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Drow elf not available for at least 60 days after release, wizard future unsure



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    shiaikashiaika Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    kalvorak wrote: »
    I find it ironic that the group of people acting the most entitled are the Hero of the North owners. For some reason they think that "investing" money now means they're ENTITLED to freebies and exclusive content that wasn't included in the original purchase.
    Oh yeah? I have done that? Seriously? Mind to find those posts by me and post them here?

    Hero packs offer certain content. Guardian packs offer certain content. Starter packs offer ceratin content. People should stop demanding stuff that they didn't pay for, like Guardians getting access to the common drow. Or begging for alpha access because someone paid for a Hero pack. Or demanding beta access despite not buying any pack because "Being a super fan of NwN".

    It has been said many times that the delay of the common drow doesn't make sense. If Cryptic really will keep the Menzoberranzan Renegade as exclusive for Hero owners, then what's the point of the delay for the common drow? Maybe the visuals of both drow versions are identical (beyond custom tattoo) and therefore no one being able to tell who is who (common or Menzoberranzan) on sight right after launch?

    But who cares? I'm evil and selfish for giving part of my hard earned money to Cryptic for certain specific perks on launch while having no part in the taking on decissions about how Cryptic releases their products. If you allow me, I think I'm going back to the Monster Manual where, apparently according to some people, Hero owners belong.:p
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    keirkinkeirkin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Your point? ~rolls eyes~

    The point is, you made the statement "So, there you go. The "vanilla Drow" delay could be a technical thing after all. But also, the Menzo Drow apparently IS a separate playable "race". " but no where in the statement does it say they are separate "races". It doesn't say they are separate races in what you quoted, it doesn't even infer it. Part of the problem around here is the misrepresentation of facts and people using their opinions as truths and then other people seeing that and propagating that out until people actually believe it as fact.
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    angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    keirkin wrote: »
    The point is, you made the statement "So, there you go. The "vanilla Drow" delay could be a technical thing after all. But also, the Menzo Drow apparently IS a separate playable "race". " but no where in the statement does it say they are separate "races". It doesn't say they are separate races in what you quoted, it doesn't even infer it. Part of the problem around here is the misrepresentation of facts and people using their opinions as truths and then other people seeing that and propagating that out until people actually believe it as fact.


    Well, it's a plain fact that when you actively look for something to complain about, you'll find it. Congratulations: you win.
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    martyanyamartyanya Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Hope this explains a bit.
    Welcome to the wonderful world of D&D, however standard elves are the light skinned elves with blond hair and blue eyes. Drow are also known as Dark Elves...and yes the term was coined long before a certain thief MMO company misused it.[/QUOTE]

    I would love to know what MMO you're referring to as a thief...I don't want to make assumptions...but if its the one I think you mean (the only one I can think of that uses the term Dark Elf) then you are pretty off base there since their IP was using the term long before D&D was...although even then the term dates back to folk lore so claiming ANYONE "stole" is no different than claiming the name Dwarf or Elf are stolen.

    In my youth...back when the first editions of both D&D and that "other IP" came out, only one of them used the term Dark Elf...D&D didn't even introduce them until 2nd edition...and even then they were (to the best of my recollection) always referred to as the Drow. I think it likely that they may have been referred to as dark cousins to elves or the like in the flavor text...but I really think the name was coined and used specifically because that other company was already using the term Dark Elf and Gygax wanted to be different.
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    bruddajokkabruddajokka Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 447 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2013
    Hell Dark Elves have been around for a long time. Especially in Norse, and Celtic mythology
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    wagnbatwagnbat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I'm still debating on whether or not to pre-order... Read all the Salvatore and War of the Spider Queen books and absolutely fascinated with drow. Disenchanted that the $200 pack is the only one that garantees drow. Have also (from the sidelines) been trying to figure out if there is indeed a racial difference between a vanilla Drow and a 'Menzo Renegade'.

    It is a leap of faith, but I can't really see playing a Neverwinter game, not as a Drow. Would love more definitive info... Especially a firm launch date... But I did bring some fuel to toss on this fire as well...

    Have they actually said Vanilla Drow would be free after 60 days? I've seen a vague acknowledgement that they did indeed delay it... But no confirmation (that I've seen) that says drow for sure will be free. To this also serves to maintain some semblance of racial balance and keep NW from looking like Menzoberranzan.

    And with regards to F2P making money off of cosmetics, absolutely agree. Also agree this is a business and a company, and companies are in business to make money. By not requiring a subcription, they are relieving themselves of some of the community burden. For all these "I'm not going to play your free game the first 60 days then" people... No loss for Cryptic/PWE then, right? There's an old cliche I feel applies well here... Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
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    ysil6969ysil6969 Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Hell Dark Elves have been around for a long time. Especially in Norse, and Celtic mythology

    Pretty much this. Norse have been using Dark Elf the longest ;)

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    zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited March 2013
    Mod Note: Merged an older thread with much less replies that was recently replied to. If a couple posts may seem out of place. This is why.

    This thread has run its course. Let's continue this release of anxiety in the new:
    The Drow Anxiety Thread (Read OP for Details)

    Zebular, PWE Community Moderator
This discussion has been closed.