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NGC - Roleplaying Community

Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
Neverwinter Guild Council - RP Community

I am intereted in formulating an independent Role Playing Community with serious focus on character, storyline and faction interaction. To begin developing an RP community we must have soild leadership. The first step is to test the water to see what players are interested as Story Telling, Faction Leadership and players.

Story Tellers: These are the Foundry area designers and quest developers as well as faction referees. These players safeguard the quality of Roleplaying in the community.

Faction Leaders: It is the goal to develop a verity of different type of guilds that all interact and operate with in the city of Neverwinter. For this we will need players and characters looking to designe factions with specififc goals to atain in the city of Neverwinter. We want City Watch, Noble Families, Thieves Guild, Holy Orders, Merseneries, Wizard Towers, Spy Guilds and more!

The Players: These if course are the end all be all drivers of the story lines that we will forage. Players can join a faction or interact in-between factions as independent characters playing on the oppertuninites that present them selves!

As it becomes more clear what options Neverwinter Nights offers us in the way of Role Playing Tools. We will continually refine this concept to our needs. For those interested continually check back to this post as we will be completing a Community Forum and creating a NWN Community Channel on Crypticspace.com (for XMPP, Champion and Star Trek Online Members)

Post edited by Archived Post on


  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2011
    A little far from launch for me to be looking over potential guilds, but it might be worth it to consider getting a Community friendly set of general RP forums set up elsewhere.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2011
    Hehe. I agree, but it's best to start these things early, over the next 6 months I will continue to put together the foundation for a RP Community. Much like I've done in STO.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2011
    I've already got one set up made to order. guilds can have up to 8 forums. I also have tech support in scripting, modding, storytelling readily available, with many stories already available to the public among the 3 NWN guilds that have found a home on the site. Link is in my signature. All guilds may set up and find a home completely free of charge. In addition my staff can set up a custom background for your guild or guilds. the link is in my signature. Anyone wanting to start a guild is welcome.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2011
    Unfortunately. We'll not be using anyone else service that I don't have direct control over. I also want the Guild Factions to be able to interact specifically with other guild factions of the NGC as they will be struggling to obtain there goals with in the Neverwinter City.

    Thank you for the offer but I must decline.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2011
    No problem at all (Y). I was only offering forums for you.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2011
    LadyHonda wrote: »
    Unfortunately. We'll not be using anyone else service that I don't have direct control over. I also want the Guild Factions to be able to interact specifically with other guild factions of the NGC as they will be struggling to obtain there goals with in the Neverwinter City.

    Thank you for the offer but I must decline.

    Interesting... someone offers a spot for ANY guild to build their OWN forums, with their OWN control, and you LadyHonda immediately state that you own the idea, and wish to own THEIR content?

    Geesh, the game is not even released yet, and you want to control all the guilds yourself?

    What hubris.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2011
    Interesting... someone offers a spot for ANY guild to build their OWN forums, with their OWN control, and you LadyHonda immediately state that you own the idea, and wish to own THEIR content?

    Geesh, the game is not even released yet, and you want to control all the guilds yourself?

    What hubris.

    That's not what was stated. She was respectfully declining an offer of service, stating her wishes on how she thinks things should be.

    And remember this is her thread. Let's be more mature around these guild forums and respect other people and their goals, dreams, and wishes.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2011
    Bugmaster wrote:
    That's not what was stated. She was respectfully declining an offer of service, stating her wishes on how she thinks things should be.

    And remember this is her thread. Let's be more mature around these guild forums and respect other people and their goals, dreams, and wishes.

    Did you actually bother to read what she posted?
    "We'll not be using anyone else service that I don't have direct control over."

    She explicitly stated that she wanted direct control.

    Enough said?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2011
    Yes. That is correct. I respectfully declined because any Role Playing Production I go forward to make, I'd like to have direct control over. Thats just the way I roll. So I won't be entering in any arrangements with another service provider that I have not created myself personally.

    Enough said?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2011
    Interesting... someone offers a spot for ANY guild to build their OWN forums, with their OWN control, and you LadyHonda immediately state that you own the idea, and wish to own THEIR content?

    Geesh, the game is not even released yet, and you want to control all the guilds yourself?

    What hubris.
    I have serious trouble following the idea of your post. Hell, I don't even know what you are actually talking about.

    As far as my limited knowledge of the language of Shakespeare goes, LadyHonda declares herself leader of a "Neverwinter Guild Council - RP Community" project to which people can join, which includes factions (of that "Neverwinter Guild Council - RP Community") for players to join and take part of. As such leader, she wants to use only systems that allow her to have direct control of it (no third party dependency).

    Which sounds like (saving the distances on the topics) if I said: "Hey, I'm going to do the 'Neverwinter Song' fansite about this game and you can join.". I can rely on others or I can decide to rely on myself but being my project, I have that privilege.

    So... no idea of what is supposed to be the problem. :confused:

    Sorry for the off-topic. :o
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2011
    Thank You wintersong.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2011
    Wintersong wrote:
    I have serious trouble following the idea of your post. Hell, I don't even know what you are actually talking about.

    As far as my limited knowledge of the language of Shakespeare goes, LadyHonda declares herself leader of a "Neverwinter Guild Council - RP Community" project to which people can join, which includes factions (of that "Neverwinter Guild Council - RP Community") for players to join and take part of. As such leader, she wants to use only systems that allow her to have direct control of it (no third party dependency).

    Which sounds like (saving the distances on the topics) if I said: "Hey, I'm going to do the 'Neverwinter Song' fansite about this game and you can join.". I can rely on others or I can decide to rely on myself but being my project, I have that privilege.

    So... no idea of what is supposed to be the problem. :confused:

    Sorry for the off-topic. :o


    Totalitarian Dictatorships vs democratic, ruled by people instead.

    Winterhawk offered a place for ANY guild, with ANY ideas to have their OWN control over their own forums. These guilds would have their own administration controls within their own guild but would exclude them from controlling OTHER guilds. This could have included any guild that Lady Honda chose to create.

    Her idea is that any guild will be under her direct control. Giving up their own control of ideas, pathways, designs, forums, and membership etc to the dictator. Meaning that any guild that chose to do something different than HER idea would be squashed, kicked out, locked out, whatever.

    Vastly different ideas.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2011

    Totalitarian Dictatorships vs democratic, ruled by people instead.

    Winterhawk offered a place for ANY guild, with ANY ideas to have their OWN control over their own forums. These guilds would have their own administration controls within their own guild but would exclude them from controlling OTHER guilds. This could have included any guild that Lady Honda chose to create.

    Her idea is that any guild will be under her direct control. Giving up their own control of ideas, pathways, designs, forums, and membership etc to the dictator. Meaning that any guild that chose to do something different than HER idea would be squashed, kicked out, locked out, whatever.

    Vastly different ideas.

    Winterhawk is the one out of line here. And sorry, but you are being out of line here too.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2011
    Interesting... someone offers a spot for ANY guild to build their OWN forums, with their OWN control, and you LadyHonda immediately state that you own the idea, and wish to own THEIR content?

    Geesh, the game is not even released yet, and you want to control all the guilds yourself?

    What hubris.

    Actually what she stated is that she is starting a Faction called NGC
    A faction is her GUILD that is comprised of many smaller knit "guilds"
    that she would like to lead. Having a small group of different guilds of different goals. This does not dictate she wants to control all guilds lol.. Sheesh..

    A guild in her "NCG" would follow the rules of that guild, whereas if it was all one guild, there would be no direction and a general ruleset and one with no direction.

    Factions are the future. Any true multiplayer game designer should learn that factions are key to PvP success. Most developers have not yet.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2011
    I'm still confused to how this has become so personal for Bannor. I mean it's not your thread, it's not your place to tell me how I want to organizes an RP community of my own and most of all your comments are unwanted and have derailed the initial intentions of this thread.

    WinterHawk was rude for posting a recruitment thread on anothers recruitment thread. I was polite told him that his offer didn't coincide with my plans. I gave him an explanation so he didnt see me as blowing him off (even though I felt his initial post was rude.) but reguardless he went his way no harm done.

    Your entitled to your opinions about how I intend to make an Neverwinter Guild Council of role playing guilds. If of course you don't like it you can keep it moving. Your excess flaming on my thread is unwanted and out of line. How I choose to make my group is really none of your business and to continue to make it such is a display of utter immaturity.

    I'll thank you now for understanding. I'll also remind you that a continuing this argument will be considered as a form of slander and an attempt to devalue my recruiting thread with unessercry drama that might turn away potential members. If this is the case I'll be reporting this instance.

    Thank You for your opinions even if they are grossly misinterpeted.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2011
    I dont quite get it how am I out of line I made a simple offer and it was declined? I made an offer. It was declined. I can accept that and did accept it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2011
    I believe I was very clear how I feel.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2011
    The problem is, that you made an assumption about what was offered without even reading the posts involved.

    Nowhere did Winterhawk state that he as recruiting for a guild. Nowhere did he attack you.

    What he DID offer was a location for ANY guild to build their own forums. (free of charge I must add) Forums which any individual guild could control their own topics, sub forums, etc... something you really should have jumped at, since you can not do that here. You will be forced to purchase your own website to have the sort of control you wish to attain unless you can find someone else willing to let you create your own sub-forums... which is exactly what was offered. No one was attempting to "steal" your "recruits" or even your prospective new guilds.

    You responded almost immediately with negative comments regarding a free offer to HELP YOU achieve your goals. That just goes to show how ignorant your assumptions are and how ridiculous you are acting.

    You can't build a set of sub-forums here. That option is not available. The best you can attain here is a single thread at a time. Not even private, but a full public thread. You can't have "hidden" discussions about guild plans, etc. You can't control who reads the thread or who has access to that thread. You can't build upon multiple topics at a time, you are stuck with the single thread, or even a few separate threads that will be entirely lost in the total threads within these very limited forums.

    What you were offered was a place where you COULD build your idea, complete with sub forum control, membership control, and even private thread control. You replied by stating that you wanted full control of your own.. except that is exactly what was offered!?!

    So, where are you going to build upon your idea? Can't do it here after all, you don't have that sort of control.

    No one was attempting to take over your thread, no one was attempting to take over your idea, what was offered was a place where you COULD actually accomplish that idea.

    Geeze folks, you are all being idiots on this. That is not a personal attack by the way, just an observation of the facts.

    You can hate me as much as you please, doesn't matter to me. But you should seriously consider taking your blinders off and looking around a bit, before attacking someone that was offering to help you!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2011
    LadyHonda, great idea.

    Winterhawk, I respect you for bowing out when your offer was declined.

    Bannor, it would be my understanding from what I've read that LadyHonda would be more comfortable controlling the technical aspects of any forum or website construction that might have to be done to accomplish her goals.

    As this is my first post here, I'll exempt myself from your indictment of idiocy, but where I come from that is a personal insult and might require an apology to set things right.

    LadyHonda, it is easy to discern that you have attempted to deal reasonably and fairly in your responses (at least to me) and, if anything, the stature of your thread has been increased in the process. It is often through conflict that the true nature of a personality is revealed.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2011
    Thank you Roy_
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2011
    It seems to me, that there is already warring amongst factions, this is the way the dark streets of NeverWinter have always been and I look forward to the impact the two of you shall have on the structure of our futures...

    Crayge Ravenscroft
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2011
    Well lets gets back to rp discussion, save the drama for the characters in the game. :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2011
    So to start out with we will need story tellers.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2011
    I would be intreasted in starting a faction that favors darker forms of magic or help in it. Arcane spellcasters that use "Black Magic" spells that our frowned abong or illegel in Neverwinter. This would be determine by roleplaying rather game mechanics if a characters magic is dark or not, since we dont know what classes will be avalible in the game besides the ones stated.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2011
    The thing about 4.0 for wizards is that there is no more spell slots. They have separated the spells into spell powers that you can deploy at will, once per encounter, and daily. The other spells fall into rituals. Even if the new game don't cover them I am sure so thing can be worked put for RP perpouses with a Story Teller to encourage RP rituals.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2011
    Well when Necromancer becomes avalible to play Ill be a happy Lich.:)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2011
    A spy guild that hangs out at the local bar. Lol
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2011
    Bang for the Gods...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2011
    I am very interested in participating in your endeavor. While I am happy to adopt whatever role is needed for character immersion, intrigue, and rp interaction, I would personally like to get involved in some sort of holy order based on whatever deity format is put forth (Forgotten Realms?). If you accept me into your concept, I would gladly refer as many of the remaining 'old school' serious role-players I know who still lurk the beloved (but archaic) NWN1 servers. Best of luck.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2011
    You also might consider reposting this idea on a fresh thread. The unwarranted flamefest taints your good intention making it more difficult (and less intriguing) for potential players to join your guild.
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