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MUST READ: Trickshaw's Testing: Why Con is useless & the hidden DPS blastcap.



  • trickshawtrickshaw Member Posts: 497 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    spacejew wrote: »
    I believe power scales differently for different abilities, so really I don't think you can ever afford to ignore it completely.

    This has piqued my curiosity because, quite frankly, I never considered this. I'm going to test it right now. Buying some power items as we speak. I've, up to this point, been assuming that it was just a flat bonus as listed in the tooltips but if anything last nights look into Con and ArP tells me to trust no tooltips in the character sheet until I verify them for myself.

    So now I'm going to test Power to see if it's as bad as I've been making it out to be.
  • talesmithtalesmith Member Posts: 116
    edited May 2013
    Good read! I haven't done much testing on the damage stats, so it's nice to see something so in depht. Will definatly help me make some sense out of this game.
  • heliosesperadaheliosesperada Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Wait wait wait Con interacts with ArP? What? Are you sure? The stat con gives is negative, and reduces resistance ignored....so if it interacted with arp it would be a penalty. I always assumed this was meant to reduce the amount of your armor a enemy could penetrate.

    I'm not so sure arp is so much better than power, can't help but feel you're overstating it's importance a bit. Based on what I've observed the bonus damage from power is going to your base damage which is then modified by all your increases and skills each have their own multiplier for your base damage. The %damage increases from rank up actually increase the base multiplier rather than directly increasing the dmg as far as I can tell which results in ranking up skills producing slightly less damage than expected.So ArP is probably better for low damage skills and at-wills since but power definitely seems to be better for increasing the damage of most encounters and your daily's.

    Stacking deflection is something I considered for PvP for working with the bravery passive and unstoppable's 50% damage mitigation but deflection scaling is so......bad it put me off it. How much would you need to hit say, 35% deflection with bravery?

    Also, if the feat % dmg's are multiplicative then does that mean reaping strike's feat is 25% after the 10% increase to at wills from great weapon focus? as well as any increases from battle fury/come and get it or having a marked target? In your example you listed separate sources modifying different stats but in this case multiple buffs would all affect the same skill. I'm curious whether they add together or multiply each other....If the latter then the reaping strike feat and reaping strike may be far better than people give it credit for being....and I already thought it was pretty ok aside from the fact it's charge time makes it hard to combo with other at will boosting effects. I had a theory about achieving a massive single hit with reaping strike via chaining buffs like this and if you're correct then it could be monstrously powerful.
  • knoteskadknoteskad Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm pretty sure Power just adds to your weapon damage, which each skill has it's own coefficient with. It's still not super fantastic.
  • knoteskadknoteskad Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Also, if the feat % dmg's are multiplicative then does that mean reaping strike's feat is 25% after the 10% increase to at wills from great weapon focus? as well as any increases from battle fury/come and get it or having a marked target? In your example you listed separate sources modifying different stats but in this case multiple buffs would all affect the same skill. I'm curious whether they add together or multiply each other....If the latter then the reaping strike feat and reaping strike may be far better than people give it credit for being....and I already thought it was pretty ok aside from the fact it's charge time makes it hard to combo with other at will boosting effects. I had a theory about achieving a massive single hit with reaping strike via chaining buffs like this and if you're correct then it could be monstrously powerful.

    I'd assume it works like "All Dmg" bonus % in champions online which was on a seperate layer from other things such as bonus dmg %.

    So things like 10% increase from feats and stuff are seperate and multiplicative but might be an All Dmg bonus and stack with other feats that do the same thing. Would probably be easy to test TBH.
  • proqludumproqludum Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 83
    edited May 2013
    Thanks, that was a nice read. I did not expect armorpen to be this useful.
  • sanctumlolsanctumlol Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 382 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    The 2200 ArP cap comes from the 22% DR value 99% of mobs have. Weapon Dmg = Power/25.

    I tested 13.8% ArP from gear + 9% from Dex (GF) = 22.8% and I ignored 92% of the mob's DR%

    I added 1% ArP from gear and now I ignored 93%, which means I need 7% more to reach 22%. 7+15 = 22

    Basically, you're right, dex/con = multiplicative = ****.
  • spacejewspacejew Member Posts: 1,044 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    ArP should just allow you to do more of your base damage through their armor, without it being able to exceed the number on the tooltip without negative numbers being possible.
    MoF/Thaum CW SS/Thaum CW IV/Protector GF SW/Combat HR SM/Destroyer GWF WK/Executioner TR DO/Faithful DC
  • underpaydunderpayd Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Thank you for your hard work and testing. Gonna give this ArP a try
  • neverasherneverasher Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    so does anyone know if t2 mobs have higher defenses since they are actually lvl 65? Seems like most of these tests account for lvl 60-62 mobs.
  • sanctumlolsanctumlol Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 382 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    First, ArP takes a mob to 0% DR maximum (that's a 22% damage increase). Then, Plaguefires take 45% of base defense and gives the damage increase associated with the change in DR% when you take 45% of base defense (This may seem redundant, however, defense isn't linear; 100 defense doesn't always = 1% DR); this happens with infinite plaguefires. The same happens with feats/encounters that reduce defense. Lastly, %DR mitigation reduces last by a flat %.

    Basically, Plaguefires and defense reduction feats/encounters work independently of ArP; only base defense matters. %DR mitigation is independent of everything. You can think of %DR mitigation as % DMG.

    This is how ArP works.
  • bananachefbananachef Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Power also scales with Deep Gash, +2.5% Power in DPS if you have a consistent crit rate. Not entirely negligible in in AOE situations. But itemizing heavily into Power still seems like a bad idea. 2000 additional Power is a flat DPS increase of 50 per target. Haven't used third party tools to track my own dps so I'm not sure how that fares relative total dps.

    That aside...
    Weapon Damage = Power/25 looks pretty good based on tooltip values
    With 2000 Power, 769-941 WD my IBS does ~3970-4690
    With 2000 Power, 752-919 WD my IBS does ~3900-4611
    Total WD: 80+(769-941) ~ 849-1021
    Total WD: 80+(752-919) ~ 832-999
    increase of 17-22 translated into bonus 70-79 IBS damage Implying a multiplier of ~4x, at least on the bottom end.

    If IBS has a 4x multiplier that should be ~ 3396-4084. With 26 Str, and 3 points into Disciple of Str it scales up by 16.96% for a range of ~ 3971-4776. If I gear up to 3000 Power I see IBS at 4109-4838, an increase of 139-148. Shy of 4x increase. Some wonky scaling back of top end damage. Power into Weapon Damage looks linear, but higher Weapon damage may have diminishing returns or there's more going into skill damage than a multiplier. With just the base 1565 Power from my weapon, IBS range is 3835-4547. There's a thread in General where a rogue compared his damage with and without all of his gear on. Damage ranges seems wide enough for you hit pretty much the same damage without any power contribution from gear anyway. Still, power looks terrible unless there are some other feat synergies like Deep Gash working in its favor.
    2 GWFS, 3 TRs, 2 GFs, 1 HR, 1 CW
  • sanctumlolsanctumlol Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 382 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    trickshaw wrote: »

    So I will answer a couple questions and then try to explain how exactly Student of the Sword is working as best as I can figure it.

    First, there is no cap for ArP. Secondly the "soft cap" everyone is referring to stems from a thread in the Rogue forums. Whilst I will not say that number is wrong per se I will say that the number presented is a bit simplified. At 2200 ArP is when the DR on ArP becomes salient but the exact level of diminishing returns is pretty lenient. I stacked far faaaaaaar past this point after further testing last night and around 4,000 ArP I noticed a deviation of just over 2%. Even with that deviation ArP was superior in investment to Power by a massive margin. Compared to Crit it's a bit trickier because that depends entirely on your Crit Multiplier in conjunction to your Crit%.

    It's safe to say if all you're interested in is DPS then you should be stacking Crit with ArP for the most bang for your buck. Keeping them equal or with a focus on ArP or Crit won't steer you wrong. The moral of the story being putting points into Power is just silly unless it can't be avoided.

    Secondly, ArP cannot bring mitigation into negatives. At least as far as I can tell from the given data points.

    Thirdly, this is how Student of the Sword, and I would imagine Enfeeble, works:

    Let's presume you have 20% ArP. Let's also presume your mob has 20% damage resistance. ArP is applied first. Knocking your target's mitigation down to 0%. Now your target's mitigation is driven to 0% but that doesn't mean he doesn't have a defense score. That score is still there, it's effects are just negated.

    This is where Student of the Sword kicks in. First let's pretend for the moment that we have no ArP. Just so you can understand how this is actually working. Student of the Sword applies a 45% debuff to the target's Defense. In this case that would drive the target's Defense, presuming we didn't have ArP, down to 11% for a 9% damage gain. With me so far?

    What is happening is that 9% mitigation debuff is being applied AFTER ArP has done it's job causing the illusion of "negative" Defense. So now instead of us having a flat 20% damage bonus to said mob (thanks to ArP) we have a 29% damage bonus to said mob. Because the Defense score of the mob is STILL there.

    Now, after further testing with a buddy of mine Student of the Sword is stacking but not additively. It's stacking multiplicatively. Again, as far as I can tell with the given data points. So, with the numbers provided previously, our mobs Defense contribution is down to 11%. Enter in second GWF. He applies his stacks of debuffs for a 45% drop of 11% Defense contribution and we end up with 6% Defense contribution for a total gain of 34% DPS. Now, it's important to note that your entire group isn't going to see this increase unless you're all at the exact same ArP score. Some may have less. If a group member has 0% ArP all they're going to see is a benefit from the stacking Student of the Sword (in this case a 14% DPS increase).

    The TRULY beautiful part of how this is working is that the HIGHER the targets Defense score and the higher your ArP% the MORE of a DPS increase you're going to see. So on trash and low defense PvP targets the bonus will be there, of course, but far less than... for example... a GF.

    THIS is why GFs are starting to get face planted in PvP. The higher your defense the more vulnerable you are to Defense Debuffs and ArP. This is also why a players damage tally can absolutely sky rocket during a boss fight.

    So, if you're a PvP nut, the morale of the story being... stack DEFLECTION over DEFENSE as that's where you're going to get the most survival point for point.

    To simplify it for you, if you're fighting a target with 40% Defense, you yourself have say 35% ArP. you're looking at a 48% DPS increase vs. everyone else in your party who isn't stacking ArP.

    I want to point out that this is how I'm presuming Student of the Sword and similar debuffs are working. It may work differently but this is the only way I was able to make the math add up to the results I am seeing. Again, as noted in the main post, there is a % deviation I'm seeing intermittently and I don't know where this is coming from.

    ALSO I'm assuming that flat % defense bonuses, such as the Human's racial trait, aren't affected by this process. Again, it's the only way I can make the math add up. Some mobs and/or bosses in the game may have similar flat bonuses which would explain some of the variants I'm seeing in testing.

    If Cryptic ever streamlines their in-game combat log this would make nailing these things down INFINITELY easier. So, that's how that works. Gotta go back to work now.

    Tonight I'll continue reviewing what I've found for TRs. I will say this, if what I found is what I think I found I won't be posting about it. It will go straight to Cryptic because what I THINK I found can't possibly be intentional design.

    What you're proposing it that %Defense reduction has diminishing returns. I know this isn't possible because when my party has 18 stacks of plaguefire + x2 enfeeblement and more, we burn bosses in 10 seconds.
    It's additive, which would mean that in your case: 45%=X; 9X would = the % damage increase.


    1 GPF 1.05% DMG 2 GPF 1.16% DMG 3 GPF 1.27% DMG 4PF 1.38% DMG vs 22% DR mob

    It's additive.
  • bananachefbananachef Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Also, I'm going to make a new GWF. My half-orc is sitting at 26 str, 18/18 and my crit rate is pretty bad :(. I'm thinking of going halfling, 22/16/24. Dropping Str down to 22 for me, and skipping Disciple of Str, is going to reduce my damage bonus from 17%->12%. Which is what, a -4.2% damage decrease?

    Sitting at base 25% crit chance, 195% damage, with PVP/Arpen gear. 31% crit at 190% is ~ 58.9% vs 48.75%, a 20% increase. Sure I can go 26/21 on a Half-orc and pump out better deeps, but I think it's easier to itemize away from critical chance. 14% from Dex alone is alot, and enough to forgo crit on your main armor set. 5% base, 14% dex, 3% passive, and 8% from just ~1000 crit rating. Frees you up to use 2 set Vigilant+Bladestorm for a total of 2067 Recovery, 516 bonus Armor Pen feated which trumps the 492 Armorpen on Duelist set. And some juicy tidbits of Regeneration. Crit/Recov/Arpen accessories will get me to ~2000 Arpen, 30% crit for what I believe is some pretty well-balanced offensive stats.

    From the pvp perspective 3% Halfling Deflection looks pretty nice, it's equivalent to 6 dex worth. And 10% cc redux might stack well with 30% from Steel Grace.
    2 GWFS, 3 TRs, 2 GFs, 1 HR, 1 CW
  • knoteskadknoteskad Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well I can confirm that Con is basically multiplicatively increasing w/e Arm Pen you have instead of adding to it.

    Tested dmg with 0 ArmPen on my cleric on the big demons in Helm's Hold, was averaging about 76% damage dealt (-24% dmg taken).

    Did it on my GWF with 0 ArmPen and got the same numbers, even with -8% from Con. Put on 7% armor pen and went from about 76% to 83.7%. Difference of basically 7.6% and 7 x 1.08 = 7.56 so it's looking about right.

    So either it's working that way or not doing anything at all. =/

    So anyway, considering Arm Pen can't go negative, but then defense reductions are stronger at high levels and work so well together, this pretty much makes any point of defense a complete waste in pvp then doesn't it? Which is ridiculous, but... yeah.

    So HP/Regen/Deflect are the only viable stats. With HP being the only reliable one, gives a nice benefit to Con atleast in that regard.
  • trickshawtrickshaw Member Posts: 497 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sanctumlol wrote: »
    What you're proposing it that %Defense reduction has diminishing returns. I know this isn't possible because when my party has 18 stacks of plaguefire + x2 enfeeblement and more, we burn bosses in 10 seconds.
    It's additive, which would mean that in your case: 45%=X; 9X would = the % damage increase.


    1 GPF 1.05% DMG 2 GPF 1.16% DMG 3 GPF 1.27% DMG 4PF 1.38% DMG vs 22% DR mob

    It's additive.

    I was only able to do what tests I had with another player I know IRL. Neither of us have Plague Fire so I can't account for that. But if you can throw me a SS sometime, whenever you get a chance, that would be super awesome.
  • spacejewspacejew Member Posts: 1,044 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    sanctumlol wrote: »
    What you're proposing it that %Defense reduction has diminishing returns. I know this isn't possible because when my party has 18 stacks of plaguefire + x2 enfeeblement and more, we burn bosses in 10 seconds.
    It's additive, which would mean that in your case: 45%=X; 9X would = the % damage increase.


    1 GPF 1.05% DMG 2 GPF 1.16% DMG 3 GPF 1.27% DMG 4PF 1.38% DMG vs 22% DR mob

    It's additive.

    It certainly 'feels' like it from my dungeon experience. I've seen some randomly huge numbers before that can only be attributed to massive stacking of armor debuff's. I know it has nothing to do with only my abilities, I'm fairly certain I can't just crit for 17k on a Crescendo without help and that number is wildly out of tune with it's maximum given my own abilities.
    MoF/Thaum CW SS/Thaum CW IV/Protector GF SW/Combat HR SM/Destroyer GWF WK/Executioner TR DO/Faithful DC
  • chronomancerchronomancer Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,223
    edited May 2013
    Just did epic Karrundax dungeon today. Armor penetration is definitely the way to go. sadly power is worth jack to GWF. Armor penetration > Recovery > Crit > Power > everything else. 3900 power merely contribute to a measly 156.1 damage.
  • trickshawtrickshaw Member Posts: 497 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It just occurred to me that the "resistance ignored" value listed under Constitution has a "-" sign in front of it. Could it be the value that is listed is what is subtracted from your opponents ArP? I'm not sure how to go about testing something like that.
  • craftymangcraftymang Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    trickshaw wrote: »
    It just occurred to me that the "resistance ignored" value listed under Constitution has a "-" sign in front of it. Could it be the value that is listed is what is subtracted from your opponents ArP? I'm not sure how to go about testing something like that.

    That would be the most logical, after all CON is totally a defensive stat it would be strange if they arbitrarily attached an armor pen bonus to it, no? It makes far more sense that it is subracting your opponents armor pen. By your logic this would mean CON is an awesome stat to have for mitigation

    I suppose you could try and get an enemy volunteer in pvp beat on you?
  • knoteskadknoteskad Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    trickshaw wrote: »
    It just occurred to me that the "resistance ignored" value listed under Constitution has a "-" sign in front of it. Could it be the value that is listed is what is subtracted from your opponents ArP? I'm not sure how to go about testing something like that.

    OOOOOOOOOH, omg you could be right.

    It could basically be negating enemy ArmPen. Which would make perfect sense for the fighter classes.

    Only thing I could think of doing is pvp'ing, getting into some 1v1's and pay attention to any debuffs, if they don't have plaguefire or any mitigation debuffs skewing results then you could get the numbers from your combat log and then whisper that person and ask for their ArmPen value.

    I could try doing that now.

    edit : I'm having a hell of a time getting people to cooperate unfortunately. And the one time I got some info they only had a tiny amount of armor pen and I ended up leveling from the match so my defense wasn't exactly the same lol.
  • sanctumlolsanctumlol Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 382 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Con is multiplicative aka ****.
  • realpureshadowrealpureshadow Member Posts: 90
    edited May 2013
    con for gwf shows -% armor pen, so i assume it reduces the enemies armor pen to gwf. on wikis it doesn't show other classes getting that benefit from con. it is probably bugged though like everything else on gwfs.
  • sacredchaossacredchaos Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    trickshaw wrote: »
    This has piqued my curiosity because, quite frankly, I never considered this. I'm going to test it right now. Buying some power items as we speak. I've, up to this point, been assuming that it was just a flat bonus as listed in the tooltips but if anything last nights look into Con and ArP tells me to trust no tooltips in the character sheet until I verify them for myself.

    So now I'm going to test Power to see if it's as bad as I've been making it out to be.

    Have u gained any results in this regard?
    GWF lvl 60.
    Completed all content waiting for more.
    And class balances.... trololollol.
  • trickshawtrickshaw Member Posts: 497 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Have u gained any results in this regard?

    Actually, that is what inspired me to make this thread.
  • jaymadiv#8056 jaymadiv Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So would this mean that the Feat that Converts 20% of your Defense to Power isn't as useful as I thought? that would completely change my Heroic Feat setup.

    Also, for a Sentinel GWF, I should be stacking Deflection more so than Defense?

    what's the Priority for Stats?

    sounds like - ArP, Crit, Power, Recovery, Deflection, Defense in that order?
  • trickshawtrickshaw Member Posts: 497 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    jmadfour wrote: »
    So would this mean that the Feat that Converts 20% of your Defense to Power isn't as useful as I thought? that would completely change my Heroic Feat setup.

    Also, for a Sentinel GWF, I should be stacking Deflection more so than Defense?

    what's the Priority for Stats?

    sounds like - ArP, Crit, Power, Recovery, Deflection, Defense in that order?

    Steely Defense sucks, yes. Deflection is king if you PvP otherwise defense will give you more bang for your buck in PvE. That doesn't mean the deflection feats aren't valuable. That means if you have a choice between Defense or Deflection on your gear, go Defense. Unless, again, you PvP.
  • knoteskadknoteskad Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    jmadfour wrote: »
    So would this mean that the Feat that Converts 20% of your Defense to Power isn't as useful as I thought? that would completely change my Heroic Feat setup.

    Also, for a Sentinel GWF, I should be stacking Deflection more so than Defense?

    what's the Priority for Stats?

    sounds like - ArP, Crit, Power, Recovery, Deflection, Defense in that order?

    I don't think the feat is useless.

    TBH it starts to shine at the same time power itself starts to shine.

    When you're are high gear scores and have hit your caps already, power starts to shine, and by then you'll probably have good defense as well.

    I want to know if the -%pen stat on con works like it was suggested, if it really does that will change a lot of things, and the 15% con effectiveness might actually be decent.
  • verdalverdal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    My question is: does the dark elf racial ability (Faerie Fire) that reduces defense by another 6% also stack up with student of the sword? It seems with the amount of attacks that we do that this would be more beneficial than the Half-Orc 5% severity rating, or am I way off?
  • knoteskadknoteskad Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    verdal wrote: »
    My question is: does the dark elf racial ability (Faerie Fire) that reduces defense by another 6% also stack up with student of the sword? It seems with the amount of attacks that we do that this would be more beneficial than the Half-Orc 5% severity rating, or am I way off?

    Yeah it should just fine.

    In a group setting it'd probably be more beneficial.
This discussion has been closed.