Hello. I offer a simple solution to two problems at once.
1. There are a lot of companions and mounts in the game that are not in demand among the players. Prices for them are extremely low, and during the event of a double chance of dropping loot in dungeons, prices drop to almost zero.
2. Periodically from various events, we get sets with mounts and companions to choose from, but as a rule, those who have been in the game for a long time have all of them.
We also get mounts and companions of various qualities in Valenhas from Juma, and we already have most of them.
Solution: The ability to convert mounts and companions into upgrade tokens will solve both of these problems at once.
Depending on the quality of the mount or companion, the number of tokens will change, as well as items for the entire account will give more than items for one character.
Those who have been playing for a long time will be able to convert repeated items, and the price of the most unclaimed mounts and companions will not fall below the price of the number of tokens into which they can be converted.
@nitocris83 Please pay attention to this, in my opinion this is an excellent solution to these problems. Thanks in advance.
For mounts, an additional option to turn them to insignia powder would be fantastic.
A salvage system for mounts and companions would actually require a systematic approach from the developer side and an existent QA department. As for the current practice, the inevitable consequence of an attempt of a salvage system would be a crash of many accounts by stack overflow in the mount and companion tokens amount (as one or more reclaimables would surely not be excluded from the salvage option.)
To be constructive, a possible execution: Game shall reward only not bound or account bound stuff. All reclaimed stuff shall be char bound. No char bound stuff would be eligible in the salvage system.
Oh, btw: collars need a salvage system as well.
2. trash them.
I do #1.
If what OP proposed becomes reality, all those 1 AD companion/mount will be wiped out instantly. Nobody will buy the actual upgrade tokens. May be some should 'stock them up' now.
History has taught us that you never know which companion is BiS tomorrow, so having them all probably is a good idea.
Refine ad, buy insignia in the market, run rc, run legacy quests on some character and that's it, this is my script for the day. When in a good mood and free time, maybe radq and rtq on an alt other than my main or my tank. Negotiating some items bought with stamps helps to have an extra ad gain, but having the feeling of finishing the content and feeling before opening the chest that 99,999...% of the time nothing or something will drop like a companion that almost no one uses it's pretty frustrating. The other day when I finished VoS in my tank, the drop was a Wererat Thief, I think this one is worth less than 500 ad in AH, try to imagine my happy face when I saw this.
I've always thought it would be cool if we could donate spare companions to populate certain areas of our strongholds, as a sort of additional decoration -- not as enemies, but as either NPC's or allies. I'd love to sic the army of redcaps I have on the Thayans who have suddenly invaded my stronghold! You might think they're weak but you underestimate just how large my redcap army is
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
Eventually, many will have 10 account wide mythic companions. The companion upgrade token will like the current mount upgrade token. The AH sale of cheap companion will like the AH sale of insignia.
So whats the problem here??
For mounts, it need same feature, which would make easier to upgrade them.
As for idea to salvage old companions/mounts.. Hah.
The whole idea is to cash out.. Buy Companions/mounts from vendor for few coins of copper/silver, salvage to tokens and sell off via AH..
Lets not forget there are tons of unused companions/mounts which are stockpiled in various accounts by various players.
You will have same outcome as what is with mount collars, Up to epic version cost little to nothing. So if salvage would get implemented up to mythic rank mounts will be considered as trash. Even mythic mounts value will drop significantly. Mounts lost value, then what the point to even open lockbox??
You guys should look to bigger picture..
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.
And then enchants... im still not up to all mythic, but its ok, i know its a long grind.
And I also know its good to have stuff to work towards.
But when the goal posts get moved as often as they have the past few years it does get disheartening.
And not to mention when a certain companion becomes suddenly BiS players grind to get it, then it gets nerfed, and weapon sets, nerfed, and kind fo lots of stuff.... nerfed.
1. All account wide enchantment in mythic.
2. 10 account wide mythic mount (do not do upgrade). There are more than 10 account wide mythic mounts in game.
3. 10 account wide mythic companion (do minimum upgrade or wait until more account wide mythic companion available). There are 5 or 6 account wide mythic companions in game.
4. selective upgrade afterward.
5. don't do anything that cost major effort but minor gain.
99. They will change everything.
It is not necessary to receive improvement tokens from them, you can get gold (in a larger amount), or something else.
The thread also reminded me that the event that doubles the chance of winning is an event that has been somewhat ignored by most players since demogorgon was removed. I myself have tried a few times to create groups for ICT or CoDG (I have many keys to these contents) and I have not been successful. Yes, I've seen countless CN or RDQ groups being made, as it seems, they are the same drops in any content, which is another problem in my view, in which they already promised an improvement - the more challenging the content, better would be the drop chance - for that matter, but apparently there wasn't.
So do I know how hard? Oh yeah. And also I can say it's not so hard.
Since we talk here about mount/companions.
During Astral Lockbox event time, VIP players buys from Wondrous bazzar store with 25% discount( VIP), and sell them via Auction house. In last event ime the 10 astral lockbox costed like 300k AD.
By opening Astral Lockbox you always gain certain sum of Tarmalune trade bars.
Then you wait for Tarmalune Trade bar discount event. And in that time you spent them for Companion/mount upgrade tokens. Prefered for mounts, cuz unlike companions you can't upgrade mounts via AD.
Here you have easy way to get boisters to 100%, and upgrade specific companions/mounts.
Lets not forget that all new companions/mounts added to game become account wide since mounts mythic rank introduction. Which made them more available in AH, and due market competition prices went down. So it's no longer to get these companions/mounts. Unless you want latest mythic rank ones from special packs.
The only problems are only some old companions, yet cryptic love to reuse them. As example icosahedron stone, which you could get only from Foundry, players could get from campaign.
The [Mini Apparatus of Gond] augment companion which where gift for those who participated in foundry activities. But now it's yet regular companion. Should I give others as example??
In these days it's more than easy to gain companions/mounts, and also to max out them.
So do I can see bigger picture, oh yeah I do.
You have also understand one thing. Too easy obtaining stuffs means player max out very fast, which eventually create a problem. Since you have stuffs, you have no motivation to play game, there is no drive to get item or mount or companion or even upgrade them. If there is no motivation to play game, well you know the outcome. Players simply move elsewhere, and this apply not only here in Neverwitner but in any mmo rpg games.
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.
IF we would like to follow orginal concept i see two options - either expand mount powder system to companions, or use two step exchange similar to what we have with enchantments.
PS. There is similar dead end with most bounty curriencies, especially from discontinued zones.
Let's try to build up on the idea, as it feels like it can have some more potential ^^.
Let's not talk about a direct conversion from comp to tokens like we have with insignias : it would be a cheap (development-wise) and uninteresting (content-wise) solution.
Companions should be considered as NPCs rather than equipment : in a roleplay setup, they are mostly not "things" but "beings". We can obviously argue for exemple about ioun stones to be things rather than beings but, in general, it doesn't feel right to "convert" a companion directly into tokens like we do with insignas => powder, or stones => refinement points.
In Neverwinter, companions are structurally categorized as augment or combat, but also by collection lists (which is like a very rough creature type differenciation, though I would love a more precise one so the sylph, a fey, would not be in the same category as the succubus, a fiend...).
Maybe we can build something around that ?
A companion quest system
make a new option available in the right-click contextual menu of a companion in your inventory and in your roster (if you want to get rid of a comp already listed there) : "Companion Quest".
If the quest is accepted, the questgiving companion is summoned, taking the place of your active comp, and can't be unsummoned until completion of the quest
You can obviously have no more than one companion's quest active at any given time.
Account-wide comp can't give quests.
Once the quest is completed, the comp is gone from your inventory or roster, and you are rewarded with tokens (and maybe other things) in quantity depending on the companion's quality.
The companion quest can be randomly picked from a list of quests, each collection of companions can have a different list of quests.
Exemples of "basic" companion quest :
kill [x] [ennemy name] in [location] (fighters/invokers collection)
kill [hunt name] in [location] (barovia/chult/avernus) (fighters/invokers collection)
kill [boss name] in [dungeon name] (can be an intermediate boss, a final boss, the Mimic King or VoS mini-boss) (fighters/invokers collection)
do [quest from the questlog among the ones already finished (even from the leveling part)] (fighters/invokers collection)
bring [companion name] to [encampement location] (beasts collection)
bring [companion name] + [random ingredient from alchemy craft] to Bradda the Sage (beasts/magical creatures collection)
Ok, it would feel a bit like
But why not ?
We can also imagine each mythic comp would have his special quest, as the large majority of them would have likely been upgraded from tokens, it is fair to unlock a nice written quest rather than a generic one.
This can also revives the idea to spent tokens to upgrade a companion despite him being bad in the meta just because I want to unlock his specific mythic quest/mini adventure (and maybe his specific reward ?), and in the process maybe increase the desirability on comp tokens and useless companions (for their mythic quest or because their basic not mythic quests are a source of tokens). If I want to do both the mythic quest and have the mythic comp in my roster, I then would have to get it and upgrade it twice into mythic.
Even maybe a "writing/scenari" contest for the community every month to create those quests (free in the creation process or under given scenaristic constraints), in the idea to engage again with the community in a creative way ('member the foundry quest editor ?). (though obviously named character like Xuna, Makos, Bruenor, should have their mythic quest written by the dev team, not the players ^^)
January 2023 "mythic companion quests contest". Take your pen and write an epic quest for/about the mythic Moonshae Druid companion. It must be 4 objectives/steps max, must begin and end in Sharandar and include a conflictual relation with a Northlander.
The winner will get a unique mythic Moonshae Druid (same stats, just a cosmetic color swap/equipement swap) and his quest will be adapted and added to the game in the brand new companion quest system.