my guess is they're getting flooded with requests now due to the lower price.
Also possible the proximity to Labor Day might be disrupting things. I bought a virtual issue Friday evening (so my wife can potentially get one of those steeds: I already have Pale) and don't plan to feel concerned till at least Thursday or so.
gex91Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited September 2013
anyone wanna give me one of pc gamer code for 100 zen on dragon server Lol
Gexy - Devoted Cleric - Lv60 - GS 12k- Guild : N e v e r W i n t e r O r d e r
Also possible the proximity to Labor Day might be disrupting things. I bought a virtual issue Friday evening (so my wife can potentially get one of those steeds: I already have Pale) and don't plan to feel concerned till at least Thursday or so.
Just updating that I still haven't gotten a reply...anyone else heard back yet?
Foundry - Fight Club? (nw-dluqbofu7)
- JailBreak (in development)
Thanks Wizairde and Potteronmarny , just got a key for the merc through the allegro auction site. For people interested keep looking at the allegro site and follow Potteronmarny's directions. The most frustrating part is the language barrier, but using Google translator helps a lot. If you see a posting ask the seller if they have a paypal account so you can send the payment. Goodluck to those interested, hopefully this promo comes to NA it really is a cool looking lvl 20 companion.
aeneadesMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 4Arc User
edited September 2013
New Promotion up on the Alienware site giving a <Natural 20> Title along with a potion pack.
Managed to pick up one of the Mercenary codes via Allegro but was a bit tricky at times and at one point had the seller thinking the transaction was fraudulent (due to wanting to use Paypal and offering to cover the additional fees incurred compared to bank transfer).
fablernMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Managed to pick up one of the Mercenary codes via Allegro but was a bit tricky at times and at one point had the seller thinking the transaction was fraudulent (due to wanting to use Paypal and offering to cover the additional fees incurred compared to bank transfer).
Thanks for the code... just sent you a pm regarding allegro btw..
Managed to pick up one of the Mercenary codes via Allegro but was a bit tricky at times and at one point had the seller thinking the transaction was fraudulent (due to wanting to use Paypal and offering to cover the additional fees incurred compared to bank transfer).
Are the bonuses account-wide? Do I get the title on all characters or just one the one who pick the pack in game?
I haven't seen a promo that was limited to one character yet. Its interesting when you make a new character because you get this flood of promos all at once with your titles.
voiceoftemprusMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited September 2013
Thank you to all that made and have keep this thread going, I was able to get several keys I never heard about before.
Good-bye, DevSlayer title, you will be missed.
Still Waiting on: Archer and the Ultimate Ninja!
Any chance we can finally get the vibro sword laser sword skin? "CO once had devs, but they all fled to STO and NW because they feared Caliga." -matixzon
gex91Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 3Arc User
I haven't seen a promo that was limited to one character yet. Its interesting when you make a new character because you get this flood of promos all at once with your titles.
A lot of the packs are 1 per account but mounts, mercs and titles seem to be account wide.
Are the bonuses account-wide? Do I get the title on all characters or just one the one who pick the pack in game?
To date every title/mount/pet/item/achievement linked to promo codes has been applied to every character. However, the potion gift pack that also comes along with almost every promotion you just get one that you can reclaim on a single character.
Great! I've updated the Promotion Code Wiki Page with the information (also did some housecleaning of identifiable closed promotions on there). And I have my own cool new "Natural 20" title.
As a side note I still haven't received anything from that PC Gamer digital $1 purchase. Starting to wonder... Anybody else had any luck recently with that one?
dardoveMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
As a side note I still haven't received anything from that PC Gamer digital $1 purchase. Starting to wonder... Anybody else had any luck recently with that one?
As a side note I still haven't received anything from that PC Gamer digital $1 purchase. Starting to wonder... Anybody else had any luck recently with that one?
Same here, good thing it was only a dollar.
Foundry - Fight Club? (nw-dluqbofu7)
- JailBreak (in development)
Tried to send them an email (waiting on a second code) and it was unable to be delivered - I'm thinking they're having some problems right now. I still hold out hope that I might get a code, but it might not be for a while.
As a side note I still haven't received anything from that PC Gamer digital $1 purchase. Starting to wonder... Anybody else had any luck recently with that one?
DUE TO PACKING TAPE ISSUES... I'm still opening.. LOL ARE YOU READY FOR THIS RIDICULOUSNESS... Okay first there are a total of 3 keys.. one lock... The first thing you see when you open the cardboard box is the key in a bag (yes I'm dragging this out) It is a wooden key tag with a leather rope and a metal key... A layer down is two keys - that open the front of the box - - that's from Facebook - hoping it works as a link, if not I'll toss it on Photobucket or something. The dragon box itself is probably cardboard with a graphic finish, lined, metal and leather trim. Valindra statue isn't scary but is pretty cool.. hefty.. The book with it is a beauty. Cloth map is very nice.. oh - that pesky in game item... hold on..
By auction, worked with the seller to make sure it was okay to use PayPal.
I would give 1k Zen for a Mercenary key...but its harder than i thought!! uugg hate these so unfair exclusive offers!!
Just updating that I still haven't gotten a reply...anyone else heard back yet?
- JailBreak (in development)
Managed to pick up one of the Mercenary codes via Allegro but was a bit tricky at times and at one point had the seller thinking the transaction was fraudulent (due to wanting to use Paypal and offering to cover the additional fees incurred compared to bank transfer).
Thanks for the code... just sent you a pm regarding allegro btw..
Thanks! Got my code.
so far this stuff has been account wide.
- JailBreak (in development)
I haven't seen a promo that was limited to one character yet. Its interesting when you make a new character because you get this flood of promos all at once with your titles.
Good-bye, DevSlayer title, you will be missed.
Still Waiting on: Archer and the Ultimate Ninja!
Any chance we can finally get the vibro sword laser sword skin?
"CO once had devs, but they all fled to STO and NW because they feared Caliga." -matixzon
not started yet
i want mercenary compagnion so bad , but i cant get it from that site
I want it too.... would be nice if they'd make it available to us in the US. Keep circling trying to find another way to get the thing.
A lot of the packs are 1 per account but mounts, mercs and titles seem to be account wide.
Great! I've updated the Promotion Code Wiki Page with the information (also did some housecleaning of identifiable closed promotions on there). And I have my own cool new "Natural 20" title.
As a side note I still haven't received anything from that PC Gamer digital $1 purchase. Starting to wonder... Anybody else had any luck recently with that one?
I haven't received a reply to it yet.
- JailBreak (in development)
Nothing here yet either.
What are you waiting for? OPEN IT!
WAIT! Check for traps first!
DUE TO PACKING TAPE ISSUES... I'm still opening.. LOL ARE YOU READY FOR THIS RIDICULOUSNESS... Okay first there are a total of 3 keys.. one lock... The first thing you see when you open the cardboard box is the key in a bag (yes I'm dragging this out) It is a wooden key tag with a leather rope and a metal key... A layer down is two keys - that open the front of the box - slightly brighter