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    tharkantharkan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    reilz1981 wrote: »
    june will see alot of competitors so hopefully neverwinter can bring something to the table to wipe the floor with them

    Hopefully it will include new races and classes
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    izidiusizidius Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 40
    edited May 2013
    OMG Rift f2p is coming, so is Wildstar and ESO! We are saved! *sarcasm*. This is getting old really fast. :rolleyes:
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    izidiusizidius Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 40
    edited May 2013
    riven84 wrote: »
    The game is overrun by bots, so yeah, no doubt they're full. ^____^

    And kids who have nothing better to do than bash a game instead of going on said game that they keep praising.
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    elyrielleelyrielle Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    izidius wrote: »
    OMG Rift f2p is coming, so is Wildstar and ESO! We are saved! *sarcasm*. This is getting old really fast. :rolleyes:

    Well Wildstar at least I'm looking forward to :P

    But that's not til fall so...
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    elyrielleelyrielle Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    shahualing wrote: »
    ESO looks interesting. There hasn't been a decent 3 sided RVR game in a very long time.

    Sadly Hero engine + former Mythic lead put my interest level in that title at "never" even though I loved Skyrim.
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    terradraconisterradraconis Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Rift announced they're going F2P in June. I'm willing to bet if we don't see end-game raids soon, people are going to leave this game for Rift.

    Given that Rifts is PVP centric unlike say Neverwinter Nights Online. Maybe all the people whining about NWNO being Pay 2 win will leave and go over there and whine about it. Especially since Rifts will actually be selling power in the cash shop. It would be good to see the crowd that wants NWNO to be PVP centric to all go off to Rifts.

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    robertthebardrobertthebard Member Posts: 543 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You said:
    shahualing wrote: »
    This is a half truth, dungeons are tested with best possible gear at the level, which includes appropriate enchantments. Appropriate enchantments cost money and are significant.

    I said:
    Really? Because I was looking at the Foundry last night, and I have a hot key to kill the boss. Seems to me that if I have it, they probably do too.
    shahualing wrote: »
    I have no idea what you are trying to say, or what it has to do with what I said.

    What's your issue? The tools provided by Cryptic to build your own adventures have a button that allows you to instakill the mobs placed for testing the modules you are working on. It is logical, therefore, to assume that Cryptic has the same button in their version of the tools to build modules. I'm quite sure they didn't tank the end boss of the PvE content so far with the lvl 1 fighter that's provided by default, or the 3x version I can respec in the tools for the same purpose. QA, it stands to reason, has the same exact tools available, or they might have caught the one exploit before the game ever went out for beta.
    Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
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    izidiusizidius Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 40
    edited May 2013
    elyrielle wrote: »
    Well Wildstar at least I'm looking forward to :P

    But that's not til fall so...

    Well me too in a way but what I meant is how some people use other (upcoming) games as a means of defense or to bash another game instead of just leaving the forums. I can't picture myself lurking on a game forum and bashing it instead of leaving, what is there to gain by doing that?
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    elyrielleelyrielle Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    izidius wrote: »
    Well me too in a way but what I meant is how some people use other (upcoming) games as a means of defense or to bash another game instead of just leaving the forums. I can't picture myself lurking on a game forum and bashing it instead of leaving, what is there to gain by doing that?

    Yea I agree. Part of the problem is a lot of MMO gamers keep thinking there's going to be that "one best MMO" that they'll be playing the rest of their life. That will never happen. All a MMO is, is a game that you typically play a little longer than a single player game. It's not a permanent form of entertainment for any but the insane :P
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    elyrielleelyrielle Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    shahualing wrote: »
    It is Matt Frior, who was not involved in WHO, and was the main reason DAoC was so awesome. So I have hope for it.

    Mark Jacobs is working on some mid-life crisis self flagellation of a MMO called Camelot Unchained.

    Oh I'm well aware who Firor is, I actually used to work for them and yea, don't get me started on Jacobs...
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    tsatixtsatix Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    OP is flat out wrong, acting like Rift is a new game.
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    l1d3nl1d3n Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 385 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Rift is just... terrible.
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    lyokiralyokira Member Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    elyrielle wrote: »
    Yea I agree. Part of the problem is a lot of MMO gamers keep thinking there's going to be that "one best MMO" that they'll be playing the rest of their life. That will never happen. All a MMO is, is a game that you typically play a little longer than a single player game. It's not a permanent form of entertainment for any but the insane :P
    Then again, I like to think that everyone is insane anyway, so..
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    kaerthuskaerthus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    shahualing wrote: »
    This is a half truth, dungeons are tested with best possible gear at the level, which includes appropriate enchantments. Appropriate enchantments cost money and are significant.

    All right I'll bite, this is a direct quote from one of the blogs on the main page:

    "Question by ranncore:
    What's your reasoning behind not giving the Cleric class a resurrection spell? Are end-game dungeons really going to be easy enough that resurrection won't be needed, or are they going to be hard enough to require store-bought rez scrolls?

    Answer from cryptic_crucial:
    When we playtest the dungeons in house we don't use any store-bought items"

    Now you give me a link/quote to your facts.
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    rerrer1rerrer1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Rift announced they're going F2P in June. I'm willing to bet if we don't see end-game raids soon, people are going to leave this game for Rift.

    Sorry, I have played A LOT of MMOs since 1997. The first one to catch my attention was a silly game by Sierra (now Norseman Games) called The Realm Online. After the game basically died along with AOL dial-up services, I found Final Fantasy X-I in which I played for 6-7 years. I tried others, but that is the only one that I played with a real story and evolving content. Then came WoW. Still one of the best MMOs, heck, even this game as well as just about every other MMO including RIFT, LotR, and SWTOR, follow as far as engines and interface goes. Then I tried to play RIFT, SWTOR, other terrible games by Perfect World... Then NEVERWINTER came along. I was like "I'll try the freebie."

    I love this game. Easy to learn for an ex-WoW player, customizable content, player involvement, and you dont even have to pay for Zen if you are willing to work for it. The perfect model for a freebie MMO. This game far outweighs the "RIFT goes Aeria Games" model. Buying gear? <<< Pay to win only works for losers who do not care for content, strategy, and teamwork.

    So those who go to RIFT, enjoy Loserville. I for one, prefer a game with meat, not just bones.
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    glanniganglannigan Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 463 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Rift announced they're going F2P in June. I'm willing to bet if we don't see end-game raids soon, people are going to leave this game for Rift.

    So? If Rift was so good then no one would be here..they would be there.
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    stormdrag0nstormdrag0n Member Posts: 3,222 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What I find laughable and downright pathetic is Neverwinter isn't even out of closed beta and we are getting:

    "Omgerd X game will be the Neverwinter killa!!!! Mass exodus!!!!"

    Are haters really that afraid of a small F2p title, or do they actually believe the can social engineer the community?
    Always Looking for mature laidback players/rpers for Dungeon Delves!
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    rerrer1rerrer1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    elyrielle wrote: »
    Yea I agree. Part of the problem is a lot of MMO gamers keep thinking there's going to be that "one best MMO" that they'll be playing the rest of their life. That will never happen. All a MMO is, is a game that you typically play a little longer than a single player game. It's not a permanent form of entertainment for any but the insane :P

    Like I said in a previous quote, WoW may still be the best MMO game out there... However, it has lost most of its community. This game will live to be one of the best as long as the community is here and active.
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    robertthebardrobertthebard Member Posts: 543 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    shahualing wrote: »
    None of that has anything at all to do with what I said.

    The guy said that the dungeons are tested without cash shop items, and...well read my post.

    So then we'd better put a stop to the "exploit" they're fixing concerning excessive damage then, because if they tested with end game gear, with full enchantments, it's really working as intended right? Are you going to post apologies to the people you accused, falsely as it turns out, according to your perceived testing methods, and promise to never falsely accuse them again?

    Wait, since they have said it was not working as intended, I guess that means that your assumption on testing was incorrect, huh. It has everything to do with what you said not being necessarily correct. Otherwise, the GF bug would have never found it's way into the "live" game, right?
    Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
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    lyokiralyokira Member Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So then we'd better put a stop to the "exploit" they're fixing concerning excessive damage then, because if they tested with end game gear, with full enchantments, it's really working as intended right? Are you going to post apologies to the people you accused, falsely as it turns out, according to your perceived testing methods, and promise to never falsely accuse them again?

    Wait, since they have said it was not working as intended, I guess that means that your assumption on testing was incorrect, huh. It has everything to do with what you said not being necessarily correct. Otherwise, the GF bug would have never found it's way into the "live" game, right?
    That or they tested with weaker gear. Which is obviously what was done, since the bug is with final tier gear, and you obviously can't get those unless you can beat the bosses with lower tier gear anyway.
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    robertthebardrobertthebard Member Posts: 543 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    lyokira wrote: »
    That or they tested with weaker gear. Which is obviously what was done, since the bug is with final tier gear, and you obviously can't get those unless you can beat the bosses with lower tier gear anyway.

    Which is likely, and frankly, if things go south during testing, they don't have to wipe, they can hit the killswitch. That cracked me up when I saw in the Foundry tools. "oops, I made my boss too strong: Killswitch it".
    Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
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    robertthebardrobertthebard Member Posts: 543 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    shahualing wrote: »

    You really don't, and that's so sad.
    Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
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    pojzonpojzon Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Threads like this were are and will be posted coz:
    Thats how new generation works. I remember how "server jumping" in lineage 2 started. Kids found server and month later it was dead, coz new one was up. All the ppl that werent in this 5% of top players just left in hope they would accomplish something more on new server.

    And ofcourse it happened again and again...

    Now i see same with this f2p mmos. And im 100% sure this game WILL lose half of its playerbase to <input name here> new f2p MMO.
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    elyrielleelyrielle Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    rerrer1 wrote: »
    Like I said in a previous quote, WoW may still be the best MMO game out there... However, it has lost most of its community. This game will live to be one of the best as long as the community is here and active.

    I do agree here the Foundry with the D&D setting gives this game a huge amount of potential. It comes down to the tools Cryptic gives the players and what they do with them. And that's part of the reason all this high endgame exploiting business or the economy in this game doesn't bother me as much as it would a standard MMO - the 'endgame' here in my opinion is the Foundry, not whatever Cryptic throws together for raids and pvp.
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