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Everyone complaining about imbalances in pvp as well as the DEVS

fadedlogicfadedlogic Member Posts: 49
edited May 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
Please please please stop complaining that pvp is unbalanced and that characters need to be nerfed or buffed right now. You are legitimately going to ruin the game. The problem right now isn't that certain classes are overpowered or underpowered. The problem right now is that there is currently no meta.

This games pvp is set up in a 5v5 arena style format. The main objective in the game is to control domination points, not to get kills. What this does is it gives pvp the potential to have extreme team coordination. That gives each individual class/ character a role to accomplish in order to bring your team success. Right now considering the game has only been out for a short time, everyones mentality is the same no matter what character they play. It's "run to taken objectives and get as many kills as possible while doing so." But the thing is situationally not all of the classes are made to do that. Let's go over class personal objectives in pvp so that we can be on the same page. These are all my opinions based off of my personal experiences playing every class.

Objectives for classes
  • Rogue- Everyone is saying that the rogue is overpowered right now because he does way to much single target damage. What people aren't realizing is that was what the rogue is DESIGNED to do. The rogue is the attack damage carry of neverwinter. In a team fight situation, the rogues job is to focus priority targets such as the opposing teams rogue or control wizard. The rogue should bounce back and forth between their domination point and middle taking out targets as it goes. And that right there is exactly why people think rogues are overpowered right now in pvp. Because in a chaotic situation with no coordination, it's a glass cannon winning 1v1 situations over and over.
  • Control Wizard- Another class that everyone feels is overpowered. Their reasoning is because of the amount of survivability the control wizard has coupled with his damage potential and crowd control. But again look at the big picture. The control wizard is your magic damage carry of neverwinter. With the potential to do aoe crowd controls and damage, as well as decent single target burst damage, the control wizard is perfect for taking out high priority targets such as the opposing rogue/ control wizard. The control wizard also has the potential lead teams through fights by prioritizing targets with its spells. Like the rogue, the control wizard should be bouncing between their domination point and middle, taking out targets as it goes.
  • Cleric- From what I've heard, the community feels that clerics are balanced. I feel that this is a result of the fact that clerics do mediocre damage, can focus on sustaining people, and sustain themselves making them tanky. When i personally play cleric, I like to go full healer. But tapping into the damaging spells, you can pull off some decent damage potential with a cleric. Now when clerics end up in a 1v1 situation and lose to a rogue or mage, WHAT THE HELL DID U EXPECT? Do u legitimately feel that a cleric should beat a rogue or wizard in a 1v1 situation? And if you do, what the hell is wrong with you? As a full healing cleric, when I see a rogue with full health coming onto my domination point, I just keep myself sustained with heals while yelling at my teammates to come help me. But if nobody comes, eventually I'll get taken out. And that's the way it should be. In a teamfight situation, I'm sustaining my entire team with heals and helping to do some damage to priority targets. As a cleric, you're basically a control wizard sacrificing low cooldown crowd control spells for heals, as well as some damage. STAY WITH YOUR TEAMMATES.
  • Guardian Fighter- The tank. Another class that the community seems to be saying is balanced. As a guardian fighter in pvp, your main role is to hold objectives. Guardian fighters with their immense defense can stay contesting an objective for a long time. That makes them ideal for holding mid. They can sit mid while their team is wiping and wait for them to come back all the while just contesting the objective. Also as a guardian fighter, you can peel rogues or slayers off your carries, or help to stunlock the mage all the while holding your objective. In a 1v1 situation, the guardian fighter is actually pretty strong, and as I said earlier can sustain against its enemy while waiting for its teammates to come assist. Since its mostly a defensive class, that's what it should prioritize. DEFENSE. Mid as a top priority holding it while your teammates bounce between your base and mid.
  • Great Weapon Fighter- This is my favorite class to play by far. With my great weapon fighter I have literally won about 90% of my non-premade pvp matches no exaggeration. Now reading that, I almost guarantee almost every single one of you laughed or doubted me. That's because the community feels that the great weapon fighter is underpowered. Everyone feels that the great weapon fighter needs to be buffed. I'm here telling you that that's because you're playing it wrong. The great weapon fighter is basically the bruiser of your team. Sacrificing high sustainable damage for mediocre sustain with finishing bursts and single target crowd control is what you have with your great weapon fighter. In a teamfight situation, he helps to offtank some of the damage through his tab power and brings a little damage to the table. But the great weapon fighters real potential lies in his ability to contest the opposing team's base. I've literally laughed as I've beaten a ridiculous amount of games through this method. Why is the great weapon fighter so good at this? Let me explain.

    The great weapon fighter has the highest mobility of all the classes. He gains this through sacrificing his ability to dodge. This makes the great weapon fighter almost impossible to catch. When you start to get low, you just say well hey i'm going to press tab, be immune to your crowd controls, use my jump to clear a huge gap, and then sprint ridiculously far away from you, either to a potion or to my cleric. This is literally step by step how i play my great weapon fighter. I just sit in the opposing teams base constantly holding it or contesting it. If one person comes to fight me then they're are permanently stuck having to deal with me, helping to relieve the pressure on my teams base (which by the way is the easiest to gain control of again because all 4 teammates respawn close to it).
    I just fight them until i get low or kill them, then run and grab a pot so i can head back and continue to hold their base. Now if multiple people come to take me down, even if all 5 come to take me down, i use my daily to buy myself time by jumping into the air, and continue to hold and take damage until i get low, and then juke all 5 of them for a potion. Meanwhile since all 5 people are wasting their time trying to kill me, my team has taken our base and mid and is pushing into the opposing team's base to assist me in controlling the whole map. Using this method my score is usually pretty low on the score chart, but my win to loss ratio is stupid ridiculous. Now if they were to buff the great weapon fighters damage? lol I'd probably never lose a pvp match again.

So what I'm trying to make clear here is that I personally feel that all of the classes in this game are balanced. Like I said it's not that classes are imbalanced, but that there hasn't been a meta developed for the game yet. Please stop complaining about buffing or nerfing classes because you are going to ruin the game if you continue to do that. Rogues are going to end up being useless, or great weapon fighters are going to end up being way to strong, etc. If there is anything you would like to discuss I'm more than happy to do that with you and please comment below. Also if you would like me to defend my case through visual means, feel free to watch my stream at:
  • twitch.tv/finallyfaded

Hit me up with a comment and then I'll answer your question/ show you in game proof through via livestream. As far as cryptic studios or perfect world is concerned, there are a few things I would like to suggest if I could get one of you to comment on here. Things that I feel would make pvp lean towards having a stronger meta and help this game get into the competitive scene. :cool: thanks guys!
Post edited by fadedlogic on


  • knoteskadknoteskad Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Instead people should be complaining about the real problem with PvP.

    EVERYONE does too much dmg.
  • allaerraallaerra Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 838 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    OP has a very well thought out post.

  • iamphausiamphaus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 188 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    says we're going to ruin an already ruined game.
    Common sense is hard to come by around here it seems..
  • fadedlogicfadedlogic Member Posts: 49
    edited May 2013
    starbigamo wrote: »
    No, this game pvp is about having faster horses to reach control points faster.

    If you're chasing eachother around in circles sure. but if you're holding bases, I don't see how a mount would effect things at all, especially when you can't use them in combat.
  • mistriosumistriosu Member Posts: 279 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    From what I've heard the most glaring problems are:
    GWF has too low damage
    GF is not nearly tanky enough
    TR is too tanky

    Other than that I haven't heard many complaints
  • fadedlogicfadedlogic Member Posts: 49
    edited May 2013
    iamphaus wrote: »
    says we're going to ruin an already ruined game.

    first off that picture of mugen is awesome

    but as far as your post, if that's how you feel, then why play? i mean why even post in here? why read my thread?
  • fadedlogicfadedlogic Member Posts: 49
    edited May 2013
    starbigamo wrote: »
    oh yes, and the TR making 2/3 of hp damage in a tank in A SINGLE HIT, is balanced?

    TR making more CC than CW is balanced too?

    Give me a break.

    lol what level are you playing at? because i don't seem to have that problem with my tank... especially cuz i just block that big attack.

    as far as the cc thing goes, literally every single one of my cw's spells has a cc in it. EVERY SINGLE ONE lol. so idk how a TR could have more cc than every single one of my spells
  • fadedlogicfadedlogic Member Posts: 49
    edited May 2013
    mistriosu wrote: »
    From what I've heard the most glaring problems are:
    GWF has too low damage
    GF is not nearly tanky enough
    TR is too tanky

    Other than that I haven't heard many complaints

    i mean if they want to buff the gwfs damage by all means go ahead but i think i explained my perspective pretty clearly in my OP.
    GF being tanky kinda goes hand in hand with that. If they wanna make it tankier, fine by me. Ill literally be an immovable boulder on mid.
    As far as TR being to tanky i can see that as well. but also look at this perspective. If it's too tanky, could that mean that you just arent dealing enough damage? cuz I literally shred on TR with my CW and my TR. I struggle a bit with my GWF but like I said they never kill me cuz i just run away.
  • mistriosumistriosu Member Posts: 279 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I'm only level 19 so I'm only going off what I've read on these forums.
    Can I just say thank your for having intelligent debate instead of "LOLNO ****, go play World of Warcraft lul!"
  • fadedlogicfadedlogic Member Posts: 49
    edited May 2013
    mistriosu wrote: »
    I'm only level 19 so I'm only going off what I've read on these forums.
    Can I just say thank your for having intelligent debate instead of "LOLNO ****, go play World of Warcraft lul!"

    Fo sho thanks for reading. what class do you play?
  • v4ngelv4ngel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    GWF biggest problem to me imo is our at will and feats
    i think our encounters damage are fine but our at will atks are far too weak compared to rogues and cw..i mean ffs we are using 2h weapon not baton sticks.

    almost most of our feats are bugged ( sentinel tree )

    and also you said that you play gwf by running around baiting people to atk you ? well you just prove more people that the gwf class is indeed weak compared to the others lol..
    ( seriously.. any class can do that )
  • fadedlogicfadedlogic Member Posts: 49
    edited May 2013
    v4ngel wrote: »
    GWF biggest problem to me imo is our at will and feats
    i think our encounters damage are fine but our at will atks are far too weak compared to rogues and cw..i mean ffs we are using 2h weapon not baton sticks.

    almost most of our feats are bugged ( sentinel tree )

    and also you said that you play gwf by running around baiting people to atk you ? well you just prove more people that the gwf class is indeed weak compared to the others lol..
    ( seriously.. any class can do that )

    i mean if they buff the at wills, i have no problem with that. im not gonna complain about having even more 1v1 solo potential.

    As far as every class being able to bait people. No class can full on tank 2 or 3 people for about 30 seconds, and then break free of all crowd controls for about 5 seconds while being immune to any crowd controls, jump away from the fight, and then sprint halfway across the map to a potion. I mean even if other classes had that kind of mobility, a control wizard would just cc you to death while everyone else tears you apart. I literally run out of being in the middle of 3 or 4 people and escape from them all, grab a potion healing to full, and then come back to be a pain in the #*& again. Meanwhile relieving mid and our home base from pressure completely.
  • mistriosumistriosu Member Posts: 279 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    fadedlogic wrote: »
    Fo sho thanks for reading. what class do you play?

    Cleric is my highest, but I have a GWF sitting waiting to be leveled.
  • fadedlogicfadedlogic Member Posts: 49
    edited May 2013
    mistriosu wrote: »
    Cleric is my highest, but I have a GWF sitting waiting to be leveled.

    yay! cleric is by far my favorite class to play. Healing in this game is SUPER intense. I'm sitting in my room screaming while tryin to heal whoevers low and apply hots and spam aoe heals lol
  • bellylintbellylint Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    OP is full of <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> on this one, prolly another "real" TR in disguise as it is usually the case when you see people say that GWF are solid and very good in pvp "if they do this or that" uhuh.

    Nothing will change, how ever many post people try to prove to the contrary lets just prove them wrong once and for all, how many whines you see of TR or CW in this forum about them being underpowered?

    Case closed.

    But please, live in your fantasy world where pvp is totally ok and not broken beyond belief in this game!
  • fadedlogicfadedlogic Member Posts: 49
    edited May 2013
    bellylint wrote: »
    OP is full of <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> on this one, prolly another "real" TR in disguise as it is usually the case when you see people say that GWF are solid and very good in pvp "if they do this or that" uhuh.

    Nothing will change, how ever many post people try to prove to the contrary lets just prove them wrong once and for all, how many whines you see of TR or CW in this forum about them being underpowered?

    Case closed.

    But please, live in your fantasy world where pvp is totally ok and not broken beyond belief in this game!

    as i've said earlier, if you don't believe me feel free to watch my stream.
    I posted with facts and ways to play classes and utilize them to their utmost potential.
    and like i said i almost never lose games with my gwf. my TR is only level 10 right now. But again like i said i have all 5 toons currently, so my opinion isn't biased in any way
  • mistriosumistriosu Member Posts: 279 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    fadedlogic wrote: »
    yay! cleric is by far my favorite class to play. Healing in this game is SUPER intense. I'm sitting in my room screaming while tryin to heal whoevers low and apply hots and spam aoe heals lol

    At the level I'm at I've never died and I've done a couple dungeons. I can keep everyone up with Sunburst so I just DPS my clerical heart out and have fun throwing around spears of light (at will AND encounter) and my chains.
  • fadedlogicfadedlogic Member Posts: 49
    edited May 2013
    I wish they would implement a way to see your win/loss ratio so i could just post a screenshot of that with my GWF
  • fadedlogicfadedlogic Member Posts: 49
    edited May 2013
    mistriosu wrote: »
    At the level I'm at I've never died and I've done a couple dungeons. I can keep everyone up with Sunburst so I just DPS my clerical heart out and have fun throwing around spears of light (at will AND encounter) and my chains.

    for sure i don't use any of those spells though. i personally go straight full healer with my build.
  • mistriosumistriosu Member Posts: 279 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    The only thing I really want for GWF (I only got it to like 6 so far) is that our at-will hits up to 3 enemies. That'd be a huge quality of life change for me, even if the damage to the extra targets was reduced.

    I should clarify, using Astral Seal for sustained healing (if they're dps'ing constantly it heals for a ton) and if someone drops a little pop Sunburst.
    I've had zero problems and last time I got second in damage :D
  • fadedlogicfadedlogic Member Posts: 49
    edited May 2013
    mistriosu wrote: »
    The only thing I really want for GWF (I only got it to like 6 so far) is that our at-will hits up to 3 enemies. That'd be a huge quality of life change for me, even if the damage to the extra targets was reduced.

    well pre level i think about 20 you have your right click which is that charge up aoe hit.
    once you hit 20 though u can swap that out for a new at will that is exactly like your left click but aoe swings instead. just scroll down to lvl 20 in the powers tree and you'll see it. it's the green one
  • mistriosumistriosu Member Posts: 279 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    fadedlogic wrote: »
    well pre level i think about 20 you have your right click which is that charge up aoe hit.
    once you hit 20 though u can swap that out for a new at will that is exactly like your left click but aoe swings instead. just scroll down to lvl 20 in the powers tree and you'll see it. it's the green one
    Oh sweet! Now I can't wait! Thanks :D
  • pwiratgirlpwiratgirl Member Posts: 118 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    The thing that ruins pvp for me in this game is the ridiculous amounts of crowd control, and ZERO way to break out of it short of letting it wear off. Getting hit with a stun, then another stun, then another stun, then dying without being able to do jack squat is frustrating as all hell. You can argue that "it's not about damage/killing people" all you want, but that's HOW you control nodes. You kill the people trying to take/retake them.

    Huge amounts of damage coupled with copious crowd control makes pvp in this game, at least for me, an exercise in futility. I'd rather have tactical pvp than "mash buttons and kill them while they're locked down".

    What makes it especially ironic to me is that this is the same group of people who, back when they were running City of Heroes, nerfed the hell out of player crowd control abilities because, quote, "It's no fun killing things that can't fight back." Oh how times have changed.
  • redwaterxredwaterx Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 130 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    This entire thing was just... wrong. The op, the comments, the "insight"; the thread in its entirety. I'm sorry to've read it at all. PvP IS unbalanced - stop whining that it's not. Oh, your GWF can run all day long, that's exciting - still not understanding how that makes him viable in PvP. Mobility is a wonderful, wonderful option to have, but confining a class with as much potential as that one to a courier-level role in player-versus-player combat is just... demeaning. As for clerics, rogue soloing is cake. That stun's a real *****, but it's nothing chains and some FF can't fix - Clerics are monsters of survival on the battlefield. That, however, does nothing to undermine the TR's insane CC/burst, because for any other class (with the exception of GF), that means death. CWs are tricky, because you can't touch them. Hotenow is just one big Repel spam. Freeze/choke/push/repeat. Advantage point = TR, because jesus christ, if you get stealth jumped that is game point. Good effort. Just because each class "excels" (if I must suffer the use of that word in this explanation) in an area, it doesn't necessarily mean classes are BALANCED. Aquaman's really awesome at talking to fish, but Superman can fly - those two are in no way balanced. All newly released MMOs experience balancing issues - is it for us to deny that and turn the blind eye, or make an attempt at voicing what we feel needs rectification?
  • werepedobearwerepedobear Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 41
    edited May 2013
    Yes the balance in the game is perfect, no need for balance changes and updates ever.

    They should also remove the GWF and GF now since none of them makes any significant difference in a party other than a filler if you cant find 2 CW's 2 Clerics and a TR.

    And by your playstyle of the Great weapon fighter, running around and baiting and more running just proves how flawed your logic is, you're saying GWF is fine the way it is because you play it like a semi-tanky scout that does nothing but run around is just bull. thats what a TR does basically, sneaks in and out of battle, cap points and have 1v1 superiority bonus at it.

    And It Shows you how gimped GWS are at PVP If you cant engage anything 1v1 and youre reduced to running around silly and forced to use ALL your engagement skills for mobility.

    By your definition of the GWF being perfectly fine, they should rename it to Scout.

    Go sell you bull**** somewhere else. and no one wants to watch your stream.
  • fadedlogicfadedlogic Member Posts: 49
    edited May 2013
    pwiratgirl wrote: »
    The thing that ruins pvp for me in this game is the ridiculous amounts of crowd control, and ZERO way to break out of it short of letting it wear off. Getting hit with a stun, then another stun, then another stun, then dying without being able to do jack squat is frustrating as all hell. You can argue that "it's not about damage/killing people" all you want, but that's HOW you control nodes. You kill the people trying to take/retake them.

    Huge amounts of damage coupled with copious crowd control makes pvp in this game, at least for me, an exercise in futility. I'd rather have tactical pvp than "mash buttons and kill them while they're locked down".

    What makes it especially ironic to me is that this is the same group of people who, back when they were running City of Heroes, nerfed the hell out of player crowd control abilities because, quote, "It's no fun killing things that can't fight back." Oh how times have changed.

    i mean that just sounds like a positioning problem to me. you wont get stun locked if your entire team is peeling for u
  • fadedlogicfadedlogic Member Posts: 49
    edited May 2013
    redwaterx wrote: »
    This entire thing was just... wrong. The op, the comments, the "insight"; the thread in its entirety. I'm sorry to've read it at all. PvP IS unbalanced - stop whining that it's not. Oh, your GWF can run all day long, that's exciting - still not understanding how that makes him viable in PvP. Mobility is a wonderful, wonderful option to have, but confining a class with as much potential as that one to a courier-level role in player-versus-player combat is just... demeaning. As for clerics, rogue soloing is cake. That stun's a real *****, but it's nothing chains and some FF can't fix - Clerics are monsters of survival on the battlefield. That, however, does nothing to undermine the TR's insane CC/burst, because for any other class (with the exception of GF), that means death. CWs are tricky, because you can't touch them. Hotenow is just one big Repel spam. Freeze/choke/push/repeat. Advantage point = TR, because jesus christ, if you get stealth jumped that is game point. Good effort. Just because each class "excels" (if I must suffer the use of that word in this explanation) in an area, it doesn't necessarily mean classes are BALANCED. Aquaman's really awesome at talking to fish, but Superman can fly - those two are in no way balanced. All newly released MMOs experience balancing issues - is it for us to deny that and turn the blind eye, or make an attempt at voicing what we feel needs rectification?

    so basically your mad because each class cant beat each class? i just dont understand why everyone feels that every class should beat every class. pvp isnt about killing. its about team coordination am i wrong? your frustration is that your one class cant win against all other classes. yah your right my gwf is kinda like a courier. I personally dont mind it. its strategically winning me games period.
  • fadedlogicfadedlogic Member Posts: 49
    edited May 2013
    Yes the balance in the game is perfect, no need for balance changes and updates ever.

    They should also remove the GWF and GF now since none of them makes any significant difference in a party other than a filler if you cant find 2 CW's 2 Clerics and a TR.

    And by your playstyle of the Great weapon fighter, running around and baiting and more running just proves how flawed your logic is, you're saying GWF is fine the way it is because you play it like a semi-tanky scout that does nothing but run around is just bull. thats what a TR does basically, sneaks in and out of battle, cap points and have 1v1 superiority bonus at it.

    And It Shows you how gimped GWS are at PVP If you cant engage anything 1v1 and youre reduced to running around silly and forced to use ALL your engagement skills for mobility.

    By your definition of the GWF being perfectly fine, they should rename it to Scout.

    Go sell you bull**** somewhere else. and no one wants to watch your stream.

    lol i literally laughed at you.

    like i said they should buff the gwf. then ill be a monster and win 100% of my games instead of 90%.

    but plz rage harder on this thread its hilarious
  • maximiliousmaximilious Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    no offence buddy but you're full of ****, I been playing countless pvp matches as a GF and
    Guardian fighters with their immense defense can stay contesting an objective for a long time.
    is full of ****. you sir are full of ****.

    We don't have "tons of defense" we just have a bit more hp than your average class. I cannot even 1v1 a rouge that comes take my control if he is life steal build, I will be dead in 10 seconds and if there is a CW helping I will be dead in 5 or less.

    Seriously, before you try to make post such as this try to play every ****ing class in the game.
  • werepedobearwerepedobear Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 41
    edited May 2013
    fadedlogic wrote: »
    lol i literally laughed at you.

    like i said they should buff the gwf. then ill be a monster and win 100% of my games instead of 90%.

    but plz rage harder on this thread its hilarious

    not raging here, just calling you bull.

    It's stupid to claim that anything specially a game in beta perfectly balanced.

    And as I've said, you're just proving the point that the GWF is extremely gimped if your "perfect" style of playing it is by using it like a "courier". definitely what the designers wanted the class's role to be, naming it GREAT WEAPON FIGHTER.

    again. bull$h1t
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