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    enziet1enziet1 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Holy smokes! I can't believe how... Passionate you people are when someone mentions world of warcraft. It's just a video game. Just like the others. Your fighting like your in high school all over again, (sorry to anyone actually in high school but you know it's true).

    Your all fighting over something useless for the sake of fighting. Like Ultima Online, EverQuest, Lineage 2 the game will live on for MANY years to come even after it "dies" So relax. Private servers man. Can't live with them. Can't live without them.
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    eseregoneseregon Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    jintortle wrote: »
    Vanilla WOW was good.

    I remember hating Dwarves with a passion because I had to grind up levels then find a way to still avoid spider mobs totally cannibalising my lv 25 Night Elf just for my first even look at an Ah (Auction Houses were only in Dwarf and orc city at the start). Oh to see their glorious AH. I was so happy when I actually had some money from selling on Ah could buy non vendor bought weapons.

    I also miss hitting lv 60 and with no pvp battlegrounds.The alliance and the Horde just squaring off in the (name now forgotten) field and just smashing each other backwards and forwards for weeks.

    Then the big giant PVP Battleground came out Arathi Highlands (name forgotten also - I think that is it) lol. The first game was so intense it actually lasted for 3 days - I would sleep and log back in and just re-enter and continue the same fight - it was terrific and beautiful.

    Then the $&$(##@ took over with their Nancy pants Armour Checks and continual bashing of anyone even remotely sane who even wanted to try a Dungeon.

    Ya, go hug a Panda - in fact go move to China - cause we don't play it anymore.

    Let the door hit you really hard on the way out - so when u remember the pain - you remember you lesson.

    Cheers Big Ears.

    Actually Warsong Gulch was the first BG. Before that, there was huge battles around Tarren Mill or thruough out Ashenvale ... exploding sheep wobbling cross into groups of players to say hello.

    There is so many games to enjoy and do have players that wish to spend time in them. Be it in Azeroth, Faerun or elsewhere, have fun, keep your Faith in doing what you wish to do for entertainment. Preaching to the masses to follow your path will just cause flames to sprout out behind you.
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    robertthebardrobertthebard Member Posts: 543 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Call me when this changes:

    "The popular game is still the world's biggest subscription-based MMORPG, but subscriber numbers have been in decline since the game peaked at 12 million members back in 2010. World of Warcraft is also one of the last remaining paid MMORPGs; most online games, like EA's Star Wars: The Old Republic, are going free-to-play.

    Of course, with eight million people continuing to pay them every month, Activision-Blizzard probably doesn't have too much to complain about."

    People leave, but always come back. Nothing released since has been adequate to sustain them long term. Hell this game is falling apart inside of 90 days.. Even AoC, Aion, Warhammer, and Fallen Earth lasted much longer before the consensus became doom and gloom.

    So you weren't really around for Aion's launch were you? I played all but 1 of the CBs, and there was gloom and doom in all of those, there was gloom and doom around the queues at launch, and not being able to roll an Asmo on one server, or an Elyos on another... That was in preselect as well. I know, I was in Preselect. Am I to take your lack of knowledge on this as a deliberate "Surely nobody will know I'm BS'ing this, so they won't think I'm BS'ing everything else I say", or more as "I didn't really know, but it looked like a good way to try to shut somebody up" thing?
    Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
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    swaguitaristswaguitarist Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    doesnt this dude know WoW can be just as p2w? so stupid
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    stormdrag0nstormdrag0n Member Posts: 3,222 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sickbrush wrote: »
    Hey Everyone!

    I've been playing WoW all the way from vanilla to MoP included. Yeah, i admit, i was one of those guys buying every new expansion, playing through all the new content, getting to endgame aaaaanddd.. slowly stop logging in.
    There's tons of pros and cons to WoW - however we have to admit, it did create the opportunity for many games to be created. In some aspects, yes, of course NW has elements from that but then again it's all about what you do with those elements.
    I admit, i'm still very new at this, i started playing last night and i'm a puny lvl 12 CW. Howeveeerr...:

    I'm an avid board games player, with a large collection. We play DnD in my group, from GM's to board games like Drizzt or Ashardalon. Man i flipped so hard at the idea of being able to play these on my computer with a virtually limitless group of people. Srsly?!?! Come on this is Awesome!!
    I did a solo Foundry last night, i died a million times and it felt amazing being challenged again, not being able to afford anything, being in a "mean world" if you may. Because to anyone here who plays DnD - it is a game that DOES smack around HARD.

    So yes, WoW has become unchallenging, slightly dull and repetitive. For now i'm loving this waaaaaaaaay more and i hope to keep this opinion throughout game progress and end-game. For now i'm enjoying chills up my spine in dungeons :D

    P.S: - I'm a video games concept artist and this game looks really good. Srsly, it does.

    Good post and you're right WoW did open a lot of doors, but there is a price to pay for going mainstream, not that the price was bad or anything...just a consequence. Despite my feeling seriously let down by Blizzard as far as WoW is concerned I'm still a big fan of their other games. What I find most ironic about all this is I know for a fact several of the top devs in WoW are currently playing Neverwinter and are enjoying it. That is Blizzards strong suit they take what works and improve upon it. I hope that do that with Titan.
    Always Looking for mature laidback players/rpers for Dungeon Delves!
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    erdokanerdokan Member Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Woot, the more WoW players leave this game the better it'll become! :D
    David Valtiere, Lvl 70 TR with perfect Lvl 60 gear which I don't want to replace cause nostalgia yo ;_;
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    gaerolthgaerolth Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 289 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Good post and you're right WoW did open a lot of doors, but there is a price to pay for going mainstream, not that the price was bad or anything...just a consequence. Despite my feeling seriously let down by Blizzard as far as WoW is concerned I'm still a big fan of their other games. What I find most ironic about all this is I know for a fact several of the top devs in WoW are currently playing Neverwinter and are enjoying it. That is Blizzards strong suit they take what works and improve upon it. I hope that do that with Titan.

    I was honestly looking forward to titan until I heard in an interview it's going to be more casual friendly than wow. I don't even see how that's possible while keeping a functioning game.
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    robertthebardrobertthebard Member Posts: 543 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gaerolth wrote: »
    I was honestly looking forward to titan until I heard in an interview it's going to be more casual friendly than wow. I don't even see how that's possible while keeping a functioning game.

    Maybe they have devs that will actually log in on your account and play it for you?
    Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
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    reilz1981reilz1981 Member Posts: 512 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    good riddance wow players don't bring a lot of insightful discussion to the table lol
    Actual Join date: Dec 2007
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    rangurenranguren Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2013
    bejita231 wrote: »
    Sorry to say but its back to WoW, NW failed me with its crappy balance and p2w cash shop, WoW 5.3 = baseline 65% resil so yes you can actually pvp again on your chars, sorry but even WoW is better than P2W, I am many others are now going back to WoW, Wildstar.....lets see what you can do

    CMIIW, the term "win" is by all mean is winning in PvP match, in here, PvP is just one of the feature because most MMO does it, meanwhile WoW is a PvP based game, which main feature is Alliance vs Scourge means fighting other faction. some of people already reach lvl 60 no PvP no paying and do couples epic dungeons here, beside it is team battle not single player battle. but, still if you are more satisfied on PvP based game, well, thanks for your time for playing here.
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    gaerolthgaerolth Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 289 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    ranguren wrote: »
    CMIIW, the term "win" is by all mean is winning in PvP match, in here, PvP is just one of the feature because most MMO does it, meanwhile WoW is a PvP based game, which main feature is Alliance vs Scourge means fighting other faction. some of people already reach lvl 60 no PvP no paying and do couples epic dungeons here, beside it is team battle not single player battle.

    WoW is a PVE game. There was no pvp objectives in the initial launch. PVP was placed in awhile after. The factions were just flavor. PVE is still the main focus of the game. For a PVP game see Ultima/EvE
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    ogkeltogkelt Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    More like time to resume PoE. I got bored ****less of WoW 5 years ago.
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    zedfighterzedfighter Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    s3pt wrote: »
    Impossible, he keeps rubberbanding can't reach the door.

    This was pretty funny :)
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    abombination247abombination247 Member Posts: 1,279 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    So is this why they still have 10 million subs and get a boost in population 2-3 months after every other new game releases? Is this why the GW2 surge is now migrating back to Wow? Is this why the Wow population has become less PVE type players and more PVP type players?

    But your right.. This game is going to become the go to PVP game.


    Well if you want to talk about stats. They don't have 10mil subs. They hit there peak of 12mil. Since then been on a big decline. Activision just took a huge loss after reporting that in the last 3 month alone. They lost 1.3mil subs. To bring them down to 8mil. The Ceo of activision reports that he expects to lose even more subs in the near future as the game is on a steady decline.

    To sum up no one is going to WoW. Maybe if you are 12 and like pokemon it might be entertaining but that game has lost anything that was great and original.

    /triple facepalm
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    abombination247abombination247 Member Posts: 1,279 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    m0shul wrote: »
    Clearly you had played only free games you don't know much kid.

    Anyone who calls another a kid clearly has a ego and thinks he is a gamer but isn't. NW is the first free 2 play game I ever played that's a MMO. I left WoW a while back and been in diablo. Anything is better then WoW in my opinion its just bad. If you like it then great. I just don't like a game that has been on a downward spiral for years. They should make it free 2 play cause paying for junk is terrible.
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    spyke2009spyke2009 Member Posts: 674 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    This thread, needs to die, in a blaze of glory, burning and screaming.

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    s3pts3pt Member Posts: 177 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    nepht wrote: »

    WoW is in trouble the facts speak for them-self. Poor updates and Sad Pandas have ruined the game.
    And come now we all know the underhand tactics companies like EA , AB and Ubi Soft use.

    Remember the EA trolling CoD forums and AB trolling the BF fourms lark XD

    Surely you don't believe that PWE is above such tactics?
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    gohlargohlar Member Posts: 73
    edited May 2013
    Well if you want to talk about stats. They don't have 10mil subs. They hit there peak of 12mil. Since then been on a big decline. Activision just took a huge loss after reporting that in the last 3 month alone. They lost 1.3mil subs. To bring them down to 8mil. The Ceo of activision reports that he expects to lose even more subs in the near future as the game is on a steady decline.

    To sum up no one is going to WoW. Maybe if you are 12 and like pokemon it might be entertaining but that game has lost anything that was great and original.

    /triple facepalm

    8 mil still puts this game and most of the competition to shame.
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    mutharexmutharex Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gohlar wrote: »
    8 mil still puts this game and most of the competition to shame.

    Aside the fact that probably it's just 2 milions in the west (otherwise Kock-Tick wouldn't be freaking out so much) who cares? McDonalds are always full, they still prepare <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> food, don't they?
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    s3pts3pt Member Posts: 177 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    People who like WoW are no different than people who like Neverwinter or any other game, it's simply a matter of personal preference.

    This game has it's fair share of "12 year olds", just like any other, possibly more as its f2p thus having no barrier to entry. You're deluding yourself if you believe otherwise.

    It's always amused me to see fanboys of one game behave exactly like the "haters" they so despise towards another game. This "there can be only one" highlander mentality is a curious one.
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    gohlargohlar Member Posts: 73
    edited May 2013
    mutharex wrote: »
    Aside the fact that probably it's just 2 milions in the west (otherwise Kock-Tick wouldn't be freaking out so much) who cares? McDonalds are always full, they still prepare <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> food, don't they?

    WoW is a much better game than nwn. Sure most of us are sick of it, but it's undeniably a better all around game. If both were being released today, which would we all be playing? Yep, WoW, because it's a much better game. Some may disagree, but very few of them will be honest. Only after several years did most leave WoW. Nwn will last people weeks, maybe months at most.

    Nwn is ok, but it's about as deep as a pothole after a rain storm.
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    xaciusxacius Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 50
    edited May 2013
    "Resil" the biggest band-aid unbalancing in the history of MMO PvP.
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    gaerolthgaerolth Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 289 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    gohlar wrote: »
    WoW is a much better game than nwn. Sure most of us are sick of it, but it's undeniably a better all around game. If both were being released today, which would we all be playing? Yep, WoW, because it's a much better game. Some may disagree, but very few of them will be honest. Only after several years did most leave WoW. Nwn will last people weeks, maybe months at most.

    Nwn is ok, but it's about as deep as a pothole after a rain storm.

    You're not sick of WoW unless you're no longer playing WoW. Many people claim they're sick of WoW but refuse to play any other mmo out. That's not being sick of a game. If you're truly sick of a game you won't be playing it because... you're sick of the game. Unless, of course, you're a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.
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    xaciusxacius Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 50
    edited May 2013
    LOL...if WoW were released today in the same condition it was when it actually did release...it would fail...period. It was one of THE worst launches if not THE worst in MMO history.
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    mutharexmutharex Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gohlar wrote: »
    WoW is a much better game than nwn. Sure most of us are sick of it, but it's undeniably a better all around game. If both were being released today, which would we all be playing? Yep, WoW, because it's a much better game. Some may disagree, but very few of them will be honest.

    Nwn is ok, but it's about as deep as a pothole after a rain storm.

    I much prefer combat in NWO and WoW WAS a better game, then with all the dumbing down and streamlining of its RPG elements, today it's as shallow as ... a pothole before a rain storm. Unless of course you meant WoW up to TBC
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    s3pts3pt Member Posts: 177 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    xacius wrote: »
    LOL...if WoW were released today in the same condition it was when it actually did release...it would fail...period. It was one of THE worst launches if not THE worst in MMO history.

    It was a bad release for sure, but nowhere near the worst.
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    gaerolthgaerolth Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 289 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    s3pt wrote: »
    It was a bad release for sure, but nowhere near the worst.

    I think that title goes to AOC. >.>
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    askopdkapokaskopdkapok Member Posts: 648 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    s3pt wrote: »
    It was a bad release for sure, but nowhere near the worst.

    Umm other than not anticipating the initial surge of customers it was a great release. Everything in game worked and worked well. Even during its "beta". before wow, the entire MMO population could be measured in 6 digits.
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    s3pts3pt Member Posts: 177 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    gaerolth wrote: »
    I think that title goes to AOC. >.>

    As bad as AoC was, Funcom's AO was even worse lol
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    vinunleadedvinunleaded Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 41
    edited May 2013
    Although I hate WoW, I agree with the OP....Neverwinter is just another PW PoS Pay to Win game.
    Did I mention PAY TO WIN?
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