- Nice details in tavern
- Motivation for wanting to find count, especially after setup, a bit thin.
- First sewer encounter quite tough (39 cleric) but won using 3 small heal potions
- Nice interior detail in the sewer
- Campfire placed in useful location
- Fight with 3 battle wights quite...challenging.
- Encounters a bit repetitive after a while
- Confusing mission "Defeat the Rebels". Which rebels, they have not yet been introduced to the story.
4.7/5 stars rounded up to 5/5. Nice job!
My first quest is in dire need of reviews... I would appreciate it if you could have a look. NW-DAK2BFO2X
Tripsoftyrymr, I do not wish to stifle your desire to help other authors with reviews, but please keep any posts in this thread to requests for me to review your work or reviews of my work. This thread is not a general trade thread but a specific thread where people can ask me to review their work in exchange for reviewing my own.
Thank you!
Do you crave a good old fashioned dungeon crawl? One where the dungeon tells it's own story? The Dungeon Delves campaign is just for you! Start with my first release: NW-DQF4T7QYH Any cave can lead to adventure!
Hey Volt, few quick thoughts on grammar and typos and stuff:
For the mural of the woman that you have on the wall at the start - The first sentence reads kinda klunky. You might want to smooth it out a little by adding the demonstrative to the start of it. Something like this:
This once beautiful relic to a time-lost maiden has been marred by goblin hands. It now appears to be some sort of fetish to one of their goddesses
May want to change the ambient speech on the patrol version of the prisoners from "please free us" to "thank you for freeing us"
And finally:
The old servant's lever. It is currently in the up position. (period, not comma)
luther8Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
If you are still game I'd review your Quest if you would be kind to give me some feedback on mine. It's not really complete yet as there will be some more content but it is still a playable dungeon and I would really love some feedback neg and pos please.
Due to several factors I will not be doing any further reviews untill Tuesday afternoon. I will certainly recompile the list with all the current requests and as always those who have taken the time to run my quest will get priority.
Do you crave a good old fashioned dungeon crawl? One where the dungeon tells it's own story? The Dungeon Delves campaign is just for you! Start with my first release: NW-DQF4T7QYH Any cave can lead to adventure!
tripsofthrymrMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,625Community Moderator
I really like the quest and it was well designed and I know you spent alot of time creating the quest and it shows, really nice work bro and keep it up I like to see more from you.
Me Like:
* The story was nice
* I really liked the first part of the quest the idea and the setup was perfect.
* The customized characters and the uniq names on each and every mob was awsome.
* I like the way you involve different type of skillset (dungoneer, thievery etc)
* Some fights were really tricky and I would have used alot of pots if not for my companion, nice challange.
Not my cup of tea:
* There were to much of interactive objects, I know you got a story all made up in your head but let the adventurers create their picture of the environment and story.
* The mix of monsters, I would like a common theme all through or some kind of environmental change like from the cave to the dungeon (That worked fine).
Whenever you get some time over please give my quest a shot, might need 2 players though. Please send feedback of the difficulty if it has to be improved.
The Good: Very nice detail, light on the dialogue, just enough intrigue to keep nudging you along. (What is behind the next door?) It is a solid style and I liked it.
The Bad: Not much to say other than I wish it were a bit longer and a bit harder. For a first quest though I think keeping the difficulty a little low was a wise decision. No need to try and make your quests too hard too fast. Could be slightly more difficult IMO.
The Ugly: There is nothing ugly about this quest. I was impressed. Nice job.
Awaiting a serious response from the developers on the abuse of the review system by other authors. Video Preview
Not my cup of tea:
* There were to much of interactive objects, I know you got a story all made up in your head but let the adventurers create their picture of the environment and story.
* The mix of monsters, I would like a common theme all through or some kind of environmental change like from the cave to the dungeon (That worked fine).
First and foremost, thank you for the feedback. Every little bit helps as I get this ready for submission to try to be featured. Regarding the interactables, I completely understand. I tried, and have been continuing to try to make sure they are as optional as I could make them. Currently I think there are 2 that are quest objectives the rest are simply optional flavor text, lore, warnings, etc. The mix of monsters part I am a bit confused about, you say you "would like a common theme" which this has. Nearly all of the encounters within the dungeon portion of the UGC are goblins. A few are reskinned encounters so as to keep the combat in each room from being overly repetitive. The few places where I used other monsters for the encounters were for very specific situations, the undead servant's guarding the servant's passage, the risen sacrifices guarding the high priestess, the demonic servants of the Goddess you are actually in conflict with, etc. The only encounters that are a bit more "random" are the encounters for specific skill sets. Each hides an encounter custom designed for that class as a challenge to reward exploration. These also remain in theme ranging from a Mimic to the old astral guardian or the twisted eaters of the dead. So I guess my question really becomes is there a particular encounter that felt out of place or where did the theme break down? The environmental change I can certainly understand but there are 3 of them in the content already (not counting hidden rooms), from the storm to the cave, the cave to the run down dungeon, and from the dungeon into the manor house portion. Are the changes too subtle between the run down portion of the dungeon and the manor house? Is there a specific environment that you felt would have fit better in one of those locations?
Again, this is not an attempt to be dismissive, just to understand fully what would have improved your experience.
Do you crave a good old fashioned dungeon crawl? One where the dungeon tells it's own story? The Dungeon Delves campaign is just for you! Start with my first release: NW-DQF4T7QYH Any cave can lead to adventure!
The Good: Very nice detail, light on the dialogue, just enough intrigue to keep nudging you along. (What is behind the next door?) It is a solid style and I liked it.
The Bad: Not much to say other than I wish it were a bit longer and a bit harder. For a first quest though I think keeping the difficulty a little low was a wise decision. No need to try and make your quests too hard too fast. Could be slightly more difficult IMO.
The Ugly: There is nothing ugly about this quest. I was impressed. Nice job.
Thank you for the feedback! Always nice to know what I did right, but would love to hear more about what you think lead to this being too easy. Was it the lack of non-combat encounters, too few puzzles or was it the actual combat balance that seemed out of sync with what you expected?
Do you crave a good old fashioned dungeon crawl? One where the dungeon tells it's own story? The Dungeon Delves campaign is just for you! Start with my first release: NW-DQF4T7QYH Any cave can lead to adventure!
The way i viewed it was there were two different environments the cave (wolf area) and the dungeon (goblind area) It might have been I who missed the transetion between the third area where the demons and high priestess. It's just a thought otherwise if think the quest is really well created and as I said before I wouldn't mind playing more of your quests.
A thought/idea, maybe there is some nice FX's who can help out when it comes to improving the visual effect of the environment changes to the demon spawn?
I have reviewed your quest. It was very fun and worth 5 stars. I have completed my constructive suggestions below. This is just from my personal experience.
I've only made one quest. If you could review it I would appreciate it.
Campaign : Celestial Champion
Quest : Save the Village
How does one get their quests eliable for the daily foundry? Do you need so many monsters in it?
For your mysterious traveller, have the OOC text have a return after it. It makes it a bit tricky to read that in the middle of the dialogue
I like how you started the quest in a zone other than the main hub. Its a fresh change of pace.
The goblin encounters at the start were easy with the rest area right there. Was that intentional?
I liked the side rooms that I could enter off the main trail. Sometimes I just want to explore and see what I can find.
I like the random fires and stuff you have in the rooms. Maybe you can add some broken down furnature too, or maybe bedrolls. I can see how your trying to make it look like a goblin warren.
The combat started to get a bit repetitive while going through the warrens. I see how you were ramping up some fights. Can you break it up a little bit by adding some dialoge where I can free a prisoner?
You have a reward chest that can't be opened at the end of the goblin warrens. It seems a bit out of place.
I like how the drow map started on a hill -- nice touch, and it keeps us from going back to the camp.
when you added fire by the drow, it felt like I was not supposed to go that way. Having a group behind the fire threw me off.
I like how the assassain appeared out of nowhere when I was fighting the imps
The multiple balrog fights at the end started to get dull as a control wizard. They are immune to ice effects and there were 4 of them total.
I like how you have the 'press F to go to next map' at the end. That was a nice touch. How did you do that?
Foundry Quests
Author : @labmouse43
Short Code : NW-DJHHV5CGY
Name : The Frosty Protologist
Duration : 15 minutes
hmmm I get to the last room with the bag but something keeps attacking me. Not sure where it is coming from but I can't open the bag while in combat. I tried logging out and back in, but no dice.
How does one get their quests eliable for the daily foundry? Do you need so many monsters in it?
I like how the drow map started on a hill -- nice touch, and it keeps us from going back to the camp.
when you added fire by the drow, it felt like I was not supposed to go that way. Having a group behind the fire threw me off.
I like how the assassain appeared out of nowhere when I was fighting the imps
The multiple balrog fights at the end started to get dull as a control wizard. They are immune to ice effects and there were 4 of them total.
I like how you have the 'press F to go to next map' at the end. That was a nice touch. How did you do that?
Thank you for your feedback! That said I have to wonder if these comments were in reference to someone elses UGC as they do not appear in anyway linked to my content. There are no drow, no assassin's and while there are some demons there are certainly not 5 of them in a single fight.
To answer your question regarding the daily, you must have had your quest reviewed 20 times and it must be a minimum of 15 minutes in average playtime length.
Do you crave a good old fashioned dungeon crawl? One where the dungeon tells it's own story? The Dungeon Delves campaign is just for you! Start with my first release: NW-DQF4T7QYH Any cave can lead to adventure!
hmmm I get to the last room with the bag but something keeps attacking me. Not sure where it is coming from but I can't open the bag while in combat. I tried logging out and back in, but no dice.
What bag are you talking about? There are no open-able or even interactive bags in my UGC.
Do you crave a good old fashioned dungeon crawl? One where the dungeon tells it's own story? The Dungeon Delves campaign is just for you! Start with my first release: NW-DQF4T7QYH Any cave can lead to adventure!
yeah I did the same series. It was the quest after the 3 Suns. Where you have to rescue the apprentice and retrieve the amulet. It was a bag at the very end.
I just published mine with some miner fixes. If you could check it that would be appreciated. When I get home I will try to do the same to yours.
NW-DJFPLPM4G "The Insane Asylum"
Cny, as I said in my ingame review you really need to work on lighting, decor and pacing. All and all you have an entertaining UGC but it's feels rather railroaded with the ineffectual dialog and the stacked encounters. You have several spots where the wall decals cross the doorways, stick out from a wall at an angle, etc. I noticed very little actual decoration, this was an asylum, where are the beds, the medical instruments that should be spiderweb coated in the corners, the old tables, etc. Use your setting to inspire the decor. Also, you have several unnamed interactive items with absolutely no interact text. You have the player clicking things with no effect at every corridor start as well as through out some of the corridors, all with names like "suit of armor 01".
Do you crave a good old fashioned dungeon crawl? One where the dungeon tells it's own story? The Dungeon Delves campaign is just for you! Start with my first release: NW-DQF4T7QYH Any cave can lead to adventure!
No, my quest is NW-DQF4T7QYH - Any cave can lead to adventure.
Do you crave a good old fashioned dungeon crawl? One where the dungeon tells it's own story? The Dungeon Delves campaign is just for you! Start with my first release: NW-DQF4T7QYH Any cave can lead to adventure!
This was an interesting quest. I never felt "invested" in the outcome and found most of the environments to be in need of a bit more polish. Things that stand out are the floating river on the drow plains of resounding. The goblin map transition should take the player to black lake rather than being an over world that has an icon for PE. The dialog could certainly be improved so I feel like I have a reason to fight for these amulets as well as why I'm not just giving them to the witch at the end.
Do you crave a good old fashioned dungeon crawl? One where the dungeon tells it's own story? The Dungeon Delves campaign is just for you! Start with my first release: NW-DQF4T7QYH Any cave can lead to adventure!
It sounds like we have similar design aspirations, so let's do a trade! I'm at work at the moment, but I'll check your's out either tonight or tomorrow. Based on your list, I don't expect you to get to mine until at least then!
Simply Wow! This is a solid quest, tons of options and has the freeflow I had initially put into my quest and lost. This is indeed in the exact same design style as my own and shows the long history of RP and a nod to it's roots and the system this all came from. I would love to see the dungeon a bit more fleshed out with some eye candy and some tags such as [Knowledge: Arcane] on the "you do not have this skill" locations so that it pushes me to know what alt to bring back. That was a great piece of advice I received and I pass it on now to you.
Do you crave a good old fashioned dungeon crawl? One where the dungeon tells it's own story? The Dungeon Delves campaign is just for you! Start with my first release: NW-DQF4T7QYH Any cave can lead to adventure!
Hey, if you have time, try my quest, it's in the signature.
I will review yours asap.
Vold, I gave this the good ol college try and I did get through it but only just. I very nearly dropped it the 5th or so time I found myself fighting a stacked encounter. Man, everything else is so well done but those encounters are on the verge of breaking it at level 30, I can only imagine how impossible it must be at level 60. My suggestion, recalibrate combat or put in a difficulty slider.
Do you crave a good old fashioned dungeon crawl? One where the dungeon tells it's own story? The Dungeon Delves campaign is just for you! Start with my first release: NW-DQF4T7QYH Any cave can lead to adventure!
Vold, I gave this the good ol college try and I did get through it but only just. I very nearly dropped it the 5th or so time I found myself fighting a stacked encounter. Man, everything else is so well done but those encounters are on the verge of breaking it at level 30, I can only imagine how impossible it must be at level 60. My suggestion, recalibrate combat or put in a difficulty slider.
Thanks for the review man. I will review yours as soon as my bother stops playing LoL.:P
I will try to balance the difficulty level of the encounters so that it's doable, but also challenging at all levels.
"The harder the game, the better."
Thank you for the feedback! Always nice to know what I did right, but would love to hear more about what you think lead to this being too easy. Was it the lack of non-combat encounters, too few puzzles or was it the actual combat balance that seemed out of sync with what you expected?
I am going to say that the final boss fight could have been more of a challenge. Maybe if it had more than one minion. Or if I had less room to maneuver. I was using a level 52 GWF if that helps you. I expected a harder final fight. I don't like quests that are brutally hard from start to finish, but I do like a hard boss at the end. Maybe that is just me.
Awaiting a serious response from the developers on the abuse of the review system by other authors. Video Preview
I am going to say that the final boss fight could have been more of a challenge. Maybe if it had more than one minion. Or if I had less room to maneuver. I was using a level 52 GWF if that helps you. I expected a harder final fight. I don't like quests that are brutally hard from start to finish, but I do like a hard boss at the end. Maybe that is just me.
Ah, the very last fight is not actually a "boss fight" as much as "wrapping things up". The big fight with the high priestess is the one that is geared to be the boss fight. It's been through some rewrites due to difficulty issues. While I'm certainly glad to hear it can use work I have to be very careful adjusting it to keep from making it impossible to complete for others.
Do you crave a good old fashioned dungeon crawl? One where the dungeon tells it's own story? The Dungeon Delves campaign is just for you! Start with my first release: NW-DQF4T7QYH Any cave can lead to adventure!
I just completed your quest, I rated it as a 5 stars quest because I can see all the time and effort that you put on it (Custom-Map with a lot of details, intresting plot, challenging encounters, dialogs very well written, etc; even personal names for every creature!), and because when I finished it I really wanted more.
"The harder the game, the better."
Tripsoftyrymr, I do not wish to stifle your desire to help other authors with reviews, but please keep any posts in this thread to requests for me to review your work or reviews of my work. This thread is not a general trade thread but a specific thread where people can ask me to review their work in exchange for reviewing my own.
Thank you!
For the mural of the woman that you have on the wall at the start - The first sentence reads kinda klunky. You might want to smooth it out a little by adding the demonstrative to the start of it. Something like this:
This once beautiful relic to a time-lost maiden has been marred by goblin hands. It now appears to be some sort of fetish to one of their goddesses
May want to change the ambient speech on the patrol version of the prisoners from "please free us" to "thank you for freeing us"
And finally:
The old servant's lever. It is currently in the up position. (period, not comma)
Please pm me if you do review my quest and you still don't have one from me. I'll be playing again in a couple hours.
Quest I
The Mysteries at Fang Ridge!
Short code: NW-DGTN72HYL
If you are still game I'd review your Quest if you would be kind to give me some feedback on mine. It's not really complete yet as there will be some more content but it is still a playable dungeon and I would really love some feedback neg and pos please.
Name: Clan Peacebreaker ritual
Author: tonylanglet
Stage: Beta
I will review your tommorow after work, I'm heading for bed now.
Sorry, I did not mean to hijack your thread.
Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min
Me Like:
* The story was nice
* I really liked the first part of the quest the idea and the setup was perfect.
* The customized characters and the uniq names on each and every mob was awsome.
* I like the way you involve different type of skillset (dungoneer, thievery etc)
* Some fights were really tricky and I would have used alot of pots if not for my companion, nice challange.
Not my cup of tea:
* There were to much of interactive objects, I know you got a story all made up in your head but let the adventurers create their picture of the environment and story.
* The mix of monsters, I would like a common theme all through or some kind of environmental change like from the cave to the dungeon (That worked fine).
Whenever you get some time over please give my quest a shot, might need 2 players though. Please send feedback of the difficulty if it has to be improved.
Name: Clan Peacebreaker ritual
Author: tonylanglet
Stage: Beta
Awaiting a serious response from the developers on the abuse of the review system by other authors.
Video Preview
The Good: Very nice detail, light on the dialogue, just enough intrigue to keep nudging you along. (What is behind the next door?) It is a solid style and I liked it.
The Bad: Not much to say other than I wish it were a bit longer and a bit harder. For a first quest though I think keeping the difficulty a little low was a wise decision. No need to try and make your quests too hard too fast. Could be slightly more difficult IMO.
The Ugly: There is nothing ugly about this quest. I was impressed. Nice job.
Awaiting a serious response from the developers on the abuse of the review system by other authors.
Video Preview
First and foremost, thank you for the feedback. Every little bit helps as I get this ready for submission to try to be featured. Regarding the interactables, I completely understand. I tried, and have been continuing to try to make sure they are as optional as I could make them. Currently I think there are 2 that are quest objectives the rest are simply optional flavor text, lore, warnings, etc. The mix of monsters part I am a bit confused about, you say you "would like a common theme" which this has. Nearly all of the encounters within the dungeon portion of the UGC are goblins. A few are reskinned encounters so as to keep the combat in each room from being overly repetitive. The few places where I used other monsters for the encounters were for very specific situations, the undead servant's guarding the servant's passage, the risen sacrifices guarding the high priestess, the demonic servants of the Goddess you are actually in conflict with, etc. The only encounters that are a bit more "random" are the encounters for specific skill sets. Each hides an encounter custom designed for that class as a challenge to reward exploration. These also remain in theme ranging from a Mimic to the old astral guardian or the twisted eaters of the dead. So I guess my question really becomes is there a particular encounter that felt out of place or where did the theme break down? The environmental change I can certainly understand but there are 3 of them in the content already (not counting hidden rooms), from the storm to the cave, the cave to the run down dungeon, and from the dungeon into the manor house portion. Are the changes too subtle between the run down portion of the dungeon and the manor house? Is there a specific environment that you felt would have fit better in one of those locations?
Again, this is not an attempt to be dismissive, just to understand fully what would have improved your experience.
Thank you for the feedback! Always nice to know what I did right, but would love to hear more about what you think lead to this being too easy. Was it the lack of non-combat encounters, too few puzzles or was it the actual combat balance that seemed out of sync with what you expected?
A thought/idea, maybe there is some nice FX's who can help out when it comes to improving the visual effect of the environment changes to the demon spawn?
I've only made one quest. If you could review it I would appreciate it.
Campaign : Celestial Champion
Quest : Save the Village
How does one get their quests eliable for the daily foundry? Do you need so many monsters in it?
For your mysterious traveller, have the OOC text have a return after it. It makes it a bit tricky to read that in the middle of the dialogue
I like how you started the quest in a zone other than the main hub. Its a fresh change of pace.
The goblin encounters at the start were easy with the rest area right there. Was that intentional?
I liked the side rooms that I could enter off the main trail. Sometimes I just want to explore and see what I can find.
I like the random fires and stuff you have in the rooms. Maybe you can add some broken down furnature too, or maybe bedrolls. I can see how your trying to make it look like a goblin warren.
The combat started to get a bit repetitive while going through the warrens. I see how you were ramping up some fights. Can you break it up a little bit by adding some dialoge where I can free a prisoner?
You have a reward chest that can't be opened at the end of the goblin warrens. It seems a bit out of place.
I like how the drow map started on a hill -- nice touch, and it keeps us from going back to the camp.
when you added fire by the drow, it felt like I was not supposed to go that way. Having a group behind the fire threw me off.
I like how the assassain appeared out of nowhere when I was fighting the imps
The multiple balrog fights at the end started to get dull as a control wizard. They are immune to ice effects and there were 4 of them total.
I like how you have the 'press F to go to next map' at the end. That was a nice touch. How did you do that?
Author : @labmouse43
Short Code : NW-DJHHV5CGY
Name : The Frosty Protologist
Duration : 15 minutes
Thank you for your feedback! That said I have to wonder if these comments were in reference to someone elses UGC as they do not appear in anyway linked to my content. There are no drow, no assassin's and while there are some demons there are certainly not 5 of them in a single fight.
To answer your question regarding the daily, you must have had your quest reviewed 20 times and it must be a minimum of 15 minutes in average playtime length.
What bag are you talking about? There are no open-able or even interactive bags in my UGC.
Was this not yours?
Short code: NW-DFEKZANXF
Name: 3 Suns Aligned
Author: @pavvo
Est. Time: 19min Solo mode. Can be duoed.
Url: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/sho...-Suns-campaign
Author : @labmouse43
Short Code : NW-DJHHV5CGY
Name : The Frosty Protologist
Duration : 15 minutes
yeah I did the same series. It was the quest after the 3 Suns. Where you have to rescue the apprentice and retrieve the amulet. It was a bag at the very end.
Cny, as I said in my ingame review you really need to work on lighting, decor and pacing. All and all you have an entertaining UGC but it's feels rather railroaded with the ineffectual dialog and the stacked encounters. You have several spots where the wall decals cross the doorways, stick out from a wall at an angle, etc. I noticed very little actual decoration, this was an asylum, where are the beds, the medical instruments that should be spiderweb coated in the corners, the old tables, etc. Use your setting to inspire the decor. Also, you have several unnamed interactive items with absolutely no interact text. You have the player clicking things with no effect at every corridor start as well as through out some of the corridors, all with names like "suit of armor 01".
No, my quest is NW-DQF4T7QYH - Any cave can lead to adventure.
This was an interesting quest. I never felt "invested" in the outcome and found most of the environments to be in need of a bit more polish. Things that stand out are the floating river on the drow plains of resounding. The goblin map transition should take the player to black lake rather than being an over world that has an icon for PE. The dialog could certainly be improved so I feel like I have a reason to fight for these amulets as well as why I'm not just giving them to the witch at the end.
Simply Wow! This is a solid quest, tons of options and has the freeflow I had initially put into my quest and lost. This is indeed in the exact same design style as my own and shows the long history of RP and a nod to it's roots and the system this all came from. I would love to see the dungeon a bit more fleshed out with some eye candy and some tags such as [Knowledge: Arcane] on the "you do not have this skill" locations so that it pushes me to know what alt to bring back. That was a great piece of advice I received and I pass it on now to you.
Vold, I gave this the good ol college try and I did get through it but only just. I very nearly dropped it the 5th or so time I found myself fighting a stacked encounter. Man, everything else is so well done but those encounters are on the verge of breaking it at level 30, I can only imagine how impossible it must be at level 60. My suggestion, recalibrate combat or put in a difficulty slider.
I will try to balance the difficulty level of the encounters so that it's doable, but also challenging at all levels.
"The harder the game, the better."
I am going to say that the final boss fight could have been more of a challenge. Maybe if it had more than one minion. Or if I had less room to maneuver. I was using a level 52 GWF if that helps you. I expected a harder final fight. I don't like quests that are brutally hard from start to finish, but I do like a hard boss at the end. Maybe that is just me.
Awaiting a serious response from the developers on the abuse of the review system by other authors.
Video Preview
Ah, the very last fight is not actually a "boss fight" as much as "wrapping things up". The big fight with the high priestess is the one that is geared to be the boss fight. It's been through some rewrites due to difficulty issues. While I'm certainly glad to hear it can use work I have to be very careful adjusting it to keep from making it impossible to complete for others.
"The harder the game, the better."
Preview/Freedback thread: http://tinyurl.com/NW-DTNZTFYDS - Now eligible for Daily Quest!
A Dwarven Dilemma Part 2 - Luskan Delights : Coming soon!
An Artifact from the Depths - NW-DB5GERXA3
My 3d models