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  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,462 Arc User
    edited September 2018
    I ran into the same thing. It's not at all clear where the +1 stuff comes from. I'm assuming it's a "high-quality" result, but there is no indication of what high-quality results are possible or how to achieve them.

    Feedback: the professions intro is very problematic if your profession resource and/or asset bags are full or nearly full, since you wind up getting a whole bunch of new stuff. The asset bag can be sorted so that existing assets will stack, but I only stumbled across this by accident -- perhaps it should start off that way or at least have a popup instructing you to click the sort button to make room. For resources, I had to discard things since I can't put them in my bank and don't have alts to which to mail them on Preview. You don't get the chance to exchange old for new stuff until later on.

    We definitely need sliders for buying resources with profession credits.

    Is there a credit cap? If so, it should be indicated. I ended up with over 90k credits and I was wondering if I would run into either a hard cap where you can't accumulate any more or a soft cap where any additional ones would be eaten.

    There also, I believe, should be something in the tutorial that explains the difference between doing professions from your workbench vs. using the normal "N" key to do them from anywhere else (cost, time, whatever).

    Artisan stats: there should be some sort of explanation on how to improve stats like Focus, if at all.

    Tools: How do we get better tools? Do we make them? Are they Zen market items? I also noticed that Alchemy always used the Worm Alembic even though I have a Masterwork one.

    Commission cost: in the tutorial, the task defaulted to as many as possible, but I didn't know what impact that would have on gathering time or on commission cost. Are costs payable only when you collect or periodically as items are gathered, for instance? Do items arrive one at a time when you tell them to collect as many as possible, or only periodically?
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • waldenmistwaldenmist Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    hustin1 said:

    Tools: How do we get better tools? Do we make them? Are they Zen market items? I also noticed that Alchemy always used the Worm Alembic even though I have a Masterwork one.

    You can get new tools by trading old assets inside your workshop, the high-quality tools give you better chances at +1 results (very easy to get +1 once you start using the top tier tools).

  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,462 Arc User
    edited September 2018
    Feedback: in the UI for buying resources with credits, suggest having the list sorted alphabetically. There are a lot of resources in the list and it can be hard to find the one we are looking for.

    Even better would be a way to right-click on a needed resource in the professions window to buy it with either credits or gold, depending on what we have.

    And even BETTER would be for the UI to auto-select the resources we need if we have enough. Clicking the + button is an unnecessary step.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • hercules125hercules125 Member Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited September 2018
    Feedback on Crafting:
    1. The introductory missions explaining crafting is somewhat confusing to someone who has already maxed out crafting professions on live. It doesn't really give me a clue, when choosing a profession, which ones I already have, which is a problem since I have different professions leveled up on many alts, and I dont have them memorized as to who has what.

    2. My max level 25 Platesmithing and Weaponsmithing on live on my GWF, is being translated to non max level 35 blacksmithing/armorsmithing on the test server. I thought it was supposed to become 70?

    3. I don't think going from a simple popup where I can do everything in one view to having to run around a craftshop to various stations is an improvement. Keep it simple. The professions icon the top is always greyed out, why is it still there? How do I check on what is going on in my workshop - the UI is confusing.

    4. Leadership is gone and in its place I'm getting level 1 adventurers. Considering I have 9 characters with level 25 leadership, having all that work blown away is really not acceptable. This is going to irritate a lot of your player-base. Extremely irritate them... I have a number of alts where all they have is leadership and telling me that is basically worthless in the new system - not good.

    5. I've progressed in the quest to where I'm supposed to get +1 components, but it really doesn't explain where to get them. I have no clue where/how to continue at this point.

  • theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    Also, weren't Black Ice overload enchantments supposed to be a thing? I was guessing they were gonna be at the black ice forge but no go there.
  • valwrynvalwryn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,620 Arc User
  • pitmonster#5684 pitmonster Member Posts: 537 Arc User

    After many many hours ... I gave up I am stuck
    I need to make a Brass Ingot +1 .... i cant for the life of me figure out HOW to make a +1 anything anywhere... anyway

    Keep trying to make them and let your artisan level up, or try to get a better tool for them if you can. When your focus is high enough you will start making +1 ingots, you can see your chance of making one in the top right of the window when you're setting the recipe.
    That will be as clear as blacklake district sludge to people. To devs, why make things so opaque? This is not noob friendly.

  • waldenmistwaldenmist Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    To get +1 results (increase focus), get some currency by exchanging old items with your retainer


    Then buy new assets from him


    Choose the adamantine tool(s) for your profession(s)


    Then select this tool when crafting, and that's it, you have high focus, better chances of getting a +1 (high quality)


    So far this is working, but the workshop upgrade beyond level 2 is still another story.

  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 1,798 Arc User
    I think all Alchemy TOOLS are also not even able to be converted or exchanged either.
  • cambo1682cambo1682 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 164 Arc User
    hustin1 said:

    Is there a credit cap? If so, it should be indicated. I ended up with over 90k credits and I was wondering if I would run into either a hard cap where you can't accumulate any more or a soft cap where any additional ones would be eaten.

    I did not run into the cap, I ended up with over 700K in credits, so you can at least go that high. I had a terrible thought afterwards so confirmed that you can actually mail the vouchers between toons much like the old assets. Still cannot put them in shared bank though :( I haven't gotten to a point yet where I can determine if I should be holding on to those specific credits like say Jewelcrafting for the chance to upgrade my artisans without having to start from 0.

    Starting from scratch on your actual profession crafters will be a big put off if we cannot speed them up via our vouchers. Over the years I (and I am certain many others) have invested time, RL money and in game resources to painstakingly level up various assets and artisans to epic quality. If that aspect is getting a hard reset then I think that will eclipse my concern greatly compared to an non-intuitive quest path and tutorial.
  • friarjonfriarjon Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited September 2018
    Bug: Upgrading to Workshop level 3 at profession level 60 is impossible

    When obtaining credits for commissions it will not allow you to exceed the 500k goal. Good, but handing in the very last commission will fail if the value of the commission would put the total over 500k- i.e. it will not grant partial credit to fill the last few credits. (Workaround: use AD to buy the last few as you can specify the exact amount to reach 500k).

    When you talk to the Landord after getting the 500k credit the quest completes but does not give you the upgrade supply crate, making it impossible to upgrade the Workshop to level 3


    There doesn't seem to be Journal entries for the intermediary quests to upgrade the workshop. The only way to know what to do is to ask the your assistant dude "What should I be doing now?" Would be nice to also have quest entries in the Journal that track your progress. It seems the "Workshop" group in the Journal doesn't even show up if you don't have any active quests for it. Confusing.

    Not sure how I like needing to be at the workshop to accomplish much of anything with professions. While thematically it fits, it means I can't be out doing adventuring things while doing professions. Yes you get the remote token eventually but it costs morale to use, yes? (haven't really tested that yet). In the early stages of leveling a new profession it means you'll spend more time travelling to/from the workshop than questing.

    Suggestion: for VIP replace "Teleport to Moonstone Mask" with "Teleport to Workshop". The VIP post helps, but you still need to ride from the gate to the workshop. 99% of folks have no reason go to Moonstone, but teleport to Workshop would be very very useful.
    Knight of Guild Medieval
  • theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    friarjon said:

    Bug: Upgrading to Workshop level 3 at profession level 60 is impossible

    When obtaining credits for commissions it will not allow you to exceed the 500k goal. Good, but handing in the very last commission will fail if the value of the commission would put the total over 500k- i.e. it will not grant partial credit to fill the last few credits. (Workaround: use AD to buy the last few as you can specify the exact amount to reach 500k).

    When you talk to the Landord after getting the 500k credit the quest completes but does not give you the upgrade supply crate, making it impossible to upgrade the Workshop to level 3


    There doesn't seem to be Journal entries for the intermediary quests to upgrade the workshop. The only way to know what to do is to ask the your assistant dude "What should I be doing now?" Would be nice to also have quest entries in the Journal that track your progress. It seems the "Workshop" group in the Journal doesn't even show up if you don't have any active quests for it. Confusing.

    Not sure how I like needing to be at the workshop to accomplish much of anything with professions. While thematically it fits, it means I can't be out doing adventuring things while doing professions. Yes you get the remote token eventually but it costs morale to use, yes? (haven't really tested that yet). In the early stages of leveling a new profession it means you'll spend more time travelling to/from the workshop than questing.

    Suggestion: for VIP replace "Teleport to Moonstone Mask" with "Teleport to Workshop". The VIP post helps, but you still need to ride from the gate to the workshop. 99% of folks have no reason go to Moonstone, but teleport to Workshop would be very very useful.

    I second this. a "Teleport to Workshop" option is a no brainer.
  • friarjonfriarjon Member Posts: 12 Arc User

    Feedback on Crafting:

    5. I've progressed in the quest to where I'm supposed to get +1 components, but it really doesn't explain where to get them. I have no clue where/how to continue at this point.

    You need higher quality tools to have enough "Focus" to get a chance at a +1 result. Buy the steel tool from the vendor. It took me a while to figure this out as well. Would be great if there was a hint the quest text on this.
    Knight of Guild Medieval
  • valwrynvalwryn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,620 Arc User
  • mechjockeymechjockey Member Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited September 2018
    Currently have 22 Active Crafters, the thought of doing the tutorial on all of them just so I can convert my stuff over makes me physically ill. That is not hyperbole that is the literal truth. I used these character to provide RP for my main characters, It takes literally millions of RP to get to the mid teens in IL. Accumulating the RP so only marks and stones need be purchased is no longer viable. This feels like a very nasty shakedown directed at people who were doing nothing wrong and spending money to play the game. Character slots are not free, crafting assets aren't free and crafting was something your company both promoted and sold to the players.

    Then there is the fact if the goal of actually reducing the percentage of players that craft is met, there will be little incentive will their be to provide timely updates for the few that are left ? So not only will they have this part of the game made considerably less enjoyable and less rewarding, they can expect their updates to come even less often than they have.

  • flippy#8481 flippy Member Posts: 198 Arc User
    one character had this quest fatally lock up . . . for some reason it gave no tasks and therefore the tutorial is unable to continue - character was MC1 all professions

    figured out what happened to artisans from the conversion and converting them into resource requisitions . . . is rather unpleasant, but the amount paid for them is downright obscene
  • underdoug2000underdoug2000 Member Posts: 1 Arc User

    I donated all ad to get the crate. I got the crate. However I can't upgrade [my workshop to rank 3]. did all the quests.

    This seems to be a common problem. I have the same bug.

  • free2payfree2pay Member Posts: 284 Arc User

    Hi when you dismiss an artisan ,its permanent . So does this mean we cant reassign???
    I dismiss 4 of my artisans then they are gone. Not sure if this is a bugged or intended design.. Please help

    Same here, dismissed the Artisans because they were level 1. Thought I could replace them with my old epic craftsmens from previous (similar) professions. So how go I go about hiring Artisans back in the tutorial?
  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    edited September 2018
    free2pay said:

    Hi when you dismiss an artisan ,its permanent . So does this mean we cant reassign???
    I dismiss 4 of my artisans then they are gone. Not sure if this is a bugged or intended design.. Please help

    Same here, dismissed the Artisans because they were level 1. Thought I could replace them with my old epic craftsmens from previous (similar) professions. So how go I go about hiring Artisans back in the tutorial?
    you will get new applications every now and then, right? It's like in the real world...if you fire all your employees it may take time to find replacements. Just accept everybody until you hit the 32 limit...then start firing unwanted ones.
    Hoping for improvements...
  • onlymatonlymat Member Posts: 350 Arc User
    I have found no Information - but what is happening to treasure hunter boon?
  • mat44444mat44444 Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    I think it would be nice to see a failed result when you craft stuff that fails - if u get a success u see a box saying so, I think u should also get a box saying fail if this is the case.
  • mat44444mat44444 Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    I have manage to get to the part where you need to hire another 6 artisans. I have no idea how to do this, quest line leads outside, then back inside. Desk show no artisan to hire, quest info supply's no information either. Gave up at this point because I can see no way forward - perhaps its time gated, but surely this should be mentioned if so/
  • kharkov58kharkov58 Member Posts: 668 Arc User
    Maybe it is just me, but so far this seems to be designed to force players to choose between playing Neverwinter and doing professsions
  • agilestoagilesto Member Posts: 516 Arc User
    onlymat said:

    I have found no Information - but what is happening to treasure hunter boon?

    Nothing? You still have profession maps, and still need those mats for MasterWork
  • agilestoagilesto Member Posts: 516 Arc User
    mat44444 said:

    I have manage to get to the part where you need to hire another 6 artisans. I have no idea how to do this, quest line leads outside, then back inside. Desk show no artisan to hire, quest info supply's no information either. Gave up at this point because I can see no way forward - perhaps its time gated, but surely this should be mentioned if so/

    In the preview you have the crate close to the creation table. In the 2nd tab you have a blue pack in the 1st position, that will give you an artisan for the profession of your choice. Artisan can be standard, blue or epic.
  • auron#6793 auron Member Posts: 396 Arc User

    friarjon said:

    Bug: Upgrading to Workshop level 3 at profession level 60 is impossible

    When obtaining credits for commissions it will not allow you to exceed the 500k goal. Good, but handing in the very last commission will fail if the value of the commission would put the total over 500k- i.e. it will not grant partial credit to fill the last few credits. (Workaround: use AD to buy the last few as you can specify the exact amount to reach 500k).

    When you talk to the Landord after getting the 500k credit the quest completes but does not give you the upgrade supply crate, making it impossible to upgrade the Workshop to level 3


    There doesn't seem to be Journal entries for the intermediary quests to upgrade the workshop. The only way to know what to do is to ask the your assistant dude "What should I be doing now?" Would be nice to also have quest entries in the Journal that track your progress. It seems the "Workshop" group in the Journal doesn't even show up if you don't have any active quests for it. Confusing.

    Not sure how I like needing to be at the workshop to accomplish much of anything with professions. While thematically it fits, it means I can't be out doing adventuring things while doing professions. Yes you get the remote token eventually but it costs morale to use, yes? (haven't really tested that yet). In the early stages of leveling a new profession it means you'll spend more time travelling to/from the workshop than questing.

    Suggestion: for VIP replace "Teleport to Moonstone Mask" with "Teleport to Workshop". The VIP post helps, but you still need to ride from the gate to the workshop. 99% of folks have no reason go to Moonstone, but teleport to Workshop would be very very useful.

    I second this. a "Teleport to Workshop" option is a no brainer.
    I personaly think it should be available for all players not just vip. like the current button we already have to open it on live server
    <div align="center"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/YH9QCXK.png" alt="" /></div></img>
    ▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░ Drac ░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂
    There is supposed to be an image here, but the hamsters took it.
    <div align="center">AKA Draconis of Luskan</div>

    Take a backseat boy. Cause now I'm driving. ~ Give it up - Elizabeth Gilies ft. Ariana Grande

    RIP Foundry: On that day, when the sky fell away, our world came to an end. ~Lifelight
  • auron#6793 auron Member Posts: 396 Arc User

    I personaly think it should be available for all players not just vip. like the current button we already have to open it on live server

    No way. All people without VIP should suffer and be forced to buy VIP.
    Someone gotta keep this game running. Sure hell aint gonna be me :D
    im not trying to be funny here. im being serious, the devs are realy going to tick people off if they don't make it avvailable to everyone.
    <div align="center"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/YH9QCXK.png" alt="" /></div></img>
    ▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░ Drac ░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂
    There is supposed to be an image here, but the hamsters took it.
    <div align="center">AKA Draconis of Luskan</div>

    Take a backseat boy. Cause now I'm driving. ~ Give it up - Elizabeth Gilies ft. Ariana Grande

    RIP Foundry: On that day, when the sky fell away, our world came to an end. ~Lifelight
  • waldenmistwaldenmist Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    Rainer did a video tutorial:
  • aimsiesaimsies Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 66 Arc User
    I think this may have already been said but just in case..

    Urgus Battlehammer's entire dialogue related to Elemental Infusion needs to be updated as Black Ice Shaping is no longer part of professions. Secondly, when you physically run up to the Black Ice Forge it gives you an option to "Press F to direct your chillwrights" only nothing happens and you no longer have chillwrights to direct. As this is part of the "Day One" of Icewind Dale, all of this will need to be re-vamped before going live otherwise it will be very confusing for first time players in IWD. The collections pages will also need to be updated as you can (currently) no longer obtain the Elemental Black Ice gear.

    Now that farming black ice is essentially useless, not having a use for it breaks a lot of the IWD area and campaign. Other than getting the win for Black Ice Domination, you wouldn't want to stick around and farm the mother lode as you can't do anything with the black ice once you get it. This is a huge section of the game being rendered totally useless.
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