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The 1970s... who remembers when...

aandrethegiantaandrethegiant Member Posts: 3,369 Arc User
edited September 2012 in Off Topic

Yea so many people make fun of the 1970s, and that decade certainly deserves some of that criticism. But for those of us that actually grew up in the 70's, we remember more than just the funny looking (and feeling) clothes!

/1970s flashback rant on

My Mom used to cut chicken, chop eggs and spread mayo on the same cutting board with the same knife and no bleach, but we didn't seem to get food poisoning.

My Mom used to defrost hamburger on the counter AND I used to eat it raw sometimes, too. Our school sandwiches were wrapped in wax paper in a brown paper bag, not in icepack coolers, but I can't remember getting e. coli.

Almost all of us would have rather gone swimming in the lake instead of a pristine pool (talk about boring), no beach closures then.

The term cell phone would have conjured up a phone in a jail cell, and a pager was the school PA system.

We all took gym, not PE... and risked permanent injury with a pair of high top Ked's (only worn in gym) instead of having cross-training athletic shoes with air cushion soles and built in light reflectors.I can't recall any injuries but they must have happened because they tell us how much safer we are now.

Flunking gym was not an option... even for stupid kids! I guess PE must be much harder than gym.

Speaking of school, we all said prayers and sang the national anthem, and staying in detention after school caught all sorts of negative attention. We must have had horribly damaged psyches. What an archaic health system we had then. Remember school nurses? Ours wore a hat and everything.

I thought that I was supposed to accomplish something before I was allowed to be proud of myself.

I just can't recall how bored we were without computers, Play Station, Nintendo, X-box or 270 digital TV cable stations.

Oh yeah... and where was the Benadryl and sterilization kit when I got that bee sting? I could have been killed!

We played 'king of the hill' on piles of gravel left on vacant construction sites, and when we got hurt, Mom pulled out the 48-cent bottle of Mercurochrome- a.k.a. Monkey Blood (kids liked it better because it didn't sting like iodine did) and then we got our butt spanked. Now it's a trip to the emergency room, followed by a 10-day dose of a $49 bottle of antibiotics, and then Mom calls the attorney to sue the contractor for leaving a horribly vicious pile of gravel where it was such a threat.

We didn't act up at the neighbor's house either because if we did, we got our butt spanked there and then we got butt spanked again when we got home.

I recall Donny Reynolds from next door coming over and doing his tricks on the front stoop, just before he fell off. Little did his Mom know that she could have owned our house. Instead, she picked him up and swatted him for being such a goof. It was a neighborhood run amuck.

To top it off, not a single person I knew had ever been told that they were from a dysfunctional family. How could we possibly have known that? We needed to get into group therapy and anger management classes? We were obviously so duped by so many societal ills, that we didn't even notice that the entire country wasn't taking Prozac!
/1970s flashback rant off

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  • judicaturejudicature Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    LMFAO! Yep that about sums it up.
  • sauceonsidesauceonside Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    ahmen. what happen to ppl? so over cautious now a days. i think its just making us weaker as a species
  • plamgarplamgar Member Posts: 132 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2012
    Interesting story.You know my childhood was similar even though if you can call it a childhood....

    I was born in 1990's in the forgotten realm of Bulgaria.We have a saying in Bulgaria:If the world ends in 2012 come to Bulgaria we are 20 years back in the past.Im trying to say is even today we dont have much of the new technology.And most of the people are rough and though.Almost everyone has scars from cascades,jobs and life it self.

    Life in Bulgaria is though,everyday is survival.Many families starve because the pay is realy low.When you hit 12 years you have to find a job so you can help out your family.Most kids go on construction sites where the pay is better than most places.Even though today lots of people go west to earn loads of cash and return here to live like kings,but its risky you might get scamed and work your a** off to a mafia boss for the "favors" he did for you when he helped you to travel to the west.Well that was 3 years ago now its a bit strict but the s*** is the same.You can drink alcohol at any age you like i started drinking at 8 years or 10 cant remember.But still like you guys said even here stuff changed even if its significant there are teens that walk in tight jeans and we love to hunt them down and teach them some lessons.....Oh yea and 85% of the population smokes.

    So if you want to relive your childhood you can come to Bulgaria.But bring your self a knife or a gun just in case :).That reminds me i hear you have to wait a few weeks in the west when you want to buy a gun,here you can give the shopkeep the cash and he will give you your gun right away but now you must have license to shoot but it doesent say anywhere about a license to own a gun ;)
  • aandrethegiantaandrethegiant Member Posts: 3,369 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    plamgar wrote: »
    Interesting story.You know my childhood was similar even though if you can call it a childhood....

    There's a lot of truth to what you say. We do tend to have it rather good in America. However, there are so many problems, many of which are class based problems which will truthfully not change for most.

    The nice thing is if a bloke gets a good education, works his/her <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> off, and/or has good family he/she can make a good life.

    There are exceptions, where some have no chance because they weren't taught how to make it. But there are also many that came from nothing, and made it. It comes from within.

    But yeah, we share many of the same problems and success stories. The way I look at it, I am very lucky and happy to live in a nation that has the freedoms we do. But I know many overseas, in nations older than mine that have a different set of challenges, sometimes far more dangerous, sometimes not.

    One of the great things about games like this is we can learn about different cultures, and even when our TV, radio, print and internet news gives us their agendas on why we should and why we shouldn't like a certain people, we oftentimes see through the BS and enjoy each others company immensely.

    That's my two cents on the issue ;)

    TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
    No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
    Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
  • plamgarplamgar Member Posts: 132 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2012
    Glad to see you understand mate,you put a smile on my face :)
    There are exceptions, where some have no chance because they weren't taught how to make it.
    Yes and thats the only good thing in my country,you learn how to survive in your childhood.
    And thats not the only thing,i wish i could go to the US make a living you know i have friends that are in the US and they made it there with no trouble.They say people in the US are nothing like here,people are kind and warm and if they see you are ambitious they will help you out in anyway possible,while here everyone is pushing you in the mud and no one helps you out for nothing.My grandmother's friend told me when a wind blew her coffee's cap some chap got her a new one and he threw the old one in the trash.My jaw dropped when i heard this.
  • thunderspankerthunderspanker Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 713 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2012
    We had the deadliest toys ever.. lawn darts. lol
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    On one side of the mountain, there were bones...
  • muzrub333muzrub333 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    So true, so true.

    Never rode my bike with a helmet, expected to stay out until it was dark, walked home from school, dog never had a leash, trick or treated until sunrise with all your friends...

    yup, I for one am so glad I grew up when I did.
  • surf13surf13 Member Posts: 561 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Ah the decade of my childhood... So many, many good memories...

    Our "playground" was the back yard of the various factories in the industrial estates nearby. We used to roam the streets on pushbikes with real bows and arrows. Life was simpler then.
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