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Where are all the classes?



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    bracer2bracer2 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 566 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    itheryel wrote: »
    And again u start ure reply with ure famous "I", yes i get it, only u mather, everybody else can burn, in the end only u running around in neverwinter wil make this game succesfull. All the other guys getting bugs/glitches dont mather at all for the future of this game. Wel played sir, wel played.

    I shall gladly escort u to the third biggest forrum section on this website
    Also known as bug-report section enjoy.

    Huh... each individual can only represent themselves dude. And "I" have run into many many players of like mind so that now becomes a "WE"

    WE need more classes. The major bug in this game is that there arent enough classes and the game in its current state FAILS to meet "OUR" standards, at least for many hardcore D&D traditionalists ive met in game and otherwise.
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    evilkinglarryevilkinglarry Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 144 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    itheryel wrote: »

    A thing to note. Bugs, glitches and exploits are important to fix and can drive people away from a game, but so can sparse content. You can have a flawless system but what's the point if there isn't anything to do with it? I recognizable there are some pretty bad bugs out there but I'd much rather spend my time thinking up neat things to add into the world than ***** over some new exploit filling the Ah with purples. That is the path of ulcers. No interest in ulcers. The bugs will get fixed with us *****ing and screaming or not. so long as Cryptic is made aware of them. Content though you need to keep pressing on about so they can see there is a big enough demand for it to be worth making.
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    imivoimivo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,682 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    bracer2 wrote: »
    WE need more classes. The major bug in this game is that there arent enough classes and the game in its current state FAILS to meet "OUR" standards, at least for many hardcore D&D traditionalists ive met in game and otherwise.

    They have never said that there won't be more classes. They, in fact, said there WILL be more classes. It just takes time and they have to start somewhere. Sure, they could probably have just delayed the game by half a year and then opened the beta with a few more classes, but why? You can just come back in half a year and pretend that the beta started then?
    Unsure about skills and feats? Check the Master List of Class Builds!
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    evilkinglarryevilkinglarry Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 144 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    bracer2 wrote: »
    The rules evil, the mechanics sir. A warrior class needs to be able to equip any kind of armor period. A dwarf has the option to use an axe for christ sake. Casters have ridiculous amounts of spells to choose from. I could go on for days..... AC IS hit or miss. ON and on. Saving throws exist..... None of this exists.

    I can easily agree that Neverwinter is embarrassingly light on the customization aspects of the game. So long as Cryptic doesn't declare they have no intention to continue releasing alternative build options for all the classes I don't mind the limitations on the classes. It allows for Cryptic to focus instead on in class synergy easier. On the other hand the weapon choices are in a sad state. being forced to use great weapons is fine. having the only great weapon you find being a sword isn't fine. I am aware that there are a few different models like the club from Cloak Tower. The armor mechanic makes sense in an MMO sort of way. Can't have the dps as heavily armored as the tank.

    If I were instead to ask you not is Neverwinter is a good D&D game but instead ask is Neverwinter a Good Forgotten Realms game what would you say?
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