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Reason why exploits exist



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    paragon33paragon33 Member Posts: 134 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    b0r7 wrote: »
    Ok, to many pages to read but want to counter debate OP's lack of reasoning why he is butthurt over a non-issue

    The entire open beta, which isn't gold yet, is because...TO TEST THE GAME! Exploits exist because its an open clause like a legal document, you know that kind of thing you cannot do but you can do this and its ok...until its re-written and patched (it was ok to level to 60 ASAP for a few days, cause Cryptic was figuring out what the problem was and then it wasn't ok when it was fixed, since it was impossible...but the public at large likes to have a kneejerk reaction to the butt hole and demand vindication cause their ego is hurt over something that isn't affecting them...who cares if someone is already max level cap). Oh yeah, and you know what is better then a private server...if 5 out of 1000 people are on a test server you find nothing...if 5000 people are on a live server and 1000 are doing something that is exploiting the open clause and finding it...SO THE COMPANY CAN CORRECT IT! Yes, its called shot in the dark with shotgun and wearing night vision goggles...aka increasing the odds so you can hit the target and find the problems in the code. More people, more chances to win the lottery of bad coding, more chances to quickly find it instead of going live and then having hours of server downtime.

    Recap: Its being done a certain way, to find the problems. The customer base is the problem, the whiney little childish people demanding corporal punishment who cannot just grow up and be patient that the problem is being fixed.

    You people... don't get it...
    There wont be a game to play; it would have already been PLAYED in completion by 80% of the population before this so called release you tards think is coming happens. All the fuel for this fine ride gets burned up before the show ever starts..
    So DENSE.... They are acting to slowly; its 101 stuff.
    Were not saying this BS to bash the game... Were saying it because we want it to live on and grow.

    Their lack of vocal acknowledgment or action of any kind is proof something is seriously wrong.
    Perhaps success was to big for them... Bu they are deep in **** right now; thats why there is silence.
    Deer in headlights...

    Just fess up, apologize and give the founders their proper purchases, refund all zen; which will come back into the game anyway. And perhaps compensate everyone else with some minor Zen (not AD)
    and lets get this show back on the road. Take a week if they need and fix all these game braking issues. Then load her up... I think we all love this game enough to want this. Matter of fact... just let the founders keep their place. (if they check out in the logs exploitation free). Otherwise you would have to give them their head start again.

    Make the best of this... These guys have a winner here. This is a critical point...
    brake the mold or follow the PWE m.o and join the rest of the turn and burn mmo pile.

    Anyone that isnt is only showing they are the exploiters or not wanting to lose their advantages they got via these exploiters.

    God knows I dont feel like starting over. Put the game ahead of your self. Else you're the problem this time...not another fail

    They could even launch her back up with the ranger live this time....

    So much they "could" do... foresight is needed here; Not stalling tactics.
    Millions over a decade or millions for less then a year.

    Look at DDO, they did a pretty decent turn around because they "acted."
    I play it here and there over the years; but it maintained a strong base.

    This game wont even have that if they start alienating like all the other recent fails.

    Anyone familiar with recent burns like Swtor or D3 knows a bad team when they see one. Or the signs of a bad one... Were not those people saying oh its going to fail... Your those people that say it's all ok when its not.
    You might be those types that don't mind small crowds and Rping in pubs.. But most of us want a strong player base thats healthy which can guarantee constant growth and long term success...
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    the1tiggletthe1tigglet Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 1
    edited May 2013
    While I agree PTR is necessary for a live product for future patches it's not necessary in open beta, it's redundant.

    Secondly, not all of the exploits are bugs in the code some are design flaws which I'm pretty sure they are aware of and taking care of it. You have to recall that some of these guys are long time mmo gamers I know they remember their gaming history.

    the exploiters/bots will be gone in due time. This isn't the first game with growing pains and it won't be the last believe me.
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    arcbladezarcbladez Member Posts: 210 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Dont get me wrong but there is a reason why blizzard have public/private test servers where people can find exploits and report them.

    Funny you mention Blizzard, cause just last week or 2 weeks ago, they released a new patch and there was an exploit where if you sold an item on the Auction House, if you cancel it, you got the gold for it!!!! People were listing items for millions of gold, cancelling their auction and then received millions of gold on their characters! AND THIS WAS LESS THAN 2 WEEKS AGO!!!

    And here you are saying Blizzard is better? LMAO!

    The game is new, exploits will be found, and I will laugh even more the day Cryptic starts waving the ban hammer at those who took advantage of it. Sure some or even many will get away with it, and I don't care. They don't affect me so whatever. But those who will get caught are in deep $#!%! I hope most of you cheaters aren't too attached to your accounts because many of you will lose it all soon enough.

    No game developer out there can release a bugless and perfect game at launch! Not even Blizzard can do it! Many of WoW and D3's patches were bugged at released, and sometimes they are so bugged and lack testing that people find a simple Gold Dupe bug which ruins the economy... like what happened to D3 a few weeks ago. :)
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    jazzneojazzneo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1
    edited May 2013
    arcbladez wrote: »
    Funny you mention Blizzard, cause just last week or 2 weeks ago, they released a new patch and there was an exploit where if you sold an item on the Auction House, if you cancel it, you got the gold for it!!!! People were listing items for millions of gold, cancelling their auction and then received millions of gold on their characters! AND THIS WAS LESS THAN 2 WEEKS AGO!!!

    And here you are saying Blizzard is better? LMAO!

    The game is new, exploits will be found, and I will laugh even more the day Cryptic starts waving the ban hammer at those who took advantage of it. Sure some or even many will get away with it, and I don't care. They don't affect me so whatever. But those who will get caught are in deep $#!%! I hope most of you cheaters aren't too attached to your accounts because many of you will lose it all soon enough.

    No game developer out there can release a bugless and perfect game at launch! Not even Blizzard can do it! Many of WoW and D3's patches were bugged at released, and sometimes they are so bugged and lack testing that people find a simple Gold Dupe bug which ruins the economy... like what happened to D3 a few weeks ago. :)

    so true. i remember the days when Ultima Online had alot exploit
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    orangerascalorangerascal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Exploits exist for the sole reason that human beings (and especially programmers) aren't infallable.
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    spacejewspacejew Member Posts: 1,044 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    b0r7 wrote:
    Ok, to many pages to read but want to counter debate OP's lack of reasoning why he is butthurt over a non-issue

    The entire open beta, which isn't gold yet, is because...TO TEST THE GAME!

    If that was the only point of this 'open beta' than why are there no roll backs and why I can pay real money to them and why can you get banned for exploiting? We can agree to disagree on their semantics, but claiming that's the only point of this 'open beta' is wearing blinders.
    MoF/Thaum CW SS/Thaum CW IV/Protector GF SW/Combat HR SM/Destroyer GWF WK/Executioner TR DO/Faithful DC
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    jazzneojazzneo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1
    edited May 2013
    Exploits exist for the sole reason that human beings (and especially programmers) aren't infallable.

    i tell them this to player if they think they can do better than they should go to college and learn programmers games

    spacejew wrote: »
    If that was the only point of this 'open beta' than why are there no roll backs and why I can pay real money to them and why can you get banned for exploiting? We can agree to disagree on their semantics, but claiming that's the only point of this 'open beta' is wearing blinders.

    Game stay open beta forever dude

    when it say close beta it mean they going to whip your character. o
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    spacejewspacejew Member Posts: 1,044 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    jazzneo wrote: »
    when it say close beta it mean they going to whip your character. o

    So if the beta is further away they won't flog me?
    MoF/Thaum CW SS/Thaum CW IV/Protector GF SW/Combat HR SM/Destroyer GWF WK/Executioner TR DO/Faithful DC
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    darkwingz88darkwingz88 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Its all good price of adventurers already went up by twice from 70k to 140k.
    Seriously only thing I regret was not buying out all cheap rare assets and reselling them now.
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    paragon33paragon33 Member Posts: 134 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    arcbladez wrote: »
    Funny you mention Blizzard, cause just last week or 2 weeks ago, they released a new patch and there was an exploit where if you sold an item on the Auction House, if you cancel it, you got the gold for it!!!! People were listing items for millions of gold, cancelling their auction and then received millions of gold on their characters! AND THIS WAS LESS THAN 2 WEEKS AGO!!!

    And here you are saying Blizzard is better? LMAO!

    The game is new, exploits will be found, and I will laugh even more the day Cryptic starts waving the ban hammer at those who took advantage of it. Sure some or even many will get away with it, and I don't care. They don't affect me so whatever. But those who will get caught are in deep $#!%! I hope most of you cheaters aren't too attached to your accounts because many of you will lose it all soon enough.

    No game developer out there can release a bugless and perfect game at launch! Not even Blizzard can do it! Many of WoW and D3's patches were bugged at released, and sometimes they are so bugged and lack testing that people find a simple Gold Dupe bug which ruins the economy... like what happened to D3 a few weeks ago. :)

    First impressions take precedence in this world whether we like it or not... and such can kill a game before it even starts. Look at all the good press this game got; its under a spotlight; now watch what this slow to act can cause.That's all his point really comes down too. I hate blizzard but comparing is foolish. You guys are to caught up in the wrong area. This is potentially crippling and there is no action being taken. (There is a difference between what the team is doing behind the scenes (even IF they are working their *** off) and whats going on on the front stage... The world goes on as does the damage and attention span of people. this is a business; that therefore equates to lost profit and potential. Its a negative spiral... One that will effect even you eventually.
    PWE has a MO with this.... only adds to this concern yeah..? Some of you sheep fans need to get a grasp on the fact not everyone is bashing the game. They are showing concern and you act like they are running around with their hair on fire; when its the Reps running around with their hair on fire... Were rooting for the same team; just you guys tend to follow blind faith... Typically the ones still standing when nothings left still denying anything happened.
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    darkwingz88darkwingz88 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    From what I know blizzard took action to all this auction house gold duping.
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    paragon33paragon33 Member Posts: 134 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Again you keep treating this like its some moral subject of **** happens vs excuses for people just being human. Its a business... Its success is starting to be questionable. Especially to those that knows the company's history...
    Its one guys job to specifically to prevent these very mishaps from even happening and for having an established plan both internally and PR wise with the player base. Meanwhile you hide behind terms like OB which PWE has ALWAYS used loosely as you try and dodge the fact something not being handled right here.
    This is not about bugs that typical get pressed out. This is about game braking exploits... On the same exact lvl as duping. These things can destroy a game... They are on the top of the list of things to prevent for any competent company; which is rollbacks or emergency closures happening asap; reluctantly or not... And yet we get the silent treatment and obvious exploiters get a free pass... Meanwhile real fans will have that worry feeling in their tummy. All the more so because this is a **** good game. Even a BS statement at this point would be helpful. This non action is always the sign something is wrong in the BG... They are in panic mode; it cant be any clearer to people with experience in the industry.

    Plz stop this hippie it will all be alright <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>; grow some balls and toss a lil pressure for some deserved PR that doesn't include thanks for the feedback we continue to work on server stability like a broken robot. Founders or not many people as of now have put money into the game; that makes us paying customers; not *****ing morons playing on handouts... their stance on Exploiting has only lead to more exploiting and this continues to effect the whole of the community. If you don't think it does now...trust me it will. And then it will be to late.

    Ill try to lay off the spam now.
    I just want it to succeed. So much can be done with this game... And after so many crash and burns I think many of us feel this way. Looking for a mmo to call home again rather then these build to turn and burn CS profit tree f2p's.
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    darkwingz88darkwingz88 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    b0r7 wrote: »
    Ok, to many pages to read but want to counter debate OP's lack of reasoning why he is butthurt over a non-issue

    The entire open beta, which isn't gold yet, is because...TO TEST THE GAME! Exploits exist because its an open clause like a legal document, you know that kind of thing you cannot do but you can do this and its ok...until its re-written and patched (it was ok to level to 60 ASAP for a few days, cause Cryptic was figuring out what the problem was and then it wasn't ok when it was fixed, since it was impossible...but the public at large likes to have a kneejerk reaction to the butt hole and demand vindication cause their ego is hurt over something that isn't affecting them...who cares if someone is already max level cap). Oh yeah, and you know what is better then a private server...if 5 out of 1000 people are on a test server you find nothing...if 5000 people are on a live server and 1000 are doing something that is exploiting the open clause and finding it...SO THE COMPANY CAN CORRECT IT! Yes, its called shot in the dark with shotgun and wearing night vision goggles...aka increasing the odds so you can hit the target and find the problems in the code. More people, more chances to win the lottery of bad coding, more chances to quickly find it instead of going live and then having hours of server downtime.

    Recap: Its being done a certain way, to find the problems. The customer base is the problem, the whiney little childish people demanding corporal punishment who cannot just grow up and be patient that the problem is being fixed.

    Its good to know this game will go "live" because going live means no more wipes will be performed. Oh WAIT.
    I just forgot there wont be wipes from beta. So whats the point of beta?
    To test server stability mostly.

    Im pretty sorry im ****ing irrational with being annoyed by people that duped truckload of virtual currency. If cryptic had balls they would just completely <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> off everyone and take down dungeons for 2-3 days until they fix it. Yes it would cause massive outrages from teenagers that cant understand point of beta.

    You know actually my real problem is that we are in "beta" but no "beta" actions are taken.
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    amukazamukaz Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Of course, all games have exploits.
    But this is first game(and im playing mmo games 15 years) when i saw that someone made 10000$ in 2 weeks using exploits :D

    Its time for me to leave this game. I dont see any point of using exploits.
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    watchyourbackwatchyourback Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Its good to know this game will go "live" because going live means no more wipes will be performed. Oh WAIT.
    I just forgot there wont be wipes from beta. So whats the point of beta?
    To test server stability mostly.

    Im pretty sorry im ****ing irrational with being annoyed by people that duped truckload of virtual currency. If cryptic had balls they would just completely <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> off everyone and take down dungeons for 2-3 days until they fix it. Yes it would cause massive outrages from teenagers that cant understand point of beta.

    You know actually my real problem is that we are in "beta" but no "beta" actions are taken.
    it just not priority. new zen items are priority
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    hwedragnhearthwedragnheart Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I am wondering is Cn supposed to drop T2 drops and if it is. Who cares how many times the person is going into there. 2 get drops. Real question is maybe the drops are supposed to be like that so it will flood market and make them cheaper in long run. IF guys are get tons of money for it then that's everyone else problem, cause they are the ones buying it. i don't see any reason why some one can't farm it, If that's the way it supposed to be. But if it not then it will be fix when it fix . still don't see where economy is going to suffer. So many people have told you guys who are whining about economy in game everyone still get ad from doing daily and other stuff. i don't see economy bad at all . Seeing how anyone can get same stuff in game and sell them same way. now if it is a exploit then they will get punished. If not its just a few whining guys complaining over nothing. Has anyone from pw even really said any of these were exploits? or are they supposed to do that? Just curious.
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