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Things that players think are either missing, flawed or detrimental to good gameplay.

flatgonzoflatgonzo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
edited June 2013 in General Discussion (PC)

Hi. I wanted to make a thread about people's grievances and ideas about the game just so that one exists. This started out as a list of things lacking, but I decided it would be easier to read if it was rewritten from scratch. That way you don't have to go through many pages of posts. I've left the names of the contributors (or at least tried to). Some posts have been added as they were, some linked to and some quoted.

My hope is that this will contribute to helping the developers stay in touch with the players. Maybe we can do some good for the game by making it known what we think is wrong.

Last updated: Fri Jun 14 16:52:04 2013 EET

The things players would like to see improved or fixed:

(from several people, in no particular order, and unfortunately for your eyes, not organized either)

- When looking at an item in a store / auction, it could show how many of that item you have in your inventory in the tooltip.

- When selling multiple items, the length always defaults back to 5 days. It would be nice if your auction house selections saved.

- An option to display only auctions with a buyout would be useful. You tend to outlevel anything with a 5 day bid.

- When you click anything on an item's rightclick menu while the bank window is open, the item is transferred to the bank.

- NPCs keep repeating their lines once every 5 seconds if you stand near them. A longer period, or a wider variety of dialogue would immensely help immersion. Not to mention nerves. <FIXED>

- There is no real PvP gear below 60. It would be great to have at least some items, perhaps even low level sets, like the seals give stuff as soon as you can start doing dungeons. Gruntpyre says: Lowbie PvP sets for each bracket as in 10-19, 20-29 and so forth, purchasable with glory.

- Moving bags with something in them would also make life just a little easier. Seeing how little space we have in the game as it is, if we do not buy bags with ZEN. Now they need to be empty to be able to be moved and frankly, there is not always space.

One time we failed a final dungeon boss several times, then a few people just left and one disconnected. There is NO WAY to bring in help from anywhere. You can't invite others into party if someone loses link, can't look for replacement anywhere. I realize a full blown LFG system may not be ideal, but some way to overcome this would be great.

- The level filter doesn't seem to work in the auction house. Put in level A to level B and you still get stuff from 1-60.

- Potions picked up should stack with the same ones in your backpack instead of dropping into an open quick bar slot,

- Compare popup for rings should show both currently equipped rings instead of just one.

- Moving should not close quest window when someone is trying to share a quest with you,

- Something that came up many times is that there should be alternative ways to move items into the bank rather than dragging each one manually. Sometimes there are so many. Like double clicking, a special keybind or such. And items should automatically stack when moved to another container.

- Should be able to move items from one guild bank repository to another without having to move them to your inventory and back to the repository you want to move them to.

- Please allow fusing of enchantments/runestones while they are in the bank.

-Please please please make the player auto dismount when near a vendor, Auctioneer or a Mail courier, it so annoying when you have thirty mounts blocking them and collision decides it wants to work.

- NPCs need to be more alive and interactive. Currently they only repeat one or two lines of dialogue and conversations are non-existent with all but quest givers. I know it's a lot of work, but several games have complex dialogue and it would really fit into the spirit of the game if NPCs had stories and things to say.

- A separate column for quest items and bounty (like crafting, companions, etc.) would be awesome, considering the tiny amount of bag space available.

-An option to hide the Neverwinter logo when we are in inspect mode would help some of us make Machinimas and game movies.

- There is no reason that we should be auto dismounted when traveling from one zone to another.

- PVP queue bug, people don't get teleported in. Most of the time its a sureshot victory because the replacements get ported out of the game too. (has happened to me, joined a team only to be teleported out with a message saying I'll be teleported out of map after 5 seconds)

- Feels like this game really really needs some kind of LFG system. If not a full blown one like other MMOs, but one where, once you form a group you can stay together.

- Votekick for parties.

- Eventually, more PvP maps. I think that the PvP in this game has huge potential because of the combat being so much fun. I know it's DnD PVE game primarily, but you're onto something here.

- Possibility of having 2 or more builds to switch between, like for PvP or PvE, dungeon running or soloing, and so forth.

- Allow people to make PvP zones and modes in the Foundry. The potential is there to bypass every other MMO in the PvP department since the combat is great and there is a level building tool included. And as said before, PvP rewards on earlier levels would be a great extra incentive to play PvP.

- Being able to run/ stop running while in inventory or any of the other menus. Also being able to turn as well.

- Many companies and games have proved that community created content can make a mediocre game incredible. That said, improving the Foundry should be important. Original post about this can be found here.

- There is no armour preview button, except the one you see when you want to change the appearance of an armor/weapon you already have. It would seem the mechanic already exists, please expand it to being able to preview items from links and vendor listings.

- Be able to make marks on the minimap / map which your entire party can see. (right now only you can see any marks you make on the map). Sometimes becomes easy to tell people, "Listen, come to this point on the map."

- One free teleport every hour, or even every day would be great. 4k AD is way too high a price for a simple teleport back to town.

We need an option to log out to the Character Selection Screen so that we don't have to input our user name and password everytime we wish to switch characters. Why doesn't my user name stay at least? I get a bunch of random characters that i have to delete then input my user name again.... Maybe this is for security. If so I suppose I can understand.

- We need a "Roll Need on Class Only" option for parties. Folks should only be able to roll Need if they are able to use the item on that particular character. <FIXED>

- Removing Enchantments costs way too much AD. It's absurd, and it can break a persons finances if they want to keep their enchantments. I believe this needs to be lowered by 80%, or there needs to be another alternative.

- Auto stacking of items bound vs unbound, give us a toggle to make consumables bound to us so we may stack them.

- Give us the option to consolidate inventory, make all space one "bag" so that it can be sorted without sorting 4 different bags. Weight on the the word 'option' here.

- Mount inventory tab so we can keep multiple mounts like companions have.

- When Queueing with a 5 man pre-made party for a dungeon or skirmish, it should be instantaneous.

- A separate tab for enchantments and runestones, like the tabs existing for crafting and currency.

- The ability to hold tons of agro on GF's and a lesser, but reasonable, amount of agro on GWF's.

- The healing agro on DC's needs to be lowered a bit. Especially if the character has traits in hate reduction. DPS clerics should suffer agro similar to a dps class.

- Companions should be just as tough and productive per their level. One of the saddest things I've seen is how the panther got zero love. I can go on about companions but you get the picture!

- There should be zero Glory points awarded if the player did not participate in the fight. This could be monitored by damage given and points made. Healing for clerics should also be noted and factored in for the Glory points award, at the end of the match.

- Can we please not have to pay to remove an enchantment from our equipment?! Please??

- Better handling of mail, especially auction house mail. Select multiple mails to do an action on, like 'get items', 'delete', etc. Cash on delivery option.

- "Identify all" - function or item

- The AFK in pvp removal system sucks. It kicks anyone even if their game crashes or they get disconnected. It should probably allow some leniency to people who get disconnected/crash. The worst part is not logging in to find you're getting auto-kicked after 5 seconds. Its that until that match ends, you won't get ported into any other PVP matches either. And the team will be one player short for the rest of the match.

- The 600ZEN price for talent reset is extremely high. New player often don't know what kind of build to make, where to spend their points etc. It costs them some 6 dollars to undo their early mistakes. This is incomprehensible to many. The price should either be lowered, the first few times should be free or payable for with gold. The point system ensures that nobody gets to try all their rank 3 skills on their way to level 60, so a 600 ZEN respec is required to see the full potential of your class. That's a bit harsh. <Reduced in recent patch to 300ZEN>

- The ability to deconstruct items for base materials.

- Fix scaling issues in both HUD rearrangement and minimap (this post)

- 1 vs. 1 dueling system

- Mailboxes / mailmen in more towns

- Most have been mentioned, but this gentleman had some ideas. We can already create channels and there is a list of them on the Wiki here.

- "Fusing" potions like enchantments and runestones

- Quoting seekeroftech: "Level matching of teammates (as per Star Trek online where you can choose to match the level of the team leader or mission holder). I'd love to team with my lower level friends without having to keep a character back at their level."

- An option to disable enchantment visuals on items.

- Free zooming camera and other good points in this post.

- Remove possibility for ninja bidding as explained here.

- One person's issues here. Easier to link than to make this list any longer.

- It's possible to trade AD and ZEN, the possibility to add GOLD to that mix would be great. Also the option to use gold for respecs and some other AD/ZEN-only actions. Currently gold is the most useless of the currencies.

- The game needs a dice roll emote

- There used to be a request for AD transfer between characters here, but since it is already possible, I will explain how. You can set up a sale in the AD to ZEN auction, then cancel the auction. You can then withdraw the AD you put up for sale with any character from the same auction menu. This is not an exploit, as it has been explained by the game staff as well. Thanks to dirtyhook for reminding about this. Some more from him:

- Repeat task in the professions tab. So many clicks to gather materials.

- Be able to cancel a profession task though the gateway.

- Be able to see how many bids an item has in the auction house (not just on your own).

- Be able to sort by buyout or bid amount in game like you can through the gateway.

- More sort options in general for auction house both in game and in gateway.

- Quoting armenua: "
I would like to see the World Map be more interactive. We should be able to zoom out to see areas we have come from and we should have a clear marking of the areas we are in and a standard marking (a red diamond, perhaps) as to how to find the way out of there back to Protector's Enclave. Opening your map in this game is basically useless if you aren't looking for something in your immediate area."

- Quoting shybarbie: "Please fix: The awkward standing/sitting pose of female wizard. Thanks."

- Unbinding companions doesn't work. More specifically, it appears to work but when the dialogue for paying the AD appears, nothing happens. Since I have never seen this happen, read these posts.

- Some more points by isopoint here.

Also check out this post for embracemysword's opinions.

- Gruntpyre has some ideas about PvP and other game mechanics here.

And a post I missed by screamingpalm which I happen to agree with. Foundry has potential:

"Improving the Foundry is what would make this game great. I could care less about the in game economy and other petty and shallow systems- they would not make the game fun. NWN proved that community made content can make a mediocre game incredible. That game achieved greatness because of the community, not BioWare... some would even say DESPITE the devs' design."

- Expanding the tools, adding more monster types in both costumes and encounters

- Ability to search UGC by tags

- Incentive for players to play longer/shorter quests such as a currency system

- A better review system

And I cannot over-emphasize how much support there is for the Foundry being able to be used for creating PvP content.

Also more utility for GF and GWF are needed, they are often not wanted in dungeon parties at all.
Read this for an explanation.
<Addressed in the recent patch, we shall see how it goes>

- - - - - - - - -

I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this list. Please keep replying to the thread and I will add your ideas and/or complaints to this post. Credit for the ideas goes to solmyr14, stormdrag0n, dndjes, stormysg, leshil40, ruatcaleum, myself, loclgod13, isopoint, embracemysword, titanforce1, gruntpyre, screamingpalm, holt3, abradax, visinji, tarmalen, vietfoodcoma, blaumker, poysonivy, seekeroftech, maniacbear, arshmetal47, in7shadows7, wcrispy, noniuss, dadkkmalleksmm, nepht, dirtyhook, armenua, shybarbie, kittykaboomboom, riverfront and the many people who complained about the pay-to-win implementation. If I forgot you, give me a message and I will rectify the situation.

It has become a little confusing to edit this list, so if you see duplicate entries, please inform me. I do my best to keep them out but my brain doesn't always work at 100%. Thanks for reading and I hope this does some good some day.

I would like to mention a post by bishop2c3. It goes like this:

It would be nice to have a comprehensive list of requested changes, like shown on this post, then give feedback on the game's intent or progress with each. Guildlaunch has a nifty system where they have a user-developed list, which the admins assign Under Review, Planned, Started, Complete (Removed from list), or Denied. Players and admins have a running dialogue on each threads. Another nice attribute is the ability for players to assign a fixed number of votes to each feature request. I think each player gets 10 votes. Once assigned, they don't get their votes back until the feature is denied or implemented. This gives the developers a nice list of priorities. I think something like that would give more relevant feedback than sifting through forum flames."

He is correct, this list will fast become unreadable and contain questionable things. If the community feels we should use another system, I am all for it. Make your opinion known.
Server: Mindflayer
Vicorin, Half-Orc Great Weapon Fighter
Raan Ilmatar, Wood Elf Control Wizard

Post edited by flatgonzo on


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    stormysgstormysg Member Posts: 93
    edited May 2013
    PVP queue bug, people don't get teleported in. Most of the time its a sureshot victory because the replacements get ported out of the game too. (has happened to me, joined a team only to be teleported out with a message saying I'll be teleported out of map after 5 seconds)

    Having the queue system pop up or some sort of notification that the queue button has appeared when talking to an NPC.
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    flatgonzoflatgonzo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Feels like this game really really needs some kind of LFG system. If not a full blown one like other MMOs, but one where, once you form a group you can stay together. Please, devs, take notice of this thread. Or maybe even sticky it.
    Server: Mindflayer
    Vicorin, Half-Orc Great Weapon Fighter
    Raan Ilmatar, Wood Elf Control Wizard

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    stormysgstormysg Member Posts: 93
    edited May 2013

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    flatgonzoflatgonzo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I know I should be editing my last posts, but I will post ideas and stuff people tell me in a new post anyways. About the 600ZEN talent reset. Many people seem to think it should be free until they have some idea of what they are doing. Like perhaps the first one or two were free, then 600ZEN. Of course the price could be less too, 6 dollars is a BIT cheap to reset skills.
    Server: Mindflayer
    Vicorin, Half-Orc Great Weapon Fighter
    Raan Ilmatar, Wood Elf Control Wizard

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    leshil40leshil40 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 157 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Votekick for parties. PvP arena bug whereby people do not get ported into the zone and it screws everyone else. Class Balance. GF needs to be worth taking in a dungeon, instead of "Look for 2 clerics screw the GF they suck in dungeons"

    Also, more PvP maps. I think that the PvP in this game has huge potential because of the combat being so much fun. I know it's DnD PVE game primarily, but you're onto something here. Open up Foundry to also include creating PvP maps and get a ranking system with rewards up and running asap. Hell, you could get a full blow PvP side game going with this and outdo GW2 on their arena since they screwed the pooch and waited too long. This game has better combat.

    Finally, make it easier to transfer AD from one toon to another on the same account. You will make more money in the long run if you make it easier for people to want to create alts.
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    nephtnepht Member Posts: 5,826 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Lack of Kobolds being killed in a hail of arrows.
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    stormysgstormysg Member Posts: 93
    edited May 2013
    Being able to run/ stop running while in inventory or any of the other menus.
    Also being able to turn as well.
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    flatgonzoflatgonzo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    leshil40 wrote: »
    Open up Foundry to also include creating PvP maps and get a ranking system with rewards up and running asap. Hell, you could get a full blow PvP side game going with this and outdo GW2 on their arena since they screwed the pooch and waited too long. This game has better combat


    You blew my mind with that idea. Player-made PvP maps and modes? Oh my.
    Server: Mindflayer
    Vicorin, Half-Orc Great Weapon Fighter
    Raan Ilmatar, Wood Elf Control Wizard

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    ruatcaelumruatcaelum Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hello I just read your opening post and that's exactly what I wanted to create too!
    Good to know you already covered that as I am not allowed to create a thread anyways(as pointed out by dndjes).
    For now I would like to add (1) the option to teleport back to your group in a dungeon if you d/c and relog into the game as it is really annoying to move through the wholeeeeeeeeee dungeon by foot(as mounts are not allowed). For a solution you could either program a "jump to group waypoint" button which only works in the entrance zone so it cannot be exploited or add "waypoints" like Guild Wars 2 did it which only work between fights(speak: you cannot teleport while any group member is in combat). So the player who disconnected could open his or her minimap and just teleport to the group(or maybe even add the other waypoints as well like in Guild Wars 2 but it would be enough to add the waypoint with the furthest progression) and (2) to give "dead" people in bossfights something to do or a chance to get back into combat or both. One could implement a mini game to "win" a respawn in the bossfight or teleport the defeated player to a "graveyard map" to make him or her collect upgrades/buffs for the rest of his team and/or fill up a respawn-meter(like make respawn possible after 10 minutes minus 10 seconds per collected buff item).
    Thanks for reading and have a nice day!
    Fiat justitia ruat caelum. <=> Let justice be done though the heavens fall.
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    stormysgstormysg Member Posts: 93
    edited May 2013
    bump :) /10char
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    erdokanerdokan Member Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    stormysg wrote: »
    PVP queue bug, people don't get teleported in. Most of the time its a sureshot victory because the replacements get ported out of the game too. (has happened to me, joined a team only to be teleported out with a message saying I'll be teleported out of map after 5 seconds)

    Having the queue system pop up or some sort of notification that the queue button has appeared when talking to an NPC.

    This happens when you get kicked from a party and then try to join another party while your previous party is still in the instance. In other words, you need to wait 5-15 mins before trying to join another party since you have to wait for the previous party's game to end. Wait 20 minutes to be sure if the 5 second glitch kicks you @ the start of a pvp game.
    David Valtiere, Lvl 70 TR with perfect Lvl 60 gear which I don't want to replace cause nostalgia yo ;_;
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    stormysgstormysg Member Posts: 93
    edited May 2013
    Probably, but then that's a bug.

    Also come on guys, lets have one thread for all suggestions..
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    flatgonzoflatgonzo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    stormysg wrote: »
    Also come on guys, lets have one thread for all suggestions..

    Is there another thread out there similar to this one, and if so, could you point me to it? I could add the main points from here to there. If not, I could tidy up the original post to be more easily readable and clearer.
    Server: Mindflayer
    Vicorin, Half-Orc Great Weapon Fighter
    Raan Ilmatar, Wood Elf Control Wizard

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    krumple01krumple01 Member Posts: 755 Arc User
    edited May 2013
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    flatgonzoflatgonzo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I wonder, why did someone remove the discussion about being able to transfer AD from one char to another? I was reading it, hit refresh by accident, and both posts talking about it were gone.
    Server: Mindflayer
    Vicorin, Half-Orc Great Weapon Fighter
    Raan Ilmatar, Wood Elf Control Wizard

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    chai23chai23 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    flatgonzo wrote: »

    1. Worst.......crafting.....system......EVER! Tell me something, where is the fun in clicking a button, and waiting 18 hours? And this is at LEVEL 2!! I don't give FFXIV credit for much, but they did do something a little different and tried to make crafting a skill-based mini-game. Please make crafting something more than the usual mindless, time-wasting "click-a-button-and-wait" feature that has been a horrible idea from as far back as EQ1.

    Best crafting system evAr.

    The fun in clicking the button and waiting 18 hours is I actually get to play the game, or do something in real life. Other games make you sit there and click for 18 hours just to level.

    EQ1 didn't have a click and wait feature. It had a "pour a wheel barrel full of gems it took you a week to farm into a smithing stove just to fail crafting the item and lose them all" feature. And this, after sitting in the crafting area clicking thousands of times while inducing the carpal tunnel you are still treating 15 years later, just to get to the level needed to fail creating the item you wanted.
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    flatgonzoflatgonzo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    chai23 wrote: »
    Best crafting system evAr.

    The fun in clicking the button and waiting 18 hours is I actually get to play the game, or do something in real life. Other games make you sit there and click for 18 hours just to level.

    EQ1 didn't have a click and wait feature. It had a "pour a wheel barrel full of gems it took you a week to farm into a smithing stove just to fail crafting the item and lose them all" feature. And this, after sitting in the crafting area clicking thousands of times while inducing the carpal tunnel you are still treating 15 years later, just to get to the level needed to fail creating the item you wanted.

    I rather like the crafting system. It's like you run a side business for crafting and are the foreman. Other ways of getting materials might be nice, but overall it's a refreshing system.
    Server: Mindflayer
    Vicorin, Half-Orc Great Weapon Fighter
    Raan Ilmatar, Wood Elf Control Wizard

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    screamingpalmscreamingpalm Member Posts: 304 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Improving the Foundry is what would make this game great. I could care less about the in game economy and other petty and shallow systems- they would not make the game fun. NWN proved that community made content can make a mediocre game incredible. That game achieved greatness because of the community, not BioWare... some would even say DESPITE the devs' design.

    - Expanding the tools, adding more monster types in both costumes and encounters

    - Ability to search UGC by tags

    - Incentive for players to play longer/shorter quests such as a currency system

    - A better review system

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    pinchyskriipinchyskrii Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm glad someone put together this thread so I don't have to.

    Now you can see most of the steps back in game design these guys had to take to make a game this bad.
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    bigbradfordbigbradford Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The emphasis on the pay 2 win is really disgusting. 1 bank slot, limited inventory bags, $6 respec, 2 max character slots... get real. Don't get me wrong I enjoy some aspects of the game but being restricted to the very basics will eventually push me away from this game.

    PoE has been very successful under the F2P micro transactions game style, why can't PWE do the same? Get rid of this P2W garbage.
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    flatgonzoflatgonzo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I've been trying to look for an armour preview button but it's not there. You can look at an item once you have it with 'change appearance' but you can't (apparently) look at one in a shop, or elsewhere. That would be an essential feature IMHO to have.

    But then, I might have just missed it with my 15 minutes of looking through keybinds and googling. Do tell me if there is one.
    The emphasis on the pay 2 win is really disgusting. 1 bank slot, limited inventory bags, $6 respec, 2 max character slots... get real. Don't get me wrong I enjoy some aspects of the game but being restricted to the very basics will eventually push me away from this game.

    PoE has been very successful under the F2P micro transactions game style, why can't PWE do the same? Get rid of this P2W garbage.

    I agree that the prices are WAY too high. Otherwise I don't mind the system, since it replaces a sub. Now given a choice, I would rather pay a sub and have no pay to win stuff. But if it has to be this way, some of the things you need to buy should be reasonably priced. Like character slots, skill resets and so forth.
    Server: Mindflayer
    Vicorin, Half-Orc Great Weapon Fighter
    Raan Ilmatar, Wood Elf Control Wizard

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    wednesdaywoe13wednesdaywoe13 Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    chai23 wrote: »
    Best crafting system evAr.

    The fun in clicking the button and waiting 18 hours is I actually get to play the game, or do something in real life. Other games make you sit there and click for 18 hours just to level

    Actually, your response suggests it's a terrible system. You perceive crafting as "not part of the game", something that detracts from the game experience. That would be antithesis of good game design.

    It's true that other games make crafting a tiresome, brainless grind, while others make it a brainless, non-engaging activity. This game happens to be the latter. Almost all games, however, make the mistake of treating crafting as some auxiliary game system; perfunctory, bland and accessible to everyone because "the real game" is considered to be killing stuff and looting. Very few games attempt the far more interesting approach of treating crafting (and selling) as a fulfilling game itself. In those games, crafting and player-run economies are involved and dynamic, and becoming a crafter has rewards that are different than maxing out your level and running dungeons over and over.
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    flatgonzoflatgonzo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Rewrote the first post for easier reading and included ideas that had been posted throughout the thread. Keep posting your grievances or ideas and I will add them when I have the time. And thanks to everyone for contributing.
    Server: Mindflayer
    Vicorin, Half-Orc Great Weapon Fighter
    Raan Ilmatar, Wood Elf Control Wizard

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    stormysgstormysg Member Posts: 93
    edited May 2013
    flatgonzo wrote: »
    Is there another thread out there similar to this one, and if so, could you point me to it? I could add the main points from here to there. If not, I could tidy up the original post to be more easily readable and clearer.

    Nope, sorry. I meant let us make this thread the one for all suggestions!

    Also a seperate bag for quest items would be nice.
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    ianiisianiis Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I would like an option to turn off rendering of other players' companions. Doesn't seem we can interact with them so I have no need to see them. Would also make things easier on my five year old processor for the time being.
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    panderuspanderus Member, NW_CrypticDev, Cryptic Developer Posts: 1,007 Cryptic Developer
    edited May 2013
    There are a number of these that we are addressing in the content patch Andy was talking about, though not always address as suggested. Not going to get detailed here as not not spoil the surprise of delicious patch notes.
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    kevinf08kevinf08 Member Posts: 432 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    panderus wrote: »
    There are a number of these that we are addressing in the content patch Andy was talking about, though not always address as suggested. Not going to get detailed here as not not spoil the surprise of delicious patch notes.

    Leak please?

    (I'll give you cookies)
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    steppenkatsteppenkat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Actually, your response suggests it's a terrible system. You perceive crafting as "not part of the game", something that detracts from the game experience. That would be antithesis of good game design.

    It's true that other games make crafting a tiresome, brainless grind, while others make it a brainless, non-engaging activity. This game happens to be the latter. Almost all games, however, make the mistake of treating crafting as some auxiliary game system; perfunctory, bland and accessible to everyone because "the real game" is considered to be killing stuff and looting. Very few games attempt the far more interesting approach of treating crafting (and selling) as a fulfilling game itself. In those games, crafting and player-run economies are involved and dynamic, and becoming a crafter has rewards that are different than maxing out your level and running dungeons over and over.

    Name one, please. I'd love to know more about this perfect crafting system of yours.
    - Titania Silverblade, the Iron Rose of Myth Drannor (Lvl 60 GWF, Destroyer)
    - Gwyneth, the Cowardly Cat Burglar Drowling (Lvl 60 TR, Saboteur)
    - Lady Rowanne Firehair, Heartwarder of Sune (Lvl 33 DC)
    - Satella, Sensate (LvL 44 CW, Renegade, Non-Active)

    Check Steppenkat's Foundry Quest Reviews!
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    bishop2c3bishop2c3 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Rogue Daggers. On the character menu, when you use the off-hand dropdown menu to equip a dagger from your inventory, it swaps the inventory dagger with your main-hand.

    I think this was just a by-product of poor coding when developers tried to make the double-click feature from the inventory more intuitive, placing the second one clicked, sent to the off-hand.
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    loclgod13loclgod13 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Being able to zoom in and out would be nice. Different styles of gear would be appealing. I hate seeing everyone else look like just like me.16 pages of the exact same item on auctioneer is an eye sore. Not much diversity when it comes to gear.
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