The game is good. The combat system great. The foundry one of the best features ever. But where is the D&D.
Locked weapons and armor. I'm a dwarf great weapon fighter you wont let me wear full plate and no ax I'm a dwarf you never see a dwarf with a great-sword. D&D was always about choice but where is it here you should be able to wield a dagger as a great weapon fighter wear plate as a mage (yes it would be silly and never work) where is my studded leather, scale mail, splint mail.
Where is the environment of D&D i can run down hallways unafraid. I hope this is because I'm lower level but I haven't seen a single trap yet and all our class skills (Dungeoneering, Arcana, Religion, ect.) are just for getting crafting materials. Nothing is threatening as I can drip feed myself potions, at most in D&D you had 2 (mainly casue they were not that useful) not 15 and that's just from looting.
This game make me want to play a good D&D mmo sadly that is more of what D&D online offers than Neverwinter. It's not that Neverwinter is bad, it's a great game with wonderful combat and user created content just not a D&D game.
I hope this will be taken as a criticism that can be fixed and not as someone just whining. Hopefully this game will get better with time and it can become the game i wanted.
frankelotMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Play more, I've come across quite alot of traps already, some were obvious and avoidable, some were not so obvious and were triggered by my oblivious Cleric.
Also, I've already used the class skill kits for more than only crafting materials. I've opened secret passages harboring a treasure chest with dungeoneering, consecrated/cleansed things with my Cleric's own religion skill, and removed some nasty spellplague flame with Arcana to get to a treasure chest.
Depending on the era of D&D you are talking about (sorry I can't remember what edition Neverwinter was actually originally released in), mages couldn't wear plate armor. Then again, everything was restricted by class, unlike the newer editions which have all the extra things like feats (which the game has), which means, they could very easily say the classes do not allow for those extra things like daggers or plate armor.
It's also in-game. There are dungeons, and there are dragons.
What you're asking for is a specific feel from a specific campaign designed by a specific individual based on rules from decades ago that changed arbitrarily from one release to the next.
Welcome to 4ED V.2 Now with Graphical Interface.
Check out the Foundry, you can make what you want there. As for a dwarf with an axe, yeah, that should happen and I'm personally disappointed in the character creator, costume and weapon designs and selections.
Anything that resembles the D&D are the ability scores your roll when creating a character, but even then you should be able to modify it on your own once you rolled the dice, and speaking of dice rolling, there is no such thing in this game, and it is the basics of D&D.
Also, where are proficiencies? Concentration, weapon proficiency, spell mastery, and so on. In this game they are called feats, but sadly they have nothing to do with them.
Agree with the post, this game doesnt have any D&D.. if u want a real RPG MMO go play age of wushu, first hours are boring but after the story quest the game its a diamond, has a lot of lore, and interact.. where if u are evil u can be imprisoned, you can steal, kidnap people, being a cop, assault caravans, be the master of your school, have set that represents how important you are in your school or faction,well lots of things..
Im agree with u, i really dont see the RPG interaction on this game. but lets hope they bring some RPG content, cuz i really like the combat system.
Also the Female charters are horrible no matter the race..
faiteaccompliiMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 2
edited May 2013
Even Dragonrealms (Text MUD) had limitations
faiteaccompliiMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 2
edited May 2013
I would like to see a game like this released that allows player stealing (ie steal coin off players if they carry it around with them)
sasheriaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited May 2013
Remember this is 4th Edition (or is it 4.5? I can't remember)
4th edition changed A LOT of things from traditional D&D. When I first saw it, I went "this is design to be more MMO than Tabletop" and now we have Neverwinter
I do believe the older version of the game were using 3.5 rules.
4th edition or not, this is a MMO. In such type of a game we need some variety in terms of builds, item appearance unless the Devs want all the players look the same, have very similar or the same builds etc.
Exactly! Where is my monkey grip, greater cleave etc.? 4th edition change it to a boring game where all classes look exactly the same, use the same armours, weapon sets?
Game is great and original in many places...but lack of variety will be a killer for some of the players.
A warrior was proficient in all types of armour, shields and weapons except the exotic ones. Why can't I use a single sword when I wish to? Or switch to a long bow when needed? Kills the variety and dampens the tactics options a far as I am concerned.
You did not see it? Make a new toon. The races and locations used are based loosely off D&D.
Um I think a couple of spell names and feats as well, but only a few.
It is still a beta and hopefully there is room to grow, but at the very least until you can customize your character, this will remain an arcade game and nothing more. That is fine, arcade games can be fun, but its not D&D.
D&D requires a party . Either bring your own friends or join a guild. What made paper D&D so much fun was the people you played with , it will be the same here .
sasheriaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 1Arc User
You did not see it? Make a new toon. The races and locations used are based loosely off D&D.
Um I think a couple of spell names and feats as well, but only a few.
It is still a beta and hopefully there is room to grow, but at the very least until you can customize your character, this will remain an arcade game and nothing more. That is fine, arcade games can be fun, but its not D&D.
have you seen 4th edition rules? It is similar to this. you have at-will power (all those wizard spells are mostly gone. DDO online uses 3.5 rules) Encounter powers and Daily Powers.
The difference for NWN daily power is that it recharge and can use more than "one day" (at least more than once in a game day that I feel) in 4.0 you can use it once a DAY (well game day)
I don't have my 4th ed book with me, but many of the rules are similar. There are some that are not included, but I don't have the book/time to list it.
Yea its funny hearing people claim this is sooo like 4e...well if it is then 4e is unplayable. The standard mmo stats are all there...and would be impossible for anything but a computer to keep track of. A fun game, don't get me wrong...but if you want ACTUAL D&D you need to play the ACTUAL D&D online game...its superior anyway(assuming its still around...haven't been on in awhile)
I just want someone...anyone to make an mmo without all the BS stats that are so convoluted and incremental you can't possibly understand which piece of gear is actually better. I mean really...two instances of one stat don't stack, while another does...and nowhere does it tell you just have to manually add everything up to see if something isn't right...then start removing gear until you see an actual change...blah!!! No reason these MMOs need to be this convoluted.
Also the Female charters are horrible no matter the race..
"Wup... hang on stop right THERE. Are you a'sayin' that I'm 'orrible??? Cause iffen that's what yer sayin' I've got a bone ta pick with you, youngster! I may be short, and I may be fat, but I'm fokkin' GORGEOUS! What aer ya lookin' fer? Victoria's Secret? Puleeze, there is plenty o' that! Now if you'd like ta discuss this further, I'll introduce you ta the bottom of me boots!", says Breatha who believes herself to be startlingly beautiful.
I was pretty surprised to roll a cleric and find out I used only a strange ranged wand attack instead of blunt melee weapons. Oh well, the concept that players can create content makes it a lot more D&D than another other MMO I've tried.
The game is good. The combat system great. The foundry one of the best features ever. But where is the D&D.
Sorry friend, you are obviously thinking of the game created by Dave Arneson and Gary Gygax. Sorry, we left that game lying in the gutter when WotC mugged and enslaved TSR then capitulated to Hasbro.
Sorry Friend, we left that game back in 3.5.
If I havent offended you today....dont worry!!!....there's always tomorrow. Of course, you could also go to here for all I care.
faiteaccompliiMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 2
edited May 2013
yes Breatha of course What happened in DR was you built up your perception skill and then you could see thieves easier , though if a thief got too bold you'd catch them eventually.
have you seen 4th edition rules? It is similar to this. you have at-will power (all those wizard spells are mostly gone. DDO online uses 3.5 rules) Encounter powers and Daily Powers.
The difference for NWN daily power is that it recharge and can use more than "one day" (at least more than once in a game day that I feel) in 4.0 you can use it once a DAY (well game day)
I don't have my 4th ed book with me, but many of the rules are similar. There are some that are not included, but I don't have the book/time to list it.
Yes, I bought a 4th ed book (stupid me) and saw what they did to the game after GG died, and sold it to some other sucker. I do not care for the changes for table top, though here, I actually kind of like most of them. But even 4th ed (from memory here, so I could miss a detail) you could have a variety of weapons, multi class, and roll a toon with all 18s on actual dice (rather than pick where to allocate 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 10, 10 pre-rolled garbage). There were more than 4 classes as I recall. Clerics could heal at level 1, as I recall. There were skills and feats to pick from, as I recall. And a dozen other important "little things" are sort of off in this implementation at the moment (and may later be filled in and improved). Its.... dumbed down to the original 2d zelda level.
For those of you who do like 3.5 and the details of building a character in depth and the whole 9 yards, give DDO a try. Its old, the graphics are lacking, but its what you seek and a fine game. This is also a fine game, but the 2 are nothing alike. I can enjoy both with understanding that they are different, but if you seek old school D&D, you came to the wrong place, period. (And for that reason, I think the neverwinter title is slightly misleading and will pull in many a disgruntled 3.5 player).
yes Breatha of course What happened in DR was you built up your perception skill and then you could see thieves easier , though if a thief got too bold you'd catch them eventually.
On a serious note - can you imagine the whining that would cause? Holy crow.
I just wanted to get in on what's sure to become another epic thread about people expecting some D&D here and finding something completely different.
Those of you who came here for D&D, move along... nothing to see here nope nuh uh. We don't need no stinking Clerics that can actually turn undead, or Pallies, or Rangers or anything that's always been D&D goodness. And of course Dwarves wielding axes?? Surely you gest.
I gree with the OP as well. This is not the D&D experience I was hoping for. Hear that Wizards of the coast! This is for people that like WoW or GW2 and want to try a different combat system.
In my perfect D&D game would be multiple groups of (DM and up to 6 players) running in a persistent world with a world player run economy.
The mmo would support lots of different groups. MMO's already have GM's to help make them run smooth. The DM's would be the GM's only in a larger role. Someday that game will be made but this is not it.
Alignment would control PvP. As in good players could not fight good players, evil would fight good, etc...
PvE would not be fighting an AI but the DM. DM's would be rated by the players. Player groups would have a choice of available DM's to run their instance. etc...
dixa1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 4Arc User
edited May 2013
why aren't you whiners playing DDO? that's as close to 3rd ed D&D as you're going to get online unless you decide to delve into a MUD
why aren't you whiners playing DDO? that's as close to 3rd ed D&D as you're going to get online unless you decide to delve into a MUD
Actually I am playing BG1 and BG2. Tried this, tried DDO, and liked neither. I can not wait for BG3 or BG next to be released. That is where these D&D players will go that dislike this game.
why aren't you whiners playing DDO? that's as close to 3rd ed D&D as you're going to get online unless you decide to delve into a MUD
Because alot of people dont know alot about this game.
PWE is a F2P P2W company of some ill repute.
NW is not based on 3.5 rules, but the much less popular 4.0
Cryptic is fast acquiring a reputation to equal PWE.
They see...Neverwinter, and I promise you, alot of them come here thinking it is going to be an updated NWN and just like having a car battery attached to your ****** rings...they are getting a shocking awakening. Dont worry, they'll leave as fast as they got here after looking around a bit and realizing it's not even close to NWN or DnD.
If I havent offended you today....dont worry!!!....there's always tomorrow. Of course, you could also go to here for all I care.
I gree with the OP as well. This is not the D&D experience I was hoping for. Hear that Wizards of the coast! This is for people that like WoW or GW2 and want to try a different combat system.
In my perfect D&D game would be multiple groups of (DM and up to 6 players) running in a persistent world with a world player run economy.
The mmo would support lots of different groups. MMO's already have GM's to help make them run smooth. The DM's would be the GM's only in a larger role. Someday that game will be made but this is not it.
Alignment would control PvP. As in good players could not fight good players, evil would fight good, etc...
PvE would not be fighting an AI but the DM. DM's would be rated by the players. Player groups would have a choice of available DM's to run their instance. etc...
That would be great. The problem lies in the fact that for a game with those mechanics, to also still have caomparable graphics and the other features demanded by the MMO community, you are talking many years and hundreds of millions of dollars in development, to effectively create a niche game for the old school PnP crowd, which dislike the current D&D ruleset, and are probably the minority of the current MMO player base.
That would be great. The problem lies in the fact that for a game with those mechanics, to also still have caomparable graphics and the other features demanded by the MMO community, you are talking many years and hundreds of millions of dollars in development, to effectively create a niche game for the old school PnP crowd, which dislike the current D&D ruleset, and are probably the minority of the current MMO player base.
Just do not make an assumption that they are THE minority. They may be the current minority of the current mmo world only because the current mmo world has not met their wants. I consider them to be the silent majority that every so often comes out and tries this or that and leaves . That does not make that group as a whole the definitive minority. It is also a huge mistake for the current game developer world to ignore that group. Just look at how well kickstarter is working out. The big name computer game companies are not meeting the demands of the silent majority. We are financing our own projects and skipping the big companies altogether.
sasheriaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 1Arc User
Yes, I bought a 4th ed book (stupid me) and saw what they did to the game after GG died, and sold it to some other sucker. I do not care for the changes for table top, though here, I actually kind of like most of them. But even 4th ed (from memory here, so I could miss a detail) you could have a variety of weapons, multi class, and roll a toon with all 18s on actual dice (rather than pick where to allocate 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 10, 10 pre-rolled garbage). There were more than 4 classes as I recall. Clerics could heal at level 1, as I recall. There were skills and feats to pick from, as I recall. And a dozen other important "little things" are sort of off in this implementation at the moment (and may later be filled in and improved). Its.... dumbed down to the original 2d zelda level.
For those of you who do like 3.5 and the details of building a character in depth and the whole 9 yards, give DDO a try. Its old, the graphics are lacking, but its what you seek and a fine game. This is also a fine game, but the 2 are nothing alike. I can enjoy both with understanding that they are different, but if you seek old school D&D, you came to the wrong place, period. (And for that reason, I think the neverwinter title is slightly misleading and will pull in many a disgruntled 3.5 player).
Actually, cleric is practically "useless" Everyone has a "heal surges" (again I don't have my book with me) the healers do have some limited healing (encounter and daily power) but at-will is either allow a player to burn MORE surges (limit per encounter/day) or use one their own or something similar.
The stats are limited. there are OPTIONAL rules that allow to do "pure" stats like possible of having all 18s, but standards are preset or limited die.
Multi-class is still there (4th ed) but it is a bit squirelly than I am use to. You can totally forget spell slots for wizard (which was good and bad) I miss all the fun spells cleric and wizard use to have. Now it is all at-will power (unlimited magic missiles)
The combat system for Tabletop D&D 4th ed is like MMO. You have your icon (needed) facing, distance and such. It is almost required to have miniatures and maps.
Also, I've already used the class skill kits for more than only crafting materials. I've opened secret passages harboring a treasure chest with dungeoneering, consecrated/cleansed things with my Cleric's own religion skill, and removed some nasty spellplague flame with Arcana to get to a treasure chest.
In the title^^^
^^^^ Right above where it says "Neverwinter" ^^^^
It's also in-game. There are dungeons, and there are dragons.
What you're asking for is a specific feel from a specific campaign designed by a specific individual based on rules from decades ago that changed arbitrarily from one release to the next.
Welcome to 4ED V.2 Now with Graphical Interface.
Check out the Foundry, you can make what you want there. As for a dwarf with an axe, yeah, that should happen and I'm personally disappointed in the character creator, costume and weapon designs and selections.
Hopefully that'll stop sucking soon.
The game is good, but has nothing to do with D&D.
Anything that resembles the D&D are the ability scores your roll when creating a character, but even then you should be able to modify it on your own once you rolled the dice, and speaking of dice rolling, there is no such thing in this game, and it is the basics of D&D.
Also, where are proficiencies? Concentration, weapon proficiency, spell mastery, and so on. In this game they are called feats, but sadly they have nothing to do with them.
Im agree with u, i really dont see the RPG interaction on this game. but lets hope they bring some RPG content, cuz i really like the combat system.
Also the Female charters are horrible no matter the race..
4th edition changed A LOT of things from traditional D&D. When I first saw it, I went "this is design to be more MMO than Tabletop" and now we have Neverwinter
I do believe the older version of the game were using 3.5 rules.
Please review my campaign and I'll return the favor.
Exactly! Where is my monkey grip, greater cleave etc.? 4th edition change it to a boring game where all classes look exactly the same, use the same armours, weapon sets?
Game is great and original in many places...but lack of variety will be a killer for some of the players.
A warrior was proficient in all types of armour, shields and weapons except the exotic ones. Why can't I use a single sword when I wish to? Or switch to a long bow when needed? Kills the variety and dampens the tactics options a far as I am concerned.
Um I think a couple of spell names and feats as well, but only a few.
It is still a beta and hopefully there is room to grow, but at the very least until you can customize your character, this will remain an arcade game and nothing more. That is fine, arcade games can be fun, but its not D&D.
The difference for NWN daily power is that it recharge and can use more than "one day" (at least more than once in a game day that I feel) in 4.0 you can use it once a DAY (well game day)
I don't have my 4th ed book with me, but many of the rules are similar. There are some that are not included, but I don't have the book/time to list it.
Please review my campaign and I'll return the favor.
I just want someone...anyone to make an mmo without all the BS stats that are so convoluted and incremental you can't possibly understand which piece of gear is actually better. I mean really...two instances of one stat don't stack, while another does...and nowhere does it tell you just have to manually add everything up to see if something isn't right...then start removing gear until you see an actual change...blah!!! No reason these MMOs need to be this convoluted.
"Wup... hang on stop right THERE. Are you a'sayin' that I'm 'orrible??? Cause iffen that's what yer sayin' I've got a bone ta pick with you, youngster! I may be short, and I may be fat, but I'm fokkin' GORGEOUS! What aer ya lookin' fer? Victoria's Secret? Puleeze, there is plenty o' that! Now if you'd like ta discuss this further, I'll introduce you ta the bottom of me boots!", says Breatha who believes herself to be startlingly beautiful.
I think so too. :rolleyes:
No unless players can see when you fail and can beat you senseless and steal all YOUR stuff.
Sorry friend, you are obviously thinking of the game created by Dave Arneson and Gary Gygax. Sorry, we left that game lying in the gutter when WotC mugged and enslaved TSR then capitulated to Hasbro.
Sorry Friend, we left that game back in 3.5.
Yes, I bought a 4th ed book (stupid me) and saw what they did to the game after GG died, and sold it to some other sucker. I do not care for the changes for table top, though here, I actually kind of like most of them. But even 4th ed (from memory here, so I could miss a detail) you could have a variety of weapons, multi class, and roll a toon with all 18s on actual dice (rather than pick where to allocate 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 10, 10 pre-rolled garbage). There were more than 4 classes as I recall. Clerics could heal at level 1, as I recall. There were skills and feats to pick from, as I recall. And a dozen other important "little things" are sort of off in this implementation at the moment (and may later be filled in and improved). Its.... dumbed down to the original 2d zelda level.
For those of you who do like 3.5 and the details of building a character in depth and the whole 9 yards, give DDO a try. Its old, the graphics are lacking, but its what you seek and a fine game. This is also a fine game, but the 2 are nothing alike. I can enjoy both with understanding that they are different, but if you seek old school D&D, you came to the wrong place, period. (And for that reason, I think the neverwinter title is slightly misleading and will pull in many a disgruntled 3.5 player).
On a serious note - can you imagine the whining that would cause? Holy crow.
Those of you who came here for D&D, move along... nothing to see here nope nuh uh. We don't need no stinking Clerics that can actually turn undead, or Pallies, or Rangers or anything that's always been D&D goodness. And of course Dwarves wielding axes?? Surely you gest.
A bit of nostalgia for the old timers.
PVP guide - Keeping it fun with the basics.
In my perfect D&D game would be multiple groups of (DM and up to 6 players) running in a persistent world with a world player run economy.
The mmo would support lots of different groups. MMO's already have GM's to help make them run smooth. The DM's would be the GM's only in a larger role. Someday that game will be made but this is not it.
Alignment would control PvP. As in good players could not fight good players, evil would fight good, etc...
PvE would not be fighting an AI but the DM. DM's would be rated by the players. Player groups would have a choice of available DM's to run their instance. etc...
Actually I am playing BG1 and BG2. Tried this, tried DDO, and liked neither. I can not wait for BG3 or BG next to be released. That is where these D&D players will go that dislike this game.
Because alot of people dont know alot about this game.
PWE is a F2P P2W company of some ill repute.
NW is not based on 3.5 rules, but the much less popular 4.0
Cryptic is fast acquiring a reputation to equal PWE.
They see...Neverwinter, and I promise you, alot of them come here thinking it is going to be an updated NWN and just like having a car battery attached to your ****** rings...they are getting a shocking awakening. Dont worry, they'll leave as fast as they got here after looking around a bit and realizing it's not even close to NWN or DnD.
Again this is in MY eyes
That would be great. The problem lies in the fact that for a game with those mechanics, to also still have caomparable graphics and the other features demanded by the MMO community, you are talking many years and hundreds of millions of dollars in development, to effectively create a niche game for the old school PnP crowd, which dislike the current D&D ruleset, and are probably the minority of the current MMO player base.
Just do not make an assumption that they are THE minority. They may be the current minority of the current mmo world only because the current mmo world has not met their wants. I consider them to be the silent majority that every so often comes out and tries this or that and leaves
Actually, cleric is practically "useless" Everyone has a "heal surges" (again I don't have my book with me) the healers do have some limited healing (encounter and daily power) but at-will is either allow a player to burn MORE surges (limit per encounter/day) or use one their own or something similar.
The stats are limited. there are OPTIONAL rules that allow to do "pure" stats like possible of having all 18s, but standards are preset or limited die.
Multi-class is still there (4th ed) but it is a bit squirelly than I am use to. You can totally forget spell slots for wizard (which was good and bad) I miss all the fun spells cleric and wizard use to have. Now it is all at-will power (unlimited magic missiles)
The combat system for Tabletop D&D 4th ed is like MMO. You have your icon (needed) facing, distance and such. It is almost required to have miniatures and maps.
Please review my campaign and I'll return the favor.