Oh, definately, but that's when the GM says, "No, reroll that."
As a DM, I'm guilty of the occasional "fake-roll." Rarely to do make people re-roll though unless the die lands un-even. House rule, wherever it lands, if it lands flat - it counts. I make a rolling barrier behind my DM Screen to deter rolls from going someplace visible, when needed. :eek:
As a DM, I'm guilty of the occasional "fake-roll." Rarely to do make people re-roll though unless the die lands un-even. House rule, wherever it lands, if it lands flat - it counts. I make a rolling barrier behind my DM Screen to deter rolls from going someplace visible, when needed. :eek:
Sure. All that seems reasonable, but I think the issue at hand is abuse of ability score rolls at chracter creation. I'd be surprised if you let a player get away with rerolling any ability scores without your consent.
Oh, definately, but that's when the GM says, "No, reroll that."
Yep. But the game is the DM and an engine doesn't have the judgement. Unless it screens all rolls. In which case it's pretending you are rolling. But you aren't. So it's effectively presenting arrays (or something like them) and saying "here, you rolled this". Better to discard the pretense, I say.
As a DM, I'm guilty of the occasional "fake-roll." Rarely to do make people re-roll though unless the die lands un-even. House rule, wherever it lands, if it lands flat - it counts. I make a rolling barrier behind my DM Screen to deter rolls from going someplace visible, when needed. :eek:
It's time honored tradition That said most of my rolls are out in front of the players...
xearrikMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, SilverstarsPosts: 323Arc User
edited December 2012
Rolling is a term sometimes loosely used. I do it my self sometimes. Like in DDO even though I have a pool of stat points, I sometimes speak of roll, rolled, or rolling my toon/character. I hope this is the case here.
Da kitties don't speak for me, deez kitties speak fur us all!
I'll Keep this up till beta goes live. I'll improve it soon.
iamtruthseekerMember, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited December 2012
I think that's why we're likely using some arrays and/or point buys, like DDO does with "rolling," but we shall see.
But let me see if I can't ask to get and and share one little detail about....
*Watches as a person who got new internal info is caught and promptly disintegrated before posting a reply here*
*begs* Please don't zap me! I mean...
I'm sure they are busy with internally testing this complicated thing and will release more details whenever they feel ready...no pressure.
So, by "character customization" we're NOT talking about the way our characters will look, but their stats?
Well the current thread acknowledges Cryptic's excellent history with PC appearance and accepts that as a given (don't get me wrong, expectations are high).
We aren't talking "just stats". We are talking the mechanical depth and breadth of the characters.
It would be really cool if you could login and see your character live like warcraft/diablo 3 has on there website.
Like gear and stats, even an achievement system. who knows.
A search feature to view other peoples characters and such seems popular in new games these days, I hope they implement this.
I have mixed feelings on this. The introduction of this feature to DDO kind of undermined the end-game culture, which up until then had been very tolerant of new players with lesser gear.
Well, I'm not sure about gear and stats being visible, but i would like a system that shows who is currently on line. What I realy like was the original NWN1 systemwhere you could see the players acount name, and which of their toons they were playing and what level it was. I was realy most when they removed that from NWN2. It was a great way to see which of your buddies were on, and who they were playing. Having the same sort of thing showing your guild mates would also be nice. That information availabel at log in save a lot of loging in and out trying to get the right toon to play with for what the rest of your friends and or guild mates were doing. Of course, for those that are not altaholics, it's a moot point.
I want a riding dog...too bad they aren't in official 4e. :mad:
tiima1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited December 2012
A riding dog... hmmm... well, as a beastmaster ranger you can have a wolf, which according to the description can be anything from a mastiff to an actual wolf, and as a small ranger, eg, a halfling, you can get a feat to ride it. Alternatively you can pick up the 'Fey Beast Tamer' background (as any class) and chose a Blink Dog companion, and assuming you're small enough, you could ride that. So the possibility of riding a dog is certainly canon!
If only the Foundry let us write these sorts of things into the game! Unfortunately I can think of a few ways that might get abused.
[SIGPIC]Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before.[/SIGPIC]
I know but halflings in dnd have always had riding dogs without the need to specialize for it. I mean i'm not asking for talenta raptor mounts or anything...hmmm
iamtruthseekerMember, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited December 2012
I too am a fan for riding dogs/war ponies options. We'll also have to see how achievements are handled in this game based on them being in STO/CO.
or make it possible to transfer my CO character to Neverwinter- only then ill be play this game, cause all of ur races are not interesting. u must allow the users to make their own race ,so they will love this game. P.S. i vote for lizards
/wave hand
yeah could i have a half dragon race please
there should at least be dragon born npc if they are goingt to rsolve rohini. bcoz a dragonborn npc is the key cause of failure of rohini as per lore iirc.
there should at least be dragon born npc if they are goingt to rsolve rohini. bcoz a dragonborn npc is the key cause of failure of rohini as per lore iirc.
i didnt get to much into lore ;/ i was that guy in the campaigns that keep asking "wtf is thaco again " LOL
ranncoreMember, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 2,508
edited December 2012
I think I'll like this game whether I can make my own race or not. It's just a different type of game and I don't see custom races being a part of it.
You can only hope that Troglodytes or Dragonborn are made a playable race. And Dragonborn isn't a very big stretch - that's a very real possibility.
ranncoreMember, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 2,508
i didnt get to much into lore ;/ i was that guy in the campaigns that keep asking "wtf is thaco again " LOL
There's a good reason the THACO system got changed - it was confusing as hell.
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited December 2012
Don't pick on THACO
It was very simple...To Hit Armor Class Zero
Backwards in some people's eyes, but simple as hell to me. Instead of AC 0-40 or so, you had -10 to 10. Easy peasy.
I think I'll like this game whether I can make my own race or not. It's just a different type of game and I don't see custom races being a part of it.
You can only hope that Troglodytes or Dragonborn are made a playable race. And Dragonborn isn't a very big stretch - that's a very real possibility.
Ahem... dragonborn is a playable race in FR - it being native to Toril. It is a PLAYABLE RACE.
This is 4e lore:-
Common Races of Forgotten Realms:
Drow, Dragonborn, dwarves, eladrin, elves, Genasi, half-elves, half-lings, humans and tieflings
These are the common classes you can find in most cities in forgotten realms. They are all common. More will be explained later.
Rare races, supporting cast of forgotten realms:
Gnomes, Goblins, Lycanthropes and Shifters, Half-Orcs and Orcs, Devas, Goliaths and Shade.
These races are very rare in the realms and you may not encounter them in most adventuring parties.
Rest of the races like kobolds, bugbears, bladelings etc. are rarest of rare as a player character.
There is a whole freaking city of Dragonborn called Tymanther in the realms now. They are enemies of chromatic dragons and followers of Bahamut(generally). They hate dragons cos they were enslaved by them.
ranncoreMember, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 2,508
I know it is in 4e, but it's certainly not listed in this game as a playable race yet. That was my point.
I see. You were comparing it with Trogolodytes hence I tried to point it out that dragonborn are native to Toril now, being a default choice for PC and not rarest of rare PC like Trogolodyte.
ranncoreMember, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 2,508
edited December 2012
Well Trogs are actually lizardmen. But if you wanted to play a lizardman you're a lot better off hoping for Dragonborn than Trog, even tho it's not the same thing... it's scaly skin, right?
Heh, comparing them is probably pretty insulting to Dragonborn everywhere.
Well Trogs are actually lizardmen. But if you wanted to play a lizardman you're a lot better off hoping for Dragonborn than Trog, even tho it's not the same thing... it's scaly skin, right?
Heh, comparing them is probably pretty insulting to Dragonborn everywhere.
Dragonborn in 4e may be mammals. That, or either a disturbing combination of reptilia and mammals - that is what art would have us believe. So perhas lizardmen are insulted that you compared dragonborn to them. They are perhaps hissing behind my ear right now, saying "wesss aresss puresss bloodssss"
Rarely to do make people re-roll though unless the die lands un-even. House rule, wherever it lands, if it lands flat - it counts. I make a rolling barrier behind my DM Screen to deter rolls from going someplace visible, when needed. :eek:
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It's time honored tradition
But let me see if I can't ask to get and and share one little detail about....
*Watches as a person who got new internal info is caught and promptly disintegrated before posting a reply here*
*begs* Please don't zap me! I mean...
I'm sure they are busy with internally testing this complicated thing and will release more details whenever they feel ready...no pressure.
Occam's Razor makes the cutting clean.
We aren't talking "just stats". We are talking the mechanical depth and breadth of the characters.
*pokes his two forked tongues out at clcmercy*
Like gear and stats, even an achievement system. who knows.
A search feature to view other peoples characters and such seems popular in new games these days, I hope they implement this.
I have mixed feelings on this. The introduction of this feature to DDO kind of undermined the end-game culture, which up until then had been very tolerant of new players with lesser gear.
If only the Foundry let us write these sorts of things into the game! Unfortunately I can think of a few ways that might get abused.
I always liked being a druid and riding a Dire Wolf that is my companion.
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yeah could i have a half dragon race please
there should at least be dragon born npc if they are goingt to rsolve rohini. bcoz a dragonborn npc is the key cause of failure of rohini as per lore iirc.
You can only hope that Troglodytes or Dragonborn are made a playable race. And Dragonborn isn't a very big stretch - that's a very real possibility.
There's a good reason the THACO system got changed - it was confusing as hell.
It was very simple...To Hit Armor Class Zero
Backwards in some people's eyes, but simple as hell to me. Instead of AC 0-40 or so, you had -10 to 10. Easy peasy.
Ahem... dragonborn is a playable race in FR - it being native to Toril. It is a PLAYABLE RACE.
There is a whole freaking city of Dragonborn called Tymanther in the realms now. They are enemies of chromatic dragons and followers of Bahamut(generally). They hate dragons cos they were enslaved by them.
I know it is in 4e, but it's certainly not listed in this game as a playable race yet. That was my point.
I see. You were comparing it with Trogolodytes hence I tried to point it out that dragonborn are native to Toril now, being a default choice for PC and not rarest of rare PC like Trogolodyte.
Heh, comparing them is probably pretty insulting to Dragonborn everywhere.
Dragonborn in 4e may be mammals. That, or either a disturbing combination of reptilia and mammals - that is what art would have us believe. So perhas lizardmen are insulted that you compared dragonborn to them. They are perhaps hissing behind my ear right now, saying "wesss aresss puresss bloodssss"