Why are some people equating not wanting to pay for re-specs to not wanting to pay for anything? Re-specs are a pretty essential function of mmos, with all the balancing and changes classes will go through throughout the life of the game. I don't have a problem with PWE making money, it's a business after all, but I do have a problem with re-specs being in the cash shop.
you also can get free zen i found it before someplace you fill out surveys and watch some ad videos.... Or trade AD for zen you could do it without paying any money might take a few days but it can be done.... I still think we should get double zen then what we get now when buying zen
bellaralodunMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Post like this make me lol. Obviously the OP never played a real RPG. Before your precious World of Warcraft. There was no respec.
UO even had some sort of Re-spec, so have you ever played a real RPG?
valtrayMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Paying for mounts, cosmetics, pots.. No problem. But Respecs? what the actual fck. This is greed. pure fcking greed.
They know that many people are going to explore the possiblities with different playstyles, let's put up a money wall.
We know most won't grind astral diamonds all day. So they're going to pay. /facepalm.
Post like this make me lol. Obviously the OP never played a real RPG. Before your precious World of Warcraft. There was no respec.
This simply isn't true. Furthermore, even if it was, it doesn't make it an excuse for game developers today to leave out respecs as an essential function in MMOs.
Before seatbelts, people died more often in car crashes.
Before universal sufferage, only men were allowed to vote.
Before Pyhtagoras, greeks thought the earth was flat.
There are lots of things in human history that were "the way they were", that were also ridiculous. Being able to respec in MMOs is on that list.
terradraconisMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 17Arc User
Well yeah, for one respec. I can see what he's saying, though. If I planned on doing my WoW thing - raids during the week, PvP on the weekends - I would need to switch specs twice a week (more if there was a superspecial progression raid that weekend). That would start to add up. As I imagine my ADs would be used for more important things at that point, I can't see giving up 280k per respec.
Then, I used to throw away gold like it was garbage for respecs before the dual-spec system was introduced in WoW, so who knows? 280k could end up being chump change. I do think it's a little expensive, though.
See that is the problem. Your suggesting that it is normal to switch builds twice a week.
Frankly I see no reason not to make the people who change builds twice a week pay through the nose.
Really a respec shouldn't be needed more than once every 3 - 12 months. If your doing it more often the problem might be you.
Post like this make me lol. Obviously the OP never played a real RPG. Before your precious World of Warcraft. There was no respec.
Wrong, the first respecs were done in Anarchy Online after a major overhaul of the game and became something you could do periodically after that. DAoC also had them in some form, and WoW did not originally if I recall correctly. Planetside was designed so that you could re-do your certifications pretty much at will. Of course, UO had defacto respecs where you could gain a new skill while draining others once you hit the max of 750 skill points and players did this quite deliberately.
Here is a hint, whining about WoW on some other game forum only means that WoW has won and you have lost. Get over it, really, move on, get a life. The hateboi things impresses no one.
-Agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.
Neverwinter isn't D&D, it is a MMO based on a game that uses D&D terms but isn't really D&D either. NW is fun (for that matter so is 4E), but it isn't D&D, and once you wrap your expectations around that you will be able to enjoy the game for what it offers and not worry about what it does not.
Forced eh? that's quite a problem you have there. Unfortunately I don't know any games run by charities so I cant help you.
on the other hand, I can tell you a couple games that have a far less intrusive, annoying, downright malicious cash shops, and still seem to be maing good money...LoL, DCUO, PoE or LotR to name but a few.
but its all about the company antics.
PWI seems to be solely interested in the short term cash grab, milk their new release as hard and as fast as they can, and when the playerbase see thru their HAMSTER and implodes, let the game slowly decay and wither away, they dont mind leaving a trail of failed games and angry customers behind.
they can make a new game every 2-3 years (actually THAT has been their business model since always), and there's a sucker born every minute. for every angry customer they left in all their other games, there are many more newcomers to the genre or unaware of their track record, willing to give whatever new game they come up with a chance.
morally repulsive and nauseating
finantially sound and solid
keep supporting them, bro. sooner or later you will see the light and realize what a massive dork you were...but they will have run away to their new game with your money
bellaralodunMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Exactly Valtray. It just seems way to much for something so simple. If I want to redo my character.. I should be able to.. I do not mind a reasonable AD cost, I really do not, perhaps 10k-20k per change with perhaps an increasing stacking amount for more frequent use. 10k first time, 15k if you do it again that day, etc. But to have to pay for a respec I mean I just hope when I use my free one I do it correctly, and perfectly (basically no mistakes)
terradraconisMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 17Arc User
on the other hand, I can tell you a couple games that have a far less intrusive, annoying and downright malicious cash shop, and still seem to be maing good money...LoL, DCUO, PoE or LotR to name but a few.
but its all about the company antics.
PWI seems to be solely interested in the short term cash grab, and dont mind leaving a trail of failed games and angry customers behind.
they can make a new game every 2-3 years (actually THAT is their business model since always), and there's a sucker born every minute. for every angry customer they left in all their other games, there are many more newcomers to the genre or unaware of their track record, willing to give them a chance.
morally repulsive and nauseating
finantially sound and solid
keep supporting them, bro. sooner or later you will see the light and realize what a massive dork you were...but they will have run away to their new game.
I don't have a lot of use for PWE but the game is fun so I play. I am curious, though, as to why you are here? Is your life so empty and pathetic that the only thing you find fulfilling is to hang around a forum for a game that you hate and whine like a little child who wet their underwear?
-Agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.
Neverwinter isn't D&D, it is a MMO based on a game that uses D&D terms but isn't really D&D either. NW is fun (for that matter so is 4E), but it isn't D&D, and once you wrap your expectations around that you will be able to enjoy the game for what it offers and not worry about what it does not.
I don't have a lot of use for PWE but the game is fun so I play. I am curious, though, as to why you are here? Is your life so empty and pathetic that the only thing you find fulfilling is to hang around a forum for a game that you hate and whine like a little child who wet their underwear?
Oh this is standard with every single MMO. There are people who seem to get joy out of sitting in the forums and posting about how horrible the game is and how it is run and that aspect over there is bad and that one here is horrible and everyone should just leave.
And they post like that day after day, month after month and never contribute anything positive.
denverralphyMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 145Bounty Hunter
edited May 2013
I've been playing MMO's for years and years....
In my experience... people who are so adamant about cheap/free respecs are those who respec whenever a new Flavor of The Month proves more effective after each patch, and their number crunching theorycrafting brain determines their old spec suddenly "sucks rocks" because it's no longer tuned for optimal performance.
Personally... I think the removal and/or inhibition of respecs/combat parsers/established endgame content/etc... is the best thing to happen to MMORPGs. And a welcome change a long time coming.
faythonMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 21Arc User
edited May 2013
Try logging off and rebooting. It always fixes stuff for me.
ordainedoneMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Seriously, lol you people. YOu think because you change change AD into Zen is making it not P2W? lol You realize AD is like Pennies, and you need 100's of $'s to even do the smallest thing. Its a joke. The ONLY game out there that is not P2W is POE. It is the only true F2P. PWE is the worst of the worst. If anyone thinks this game holds any longevity, check everyone of PWE's others game. They tend to die out due to PWE's greed.
Redistributing skill points, bags, bank space, and equal-stat PvP items should all be free and require the same amount of time investment to obtain for all players. Paying for any of these is unfair and immoral per traditional MMO doctrine. The same goes for companions and mounts. High-speed mounts, and superior and higher level cap companions should be equally attainable without paying.
/Pay 2 win.
beil86Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
so many free loaders lol.
Hey i wanna play 100% free and never need to spend any cash while costing you money to make a game for me and keep the servers going and add new content, but i wont pay a dime to you thanks!!!!
PWE is a well known cash grab company, how do you suppose they went from F2P nobody company to OWNING Cryptic in the space of a few years, oh yes it cam from a game called PWI which held its own for 2 years then got bombed so hard with the cash shop that almost everybody quit.
I say almost because well lets face it, those that threw tens of thousands at it stayed so they wouldn't have to feel stupid.
This will one day be the same, after the other cash cows die a slow horrible death, the small cost of a respec with IG currency is nothing to worry about.
terradraconisMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 17Arc User
In my experience... people who are so adamant about cheap/free respecs are those who respec whenever a new Flavor of The Month proves more effective after each patch, and their number crunching theorycraft brain determines their old spec suddenly "sucks rocks" because it's no longer tuned for optimal performance.
Personally... I think the removal or inhibition of respecs/combat parsers/established endgame content/etc... is the best thing to happen to MMORPGs. And welcome after a long time coming.
Oh exactly. Someone posted in this very thread that they needed cheap respects so they could switch to a farming build during the week and then switch to their PvP build for the weekend.
Given that I have zero desire to see the price of respec tokens go down. Charge the suckers who want to change their builds twice a week for the privilege.
In my experience... people who are so adamant about cheap/free respecs are those who respec whenever a new Flavor of The Month proves more effective after each patch, and their number crunching theorycrafting brain determines their old spec suddenly "sucks rocks" because it's no longer tuned for optimal performance.
Personally... I think the removal and/or inhibition of respecs/combat parsers/established endgame content/etc... is the best thing to happen to MMORPGs. And welcome after a long time coming.
Except you know pvp and pve are two different things. They require very different specs. Patches come out and change things dramatically. There's a lot of reasons to allow respecs. You have provided no reason as to why to disallow them. This whole "oh well this game didn't do it. And the old games didn't do it" is complete ****. Once upon a time I couldn't drive, now I can. You don't restrict yourself or something else because you didn't used to do it. That's stupid backwards logic. You move forward to better ideas. Allowing respecs is great for a number of reasons. Especially considering some people like to min/max (whether you like it or hate it doesn't matter. That's how they play and you play your way) and they shouldn't be forced to pay to play their style. I'm not forced to play my style. It's a cheap way to **** over your playerbase.
Look, now you play 2 chars... then you want to play third or respec and you have to spend ridiculous amount of money..
so you quit...which makes finding groups more difficult..guilds become emptier etc.. basically its the start of a game dieing. You dont want that.. You want lots of people. So dont scare the free players away. we need them to
Paying for character slots and respecs is plain dumb.
terradraconisMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 17Arc User
Redistributing skill points, bags, bank space, and equal-stat PvP items should all be free and require the same amount of time investment to obtain for all players. Paying for any of these is unfair and immoral per traditional MMO doctrine. The same goes for companions and mounts. High-speed mounts, and superior and higher level cap companions should be equally attainable without paying.
/Pay 2 win.
You are correct being able to buy respec tokens IS Pay 2 Win. It is the classic example of it because it allows for build of the week character builds.
terradraconisMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 17Arc User
CS issue? Check this thread first! | Reporting exploits: Done Right
UO even had some sort of Re-spec, so have you ever played a real RPG?
They know that many people are going to explore the possiblities with different playstyles, let's put up a money wall.
We know most won't grind astral diamonds all day. So they're going to pay. /facepalm.
This simply isn't true. Furthermore, even if it was, it doesn't make it an excuse for game developers today to leave out respecs as an essential function in MMOs.
Before seatbelts, people died more often in car crashes.
Before universal sufferage, only men were allowed to vote.
Before Pyhtagoras, greeks thought the earth was flat.
There are lots of things in human history that were "the way they were", that were also ridiculous. Being able to respec in MMOs is on that list.
See that is the problem. Your suggesting that it is normal to switch builds twice a week.
Frankly I see no reason not to make the people who change builds twice a week pay through the nose.
Really a respec shouldn't be needed more than once every 3 - 12 months. If your doing it more often the problem might be you.
Wrong, the first respecs were done in Anarchy Online after a major overhaul of the game and became something you could do periodically after that. DAoC also had them in some form, and WoW did not originally if I recall correctly. Planetside was designed so that you could re-do your certifications pretty much at will. Of course, UO had defacto respecs where you could gain a new skill while draining others once you hit the max of 750 skill points and players did this quite deliberately.
Here is a hint, whining about WoW on some other game forum only means that WoW has won and you have lost. Get over it, really, move on, get a life. The hateboi things impresses no one.
Realm of the Demiurge Foundry Works
Neverwinter isn't D&D, it is a MMO based on a game that uses D&D terms but isn't really D&D either. NW is fun (for that matter so is 4E), but it isn't D&D, and once you wrap your expectations around that you will be able to enjoy the game for what it offers and not worry about what it does not.
on the other hand, I can tell you a couple games that have a far less intrusive, annoying, downright malicious cash shops, and still seem to be maing good money...LoL, DCUO, PoE or LotR to name but a few.
but its all about the company antics.
PWI seems to be solely interested in the short term cash grab, milk their new release as hard and as fast as they can, and when the playerbase see thru their HAMSTER and implodes, let the game slowly decay and wither away, they dont mind leaving a trail of failed games and angry customers behind.
they can make a new game every 2-3 years (actually THAT has been their business model since always), and there's a sucker born every minute. for every angry customer they left in all their other games, there are many more newcomers to the genre or unaware of their track record, willing to give whatever new game they come up with a chance.
morally repulsive and nauseating
finantially sound and solid
keep supporting them, bro. sooner or later you will see the light and realize what a massive dork you were...but they will have run away to their new game with your money
But it does.
You use Astral Diamonds to buy Zen and then use the Zen to buy the respec token. Voila, respec tokens for Astral Diamonds.
Your wish is granted. Next.
I have, got a bag, and some professions stuff. I, of course, got shafted two times on the professions packs.
I don't have a lot of use for PWE but the game is fun so I play. I am curious, though, as to why you are here? Is your life so empty and pathetic that the only thing you find fulfilling is to hang around a forum for a game that you hate and whine like a little child who wet their underwear?
Realm of the Demiurge Foundry Works
Neverwinter isn't D&D, it is a MMO based on a game that uses D&D terms but isn't really D&D either. NW is fun (for that matter so is 4E), but it isn't D&D, and once you wrap your expectations around that you will be able to enjoy the game for what it offers and not worry about what it does not.
Oh this is standard with every single MMO. There are people who seem to get joy out of sitting in the forums and posting about how horrible the game is and how it is run and that aspect over there is bad and that one here is horrible and everyone should just leave.
And they post like that day after day, month after month and never contribute anything positive.
In my experience... people who are so adamant about cheap/free respecs are those who respec whenever a new Flavor of The Month proves more effective after each patch, and their number crunching theorycrafting brain determines their old spec suddenly "sucks rocks" because it's no longer tuned for optimal performance.
Personally... I think the removal and/or inhibition of respecs/combat parsers/established endgame content/etc... is the best thing to happen to MMORPGs. And a welcome change a long time coming.
/Pay 2 win.
Hey i wanna play 100% free and never need to spend any cash while costing you money to make a game for me and keep the servers going and add new content, but i wont pay a dime to you thanks!!!!
that about sums up the OP and his type of gamer.
I say almost because well lets face it, those that threw tens of thousands at it stayed so they wouldn't have to feel stupid.
This will one day be the same, after the other cash cows die a slow horrible death, the small cost of a respec with IG currency is nothing to worry about.
Oh exactly. Someone posted in this very thread that they needed cheap respects so they could switch to a farming build during the week and then switch to their PvP build for the weekend.
Given that I have zero desire to see the price of respec tokens go down. Charge the suckers who want to change their builds twice a week for the privilege.
Except you know pvp and pve are two different things. They require very different specs. Patches come out and change things dramatically. There's a lot of reasons to allow respecs. You have provided no reason as to why to disallow them. This whole "oh well this game didn't do it. And the old games didn't do it" is complete ****. Once upon a time I couldn't drive, now I can. You don't restrict yourself or something else because you didn't used to do it. That's stupid backwards logic. You move forward to better ideas. Allowing respecs is great for a number of reasons. Especially considering some people like to min/max (whether you like it or hate it doesn't matter. That's how they play and you play your way) and they shouldn't be forced to pay to play their style. I'm not forced to play my style. It's a cheap way to **** over your playerbase.
so you quit...which makes finding groups more difficult..guilds become emptier etc.. basically its the start of a game dieing. You dont want that.. You want lots of people. So dont scare the free players away. we need them to
Paying for character slots and respecs is plain dumb.
You are correct being able to buy respec tokens IS Pay 2 Win. It is the classic example of it because it allows for build of the week character builds.
You say this like it is a bad thing?
Why isn't it a good thing that they are MAKING money?