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[Petition] Bring back Foundry EXP



  • jscott3jscott3 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1. Put a budget cap in the editor for how many encounters allowed or a experience cap that can be earned.
    2. Set the content so they can only be repeated once a week.
    3. Create some thresholds that we can chose from based on xp/loot.

    Maybe something so players will have to pick what they are aiming for, experience? or loot? So player A wants experience, they can only earn certain amount of experience in a timeframe (Something like earn 10% of the experience level per hour of content.) If player B wants loot, then player will earn 5% of the experience level per hour of content with a better loot table.

    Foundry is a great tool set. In my opinion, nerfs is just a lazy way to handle things in all games. Developers should use their minds and be opened up to what we are posting. Give us the power to have some control of it but throw CAPS on things. We want a boss that we can control what it does? We allowed one main, and 3 mini bosses. We want it to be a solo content? We want it to be 2 people? Full group? Give us a budget on how much we can have based on a experience / loot standards that everyone can agree on.

    Just hope this is a temp fix to put a handle on things. Again, just come up with some experience / loot standards like the current quest system in place and we can go from there. If a player is adding something that you can earn 2 levels, then that needs to be broken up into multiple parts. Just come up with a budget system!
  • ruffistruffist Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Bring the back the old foundry system. Lifespan of mmos are base on content, how long to lvl, pvp, n others. I loved pvp in this game until my team started to get spawn camp. The only reason I was playing this game bc I was able to farm to 60. I played a ton of mmos in my life and I am getting very bored of the long questing to max lv. Plus, with all the lame zen shop <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> doesn't make the game better. I understand this is a f2p game but 10 bucks for a bag or other things. Anyway, back to the topic...I will stop playing this game if there is no "correct fix." There are a few ppl thinking "who cares if you leave." So, if your best friend, gf, mom, sister, or whomever stop playing bc of this would you care then? I am sure there are over 100 ppl who feel the same as I do. I don't see what was the big deal and why some ppl was "QQ" about fast lvling. "Why are you mad, bro?" Come join me for a few runs. Those same ppl was the ones who made the "orge in the box"

    Bring the old system back!

    Bring back the old system

    If someone want's to level this way, I don't see the issue with it. It doesn't hurt anyone
  • dfkabutodfkabuto Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Alternatively, make it so that you can't get XP from the same Quest twice within an hour/day.
  • nephtnepht Member Posts: 5,826 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    markyx16 wrote: »
    Nope. These farm foundry quests screwed over people like myself who want to create ACTUAL quests

    Most people liked the exp. Have fun trying to get people to play your badly written train wrecks now. If I want to read I'll go buy some more books. The foundry is ruined for the majority. Well done "authors".
  • allaerraallaerra Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 838 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Exploits should just be removed. Ruining XP and (especially) drops for the good quests sucks. There has to be a better way to deal with this.
  • iratusdesperoiratusdespero Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    l3uck3t wrote: »
    Nope.. I'm glad its gone

    hope you'll be glad that most of the player base won't be using the foundry maps for anything anymore. Farm maps or not, im not going to waste my time running a cool story dungeon only to get absolutely nothing for my time.

    Cryptic knew this would happen, it's still happening in STO lmao, and was happening in every other game that included this kind of player development tool. People who make exploit maps should just get banned, which is fine because they cheated, but making maps to farm experience on because you don't want to run all the same stupid on the rails themepark quest bull**** we have in almost every mmo these days is completely valid.

    All they need to do is put in a way for map makers to categorize their maps, like RPG, Action, etc.
  • stormdrag0nstormdrag0n Member Posts: 3,222 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    hope you'll be glad that most of the player base won't be using the foundry maps for anything anymore. .

    And your empirical evidence for this is what exactly?

    I love this, it's like the farmers are going through stages of grief, I guess we are at the threatening stage now, we just went through the bargaining stage earlier today. The foundry and game will be fine and if some people decide to leave over it oh well.
    Always Looking for mature laidback players/rpers for Dungeon Delves!
  • nephtnepht Member Posts: 5,826 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    And your empirical evidence for this is what exactly?

    I love this, it's like the farmers are going through stages of grief, I guess we are at the threatening stage now, we just went through the bargaining stage earlier today. The foundry and game will be fine and if some people decide to leave over it oh well.

    The fact most of the players in this forum are saying Cryptic went to far, even players like myself that have said exploiters should be banned. Saying that its just exploiters complaining is a bit much. Ive been playing for a week and I am still only level 22. POWER LEVELING FTW \o/

    Its people that dont want to trudge through hours of bad text for nothing that are complaining.
  • chairgraveyard1chairgraveyard1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 44
    edited May 2013
    nepht wrote: »
    The fact most of the players in this forum are saying Cryptic went to far, even players like myself that have said exploiters should be banned. Saying that its just exploiters complaining is a bit much. Ive been playing for a week and I am still only level 22. POWER LEVELING FTW \o/

    Its people that dont want to trudge through hours of bad text for nothing that are complaining.
    This. I'm not even level 22. I hit level 20 today. I want to be rewarded for my time. That's not too much to ask, and people dismissing these (huge amount) of legitimate complaints need to just leave because they are doing the game a disservice: if we don't complain now, this won't ever be fixed and the game is going to die off slowly but surely due to lack of content.
  • gizmosdragongizmosdragon Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Okay so my foundry quest I made has a good amount of trash mobs in it. It has you run though and kill 3 elite (npcs) which have working/mining/digging npc's around them in small packs of 2. Then you are asked to do some puzzle solving. The puzzle solving area has 3 elites in it and a few other trash mobs working/digging/mining. There are a few other events that happen and have the player explore and do some investigation. All of this without some Lame dialog. Everything is reach point text driven. I just ran though the quest I made and I kill 2 of the elites in which I get full xp, then every mob I kill after that gives no xp. Then later on after killing a few more mobs and working through the quest. I get my xp back, then boom. no xp again.

    So basically I make this map to feel like a world of warcraft feel like instance dungeon with various puzzles, killing, named monsters and other neat things.

    I guess my point is, I finally get done working on this quest that I spent a week on and the loot sucks, xp is still okay though I think they can handle the xp change a little differently then turning the xp on and off throughout the quest. I am still hoping to see the foundry grow in the future. But I am afraid it did take a small step backwards with this update (hot fix).

    Besides, if people are throwing ogres in a box or where players cant get hurt by them traps blah blah blah. Fix the issues with that, xp was fine if they (have to actually dodge/hit and damage).
  • iratusdesperoiratusdespero Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    And your empirical evidence for this is what exactly?

    I love this, it's like the farmers are going through stages of grief, I guess we are at the threatening stage now, we just went through the bargaining stage earlier today. The foundry and game will be fine and if some people decide to leave over it oh well.

    You know they didn't actually nerf the xp because of "farming maps" right ? They nerfed it because their ****ty AI coding was allowing players to create the exploit maps, which are the actual problem.

    Although I can't say im surprised this kind of glaringly obvious thing happened, and blew into a bigger issue then it needed to be due to lack of proper planning and testing. There's so much wrong with this game from the design level, up to their game model and the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> at PWE they partnered with. I'm really surprised at how completely awful the AI pathing is, and the no safeguard in for stuck monsters to prevent them from being exploited with almost zero effort (ive seen monster literally just stop, and look at me while i kill them from range).

    Basically, you're an idiot and get your head out of your *** if you think this was cryptic doing the right thing. Being a holier then thou d-bag on the forums to people that don't agree with you won't help your misguided views of "HUR HUR PEOPLE WHO DONT WANT TO PLAY LIKE ME ARE RONG!".
  • weaponworldweaponworld Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    And your empirical evidence for this is what exactly?

    I love this, it's like the farmers are going through stages of grief, I guess we are at the threatening stage now, we just went through the bargaining stage earlier today. The foundry and game will be fine and if some people decide to leave over it oh well.

    What made testing out peoples content rewarding was because it was a win/win situation.
    For a real life example: you go to a meeting at work that usually has decent coffee and a few cookies at the back before you sit down. If the meeting blows, who cares, you got to sip a nice coffee and nibble on a cookie.
    This is exactly how I feel about The Foundry. The fact that I was also going to get paid, made me look forward to the next crappy one more. But to just play test these for the glory of the nerdyness only goes so far... as in I will do one or two a week.
  • chazzakchazzak Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    All I'm gonna say, is that I called this **** from the get-go. Doesn't mean it tastes good to see it happen, though. The Foundry was the one part about this game that appealed to me, as the rest of the platter is rather ho-hum, and now it's going to be more of a dramatic chore than anything. About 1 in 10 foundry missions intrigue me to the point that I'll play them again, but other than that I'm grinding the same areas on different characters and it's just LAME.

    I don't know why developers can't install alternate paths to leveling in MMORPGs.
  • akirrowakirrow Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Okay, so the foundry exp is "Off"?
    Well, i am getting exp / loot sometimes. But at other times i get nothing at all no loot / exp.
    I do not mind that they nerf the foundry exp alot, so that it is on-par with questing. Can't you guys understand that some likes to grind mindlessly, and not "immerse" in the story? I tend to like this, as i am using MMO's to relax, and get away from everything, this is how i do it.
    But either, turn the exp COMPLETELY off or leave it on but nerf it. It's just stupid that you "randomly" get exp... As i said i like farming, so everytime my exp turns of i just re-enter a new foundry and rinse / repeat. Annoying as **** tho.
  • zaphtasticzaphtastic Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I believe the nerf is basically a limit of xp you can get every 5 minutes while on a foundry mission, and if you get past that, the mobs stop dropping loot as well. This means quests with 'fast and furious' fighting are going to feel it a lot more than combat-light quests.

    I think this is going in the wrong direction, myself. I feel like I'm back in 2009 when the COH MA farm nerfs started. And I say this as someone whose quest wasn't affected by this (since the combat encounters are spaced out, and there isn't that much of it to begin with).
  • akirrowakirrow Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ah so my mindless grinding will be, smack mobs untill i gain no exp -> AFK for 5 min -> smack mobs and repeeeat.

    Well, i understand that they want to nerf the exp, but this i just find plain stupid. I like grinding. I dont want to be ahead of questing people, i just don't want to quest myself. I want the mindless gauntlet type events :(
  • azextonazexton Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    My understanding of the foundry quest is to allow players the ability to create content for others to play. Now I'm not sure why anyone didn't think that this would also mean certain people wouldn't create XP grind maps. Honestly this was a very popular thing back in Neverwinter. The loot drop rate reduction I can understand. That **** was a tad bit out of control, but people should be able to level to 60 anyway they want. It's not like power leveling a character to 60 by just doing foundry quests unbalances the game. It just allows people who like alts time to get characters up quicker and not have to spend two weeks to get the character to 60. Before anyone uses the argument that it allows people to make crafting alts quicker. If they want to do this they don't need foundry grinds to do it.

    TLDR: People should be able to play the way they want. That was one of the points of the foundry system. People want to grind XP let them. At least make it reasonable instead of nerfing the **** into the ground like has been done.
  • hercooles130uscghercooles130uscg Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I still don't get all these people that come into a game based on Dungeons and Dragons, and expect to have your typical Asian grindfest...

    If you do not want a story, get the hell out of a game that has it's roots in story telling for decades...long before you power gamers came along to ruin RPG's.

    The FACT is, (and it is a FACT) that most of you people that hate stories and just want to power level to 60, will get burnt out on the content and leave the game in a few months for the next new MMO anyways.

    So since your leaving soon, why are you trying to **** it over for people that plan on staying a while, because right now Neverwinter is the only RPG that tries to even be an RPG with the Foundry.

    Get over yourselfs. There a hundreds of games that fit the type of game your looking for perfectly, and NONE that allow the players interested in telling good stories to play. And the truth is, the Foundry is hurt by all these farming/power level quests taking over.
  • coanunncoanunn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 368 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I still don't get all these people that come into a game based on Dungeons and Dragons, and expect to have your typical Asian grindfest...

    If you do not want a story, get the hell out of a game that has it's roots in story telling for decades...long before you power gamers came along to ruin RPG's.

    The FACT is, (and it is a FACT) that most of you people that hate stories and just want to power level to 60, will get burnt out on the content and leave the game in a few months for the next new MMO anyways.

    So since your leaving soon, why are you trying to **** it over for people that plan on staying a while, because right now Neverwinter is the only RPG that tries to even be an RPG with the Foundry.

    Get over yourselfs. There a hundreds of games that fit the type of game your looking for perfectly, and NONE that allow the players interested in telling good stories to play. And the truth is, the Foundry is hurt by all these farming/power level quests taking over.

    Wow.. so much hate for someone who simply wants to play the game for a different playstyle. The foundry was not "hurt" by anything "taking over". In fact the foundry got more attention, drew in more players and was the selling point of the game because players could play the way they wanted.

    My friends and I could play the adventures we had created for our PnP game in a virtual place despite no longer living in the same parts of the country. I could log in, bash heads in for an afternoon and rush my character up a couple levels letting me unlock more skills and abilities so I could truly be playing the game rather than just holding down left click since everything else is still locked.

    No, the foundry wasn't hurt by people wanting to farm or power level, it was destroyed by Crypitc making a drastic knee jerk change to combat exploits (which do not include farming but rather other things we aren't allowed to explain here) and listening to people like you who want to throw everyone else out of the game for not playing it your way. News flash, everyone plays differently, and wants different things from this and any game. The sooner you stop worrying about taking away what makes others happy and more about yourself the happier you will be.
    Do you crave a good old fashioned dungeon crawl? One where the dungeon tells it's own story? The Dungeon Delves campaign is just for you! Start with my first release: NW-DQF4T7QYH Any cave can lead to adventure!
  • akirrowakirrow Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    No, i have yet to find a game that fit's better than this.
    This is a mmorpg, and does that mean i have to be part of the rpg? No, that it does not.
    I like the playstyle, i like the game, and i like grinding? So you do FIRMLY believe that i should not play this game, because i do not like questing? As someone who likes grinding, and progressing, do you really belive that i will quit as soon as i hit 60?
    I can't speak for other's than myself, but i find your comment strongy "arrogant".
    That and, if it is a "FACT" give me some proof...
    Then tell me WHY does it hurt the other Foundry quests? Because people actually wan't to do gauntlet type events? Those who like RPG will get "distracted" and do something they dont LIKE?
    Just because i like to grind mindlessly, that does not mean i shouldn't play this game, when i hit 60, i will keep grinding, maybe not foundries but i will not quit solely because i hit 60... and that is a FACT, as i have been playing MMO's for years.
  • nephtnepht Member Posts: 5,826 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I still don't get all these people that come into a game based on Dungeons and Dragons, and expect to have your typical Asian grindfest...

    If you do not want a story, get the hell out of a game that has it's roots in story telling for decades...long before you power gamers came along to ruin RPG's.

    The FACT is, (and it is a FACT) that most of you people that hate stories and just want to power level to 60, will get burnt out on the content and leave the game in a few months for the next new MMO anyways.

    So since your leaving soon, why are you trying to **** it over for people that plan on staying a while, because right now Neverwinter is the only RPG that tries to even be an RPG with the Foundry.

    Get over yourselfs. There a hundreds of games that fit the type of game your looking for perfectly, and NONE that allow the players interested in telling good stories to play. And the truth is, the Foundry is hurt by all these farming/power level quests taking over.

    Slight racism (I was born in Asia I find his typical Asian grindfest comment a tad crappy ) , bad language and telling other people to stop playing the game. No sir it is this type of pretentious attitude that hurts the foundry.

    Oh and I am also an avid Dungeons and Dragons PnP player and I called for some action against exploiters just so readers of this forum knows not all of us act like this. Cryptic nerfed too much.

    If you dont like the MMO version go back to the paper one.
  • akirrowakirrow Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    That's why i keep to the term mindless grinding! :)
    The only problem is that people will keep creating those, knock the orgres down maps. And even if they nerfed the exp gain, then it would still give a lot of exp.
    We need to come up with a better solution, so that the foundry is usefull for everyone once again.
  • drpalimpsestdrpalimpsest Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    A middleground needs to be met here. While I myself loathe the maps that are nothing more than simple monster grinds with a vengeance, I can also see the reasons why some people like them. I also think it's good for the non grind oriented foundry quests to be able to offer a decent amount of experience, especially the ones that are designed to try and be equivalent to end game dungeons. As such I think the simple experience nerf wasn't the best way to go about it, though it's certainly a worthwhile temporary solution while a better fix is crafted.
    Now lets all try and think of a better fix rather than getting annoyed at each other, eh?
  • vonparonivonparoni Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Personally I think they should add incentive to Daily Foundry quest and then just leave it at that. This way no more grinding same stupid fight-fight-fight map for max xp/minute but still incentive to run the Foundry quests. Even better make the Daily Foundry quest give diminishing returns on running the same Foundry Q over and over to reward trying different Foundry quests.

    This tool is the games biggerst draw but its also where the biggest potentials for exploits are. It did need balancing.
  • jkparkjkpark Member Posts: 56
    edited May 2013
    We all need to accept that everyone has their own playstyle, their own preferences when it comes to playing an MMO (or anything really). This does not make anyone's opinion wrong. Just different.

    The developers have implemented a temporary solution. But it can't possibly remain a permanent one. It's clear from the number of posts on this forum that the existing player base's main reason for playing Foundry quests is for the rewards. There are those that like story-driven, and those that enjoy challenges of combat, and all the others in-between. There are also going to be players who will play Foundry quests and don't care about rewards, but these are a minority, in comparison.

    The real solution would be better regulation and monitoring of UGC coupled with a proper system of categorising these quests. Of course, that's much more work than a simple exp nerf. As it stands, the Foundry won't survive, and I truly hope the developers realise this.
    JKPark's Foundry Quests
    A Friendly Reminder (NW-DAQN7H5GO) - Short, solo, story-driven quest.
  • eros1986eros1986 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    All I can say:


    for grammar police:

  • hugoptttthugoptttt Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    eros1986 wrote: »
    All I can say:


    like this :D +1
  • jkparkjkpark Member Posts: 56
    edited May 2013
    eros1986 wrote: »
    All I can say:


    Would have been funnier if it had been grammatica--. Okay, I'll shush now.
    JKPark's Foundry Quests
    A Friendly Reminder (NW-DAQN7H5GO) - Short, solo, story-driven quest.
  • iratusdesperoiratusdespero Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I still don't get all these people that come into a game based on Dungeons and Dragons, and expect to have your typical Asian grindfest...

    Actually it's based off 4E, which is the furthest from actual D&D you can actually get. Hell it's one of the fastest abandoned editions of D&D by wizards to date, because it was so hated by most of the community. It's basically D&D for 2 year olds.

    Also, while the foundry might be simpler to use it's much MUCH more restrictive and inflexible compared to NWN (a far superior game to this pile of rubbish, the only upside is that NWO has a good combat system), although I will see that at least the foundry here is more flexible compared to other mmo's with similar player content design systems. You should probably get out from under that rock you've been living under though, because there's a few things that your rock solid logic doesn't account for.

    This is an MMO first and foremost, people will play it however they want, and some people have been through the "story" ringer way to many times already. It's not even about "grindind" it's about playing and not being on some devs predesigned rails for weeks and weeks to get where you wanna go, it's an EXTREMELY ****ty trend in mmo game design and it's to bad they decided to go that route with what could of potentially been a quality product, but instead they decided to do this and partner up with those scumbags at PWE.

    All cryptic has to do is create a way to categorize your quests, and the "problem" of the "farming/power lvling" quests taking over would be completely resolved.
  • rasmenar2112rasmenar2112 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I absolutely do not want to see Cryptic support the exploit based maps, just a bunch of ogres in a box so ranged characters can shoot them safely.

    However, I am generally okay with farming maps. I'm currently working on one (I've stopped work until we see the state of the foundry in future patches) that's heavily inspired by things like The Arena from Fable, Trial of the Crusader/Ring of Blood from World of Warcraft, and the Grand Champion radiant quests in Oblivion (fighting random monsters). It's got a story element to it and keeps to the theme of the story, while still having fast paced combat against waves of foes. I feel like that's what a farming map SHOULD be like, it should still have some kind of underlying story to it. (People tend to give good reviews to farm quests if they're easy, so the crappy ones with no story tend to make front page)
    Alone in the darkness, that is where you truly discover yourself. Without self, without the core of your identity, you are nothing. - Rasmenar
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