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Official Feedback Thread: Bonding Runestone Changes



  • kacsanwkacsanw Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    strathkin said:

    If you lucky to find an Augment that has only 3 defensive Rune slots; I think the most at best have 2. So many Augments are limited to 125%-150% (no legendary bonus) but still it's better than it was before.

    If you haven't realized/read, yet: Eldritch runestone grants pet stat transfer in both Defense and Offense slots (lost ArPen in offense).
  • mat44444mat44444 Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    I think they could just have stated we are going to do this line one of this post - since it was their intention all along regardless of feedback and saved everyone wear and tear on their typing fingers
  • jxsinjxsin Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    I don't believe that they are gonna back out of these changes, but what I can hope for is that maybe they adjust them a little bit. Right now, it's ridiculous the amount you are going to have to invest to get back where you were. If it weren't, then maybe it would be a bit more tolerable to do so. Maybe tweak the dungeons a little. For instance, if you can do FBI now, still have it to where you can do FBI when the mod drops at around the same time frame (not speed running). Going from being able to knock it out in 30 minutes vs not being able to do it at all is gonna be a game killer for some people.

    Develop new dungeons that now work with the changes in stats. That way people will have to progress to do them. I think the issue is people losing their stats and being forced to do stuff they've done a thousand times and have moved on from because now they can't do what they were doing, and forget about even trying new stuff. That's where a lot of my issues come into play. It's not even that it's a blatant cash grab, companies need money. Do I feel they could have done something different to earn money? Well, yeah, of course. Then again, it's not necessarily the devs that want these changes, it's the idiots in charge that command the devs to do it.

    I think the players are expressing their feelings here because they are passionate about this game. It's like being in love with someone, only to find out they are stealing from you. That passion goes from one end of the spectrum to the other. The moderators aren't helping and the devs aren't helping. What they need is professional customer service type people to mediate these forums during this time, be more transparent.

    I seriously do not want to quit this game, I love it. I've invested a lot of time and money into it. I do feel this could have been handled better, and hopefully they will still tweak the changes before they go live. Just let me continue to do the content I've worked hard to do (modify that content to the same scale the players will be after the change), let me work up to running new content (then I have no issue putting time and money into my progression), and work on not only new and growing content, but fixes to bugs that have been around for a long time instead of doing several massive changes at once that are gonna <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> a lot of people off. Then I would be content, maybe not happy, but able to deal with it enough that I will still continue to invest as I have to grow my character.
  • mahburgmahburg Member Posts: 598 Arc User

    > @strathkin said:

    > Sorry @strathkin, but the the main issue I have is not the total amount of stats. It's the approach. If bondings are too powerful they are right in nerfing them and I have no objections (even if I have two sets of rank 12s). And upping other types of runestones to match is ok. What I can't stand is that at the same time they resell us the same power level we had (wasn't it broken?) by adding enchant ranks.


    > Either bondings are too powerful or they are not. Period. What they are telling us is: bondings are broken, but if you give us 500 bucks they are not broken anymore...


    > Well I certainty appreciate your feedback as you mostly seem like a respectful individual. But I don't think they are saying they are broken but require a correction which is what a NERF attempts to do. Attempting to BUFF everything else to that level only makes the problem bigger rather than address the cause.


    > I know you disagree but honestly a 9 to 1 advantage over every other stone is clear candidate for corrective action. Also no where have they said you give us money will we overlook the issue. All new stones R7 start at a higher 30% augmentation (not 20%) and while the dual higher buff remains (the only one to offer it) it then increases the augment boost at a more level 5% per rank increased.

    What I meant is that you can basically buy back your power by buying RP, marks and wards. Marks from TONG will be unbound according to a dev statement in the other thread so they'll flow to the auction in a few days as soon as top end players will have enough marks for their characters. So within a few days, with cash you can buy back everything you had before or you can grind ad and do the same. This means that either way you'll get back to the same level you have today (which is supposedly too high for the content...).

    Exactly so and what sticks in the craw so much and shows its not a rebalancing issue.
    You have to have a massive blindspot to fail to recognise that reality.
    If they are not WAI then you should not be able to recover the stats through spending cash (or AD).
  • cambo1682cambo1682 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 164 Arc User
    jxsin said:

    I don't believe that they are gonna back out of these changes, but what I can hope for is that maybe they adjust them a little bit. Right now, it's ridiculous the amount you are going to have to invest to get back where you were. If it weren't, then maybe it would be a bit more tolerable to do so. Maybe tweak the dungeons a little. For instance, if you can do FBI now, still have it to where you can do FBI when the mod drops at around the same time frame (not speed running). Going from being able to knock it out in 30 minutes vs not being able to do it at all is gonna be a game killer for some people.

    Develop new dungeons that now work with the changes in stats. That way people will have to progress to do them. I think the issue is people losing their stats and being forced to do stuff they've done a thousand times and have moved on from because now they can't do what they were doing, and forget about even trying new stuff. That's where a lot of my issues come into play. It's not even that it's a blatant cash grab, companies need money. Do I feel they could have done something different to earn money? Well, yeah, of course. Then again, it's not necessarily the devs that want these changes, it's the idiots in charge that command the devs to do it.

    I think the players are expressing their feelings here because they are passionate about this game. It's like being in love with someone, only to find out they are stealing from you. That passion goes from one end of the spectrum to the other. The moderators aren't helping and the devs aren't helping. What they need is professional customer service type people to mediate these forums during this time, be more transparent.

    I seriously do not want to quit this game, I love it. I've invested a lot of time and money into it. I do feel this could have been handled better, and hopefully they will still tweak the changes before they go live. Just let me continue to do the content I've worked hard to do (modify that content to the same scale the players will be after the change), let me work up to running new content (then I have no issue putting time and money into my progression), and work on not only new and growing content, but fixes to bugs that have been around for a long time instead of doing several massive changes at once that are gonna HAMSTER a lot of people off. Then I would be content, maybe not happy, but able to deal with it enough that I will still continue to invest as I have to grow my character.


    This has become the norm for this company unfortunately. They are unscrupulous when it comes to these adjustments. Most people that have been around a while know it, they are not to be trusted and the only hope is to try to mitigate their misguided efforts to fill the company coffers. They always present us with a pile of garbage and a kick in the balls carefully word-smithed, fully knowing the imminent backlash. They throw us a bone and tell us "ok, we won't kick you in the nuts, enjoy your garbage, stop at the zen shop on your way out".

    I don't believe for one second that this is not about selling back stolen progression. If it were about balance, they would have scripted them all over to 14 when the patch drops and said "sorry, they are the same as before, everything else is rising to meet them". It's incredibly frustrating to see a game with a great LP and combat managed so poorly. I believe you are correct, of course they will not back down on this decision, they invested resources in pushing it to this point and likely have built in "acceptable player losses" which is certain to come. The extent of that gamble is yet to be seen, they may come out ok or lose big, then we'll all go down with a dead MMO, which I sincerely do not want to see. I also believe you're correct that this kind of decision comes from higher up the food chain...boss isn't always right but they're always the boss. Where is their lead dev during this uproar? Have we heard anything from him? Is he hiding in his office? If I led my workgroup like that I'd be surprised if they showed up for work the following Monday.
  • tgwolftgwolf Member Posts: 501 Arc User



    1. It will buy them time and once 2 is fixed will place people closer to where they should be. With the changes only the top of the top most geared groups will reach what any common player can now and that's closer to acceptable.
    2. They are aware, they have said this multiple times but it isn't as simple a fix as people think it is. That is an issue that they need time to work out, if they get it wrong they don't ruin an item, they ruin actual classes, you know, those things you play as?
    3. No. No they weren't. If they were we wouldn't be having this discussion. T9G can be run by 14k groups with no companions summoned if they want the full experience or with Augments to make it a simple run. As they get Legendary companions this becomes even easier.
    4. Your important stats should be on your character at all times, like ArPen for example. Relegate the extras to your buffs/bondings. It's simple common sense which people seem to lack in spades. So the average player has grinded and geared 3 maybe 4 full characters? That's cute, I'm at 113, 100 of which are between 16-17k. Funny how I have no problems with this, wonder why?
    5. It would be great if Devs. could wave a magic wand and fix all problems but that's not how reality works. Sometimes data from a different, occasionally seemingly unrelated change is necessary before other changes can even be considered or put into effect. NW is an MMO where in fact everyone gets to test out the changes, first some on PC who are willing or able to make use of the Preview shard, the PC in general gets to be a test region then it comes to console with refinements as necessary. This can be seen positively or negatively but it's life, how things work and yes, even business.

    Some MMO Devs. when dealing with an issue like this will shut the servers down completely, up to weeks if necessary to work out changes, some won't consult the community at all.

    Whether or not you believe they are qualified, it remains that they are the ones who built the game and that by default makes them more qualified than you, or me or that guy over there.

    So just wait and see how the changes work. Maybe things will be better, maybe they'll be worse.

    People acting like children doesn't help matters.

  • polarp178polarp178 Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    > darthtzarr said:
    As implemented on preview, it seems to not exactly be cooldown=duration like stated in the above dev post. It is, but there is a new mechanic at play. When bondings proc it gives a few seconds (or attacks) where the companion is allowed to proc bondings repeatedly for 3-8 seconds (about 3 attacks). This should remove some of that headache compared to a straight cooldown=duration, but is still obviously worse than the live version.

    > @dupeks said:
    > How interesting, thank you for sharing.
    > @noworries#8859 Can we get an official statement on the intended proc behavior for the new and improved bondings? In general, having the stats "snapshotted" roughly every 15 seconds is a confusing mechanic. Is it intended to stay this way? Are there concerns with restoring the behavior that allowed bonding stones to be refreshed before their duration elapses?

    Could we get a word on current preview bonding proc and refresh behaviors please?
  • santralafaxsantralafax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    It was clear to me, about 16 months ago when they buffed bondings (everyone expected the nerf back then), that it was a ploy to get everyone to pay for new companions, runes, etc. I predicted they would be nerfed in the future--and here it is. I can think of only one answer to it.

    Did I buy bondings at the time?--yes, there really wasn't a choice to remain competitive. They had created the new meta.
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    again.. its not they are nerfing them, its not about adjustments, its not about making augments valid or not.. its not about power creep..

    ITS simply to me , personally, them removing power, and reselling it.. its a no go.. its a big no go..

    would it be ok, after 1 year.. sure, thats fine.. but to do it at the same time.. wowzers.. the sheer audacity.

  • luks707luks707 Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    It would be great to get some dev feedback here. Weekend is almost upon us.
    Given that players are going to lose stats - might I suggest that a solution to this is to improve the stats overall of players? I would strongly prefer to improve my toon rather than my companion - so as you are introducing higher level enchantments and changing things around, why not have all enchantments give slightly more. Sure - you will need to check whether this messes with balance, but if things are too easy you can alwasy make them harder. And I doubt that will be an issue in TONG.
  • superent666superent666 Member Posts: 133 Arc User
    I have loathed bondings (and didn´t get any) for a long time because back then there was not A SINGLE PIECE OF CONTENT that would have justified the kind of power they imparted. And now that you actually have introduced content that utilizes that kind of power potential...NOW you nerf them. It´s the absurdity that really haunts me. And as you said - it´s not about power creep. This "bringing them more in-line with other items" however isn´t really such a valuable gain (why? How? To whom?) - especially not for players when considering the high adjustment costs they will pay.
    The latest content like msp or tong is fun and players want to get there...but if you set the bar too high and make them run lame old content (and even leveling dungeons now...-.-) forever before they can finally get there (before that content is lame and old, too) too many might give up and say "whatever"...
  • thrill#1417 thrill Member Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    Don't quit the game. Just quit giving them money.

    It remains to been seen if these changes are game breaking. What they are is "confidence in paying these guys any money" breaking. I will be investing my holiday gaming budget elsewhere. It is a shame because NW was the game I wanted to invest in this year.
  • krzrsmskrzrsms Member Posts: 164 Arc User
    "Whether or not you believe they are qualified, it remains that they are the ones who built the game and that by default makes them more qualified than you, or me or that guy over there."

    Actually no, these are not the devs that built the game. Those devs are long gone. Even the lead dev who was lead before was gone while a bunch of content and most of the current players came about. Many of the long time customers of this game, lie the many who have posted of their playing (and paying) since beta have more of an idea of the long term affects than these devs seem to through their actions and postings.

    Another thing that most MMOs do... Go out of business.
    It is not necessary to follow a path whose main affect is to anger the customer base. That benefits no one, even those who hang on and still pay because of some strange sense of loyalty or because this is the only game they know.
  • david#2060 david Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    > @thrill#1417 said:
    > Don't quit the game. Just quit giving them money.

    If you stay, you'll spend, and you know it
  • jonkocajonkoca Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,586 Arc User
    Tbh. I think many people have finished the chult stuff apart from maybe the last boon. There's not much to do really except daily AD runs. That's probably why things are slow.

    That and massive depression ofc.
    No idea what my toon is now.
  • meetmattstryker#4094 meetmattstryker Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    Can you (@devs) at least make companion gear slots universal (like mount insignias) to mitigate de loss of stats for most people? Everyone is tired of endless grind followed by some nerf bs. I have 4 fierce companion gear +4 (belt x3, seriously) and only one is useful for my companion, which isn't even the one i wanted to use. I'm over 300 fleece, so setting foot in the only skirmish that drops this gear, which is so boring, is not an option anymore. Can't trade/sell, can't change with some npc for the ones i need, this is nonsense. For once in a while, do something for us, your customers that pay your salary, change this ridiculous system.
  • gromovnipljesak#8234 gromovnipljesak Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    Make orange rings tradeable with a merchant while you're at it. With this nerf everyone will need so much arp and since it's so stupidly hard to get rings we need, make it a one-time thing. You can trade one orange ring for another orange ring. Any type, any IL - just make it worthwhile.
  • santralafaxsantralafax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    I found the original patch notes, it was May 2016 that they killed augments and brought down the reign of bondings:

    "Bonding Runestones now grant their combined effect in a single stack.
    For example, if a summoned companion has two Bonding Runestones (Rank 12, 95% each) equipped, the related buff now gives the player 190% of the summoned companion's current stats.
    This effect no longer stacks. This gives the effect a maximum of 285% of the summoned companion's current stats (with three R12s equipped)."

    NOW, in Sept 2017, they are telling us that bondings are overpowered. Who'da'thunk.

    When bondings still stacked, many of us were more than happy to still run augments, which had 100% uptime. I've never liked bondings, but WAS suckered into them....
  • mamalion1234mamalion1234 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,415 Arc User
    edited September 2017

    find the difference :)
    Post edited by mamalion1234 on
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