down any time they want. Mine, and the tons of other posts complaining about it.

    And, posting actual mails from cs is against the rules. I doubt talking about sent tickets that have since been deleted by them, is against the rules. If so, then these forums would be a lot smaller.

    Try again chump. Like I said, troll elsewhere, or stop lying.

    Not everybody is blind thank god, the only reason they were closing down my other threads a mod said was due to "non-stop insulting and bickering" so I am just trying to express my view and a many others as shown within this very thread, read about people losing AD or missing items, its not just myself.
    Foundry Missions ;
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    Any feedback and suggestions are welcome please enjoy!
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    pestilence149pestilence149 Member Posts: 195 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    "These threads are not closed because we don't care or because we refuse to improve the situation. These threads are closed because of the behavior that occurred in this thread. If I could leave these threads open without having nonstop unproductive bickering and insults I would but it simply doesn't happen. "

    You posted this from ambisinisterr why? I mean, this last paragraph is why the threads are closed. Yet, in your first post in this thread, you respond to pestilence with "Dear Diary, I am bad at life".

    That's the only thing you need to say and apparently you have some sort of obsession with this game. "

    Seriously? Are you daft? Read doomkookies post. Follow the link. Drink it in. Learn something.

    Oh my god, its about time the people with common sense started logging onto the forums.
    Foundry Missions ;
    By ; @pestilence149
    Gladiators of Dhara (Easy) & (Hard)
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    Any feedback and suggestions are welcome please enjoy!
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    zerokunoichi7zerokunoichi7 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    "These threads are not closed because we don't care or because we refuse to improve the situation. These threads are closed because of the behavior that occurred in this thread. If I could leave these threads open without having nonstop unproductive bickering and insults I would but it simply doesn't happen. "

    You posted this from ambisinisterr why? I mean, this last paragraph is why the threads are closed. Yet, in your first post in this thread, you respond to pestilence with "Dear Diary, I am bad at life".

    That's the only thing you need to say and apparently you have some sort of obsession with this game. "

    Seriously? Are you daft? Read doomkookies post. Follow the link. Drink it in. Learn something.

    Remain Patient BRO do you not read what ambisinisterr said and only go being selective?
    Maybe YOU should go learn something idiot! lmao
    You obviously don't get the point that this individual keeps posting about the same **** over and over again and isn't being "patient".
    What's the point in making 5 threads about the same topic? I bet you can't answer that.
    If you can on the off chance please don't enlighten me but the OP about it.

    Oh thank god! We have more idiots only reading what they want to read logging on tonight.
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    pestilence149pestilence149 Member Posts: 195 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    andomiind wrote: »

    Hah, this baby really resembles your forum avatar, I feel really sorry for your wife when you have babies Troll.
    Foundry Missions ;
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    Any feedback and suggestions are welcome please enjoy!
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    jihancritiasjihancritias Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    So how do you think anyone is going to argue your idiotic question when no one can provide proof to you because it's against the rules?
    No one can so every time someone says that they got their ticket answered you go "RAGE! NO THEY DONT RAGE RAGE".
    Again, you never had an argument. Again, idiotic.

    You started posting <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> as soon as your first post. You call the guy a nerd, saying you exercise, and have "awesome, healthy groceries", on another.

    The proof is that tickets have been waiting up to 20 days, for one issue. Some people have been banned for nothing. Wake up kid. You have a brain right? Try exercising that for a change.
    TL : DR? Then don't waste my time responding.
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    pestilence149pestilence149 Member Posts: 195 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    remain patient bro do you not read what ambisinisterr said and only go being selective?
    Maybe you should go learn something idiot! Lmao
    you obviously don't get the point that this individual keeps posting about the same **** over and over again and isn't being "patient".
    What's the point in making 5 threads about the same topic? I bet you can't answer that.
    If you can on the off chance please don't enlighten me but the op about it.

    Because they keep getting closed because people like you who havent even spent a dime are bickering little trolls that get the thread closed.
    Foundry Missions ;
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    Any feedback and suggestions are welcome please enjoy!
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    zerokunoichi7zerokunoichi7 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    You started posting <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> as soon as your first post. You call the guy a nerd, saying you exercise, and have "awesome, healthy groceries", on another.

    The proof is that tickets have been waiting up to 20 days, for one issue. Some people have been banned for nothing. Wake up kid. You have a brain right? Try exercising that for a change.

    Try being patient kid as the mods have said. Ohhhhhhhh try coming back from that kid.
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    zerokunoichi7zerokunoichi7 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Because they keep getting closed because people like you who havent even spent a dime are bickering little trolls that get the thread closed.

    Oh maybe you should just WAIT instead of posting threads over and over again as NOTHING you do or say will speed anything up.
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    andomiindandomiind Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Hah, this baby really resembles your forum avatar, I feel really sorry for your wife when you have babies Troll.

    Was meant as a tension breaker, sadly you could not grasp the irony and comedy.
    Would suggest to talk to someone about your personal issues, this is not working for you,
    it is destructive, and you already know that. And I do forgive you. have a great day !
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    pestilence149pestilence149 Member Posts: 195 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Try being patient kid as the mods have said. Ohhhhhhhh try coming back from that kid.

    Try being patient for 20~ Days guys, no big deal... Says that man who has NOT spent a single dollar. LoL done even reading your posts, I really wish there was a forum /ignore for you people, not to mention the constant profanity you have been using I hope you get the ban hammer yourself and THEN have to lodge your own complaint ;)
    Foundry Missions ;
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    Any feedback and suggestions are welcome please enjoy!
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    jihancritiasjihancritias Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Remain Patient BRO do you not read what ambisinisterr said and only go being selective?
    Maybe YOU should go learn something idiot! lmao
    You obviously don't get the point that this individual keeps posting about the same **** over and over again and isn't being "patient".
    What's the point in making 5 threads about the same topic? I bet you can't answer that.
    If you can on the off chance please don't enlighten me but the OP about it.

    The point of making the same thread about the same topic is one you pointed out yourself, in what I posted. " If I could leave these threads open without having nonstop unproductive bickering and insults I would but it simply doesn't happen. " Now, I quoted that because it related to what you said. The rest of the admin's post didn't correlate to what I posted, so I didn't quote the whole thing. It serves to shorten the post (so tl:dr won't make it in because it's so difficult to NOT respond when you didn't read a post), and that IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT I WROTE.

    Don't respond to a thread, when you have nothing whatsoever productive to say.

    There. You have been enlightened.
    TL : DR? Then don't waste my time responding.
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    elessymelessym Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Because they keep getting closed because people like you who havent even spent a dime are bickering little trolls that get the thread closed.

    Why don't you just put him on ignore? All you're doing is fanning the flames and ensuring your thread gets locked.
    "Participation in PVP-related activities is so low on an hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly basis that we could in fact just completely take it out of STO and it would not impact the overall number of people [who] log in to the game and play in any significant way." -Gozer, Cryptic PvP Dev
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    pestilence149pestilence149 Member Posts: 195 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    andomiind wrote: »
    Was meant as a tension breaker, sadly you could not grasp the irony and comedy.
    Would suggest to talk to someone about your issues, this is not working for you,
    it is destructive, and you already know that. Have a great day

    It was definitely not a tension breaker, the amount of time myself and others have spent waiting is no longer taken lightly, your BABY picture was not taken as comedic. Also, if it was destructive things in the room would probably be broken, but try again hope you have a great day yourself ;)
    Foundry Missions ;
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    Any feedback and suggestions are welcome please enjoy!
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    pestilence149pestilence149 Member Posts: 195 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    elessym wrote: »
    Why don't you just put him on ignore? All you're doing is fanning the flames and ensuring your thread gets locked.

    Already did, /ignored his stupidity from my eyes. Thanks for the suggestion.

    Edit ; Is there seriously an ignore feature?
    Foundry Missions ;
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    zerokunoichi7zerokunoichi7 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The point of making the same thread about the same topic is one you pointed out yourself, in what I posted. " If I could leave these threads open without having nonstop unproductive bickering and insults I would but it simply doesn't happen. " Now, I quoted that because it related to what you said. The rest of the admin's post didn't correlate to what I posted, so I didn't quote the whole thing. It serves to shorten the post (so tl:dr won't make it in because it's so difficult to NOT respond when you didn't read a post), and that IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT I WROTE.

    Don't respond to a thread, when you have nothing whatsoever productive to say.

    There. You have been enlightened.

    Just in-case you missed it again because you seem to still not get the point. Also, from all the threads 1 was locked which again you fail to research on your own as you are being selective. Maybe, stop being ignorant for once and own up for being wrong.
    Again, try again kid.
    PWE and Cryptic know full well how much of a problem the customer support is causing which is why they have been taking measures to improve it and expand on the support staff.

    There are literally thousands if not tens of thousands of tickets being filed daily and the support staff has and will continue to be expanded until they are able to cope with the number of tickets being submitted. You can read this thread for more details.

    In the mean time I am sorry but there's nothing the forum staff can do except state there's no argument from the company that the response times are slower than they should be. Just please remain patient and they will get back to you.

    These threads are not closed because we don't care or because we refuse to improve the situation. These threads are closed because of the behavior that occurred in this thread. If I could leave these threads open without having nonstop unproductive bickering and insults I would but it simply doesn't happen.
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    elessymelessym Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Already did, /ignored his stupidity from my eyes. Thanks for the suggestion.

    Edit ; Is there seriously an ignore feature?

    There is. It's annoyingly well hidden. Under the banner ad at top, select User CP, then on the left, Edit Ignore List. You'll need to type in the username of the person you want to ignore.
    "Participation in PVP-related activities is so low on an hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly basis that we could in fact just completely take it out of STO and it would not impact the overall number of people [who] log in to the game and play in any significant way." -Gozer, Cryptic PvP Dev
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    pestilence149pestilence149 Member Posts: 195 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    elessym wrote: »
    There is. It's annoyingly well hidden. Under the banner ad at top, select User CP, then on the left, Edit Ignore List. You'll need to type in the username of the person you want to ignore.

    You sir, are a god.
    Foundry Missions ;
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    Any feedback and suggestions are welcome please enjoy!
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    zerokunoichi7zerokunoichi7 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    elessym wrote: »
    There is. It's annoyingly well hidden. Under the banner ad at top, select User CP, then on the left, Edit Ignore List. You'll need to type in the username of the person you want to ignore.

    Which there is always a work around on that one as well since you already know the nature of the beast.
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