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Auction House

tinypyrotinypyro Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 371 Bounty Hunter
edited February 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
I didn't see any recent threads about an auction house system so in light of recent revelations about servers (and lack there of) I'm curious.. has there been any updates in regards to what (if any) kind of trading system we will have?
Post edited by tinypyro on


  • health002health002 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 154 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2013
    yeah craigslist
  • bitterwinterbitterwinter Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Yes they have said there will be an Auction House they mention it in various videos in the list in my signature.
  • iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    *checks* Yes, there ill be an auction house. Assume it will work very similarly to how they are implemented in CO and STO.
  • syfylissyfylis Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    After playing "Path of Exile" I believe that this game would be more fun without Ah and gold.
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  • iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    syfylis wrote: »
    After playing "Path of Exile" I believe that this game would be more fun without Ah and gold.

    Personally agree, but know that won't happen. Feel free to make Foundry missions that homage PoE though.
  • chaddiwickerchaddiwicker Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    syfylis wrote: »
    After playing "Path of Exile" I believe that this game would be more fun without Ah and gold.

    I disagree. Different strokes... ;)
  • tinypyrotinypyro Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 371 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2013
    Since there is only going to be one server, I suspect the AH is going to be similar to GW2. Or Diablo 3 (w/o the cash option). It wouldn't be a cross-server trading system, but since everyone is on the same server, it will have the same feel as a cross-server AH.

    The way I see it, there are pros and cons to having only "one" auction house. The pros are that you can find almost anything you need at anytime due to the massive influx of items. You generally won't have to pay outlandish amounts for anything since supply is very high and competitive sales keep prices low. The Cons are that if you enjoy working the market and making profits from your efforts, this is more difficult and requires massive amounts of capitol in order to make a profit on micro transactions. (buying and selling in bulk). Also, farming bots tend to effect this type of market much more directly.

    My personal taste is a smaller server based local trading system.
  • ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited January 2013
    I think Auction Houses are the newest thing to MMO Gaming...in some instances it works alright and in others...not so much.

    Sadly I think it will be a while before game developers realize sometimes the issues Auction Houses bring up defeat the joy of playing the game. Such as I had a blast playing Diablo 3 up until Inferno Mode. What changed?
    After I reach inferno it was IMPOSSIBLE for me to advance without spending money in the auction house. It became a grind for me to hope to get something good enough to throw into the AH so I could afford items that were impossibly rare and required to advance further.

    Up until then I played and I got good drops. I gave my best drops to friends who needed them and we were content. It gave us a spirit of adventure to find stuff. Once we got into the AH it became a grind.

    There's massive cries by people to make things easier...and the industry only follows. Eventually I think Auction Houses will be looked at with more scrutiny but I fear we have to hope for the best from Neverwinter's Auction House because at this time not having one would be a major turn off to many players who either want to buy success or haven't experienced the negative side of them yet.
  • elemberq333elemberq333 Member Posts: 384 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2013
    As long as they don't go down the path of a Real Money Auction House, everything will be fine. The RMAH is a recipe for complete failure because all that does is put a Pay to Win store in the game.
  • tinypyrotinypyro Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 371 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2013
    As long as they don't go down the path of a Real Money Auction House, everything will be fine. The RMAH is a recipe for complete failure because all that does is put a Pay to Win store in the game.

    I couldn't agree more. RMAH is the reason I quit D3. It does nothing but exemplify pure cooperate greed in exchange for quality of game and happiness of the comminuty.

    A normal auction system on the other hand (in-game currency only) can very much strengthen a community and adds a sense of realism to the immersion of the game. It has been around since at least Everquest. Maybe longer, but I believe EQ2 was the first game I played that had an auction system. They are very high in demand these days, and have become a staple of a successful MMO. That being said however what concerns me is the "single server" concept and what kind of auction system that will lead to. As I mentioned before, the only two Ive seen that are similar to that style are GW2 and D3. GW2 is a fine system, though very stale and watered down due to the mass amount of people using the same one. D3 is a mess. Though the main reason for that is the Real Money option. Hopefully Real Money stays out of whatever system we end up with.
  • elemberq333elemberq333 Member Posts: 384 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2013
    tinypyro wrote: »
    I couldn't agree more. RMAH is the reason I quit D3. It does nothing but exemplify pure cooperate greed in exchange for quality of game and happiness of the comminuty.

    A normal auction system on the other hand (in-game currency only) can very much strengthen a community and adds a sense of realism to the immersion of the game. It has been around since at least Everquest. Maybe longer, but I believe EQ2 was the first game I played that had an auction system. They are very high in demand these days, and have become a staple of a successful MMO. That being said however what concerns me is the "single server" concept and what kind of auction system that will lead to. As I mentioned before, the only two Ive seen that are similar to that style are GW2 and D3. GW2 is a fine system, though very stale and watered down due to the mass amount of people using the same one. D3 is a mess. Though the main reason for that is the Real Money option. Hopefully Real Money stays out of whatever system we end up with.

    Yes, it was the reason I quit D3 as well. Well that and the crafting system which was just a place you could go and get rid of all your in game currency so you had to go farm more to spend at the AH. In fact I will go so far as to say the AH in an ARPG is a recipe for failure, because the whole idea behind the gameplay of an ARPG is to play the game and find the items in the game that allow you to win.

    By putting a place in the game that you can buy items to win and then tying the AH to item drop rates, this makes it so I don't need or want to play the game anymore because there is no reason to. How the developer could not comprehend that is beyond my level of comprehension thats for sure and I don't even design games for a living though I have worked on gaming mods a lot.
  • devoteoftempusdevoteoftempus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 473 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2013
    I think Auction Houses are the newest thing to MMO Gaming...in some instances it works alright and in others...not so much.

    Sadly I think it will be a while before game developers realize sometimes the issues Auction Houses bring up defeat the joy of playing the game. Such as I had a blast playing Diablo 3 up until Inferno Mode. What changed?
    After I reach inferno it was IMPOSSIBLE for me to advance without spending money in the auction house. It became a grind for me to hope to get something good enough to throw into the AH so I could afford items that were impossibly rare and required to advance further.

    Up until then I played and I got good drops. I gave my best drops to friends who needed them and we were content. It gave us a spirit of adventure to find stuff. Once we got into the AH it became a grind.

    There's massive cries by people to make things easier...and the industry only follows. Eventually I think Auction Houses will be looked at with more scrutiny but I fear we have to hope for the best from Neverwinter's Auction House because at this time not having one would be a major turn off to many players who either want to buy success or haven't experienced the negative side of them yet.

    Ummm... action houses are anything but new. They've been out and a deeply integrated element in MMOs for well over a decade and are a crucial element to any MMO that involves crafting. Now real money AH MIGHT be sorta new but not really as people have long used real money for various items or services. Hell they've even paid for raid loot.

    AH is strongly tied to crafting and no AH would be a major blunder by Cryptic especially since they stated that there will be crafting. Hopefully it'll be some real crafting like in numerous MMOs and not what is a complete blunder imo in DDO.
  • chaddiwickerchaddiwicker Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Eventually I think Auction Houses will be looked at with more scrutiny but I fear we have to hope for the best from Neverwinter's Auction House because at this time not having one would be a major turn off to many players who either want to buy success or haven't experienced the negative side of them yet.

    I'm not sure I understand how using an auction house is "buying success". I'm using money earned in game to buy items other players have played to get or crafted. This is a role-playing game. It is "natural" for markets to form and, imo, is an extension of role playing. When I play, I get things that I don't want/need. I sell them to people who want/need them. All players have the same opportunity to earn money in game and sell/buy wares assuming they haven't bought in game money from an outside gold spammer/reseller.

    Now, I would agree with your statement if you were referring to real money auction houses. In that case you are using real life money and some people are simply going to have more of it and then will be able to buy their way up in the game regardless of how much time they've spent playing.
  • deathssickledeathssickle Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    RMAH ruined D3... that and a few of the patches
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  • tinyishtinyish Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Everquest was one of the first MMOs and was released when there was no such thing as an auction house in any game. What happened in that game then? People playing the game created thier own auction house. They picked a spot that was somewhat centralized with an out of the way area with no monsters and where everyone could get to and they picked a common chat channel and sat and spammed about all the stuff that they had to sell. Eventually the developers got smart that people wanted an auction house, and so created the bazaar, where you could leave your character logged in and holding all your goods and other people would have to find your character and click on you to buy it. This system was so popular and there were so many people in the bazaar zone that in order to walk through the zone without lagging to death you had to look at the ground.

    In the many years since Everquest has been released gamers have become spoiled by pretty much every recent MMO having some sort of auctioning system. If Neverwinter released without an auctioning system then players would find a way to trade things, and it would likely involve a lot of chat spam which would get in your way. With an auction house in the game then you are at least granted an easier way to ignore other people's trading. And even with an auction house in the game, there's nothing forcing you to use it.

    In most MMOs the AH is not the end-game and does not ruin the end-game. The AH in Diablo 3 didn't ruin the end game. It allowed you to be jealous of those who had found better gear and it allowed you to buy it, thereby bypassing the entire endgame; It allowed you to ruin it for yourself, but the AH was not to blame. Had you not purchased stuff on the AH then you could've actually played the end-game un-ruined even while the AH still existed. If you didn't like the drop rates at that point then the problem was with the game, not the AH.

    Concerning the RMAH, implementing this in Diablo 3 was a very nice thing to do for the players. (and a way to make some money to support a game which was otherwise free to play forever after purchase, and can you really blame a business for trying to remain profitable.) Just like in the case of the AH, where there wasn't a RMAH in the past, the players created it. In EQ and Diablo and WoW and probably every other multiplayer game out there where you could trade anything, there were people selling it for real money online. You heard about the trading of those items in Diablo 3, but the same thing has gone on for years and you never complained about it before? The difference between Diablo 3 and all those games in the pase was that in the Diablo 3 RMAH you were guaranteed to get your item or your money when you tried one of those trades, rather than risking the possibility of getting ripped off. That's why it was nice to have. But in any case, be it the official RMAH, shopping online for items, the game-currency AH or spamming goods in chat, there's nobody forcing you to "ruin" your gaming experience by spending something you earned to get something else more easily.
  • ruinedmirageruinedmirage Member Posts: 440 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2013
    I managed to beat D3 many times on different difficulties without resorting to EITHER auction house. Sometimes I don't understand this "Pay to win" phrase. I won, and the only thing I had to pay for was the game when I initially bought it. In fact, I can't remember a game I HAVEN'T finished through to the main boss that required any investment other than a little time.
  • ordensmarschallordensmarschall Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,060 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2013
    Where an RMAH can ruin a game is if the only way to get that +5 Battleaxe of Instant Death is in the auction house for real money and you can buy it as a Level 1 character, then the game becomes a fight between those who spend real money and the hobbyists are left on the sideline and eventually leave the game. After which the real money spenders decide the game is boring because no one is playing it, then they leave. Now if you can get the aforementioned axe in normal game play in a Level 20 adventure, and then decide to sell it, that is entirely a different matter since you are going to charge an appropriate amount for it that only other high level players will have accumulated.
  • tinypyrotinypyro Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 371 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2013
    tinyish wrote: »
    Concerning the RMAH, implementing this in Diablo 3 was a very nice thing to do for the players. (and a way to make some money to support a game which was otherwise free to play forever after purchase, and can you really blame a business for trying to remain profitable.) Just like in the case of the AH, where there wasn't a RMAH in the past, the players created it. In EQ and Diablo and WoW and probably every other multiplayer game out there where you could trade anything, there were people selling it for real money online. You heard about the trading of those items in Diablo 3, but the same thing has gone on for years and you never complained about it before? The difference between Diablo 3 and all those games in the pase was that in the Diablo 3 RMAH you were guaranteed to get your item or your money when you tried one of those trades, rather than risking the possibility of getting ripped off. That's why it was nice to have. But in any case, be it the official RMAH, shopping online for items, the game-currency AH or spamming goods in chat, there's nobody forcing you to "ruin" your gaming experience by spending something you earned to get something else more easily.

    With all due respect, I completely disagree. Imo D3 RMAH was very clearly designed to make huge profits for Blizzard, and it is the main reason I will not touch another Blizzard game until Titan comes out. (my curiosity will prevail there). I believe they made Inferno mode ridiculously hard in order to facilitate a HUGE demand for RARE drops that sold for HUGE money. D3 is the prime example of a pay to win game imo, and I pray to all the D&D gods that listen to never see it again. Yes many people still play D3, but of all the people that moved on (including diehard D1 and D2 players) if you ask them why they left, the RMAH is the main reason.
  • ruinedmirageruinedmirage Member Posts: 440 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2013
    But what was the purpose in buying the game? To play through and watch the story of the characters, or to try and collect gear like they're Pokemon? We all have our different reasons for playing I suppose. I just kind of grew up on older games when grinding for gear and AH weren't an issue, and experiencing the game and story were front priorities rather than some numbers attached to weapons.

    It was a little difficult soloing on Inferno with a Witch Doctor, but nothing impossible, especially after they OPed class. Nothing I had to pay for to win.
  • tinypyrotinypyro Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 371 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2013
    I managed to beat D3 many times on different difficulties without resorting to EITHER auction house. Sometimes I don't understand this "Pay to win" phrase. I won, and the only thing I had to pay for was the game when I initially bought it. In fact, I can't remember a game I HAVEN'T finished through to the main boss that required any investment other than a little time.

    If you can buy better armor/weapons with real money, that is pay to win imo. No you don't have to in most cases, but if the option is even existant in the game to use real life money to buy a more powerfull character, than that by definition imo is pay to win.
  • ordensmarschallordensmarschall Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,060 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2013
    tinypyro wrote: »
    If you can buy better armor/weapons with real money, that is pay to win imo. No you don't have to in most cases, but if the option is even existant in the game to use real life money to buy a more powerfull character, than that by definition imo is pay to win.

    I certainly must agree with your definition.
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited January 2013
    I miss having my own vendor shop NPCs like we had in UO. I do not like Auction Houses, even though I use them. I'd rather see things go back to the way they were and made me fall in love with player trading in MMOS, pre-AH days. All things like the AH do is lessen player interaction. RMAH was the driving force that made me stop playing D3 as well and now play Torchlight 2 instead.
  • elemberq333elemberq333 Member Posts: 384 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2013
    zebular wrote: »
    I miss having my own vendor shop NPCs like we had in UO. I do not like Auction Houses, even though I use them. I'd rather see things go back to the way they were and made me fall in love with player trading in MMOS, pre-AH days. All things like the AH do is lessen player interaction. RMAH was the driving force that made me stop playing D3 as well and now play Torchlight 2 instead.

    I miss that too. In UO you see someones house and head on over you never knew what they might have for sale on their porch. And once you found a vendor you liked you remembered where it was so you could go back again if you needed to. Yes I do miss a lot of things that UO had, well at least until they made the duplicate world of Trammel, after that I had to quit the game, it was just not the same in Feluca anymore.
  • sirsitsalotsirsitsalot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    It is my hope that they improve upon the auction house system so that we can sort by best deal where best deal is the lowest value of (posted price / stack quantity) so that a stack of 100 of somethin listed at 300 gold would actually be sorted before a stack of 10 of something at 200 gold. Essentially, it would sort by unit value.

    Or better yet, let us set the per unit value and let the auction house/exchange sort it the way Dilithium:Zen is sorted in STO...

    Essentially if I want to sell a stack of something for 100 gold per unit, it would get added to other offers of the same price.

    So if I put up 10 of something for 100 gold each, and someone else put up 1000 of the same item for 100 gold each, and a third person put up 25 of the same item for 150 gold each then the trade center would show 1010 of the item available at 100 gold and 25 of it available at 150 gold. First posted first sold. So when my 10 items selling for 100 gold each are all sold, the second guy's 1000 units will begin selling, then it would move to the third guy's 25 @ 150 ea. Of course, before the third guy's stuff starts selling someone could post 2500 units of the item at 120 gold each, and it would get inserted between the things selling at 100 and the ones selling at 150.
    I'm not really a John Galt,
    but I play one on the forums...
  • bitterwinterbitterwinter Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I have to say I dislike intensely having PC vendor shops nothing turns me off more then seeing a sea of PC vendor shops clogging a thoroughfare or square. Typically when I see that I turn around and leave or end up quitting the game. Talk about immersion breaking having over a hundred PC vendors stacked on top of and to the side of each other crying there wares. Ugh I much prefer a plain old AH doesn't have to be RMAH just a regular one.
  • chaddiwickerchaddiwicker Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    zebular wrote: »
    All things like the AH do is lessen player interaction.

    This is a plus for me. I like playing MMOs because it's just cool to see other people running around in the game and know that you're not the only one. Sometimes I just like to sit somewhere and watch people run to and fro. Other than that, I don't talk to people much and am usually annoyed when someone tries to talk to me. ;) I like that I can sell/buy on an auction house without have to converse with someone.

    I think WoW's auction house works fairly well in that I'm able to find things I'm looking for easily with their search feature. Been a while since I've played LOTRO but what I remember is it was okay. I'm not a big fan of D3's gold auction house because it's not easy to search for items and I loathe the RMAH.
  • jhiierijhiieri Member Posts: 10
    edited January 2013
    I don't mind the RMAH... I'm playing Diablo III right now and my goal is to try to sell enough items in order to not have to pay for the upcoming expansion. That's not a bad thing for me. You can always control it by putting a monetary limit or something that caps out.

    My first AH experience was in Final Fantasy XI and I loved it! It really helped me make a slow and steady profit in order to be able to buy items that I needed to raise my skills (Crystals and Ingerdients for cooking, crystals and material for armor making etc). It really helps if you have one specialized character. How often do you get an item drop that you really need? The AH helps a bit on that, so I'm all for it
    As long as they don't go down the path of a Real Money Auction House, everything will be fine. The RMAH is a recipe for complete failure because all that does is put a Pay to Win store in the game.
  • tinypyrotinypyro Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 371 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2013
    I love all the UO references. Makes me realize that I am not the only old hound in the kennel :) Looking up and seeing that Red name coming into your screen. Instant adrenaline. Then the "fight or flee" instincts kicked in and you knew that if you died, he/she could loot every hard earned item you had... Ahh the nestalgia. But I digress. The npc vendors were fun, but it did become an issue when hundreds of them clogged your screen. Remember that UO was one of the first (if not the first) MMO. While we remember fondly many aspects of that system, we have to remember that there are some pretty good reasons why player trading has evolved :)
  • ranncoreranncore Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 2,508
    edited January 2013
    Random things:

    The RMAH model is rancid and I'll never have anything to do with it. It's pay to win in the nastiest, dirtiest sense. I can't believe D3 players even want PvP in a game with a real money auction house - you might as well just swing your credit cards at each other. It's disgusting and anyone who participates in it disgusts me.

    A global auction house offers too much convenience for me NOT to enjoy it. If this was a game where players could make their own stores, and invest in their own property, perhaps it would be different - but I don't think that's going to happen in this game, so I dont see any reason why there shouldnt be an auction house.

    Also, the Path of Exiles system is really cool, and really fitting for the game... but that doesnt mean that it will fit this game.
  • iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Again, if you want to see how this AH will be set up, download and play either CO, STO or both.

    Being around when EQ existed as really new and seeing the bazaar and then AH appear as well as the rise and fall of UO and its vendors, I can appreciate the pros and cons of multiple systems.

    But I side with those disgusted on the D3 RMAH and what it has realistically done to Inferno mode. Even if it's not the intent to make the game mode there harder to buy the items, I'm sure the player feedback from beta caused the company to adjust the difficulty from those using the RMAH more often than the player who didn't. I certainly could be wrong on this but fear I am not.

    Fortunately, I can say with near certainty the NWO AH will not be like this at launch or in any expansions, thanks to my experiences with their AH on other games.

    As to when to use it, it's when you get that wrong class rare drop or amazingly useful item that is a duplicate and selling it just isn't worth the coin or trading/mailing it to your friends. Other stuff I'm hearing I can't confirm yet, but there allegedly will be ways to have items of interest for your character you can find quickly. I look forward to more info on this, especially if I don't have ti pay RM to do so!
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