People are abusing this in my opinion stupid/outdated system. When you get kicked from a pvp match you get a loss no matter what happens. Players have taken it upon themselves to rig the leaderboards this way. If a player gets kicked it should not count as a game for them period.
Hopefully this is something that can be addressed asap
That being said; taking a loss for a kick isn't necessarily bad; it keeps the good players honest. I've seen a lot of games where too players stop playing, sit at the canprife and ask to be kicked to avoid a loss
I do think the 4 hour kick timer is excessive, maybe 1 hour? 99 minutes? But not 4 hours..
Not sure whether you meant me or the op since we both use the word "abused". The way I see it, abusing vote kick typically means kicking people because of low gear/experience or because you don't like them. Almost all kicks in my matches are aimed at non-bis players in an attempt to get a bis player to join instead so that the team can gain the upper hand. Even in balanced matches, some people just need to ensure they'll win by kicking weaker players. And then we complain even more about bad matchmaking...
If you have people that hide up top, sit at the campfire, then kicking is justified. If there is someone not fighting on a node when they should be, then that's usually an inexperienced player, which in my opinion doesn't warrant a kick.
With how vote kicking is implemented currently, I'd say giving a loss is bad. If it was made so that kicking is only possible on afk players, then I would keep the loss there.
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
K/D ratio
Damage taken
Time in combat
Time at campfire
..time on node/ nodes capped
..drains used
..flaming tells sent ...
..amount of people that have him/her on ignore .
ya know so you can make "informed" decisions
Last season we had what? 23 - 24 pages on the leaderboard?
We're 8 days away from the end of this round and we have just over 11 pages worth of players that qualified for the leaderboard.
I personally stopped playing because of the non-stop kick to win. At this rate there will be 40 - 50 players left doing PvP. Why would the devs bother trying to fix anything for such a small, elitist player base?
can someone from ps4 or xbox comment on how many pvp pages their leader board has ?
I'm genuinely curious too. Hopefully some console players can give us an idea as to how many they have on their leaderboard.
You either have and use it or lose strictly.