First I wanted to thank you for the guide, I have played by it up to this point. But I'd be glad if you could answer some questions:
While you say you use Dazing strike/lashing blade/deft strike plus lurkers assault/shocking execution you don't seem to do so on your stream. Why is that? Just because you don't like abusing obviously overpowered builds and instead want to try out new/fun alternatives? Or is the stuff you run really a viable alternative to the encounters/dailys listed above?
And secondly, when you run lurkers assault and shocking execution, when do you use your action points for which? I have pretty much not used lurkers assault in PvP a single time yet, because shocking execution seems so superior to it.
Also, while it might be that dazing strike/lashing blade/deft strike and shocking execution put out a lot of damage against a single target, your newer build seems to be suited better for 1v2 or even 1v3, since with the old build, after you blow your CDs it takes a lot of time until they come back up, especially lasing blade and shocking execution. What do you think about that, is the old build better at nuking a single guy but after that you are less useful than with the newer build which would give more consisten damage?
One more thing that I just thought of, do you still think that if you go with the old build dazing strike is superior to smoke bomb or did you change your mind? maybe even a completely different skill?
best regards, I hope you take the time to answer even though that are a lot of questions :P
I'll be more than happy to awnser your questions!
First I'm happy my guide has helped you.
I do not play the build on my stream anymore because the build is pretty broken when played right. It has a lot of potential and if a ladder rating ever came out. I would still play this OP build just to shoot to the top of the boards with my team. I play the build I play on stream because it takes a lot more patience and coordination to play and is not OP like the other one. You pretty much have two stuns in the fight which are 1 second each. you have to know when to use it and you obviously don't put out the damage the other build has. But yes as I play this build more I feel as if I can 1 v 2 1 v 3 a lot better than the other one. just takes a lot more skill because you are pretty much a sitting duck when you run out of ****.
I mainly used lurkers assault to hit super hard on clerics in astral shields. get deadly momentum to 5 stack, pop lurkers assault stealth and lashing blade and it hits SUPER hard. that really the only time I used it. If not I would swap out lurkers assault for courage breaker.
again the first build is a single target nuke, this new build takes a lot more practice but can pull off a lot of things. Alot of rogues after watching me are starting to use my impact shot build. although I don't feel I know the build well enough to write a guide on it. As of right now I am just trying to practice the build a lot and get used to it more and maybe make it my main build. I do the least amount of damage in game, but have a **** ton of support and utility, so from going to seeing huge numbers and 3 shotting people. to hitting for the least amount of damage in game. even a tank hits harder than me :P its just how you play and outplay the other person. Also GF's are this builds biggest weakness. I still prefer dazing strike over smokebomb because if you get it off it is a definite daze also hits hard as well. where as smokebomb you just run out of it and you are not dazed anymore. smokebomb is good for preventing your team from getting stomped
feel free to ask anything! wether on stream or here
Before making posts you should watch my stream. If not than dont talk. I solo enemies base by myself 1 v 2 1 v 3 1 v5 (one after another) with no pots. it really amazes me how people can talk so much trash even though they dont have all evidence they need or proof of anything. I stream my pvp live with no editing. People watch me solo que with no lashing blade OR shocking execution and **** on premades by myself. cmon now... surely you have atleast watched the stream before you even attempted to talk right? You see us good players solo que because its boring queing a premade. the only time I que a premade is with viewers that want to play with me. Or when my team wants to 1000 - 0 other premades.
and yes I am that good. I also play on dragon server, there is just a lot of players. Not anyone outstanding. All the best players at their class is on mindflayer. UNless they are hiding forever on dragon.
And to voice your concern. Any smart person would grab a health pot if they can make it back in time to contest a node. If you just let yourself die and let them take the node than I am sorry to say you should not even speak. It is still a team game. not a 1 v 1 game. I just 1 v1 , 1 v 2 1 v 3 because I can. Again try to troll when you have your facts straight, I honestly think you have no PvP history whatsoever.... you talk like you know are confident but your facts and pvp literacy is all wrong... good attempt though.
Yikes, first off I really hope English is not your first language. Secondly, if you had any such accomplishments that you say you do, you would have incorporated them into your video rather then the unimpressive encounters you did display. You say I have no evidence to prove my point yet you provide none to prove your own. And no, I'm not going to waste my time watching a live stream of mediocrity.
Mindflayer has all the best players at their class..? Lol! Yet another outlandish claim of greatness you can neither prove nor I disprove, but I'm sure anyone not drinking the koolaid would agree that is a pretty stupid thing to assume.
Your last paragraph probably made me laugh the most. You don't even understand that you're trying to argue with me by agreeing with me. "you talk like you know are confident but your facts and pvp literacy is all wrong." Please quote and explain to me where my facts and pvp literacy is all wrong? And what exactly did I have a good attempt at?
nukeyooBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
... Bad trolls have no idea what they are talking about. Keep trying though. Everything you stated was pointless. I stream live action. And I solo que while pooping on premades myself. get your facts straight before you attempt to troll. it makes you look stupid :P
My facts seem to be pretty straight since they're directly from observation of your video. Could that be why you think what I'm saying is pointless, because you have no viable response? Fail attempts at trolling usually garner no response, so I would argue that you're the one looking a bit ridiculous. I mean you do claim to have created game combat mechanics and also that you are the greatest trogue. Makes you look a tad bit ridiculous. js brah
Word games? Perhaps if you take your ADHD medication you could read the entire paragraph in question and not just the single sentence, then maybe try and grasp the concept that is implied of the whole. Let me know if I need to further explain it or dumb it down for you. As far as the reeking of arrogance in that reply, I just can't quite grasp what you're even trying to argue and idiocy annoys me. Plus, I'm not the one claiming to be the greatest of anything. Just one of many ominous rain clouds over ridiculous parades.
*edit.. GG lol.. so dense
Your original post is nothing but a diatribe laced with a condescending attitude about how someone plays their TR. You're a troll who probably reads their post a couple of times before pressing the submit button because you get off on it.
Your original post is nothing but a diatribe laced with a condescending attitude about how someone plays their TR. You're a troll who probably reads their post a couple of times before pressing the submit button because you get off on it.
My diatribe laced with condescending attitude, as you would call it, is directed towards the person that claims to be "the best trogue" and to have created "weaving" a basic combat premise and basing his claims with only a unimpressive video with clips of him in a premade killing pugs to back him up. Did your ADHD also make you skip over the part where he claimed you and everyone else was bad? Therefore I believe I'm perfectly entitled to express a condescending attitude towards how he plays or what he claims and or says.
ps If you're really interested in what I get off on, I can share the link to my favorite farm animal midget pron site, if you'd like?
well said well said. the issue is that I already played the cos spam build in closed beta. to easy. skilless and boring. im glad you dont think you are bad. because in ym eyes everyone is until they prove me wrong. which no tr has done yet so....yea.. glad you liek the weaving makes you better at game. and that is what I am here for. to help people. Thus why I made a guide / info because alot of people wanted me to. thus why I streamed and made videos. because alot of people wanted me to.
I'm sure you did, there was lvl60 in closed beta..... Oh wait, there wasn't.
COS spam under performs sub lvl60, you should know that and the reasons why too (I hope).
Think I saw your alt on dragon (if it is, if not pardon me), with the disgusting hair do and your "weaving" COS. I remember that game, you (if it was you) lost and for the most part barely killed me. (Fun fact, your weaving COS couldn't kill me even with a GWF on your team chasing me from one end to the other end of the map, before both of you gave up and I proceeded to recap the point closest to your spawn point) - Again if it wasn't you, pardon me.
I'm sure you did, there was lvl60 in closed beta..... Oh wait, there wasn't.
COS spam under performs sub lvl60, you should know that and the reasons why too (I hope).
Think I saw your alt on dragon (if it is, if not pardon me), with the disgusting hair do and your "weaving" COS. I remember that game, you (if it was you) lost and for the most part barely killed me. (Fun fact, your weaving COS couldn't kill me even with a GWF on your team chasing me from one end to the other end of the map, before both of you gave up and I proceeded to recap the point closest to your spawn point) - Again if it wasn't you, pardon me.
yeah he avoided my inquiry about the closed beta claim since his account was created in May 2013.. the poor kid sits up on his high horse and makes all these claims only to have them thrown back in his face... its quite comical
It most likely was him, since he said to have played on dragon server and that all the players there aren't that good. Mindflayer has all the best! Lawlz. But I'm sure he'll deny it and direct you to his stream and to watch it before you saying anything, to verify any and everything he says.
This is my new account to awnser your question. The rest saying video this video that. I live stream all my gameplay from the moment I log onto game. All the proof. Right there. Ill awnser your trolling when you actually come up with something that isn't out of your ***. You keep talking like you know what you talk about but you don't sorry come to my stream so I can give you the attention you need. Oh don't want to watch? Than don't talk. I can back up what I say and do it live. But you keep making excuses. Your the type of people that would talk **** and say "where you at?" And I'd give you my address but you wouldn't show up. All bark no bite. Pathetic. I prolly play your classes better than you do
nukeyooBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
This is my new account to awnser your question. The rest saying video this video that. I live stream all my gameplay from the moment I log onto game. All the proof. Right there. Ill awnser your trolling when you actually come up with something that isn't out of your ***. You keep talking like you know what you talk about but you don't sorry come to my stream so I can give you the attention you need. Oh don't want to watch? Than don't talk. I can back up what I say and do it live. But you keep making excuses. Your the type of people that would talk **** and say "where you at?" And I'd give you my address but you wouldn't show up. All bark no bite. Pathetic. I prolly play your classes better than you do
All I get from this response is.. "Blah blah blah, I'm right you're wrong! Neener neener, you bad troll and I won't even answer you stupid heads!" Perhaps that is even too intelligent of a translation. The only person making excuses is yourself.
As far as closed beta, the account in question. Log on it and you can dispel any statements about you not even having one. Simple solution.. (incoming excuses)
While I would be the person to talk ****. I wouldn't ask where you live because I wouldn't be physically violent towards someone mentally handicapped.
Oh and if you respond to a troll with excuses, insults, and comments saying "Ill awnser your trolling when you actually come up with something that isn't out your ***." You've already failed so hard.. Its like a never ending train wreck. Just can't look away.
Trying to educate you in trolling. See when you troll you have to know what your talking about. I catch you guys on one thing you move onto something else. So fine ill stop awnsering this never ending train wreck. Come to my stream for attention. Done responding to trolls on the forum ill be waiting
You are the only I know who stream pvp and demostrate to know what he is taliking about...I ( and surely anyone here) will be happy to see someone else stream some high lvl pvp with other style...
I have a lvl 60 rogue assassin creed style and the other lvl 55 with dazing lashing and the moment the assassin creed looks more efficient...mage are a pain without IOC...but still learning the tell to dodge effectvly against them...
Trying to educate you in trolling. See when you troll you have to know what your talking about. I catch you guys on one thing you move onto something else. So fine ill stop awnsering this never ending train wreck. Come to my stream for attention. Done responding to trolls on the forum ill be waiting
I hope this to be the case, it's hard to turn away from pointing out your idiocy. Case in point, people that are trolling you and pointing out your idiocy to illicit a response are being educated by you on how to troll by you responding to them and calling them bad trolls and that they don't know what they're talking about and to come to your stream? It's like a broken record of HAMSTER. Name one thing you've "caught" someone on and they've dodged the question? That's right, you can't. We can point out the fact that you're dodging the claim of playing closed beta "CoS **** spam" build by saying you created a new account but why not just log onto your old account to prove it. That's right because its just another wildly outlandish claim of the mindflayer's village idiot.
You are the only I know who stream pvp and demostrate to know what he is taliking about...I ( and surely anyone here) will be happy to see someone else stream some high lvl pvp with other style...
You are very welcome! Glad to help you. Backbeard also streams. Depimpe on twitch he plays the cos spam build
I have a lvl 60 rogue assassin creed style and the other lvl 55 with dazing lashing and the moment the assassin creed looks more efficient...mage are a pain without IOC...but still learning the tell to dodge effectvly against them...
I do enjoy the assassins creed build. I can't say much on it but I am losing interest in game since there is no ranking system. If there was I would play my other build because its more effective in more situations with the burst it does.
Hey i have an question, which build is better, only for pvp, this? or perma stealth?
incohatusMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited June 2013
Hi. I'm new to this game and I read a few guide for jump start including this one. I completely agree with most of your points and the tips really helped me. I'm just wondering, what does IoC mean? And CC means crowd control right? Sorry for my ignorance but I'm not usually familiar with mmorpg terms (or acronyms in this game atleast).
Hi. I'm new to this game and I read a few guide for jump start including this one. I completely agree with most of your points and the tips really helped me. I'm just wondering, what does IoC mean? And CC means crowd control right? Sorry for my ignorance but I'm not usually familiar with mmorpg terms (or acronyms in this game atleast).
IoC is Impossible to Catch. You are right about CC being Crowd Control.
Anything new to the build now with the new patch and changes to the TR?
This! I used my free respec cause I was just tossing points in all willy nilly at first lmfao So in other words before I put my points back in, i'd like to verify this is still a perfectly viable build and nothing has changed from what is posted.
I'll be more than happy to awnser your questions!
First I'm happy my guide has helped you.
I do not play the build on my stream anymore because the build is pretty broken when played right. It has a lot of potential and if a ladder rating ever came out. I would still play this OP build just to shoot to the top of the boards with my team. I play the build I play on stream because it takes a lot more patience and coordination to play and is not OP like the other one. You pretty much have two stuns in the fight which are 1 second each. you have to know when to use it and you obviously don't put out the damage the other build has. But yes as I play this build more I feel as if I can 1 v 2 1 v 3 a lot better than the other one. just takes a lot more skill because you are pretty much a sitting duck when you run out of ****.
I mainly used lurkers assault to hit super hard on clerics in astral shields. get deadly momentum to 5 stack, pop lurkers assault stealth and lashing blade and it hits SUPER hard. that really the only time I used it. If not I would swap out lurkers assault for courage breaker.
again the first build is a single target nuke, this new build takes a lot more practice but can pull off a lot of things. Alot of rogues after watching me are starting to use my impact shot build. although I don't feel I know the build well enough to write a guide on it. As of right now I am just trying to practice the build a lot and get used to it more and maybe make it my main build. I do the least amount of damage in game, but have a **** ton of support and utility, so from going to seeing huge numbers and 3 shotting people. to hitting for the least amount of damage in game. even a tank hits harder than me :P its just how you play and outplay the other person. Also GF's are this builds biggest weakness. I still prefer dazing strike over smokebomb because if you get it off it is a definite daze also hits hard as well. where as smokebomb you just run out of it and you are not dazed anymore. smokebomb is good for preventing your team from getting stomped
feel free to ask anything!
Yikes, first off I really hope English is not your first language. Secondly, if you had any such accomplishments that you say you do, you would have incorporated them into your video rather then the unimpressive encounters you did display. You say I have no evidence to prove my point yet you provide none to prove your own. And no, I'm not going to waste my time watching a live stream of mediocrity.
Mindflayer has all the best players at their class..? Lol! Yet another outlandish claim of greatness you can neither prove nor I disprove, but I'm sure anyone not drinking the koolaid would agree that is a pretty stupid thing to assume.
Your last paragraph probably made me laugh the most. You don't even understand that you're trying to argue with me by agreeing with me. "you talk like you know are confident but your facts and pvp literacy is all wrong." Please quote and explain to me where my facts and pvp literacy is all wrong? And what exactly did I have a good attempt at?
My facts seem to be pretty straight since they're directly from observation of your video. Could that be why you think what I'm saying is pointless, because you have no viable response? Fail attempts at trolling usually garner no response, so I would argue that you're the one looking a bit ridiculous. I mean you do claim to have created game combat mechanics and also that you are the greatest trogue. Makes you look a tad bit ridiculous. js brah
Your original post is nothing but a diatribe laced with a condescending attitude about how someone plays their TR. You're a troll who probably reads their post a couple of times before pressing the submit button because you get off on it.
My diatribe laced with condescending attitude, as you would call it, is directed towards the person that claims to be "the best trogue" and to have created "weaving" a basic combat premise and basing his claims with only a unimpressive video with clips of him in a premade killing pugs to back him up. Did your ADHD also make you skip over the part where he claimed you and everyone else was bad? Therefore I believe I'm perfectly entitled to express a condescending attitude towards how he plays or what he claims and or says.
ps If you're really interested in what I get off on, I can share the link to my favorite farm animal midget pron site, if you'd like?
I'm sure you did, there was lvl60 in closed beta..... Oh wait, there wasn't.
COS spam under performs sub lvl60, you should know that and the reasons why too (I hope).
Think I saw your alt on dragon (if it is, if not pardon me), with the disgusting hair do and your "weaving" COS. I remember that game, you (if it was you) lost and for the most part barely killed me. (Fun fact, your weaving COS couldn't kill me even with a GWF on your team chasing me from one end to the other end of the map, before both of you gave up and I proceeded to recap the point closest to your spawn point) - Again if it wasn't you, pardon me.
yeah he avoided my inquiry about the closed beta claim since his account was created in May 2013.. the poor kid sits up on his high horse and makes all these claims only to have them thrown back in his face... its quite comical
It most likely was him, since he said to have played on dragon server and that all the players there aren't that good. Mindflayer has all the best! Lawlz. But I'm sure he'll deny it and direct you to his stream and to watch it before you saying anything, to verify any and everything he says.
All I get from this response is.. "Blah blah blah, I'm right you're wrong! Neener neener, you bad troll and I won't even answer you stupid heads!" Perhaps that is even too intelligent of a translation. The only person making excuses is yourself.
As far as closed beta, the account in question. Log on it and you can dispel any statements about you not even having one. Simple solution.. (incoming excuses)
While I would be the person to talk ****. I wouldn't ask where you live because I wouldn't be physically violent towards someone mentally handicapped.
Oh and if you respond to a troll with excuses, insults, and comments saying "Ill awnser your trolling when you actually come up with something that isn't out your ***." You've already failed so hard.. Its like a never ending train wreck. Just can't look away.
thx a lot for your guide!
You are the only I know who stream pvp and demostrate to know what he is taliking about...I ( and surely anyone here) will be happy to see someone else stream some high lvl pvp with other style...
I hope this to be the case, it's hard to turn away from pointing out your idiocy. Case in point, people that are trolling you and pointing out your idiocy to illicit a response are being educated by you on how to troll by you responding to them and calling them bad trolls and that they don't know what they're talking about and to come to your stream? It's like a broken record of HAMSTER. Name one thing you've "caught" someone on and they've dodged the question? That's right, you can't. We can point out the fact that you're dodging the claim of playing closed beta "CoS **** spam" build by saying you created a new account but why not just log onto your old account to prove it. That's right because its just another wildly outlandish claim of the mindflayer's village idiot.
Doubt it "the only great players of their class are on mindflayer." According to the village idiot there.
You are very welcome! Glad to help you. Backbeard also streams. Depimpe on twitch he plays the cos spam build
I do enjoy the assassins creed build. I can't say much on it but I am losing interest in game since there is no ranking system. If there was I would play my other build because its more effective in more situations with the burst it does.
I'm glad you enjoyed it!!!!
I have learned a lot from your post and stream.
Any tips to kill one on one in the open a CW with the daz,lash,def build? (same initiative)
What do you think of "Wicked Reminder" ? Does it make sense to use it in pvp or it's only for pve?
IoC is Impossible to Catch. You are right about CC being Crowd Control.
This! I used my free respec cause I was just tossing points in all willy nilly at first lmfao So in other words before I put my points back in, i'd like to verify this is still a perfectly viable build and nothing has changed from what is posted.