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Trickster Rogue PvP Stream and Info/Guide (attempt atleast)



  • saythinsaythin Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 130 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
  • rhavialrhavial Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    PvP gear consists of Mainhand, offhand, head - body - arms - boots. Prices range from 3.2 to 5.2k glory a piece. Considering you can get close to 1k glory per match they are very easily attainable
  • saythinsaythin Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 130 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Hope everyone enjoyed the jump trick video and can practice it now :D
  • wozuiquanwozuiquan Member Posts: 8
    edited May 2013
    First off great guide

    Secondly, I play a fast action pvp based mmo, coming to Neverwinter to play around with some friends while we wait for 60 cap I decided to try out the PvP in this game as a Rogue seeing as how it's very close to the Swordsman class I play on my main game. Messing around with some stuff such as skill canceling, animation canceling etc. I found out that you can tumble cancel dazing strike if someone tumbles/you predict they will tumble away from it. Here's a vid showcasing it.

  • saythinsaythin Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 130 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    NICE~!!! also i am streaming live now! level 60 PVP!!@! 6kgs destroying everyone!
  • saythinsaythin Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 130 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    hey everyone! after playing 60 pvp.I've come into conclusion that the bracket is terrible. Everyone got lazy, dont dodge anything, they jsut try to mongloid damage and think they can **** one veryone. Good time to get good because with my 6.9k gs rogue I am completely destroying everyone and outplaying them..... its really sad....

    Going to go pve and get geared.... and obliterate people.... very disappointed in the skill level. you can play any bujild and **** on over 90% of the people because sadly they are all terrible....

    When peopel start trying to pvp good and use strategy my build of Dazing , lashing , deft will still be the best.
  • saythinsaythin Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 130 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Will be updating my build and such for pvp since I hit 60! Screen shots and such
  • saythinsaythin Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 130 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Refer to post 3 on firstpage for build and info on 60 pvp
  • ashergreyashergrey Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Saythin, Could you Tell me what server you run on? I'm really impressed with your guide, few people go so in depth with pvp. I'm the Guild lead Of a pvp focused Guild On Beholder. I'd love to meet up with you for some matches. I main GF and I see alot of what you mean about the skill. alot of players are just running up and pouring out CC's without any consideration of what they are doing.

    Alot of the time they just waste all their skills on my shield and I pin them to the ground. Im a damage/regen Build GF. So far the only class I'm having an issue with is Clerics and that Astral Shield. It makes them almost immortal.

    I'd love to meet up and discuss tactics /combat with you. My ign is my forum. AsherGrey@AsherGrey
  • saythinsaythin Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 130 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I am on server Mindflayer :D is there cross server arenas? If there is i'D be more than ahppy to take my set team and fight anyone if it could be done somehow... always consists of demolishing them in the first team fight and them leaving. Can always see me on my stream. if IM online im streaming. Love to discuss pvp with anyone who knows what they are talking about and have valid arguments.
  • wixxgs1chtwixxgs1cht Member Posts: 430 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Thanks for the guide! How do you fare in Dungeons w/ this build?
  • ashergreyashergrey Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    saythin wrote: »
    I am on server Mindflayer :D is there cross server arenas? If there is i'D be more than ahppy to take my set team and fight anyone if it could be done somehow... always consists of demolishing them in the first team fight and them leaving. Can always see me on my stream. if IM online im streaming. Love to discuss pvp with anyone who knows what they are talking about and have valid arguments.

    Ah a pity we are on different servers. But I still look forward to your posts.
  • saythinsaythin Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 130 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    wixxgs1cht wrote: »
    Thanks for the guide! How do you fare in Dungeons w/ this build?

    Firstly I HATE PvE lol.

    I use

    Smokebomb, Lashing Blade, Path of Blades

    reason being is my guild tends to take 2 or 3 rogues during delves and we just roll smokebombs on huge packs of mobs.... so the mobs dont do anything....

    Comp 1: Cleric,CW,3 TR's
    Comp 2: 2 Clerics, cw, 2 TR's
    COmp 3: Cleric, CW, 2 TR's, 2 GWF's
  • saythinsaythin Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 130 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    For PvE you want to stack A LOT of armor pen. by far armor pen beats both power and crit. A rogue in my guild named sin, had around 8700 gs but focused on armor pen, and completely destroyed my 9350's crit rogue. he had around 1 million more damage than me at end of dungeon.
  • iareahealeriareahealer Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You shouldn't talk like what you say is THE best build and any other build is no where near as good. That sounds downright arrogant to be honest. I've learnt a lot from your old post, started using Duelists Flurry to great effect, and the jump trick is awesome, but I for one use Impossible to Catch rather than Dazing Strike/Smoke Bomb, and I love it, and am doing great with it. That doesn't mean your build is better than mine, that just means I play my build better than I play your build.

    You should really consider revising your approach to your post. You sound like an egotistical, arrogant ******* (not saying you are, just what your post makes you sound like, even though you do know what you're talking about).
  • saythinsaythin Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 130 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    You shouldn't talk like what you say is THE best build and any other build is no where near as good. That sounds downright arrogant to be honest. I've learnt a lot from your old post, started using Duelists Flurry to great effect, and the jump trick is awesome, but I for one use Impossible to Catch rather than Dazing Strike/Smoke Bomb, and I love it, and am doing great with it. That doesn't mean your build is better than mine, that just means I play my build better than I play your build.

    You should really consider revising your approach to your post. You sound like an egotistical, arrogant ******* (not saying you are, just what your post makes you sound like, even though you do know what you're talking about).

    I completely understand what you are saying. BUT, people go on the forums for info on the best way you can play your class and more info on doing so. I have played with every spec. I truly have. And before people get into the bad habit of relying on IoC I let them know that between equally skille dplayers, my build will outdo and IoC build or a bomb build. I don"t say it because I'm trying to be arrogant or anything. I say it because I've played with IoC AND smokebomb. I was SO excited for smokebomb, literally I couldnt wait to get it. Until I started playing with it at 60. and it is just to easy to counter.

    BUT if someone does 1v1 me somewhere and beats me with their build no joke I will try it out. I have never lost a 1v1 against any rogue playing at my best.

    The truth is after testing multiple builds and playing multiple specs and I mean multiple as in spending AD to re-enchant into full power or armor pen. I wasted all that ad so that I could get all the info I need to back up my views to put into this guide. It isn't just some bull**** thought.

    I put a lot of effort into finding and writing out information for the community to see. after all my testing this is what shined the most in EVERY situation i threw at it, including 2 v 1's I am a min/max person when it comes to pvp. I want to be better than everyone I want to be good. So, before you do think im being an ***. I really am not. I even took your build into consideration and ran it for 30+ level 60 games.

    People come here for info, I give them that. I'm sorry if I came off as a arrogant person.

    P.S the reason I put conquers all is because of my personal testing. Peopel always ask me to try out IoC or smokebomb or shadowstrike, and I simply did so. So from personal testing, my build shined more than the others.
  • iareahealeriareahealer Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    saythin wrote: »
    I completely understand what you are saying. BUT, people go on the forums for info on the best way you can play your class and more info on doing so. I have played with every spec. I truly have. And before people get into the bad habit of relying on IoC I let them know that between equally skille dplayers, my build will outdo and IoC build or a bomb build. I don"t say it because I'm trying to be arrogant or anything. I say it because I've played with IoC AND smokebomb. I was SO excited for smokebomb, literally I couldnt wait to get it. Until I started playing with it at 60. and it is just to easy to counter.

    BUT if someone does 1v1 me somewhere and beats me with their build no joke I will try it out. I have never lost a 1v1 against any rogue playing at my best.

    The truth is after testing multiple builds and playing multiple specs and I mean multiple as in spending AD to re-enchant into full power or armor pen. I wasted all that ad so that I could get all the info I need to back up my views to put into this guide. It isn't just some bull**** thought.

    I put a lot of effort into finding and writing out information for the community to see. after all my testing this is what shined the most in EVERY situation i threw at it, including 2 v 1's I am a min/max person when it comes to pvp. I want to be better than everyone I want to be good. So, before you do think im being an ***. I really am not. I even took your build into consideration and ran it for 30+ level 60 games.

    People come here for info, I give them that. I'm sorry if I came off as a arrogant person.

    P.S the reason I put conquers all is because of my personal testing. Peopel always ask me to try out IoC or smokebomb or shadowstrike, and I simply did so. So from personal testing, my build shined more than the others.

    Your build shined FOR YOU, more than others. For ME, and for OTHER people, other builds shine more. Other builds shine more than yours for different people. I run IoC instead of Dazing Strike because in a 1v1 against a Rogue, IoC will completely out-do Dazing Strike even if it does land. It will negate the DS CC, plus negate any oncoming CC like slows etc. - AND it will dodge attacks. In that time, I am free to do whatever I want. All DS would give is a little bit of damage IF it lands. For that reason I love IoC, and I run it because I perform better with it. You never know, on equal footing gear and level wise, I may come out and beat you in a 1v1 with the build, or I may not - it does not mean my build is better than yours or vice versa, it simply means your a better player and can PLAY your build BETTER.

    Builds aren't concrete, they aren't set in stone in that one is better than the others period. You aren't allowed to say that, no matter how much testing you do, you do not have that right. You don't have the right to say that your build is better than mine, cos' you tested mine and you did better with yours. In the same way I've tested yours, and I've done better with mine - it is the players preference, the players play style. I came onto the forums to learn a bit about my class, I did that and thanks to you I found my OWN variation of your build, but then I went back and looked at it - and I thought: "Why is he saying this stuff like it's 100% fact and nothing else beats his build?", because that isn't true for everyone. It is true for you, and the people who do well with your build, but not for me or the hundreds of other rogues who do better with other builds. It is not for you to say that they are bad, or bad cos' they rely on IoC, or they come up against bad players etc. I understand you've theory crafted a **** ton to write your post with evidence, but you still sound like a complete ***, even though I know you're not.
  • saythinsaythin Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 130 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Your build shined FOR YOU, more than others. For ME, and for OTHER people, other builds shine more. Other builds shine more than yours for different people. I run IoC instead of Dazing Strike because in a 1v1 against a Rogue, IoC will completely out-do Dazing Strike even if it does land. It will negate the DS CC, plus negate any oncoming CC like slows etc. - AND it will dodge attacks. In that time, I am free to do whatever I want. All DS would give is a little bit of damage IF it lands. For that reason I love IoC, and I run it because I perform better with it. You never know, on equal footing gear and level wise, I may come out and beat you in a 1v1 with the build, or I may not - it does not mean my build is better than yours or vice versa, it simply means your a better player and can PLAY your build BETTER.

    Builds aren't concrete, they aren't set in stone in that one is better than the others period. You aren't allowed to say that, no matter how much testing you do, you do not have that right. You don't have the right to say that your build is better than mine, cos' you tested mine and you did better with yours. In the same way I've tested yours, and I've done better with mine - it is the players preference, the players play style. I came onto the forums to learn a bit about my class, I did that and thanks to you I found my OWN variation of your build, but then I went back and looked at it - and I thought: "Why is he saying this stuff like it's 100% fact and nothing else beats his build?", because that isn't true for everyone. It is true for you, and the people who do well with your build, but not for me or the hundreds of other rogues who do better with other builds. It is not for you to say that they are bad, or bad cos' they rely on IoC, or they come up against bad players etc. I understand you've theory crafted a **** ton to write your post with evidence, but you still sound like a complete ***, even though I know you're not.

    I understand. If people can play your build better than mine that is fine. It might be i'm just better than the other rogues, but IoC is just so easy to counter for me.. I just know what to do when I can do it. Currently working on a pvp video :D I spent liek 3 hours on it and my sony vegas crashed and lost the whole presentation..... I was PISSED. starting all over again D:
  • saythinsaythin Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 130 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Stream is live now!!! www.twitch.tv/desololive 1080p+ Trickster rogue PvP Pro rogue gameplay! come watch for tips and tricks!
  • saythinsaythin Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 130 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Working hard on PvP montage!!! Will be done in a few days!!!
  • saythinsaythin Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 130 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013

  • neoravennneoravenn Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hi what is your stat build? how many dex, str, cha and con? or the ration between them. awesome guide btw

    and I know im being lazy but can you please post your power build screenshot. i got some idea based on your guide but a screenshot would be nice.

    thanks again
  • br1annjbr1annj Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Saythin, what skills should I upgrade if I want to level in pve and questing?
    Do you recommend some aoe skills?
  • saythinsaythin Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 130 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    neoravenn wrote: »
    Hi what is your stat build? how many dex, str, cha and con? or the ration between them. awesome guide btw

    and I know im being lazy but can you please post your power build screenshot. i got some idea based on your guide but a screenshot would be nice.

    thanks again

    24 Dex , 19 str, 17 charisma,

    Tried to revolve my stats around being a "glass cannon" so I am VERY squishy.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTuOxmxG_gA Watch video for stats and such! :D
  • saythinsaythin Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 130 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    br1annj wrote: »
    Saythin, what skills should I upgrade if I want to level in pve and questing?
    Do you recommend some aoe skills?

    Remember you are a single target Damage dealer, you can burst things down fast. Once you get Duelists flurry things will die so fast.
    I never pve'd to level, but I would suggest first strike infiltrator with skillful, and Lashing blade, Dazing Strike, Path of blades.

    At 60 PvE smokebomb is broken so, what I run is SMokebomb, path of blades, lashing blade.
  • saythinsaythin Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 130 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Was awesome streaming! thanks to everyone who came to watch!!!! Come follow for chance to win giveaway! www.twitch.tv/desololive
  • saythinsaythin Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 130 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    150 FOLLOWERS = GIVEAWAY! come to twitch.tv/desololive
  • meth6005meth6005 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    saythin wrote: »
    As a rogue, dont be stuck in the open not in stealth fighting a team fight. That is NOT your job. You are a damage dealer but your role is primarily a ganker/harasser. You are squishy. Let the tanks fight in the middle while you kill the squishies.

    I am a low level TR and in pvp I am finding I can solo kill most people but where in other games you go after the cleric and mage first it seems the other team will drop everything amd go after the TR does it stay like that in the higher level pvp
  • saythinsaythin Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 130 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Yes the TR is a force to be reckoned with. If a TR is on my squishies I immediately go to peel him off and kill him. My best advice for you would be to know your limitations if you aare going to get the kill KILL the squishie, but if you are stuck there. move on. come back with a stealth opener.

    My primary focus is killing cw's because they can cc entire teams by themselves. A good cw is more of a threat than a good TR, just because of their cc alone. rogues got good damage but whats the point in that if a cw just controls you all the time?

    CW > TR's on your CW's and clerics > Clerics > everything else thats left.
  • saythinsaythin Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 130 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Streaming live right now! come watch!!! :D pro rogue gameplay!!!
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