Wow good call, guys! I can't believe we actually reached the 100th page. This is so awesome. I wonder who'll get the 1000th reply tho. XD They deserve an award like an avatar or a sig or something but IDK how to do those sort of stuff.
LOL. Still, gotta say that this thread is only alive because of its supporters. Can't thank everyone enough for each and every one of the valuable contributions!
Did any of u made all epic dungeons solo? exept MC and VT ofc
I only tried karrundax, DK and i can say that was good experience since only karru 1st boss was sit and die type.
And so i will try other dungeons too since noone will take me for cn or vt if gwf is online so i might as well have some solo fun.
cletusmcgregorMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited March 2014
How do you do solos? I tried to get with my friends but when they leave, another people enter de dungeons and I can't kick them.
Hmm the best method i think is to enter with ur friends alts and after u get in they can just relog to their main chars to do what they must.
With this u have 4 offline alts in ur party and unless u kick them they wont go anywhere. I ran CN like that but some just wanted free rings of my work xd.
Hey Tod~, I wanted to ask you about gear progression after the Tenacity update. I'm using variation of your alternate build and I'm planning on using Scavenger set after I hit lvl 60. But then what? Should I aim into Skulker set before progressing to Profound one? And what about weapons and accessories froim your post, are they optimal at the moment? Or, is there still room for improvement?
Many thanks for considering my request.
pers3phoneBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited March 2014
**** I wanted to ninja the 1000th post but I faaaaailed
Did any of u made all epic dungeons solo? exept MC and VT ofc
I only tried karrundax, DK and i can say that was good experience since only karru 1st boss was sit and die type.
And so i will try other dungeons too since noone will take me for cn or vt if gwf is online so i might as well have some solo fun.
I got my fair share of soloed dungeons but I have not tried soloing CN, MC, VT and that evil Dread Vaults. Come join us in the Stealth TR chat. You can ask for people who wants to try tackling dungeons as a full rogue team, since we can no longer solo dungeons without using level 60 alts to become space fillers for parties.
How do you do solos? I tried to get with my friends but when they leave, another people enter de dungeons and I can't kick them.
Please I did this build for the solos.
Hey, Cletusmcgregor! We can't do it easily nowadays because the Queue will direct Q-ing players to dungeon instances which have available party spaces. So what we do nowadays is ask friends to lend us their alts and Q with us using those alts, and then have them switch to another character, leaving their alts in a "disconnected" state. This way we do not get Q-ing players in our dungeon instance.
Hey Tod~, I wanted to ask you about gear progression after the Tenacity update. I'm using variation of your alternate build and I'm planning on using Scavenger set after I hit lvl 60. But then what? Should I aim into Skulker set before progressing to Profound one? And what about weapons and accessories froim your post, are they optimal at the moment? Or, is there still room for improvement?
Many thanks for considering my request.
Hey, x4201. You can refer to my character sheet for the gear I am currently using for the alt. build. I'll be switching my daggers for the Dread Legion set once I feel like farming for it, or I might just wait for Black Ice weapons instead in mod 3. This way I'll be able to make up for the loss in crit from using Profound Skulker.
And yes, you'll want the Battlefield Scavenger set as soon as you hit 60. Once you do, you should work your way towards a Profound armor set immediately. I see it as a waste of time and Seals of Triumph to farm for a Grim Set/Skulker while you can get your Profound set in 2 weeks if you do GG PVP + PVP Victory every day.
I'll try to update the gear section of the guide one of these days. Haven't had the chance to do so lately. But basically the ones you see on the character sheet are safe choices to take. I hope this answers your question.
We can't do it easily nowadays because the Queue will direct Q-ing players to dungeon instances which have available party spaces. So what we do nowadays is ask friends to lend us their alts and Q with us using those alts, and then have them switch to another character, leaving their alts in a "disconnected" state. This way we do not get Q-ing players in our dungeon instance.
Tried this once with my GWF and failed. Failed not because I didn't make it to the end; Failed because my patience didn't make it to the end. I must have been there sticking adds with the big sword for hours. How does a permastealth TR fare in a solo dungeon, anyway? Out of curiosity, is it worth the runtime in loots and rewards?
if i might say so its really easy and the only thing u need is permastealth and some experience.
The first part of soloing by TR is just running past all enemies to next boss and on the way u can have blocked paths like doors.
To open certain doors u need to meet special conditions (doors that are red colored) like "kill guard" so u can open them. Then u just need to either kill all mobs near door to leave combat or pull mobs away and get back so u will be out of combat. Campfires can be used like checkpoints. Then we have boss fights and those i like to name:
boring - sit and watch it die - as the name suggests u just gloam him to death since the boss just stands in awe (example - first CN)
interesting - the boss can see you or partially see you - those are really good fights since u actually need to do something here to win (ex. dragon bosses)
In my personal opinion the best thing about soloing with TR are those interesting boss fights and opening/pulling from doors where u can actually die
todesfaelle - thx might as well meet u all tr profesionals ofc when i get back from work xd
slaaneshihorrorMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 88
edited March 2014
Just have to ask, since I'm currently running this build.
Has anyone switched the Battlefield Skulker with the new PvP sets for PvE?
I know you lose a small number of points to tenacity, but I've found Grim/Profound Executioner armor is far superior since it's release.
It is much easier to supplement Armor Penetration, as opposed to the complete lack of power in the Skulker set.
I'm running nearly all the same stats as Lorne Fellbane, except my power is 2k higher and rising.
Mixed with 2k Lifesteal and I don't even use potions most of the time.
I think if you run with 2 parts Profound 2 parts Something-Else-PvE-equipment, you get the benefit of +463 crit in lieu of Lifesteal...which let's face it, you don't need in PvE as much as other stats.
I think if you run with 2 parts Profound 2 parts Something-Else-PvE-equipment, you get the benefit of +463 crit in lieu of Lifesteal...which let's face it, you don't need in PvE as much as other stats.
If you run it half/half set then you lose out on the main reason to run it (for this build): +Stealth duration from 4 piece set bonus.
The +whatever GS from an additional 2 piece set bonus is not worth the loss of +Stealth duration from the 4 piece set bonus on any of the Stealth sets.
He was asking about trying the tenacity set for PvE.
And I'm replying with a 100% PvE mindset.
Even the Battlefield Scavenger 4 piece set bonus (+20% Stealth duration) makes a radical difference in how well any of the perma-Stealth builds perform in PvE. Without that bonus your timing is far stricter and you will need more Recovery + Int to even make it work.
I sort of understand what Rust is saying tho. I'm pretty sure he meant that a 2/2 set bonus would benefit PVE Executioners such as the ones using Esteena's build. But yeah, if it's this build tho, Profound Set is BiS for us.
Also, if anyone's available to test with me, I'll need a sparring partner in Preview Shard sometime. I think I managed to create a successful CW build that fits in well with the current PVP meta. It maximizes survival and is able to do a consistent stream of damage, but what's more is that I believe I managed to create a build that would be able to go toe to toe against permastealth rogues and mess them up pretty badly. I discovered a lot of neat stuff in the Preview Shard that some people might not be aware of yet, as no one seems to be running such a setup yet.
I really love the idea thus I make a toon with the build exactly as this guide but as I played it through the 40+ it became repetitive or its just me who loves to rambo in and out. It really helped me with the stealth mechanics of the game though... so thanks TS!
slaaneshihorrorMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 88
edited April 2014
I'm not using the Profound Set.
The extra Crit strike is indeed unneeded, as I've discovered.
However, the Grim set in PvE is overly useful.
I have 5k power, 3.5k crit, 2.5k AP, 1.5k recovery, 1k defense, and 2.5k life steal.
I know I took a hit to recovery compared to some of the characters on the front page.
But I honestly don't even need it.
Recycling Bait and Switch, Shadow Strike and Lurker's keeps me in stealth forever.
And I never would have been able to achieve that level of power with my enchantments with the Skulker set.
Yep, Recharge Speed Increase from Recovery is not needed specially since we have BnS/SS + Gloaming Cut to maintain our Stealth, and ITC to correct the rotation for 5 seconds. So INT or Recovery can be pretty much forgone. But they do help, specially in PVP. I like PVP-ing with Lorne Fellbane (recently changed his name to Banelorne Fallbanner).
slaaneshihorrorMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 88
Yep, Recharge Speed Increase from Recovery is not needed specially since we have BnS/SS + Gloaming Cut to maintain our Stealth, and ITC to correct the rotation for 5 seconds. So INT or Recovery can be pretty much forgone. But they do help, specially in PVP. I like PVP-ing with Lorne Fellbane (recently changed his name to Banelorne Fallbanner).
Literally the exact skills I use in game. Though honestly I rarely even have to pop ITC. My recharge speed is just enough that I can recycle BNS and SS over and over, with Lurker for boss fights. And I do slot out some equipment for PvP to supplement recovery. But all in all I have found the Grim set to be substantially better than the Skulker set. Much higher damage output, and I can safely say I haven't used a potion since I reached 60. 2.5k life steal has eliminated any need for them.
Had enjoyable PVP matches with Antheia/Shynarra, Syndul the Slick, Brandon and Balu a while back. Very awesome players from the Stealth TR channel. Let's try that again sometime, guys!
We should most probably extend an invitation to all every TR instead of just Stealth TR's since everyone in there is pretty much a mix of builds and classes. Would be even funner! Now if only we could change the name of our channel.
It's been a nice change in PvP lately.
Teamwork seems to have returned. I love playing with a team that wants to play as a team. I've been in a couple Pug groups that have beat full pre made teams because they had heart and coordination.
Finished my CW build, and it seems that it can also solo dungeons at some point as it is played very defensively but with competitive offensive capabilities. I also tested it against TR's in PVP and I believe I made an effective technique to quickly reveal TR's. I'll try to see how my 10k CW would perform against TR's with higher GS.
Hey todesfaelle I'm a bit of a new player and I was wondering if you could link some videos of your runs just to see how you do things. I know that everyone has a pretty good understanding of how the build works but i'm more of a visual learner haha xP. And would it be possible to achieve permastealth without having 20 points invested in INT or lots of recovery items like Silvery enchantments? I know that Skulker/Profound/Scavenger sets are pretty much required.
Hey, Knygis. I just got my PC upgraded a little so I may be able to do the video one of these days. Been planning to do so for quite some time now.
And as for Permastealth without having 20 points in INT, yes you may definitely achieve permastealth easily with this build, but it will not be as effective as its 20 INT variant for PVP. But the good part is that you are able to use other stats better primarily the offensive ones.
Hey, Tod~. I've got a question about starter PvP set. I acquired Battlefield Scavenger set cause its no brainer choice. I'm bit confused about daggers tho. Scavanger one looks good with HP, ArP and Tenacity on it but lacks Recovery and I will probably fall short on it. I need something cheap or easy to get cause Silverys r7 will burn all my AD. Here's my character sheet if you want to look at it and give me some advice.
Hey, Tod~. I've got a question about starter PvP set. I acquired Battlefield Scavenger set cause its no brainer choice. I'm bit confused about daggers tho. Scavanger one looks good with HP, ArP and Tenacity on it but lacks Recovery and I will probably fall short on it. I need something cheap or easy to get cause Silverys r7 will burn all my AD. Here's my character sheet if you want to look at it and give me some advice.
Hey, x4201. You may want to do some Dread Ring Lairs, particularly the one with the Illusionist boss, to get the set of daggers I'm wearing right now. These daggers have some of the best stat combinations we can get in the game even without a set bonus so I prefer this over any other dagger sets.
LOL. Still, gotta say that this thread is only alive because of its supporters. Can't thank everyone enough for each and every one of the valuable contributions!
I only tried karrundax, DK and i can say that was good experience since only karru 1st boss was sit and die type.
And so i will try other dungeons too since noone will take me for cn or vt if gwf is online
How do you do solos? I tried to get with my friends but when they leave, another people enter de dungeons and I can't kick them.
Please I did this build for the solos.
With this u have 4 offline alts in ur party and unless u kick them they wont go anywhere. I ran CN like that but some just wanted free rings of my work xd.
Many thanks for considering my request.
GG todes for your guide.
This is the 1000th post if we looked at it from the outside, brother.
Thanks, everyone. You guys are the blood of this guide! 101 pages strong so far!
I got my fair share of soloed dungeons but I have not tried soloing CN, MC, VT and that evil Dread Vaults. Come join us in the Stealth TR chat. You can ask for people who wants to try tackling dungeons as a full rogue team, since we can no longer solo dungeons without using level 60 alts to become space fillers for parties.
Hey, Cletusmcgregor! We can't do it easily nowadays because the Queue will direct Q-ing players to dungeon instances which have available party spaces. So what we do nowadays is ask friends to lend us their alts and Q with us using those alts, and then have them switch to another character, leaving their alts in a "disconnected" state. This way we do not get Q-ing players in our dungeon instance.
Hey, x4201. You can refer to my character sheet for the gear I am currently using for the alt. build. I'll be switching my daggers for the Dread Legion set once I feel like farming for it, or I might just wait for Black Ice weapons instead in mod 3. This way I'll be able to make up for the loss in crit from using Profound Skulker.
And yes, you'll want the Battlefield Scavenger set as soon as you hit 60. Once you do, you should work your way towards a Profound armor set immediately. I see it as a waste of time and Seals of Triumph to farm for a Grim Set/Skulker while you can get your Profound set in 2 weeks if you do GG PVP + PVP Victory every day.
I'll try to update the gear section of the guide one of these days. Haven't had the chance to do so lately. But basically the ones you see on the character sheet are safe choices to take. I hope this answers your question.
Tried this once with my GWF and failed. Failed not because I didn't make it to the end; Failed because my patience didn't make it to the end. I must have been there sticking adds with the big sword for hours. How does a permastealth TR fare in a solo dungeon, anyway? Out of curiosity, is it worth the runtime in loots and rewards?
if i might say so its really easy and the only thing u need is permastealth and some experience.
The first part of soloing by TR is just running past all enemies to next boss and on the way u can have blocked paths like doors.
To open certain doors u need to meet special conditions (doors that are red colored) like "kill guard" so u can open them. Then u just need to either kill all mobs near door to leave combat or pull mobs away and get back so u will be out of combat. Campfires can be used like checkpoints. Then we have boss fights and those i like to name:
boring - sit and watch it die - as the name suggests u just gloam him to death since the boss just stands in awe (example - first CN)
interesting - the boss can see you or partially see you - those are really good fights since u actually need to do something here to win (ex. dragon bosses)
In my personal opinion the best thing about soloing with TR are those interesting boss fights and opening/pulling from doors where u can actually die
todesfaelle - thx might as well meet u all tr profesionals ofc when i get back from work xd
Has anyone switched the Battlefield Skulker with the new PvP sets for PvE?
I know you lose a small number of points to tenacity, but I've found Grim/Profound Executioner armor is far superior since it's release.
It is much easier to supplement Armor Penetration, as opposed to the complete lack of power in the Skulker set.
I'm running nearly all the same stats as Lorne Fellbane, except my power is 2k higher and rising.
Mixed with 2k Lifesteal and I don't even use potions most of the time.
The +whatever GS from an additional 2 piece set bonus is not worth the loss of +Stealth duration from the 4 piece set bonus on any of the Stealth sets.
Even the Battlefield Scavenger 4 piece set bonus (+20% Stealth duration) makes a radical difference in how well any of the perma-Stealth builds perform in PvE. Without that bonus your timing is far stricter and you will need more Recovery + Int to even make it work.
It can be the make or break when the rest of your team has died.
Leaving dead question marks everywhere
Also, if anyone's available to test with me, I'll need a sparring partner in Preview Shard sometime. I think I managed to create a successful CW build that fits in well with the current PVP meta. It maximizes survival and is able to do a consistent stream of damage, but what's more is that I believe I managed to create a build that would be able to go toe to toe against permastealth rogues and mess them up pretty badly. I discovered a lot of neat stuff in the Preview Shard that some people might not be aware of yet, as no one seems to be running such a setup yet.
The extra Crit strike is indeed unneeded, as I've discovered.
However, the Grim set in PvE is overly useful.
I have 5k power, 3.5k crit, 2.5k AP, 1.5k recovery, 1k defense, and 2.5k life steal.
I know I took a hit to recovery compared to some of the characters on the front page.
But I honestly don't even need it.
Recycling Bait and Switch, Shadow Strike and Lurker's keeps me in stealth forever.
And I never would have been able to achieve that level of power with my enchantments with the Skulker set.
We should most probably extend an invitation to all every TR instead of just Stealth TR's since everyone in there is pretty much a mix of builds and classes. Would be even funner! Now if only we could change the name of our channel.
Teamwork seems to have returned. I love playing with a team that wants to play as a team. I've been in a couple Pug groups that have beat full pre made teams because they had heart and coordination.
It's just cool to be part of something like that.
Leaving dead question marks everywhere
And as for Permastealth without having 20 points in INT, yes you may definitely achieve permastealth easily with this build, but it will not be as effective as its 20 INT variant for PVP. But the good part is that you are able to use other stats better primarily the offensive ones.
Hey, x4201. You may want to do some Dread Ring Lairs, particularly the one with the Illusionist boss, to get the set of daggers I'm wearing right now. These daggers have some of the best stat combinations we can get in the game even without a set bonus so I prefer this over any other dagger sets.