I came here to join in on the rabblerabble hamster train.. but see nothing. I've heard second hand that they're talking nerfs to bonding stones. but not nerfing them into the ground.. making them still first.. or second (really?!?!?) in choice. (i can only hope that means something better is planned and that's why this nerf...) but still. WHY why after all this time.. and I also heard tell of a possible stronghold buffs nerf. I know that would make some happy.. but seriously.. RABBLERABBLE!!!
stop with the nerf. nerf is bad mkay
however, when they do these adjustments, they also need to look at the current dungeons, i mean they basically make them for the current power gear.. ie lifesteal as well.. New zone, a pack of dinos rips aport my cw to 80% health, without lfesteal I would be dead.
They also mentioned sh boons..
I think its all a mistake, sh boons in particular.. Ive never ground so hard in my entire life, sometimes spending 3-4 hours a day grinding for those damn things.. and it took a hundred of us doing it daily to keep the pace going. It was the largest and most expensive grind this game has ever done.. taking them away seems a bit ridicolous to me.
As others have stated.. putting time and effort, then just wham nerf train.. whatever.
BTW.. most of the biggest , broken thing this game has ever seen, has little to do with bondings and boons.
Alot of one shots, bugged bosses and the like, were due to incorrect applied powers, feats, mechanics, or items..
If they were so really concerned about broken things.. those shouldve been fixed much faster then they ever were.
I'd like to see a buff of the older runestones, or introduce new bondings with different stats, even defensive ones with offensive bonuses crit, recovery etc, because everyone wants 3x offensive these days.
Buffing augments so they work with bondings would be a nice addition too. would give people options for when they want +HP. And would not be overpowered because summoned pets can give nice addition effects.
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
what do you mean about the sh boons?
Any nerfs to SH boons would be a huge slap in the face to those who put all those hours & money into them. The biggest concern is that a while after any nerf those same boons/stats would be available again via a different grind just to double dip the playerbase.
Time will tell I guess
EDIT: Removed fat finger typo, highlighted the obvious
Until they actually preview changes, there's nothing to discuss.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
> There wasn't enough information given to flip out over, even though any mention of changing bonding runestones is sufficient grounds for most players to preemptively flip out over it.
> Until they actually preview changes, there's nothing to discuss.
But flipping out now might help them rethink. By the time they give definites it's generally too late
And no, I have not converted any of my 17 characters over to bonding, but I do have the bondings to do it, just have never bothered to do it, as I can run any content without them.
you must nerf bondings vs. don't you dare nerf bondings
I think they have a good handle on it being a very contentious subject
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
> But flipping out now might help them rethink. By the time they give definites it's generally too late
> There's already enough player feedback that boils down to
> you must nerf bondings vs. don't you dare nerf bondings
> I think they have a good handle on it being a very contentious subject
I'm not seeing that u must Nerf bondings side show up here yet. Small but loud segmentsnare a thing. Again make it known now that we don't want that change there is a hope of at least toning it down. Staying silent has no benefit.
> I like the fact that summoned pets have a place now, and there's usually a different mix.
> I'd like to see a buff of the older runestones, or introduce new bondings with different stats, even defensive ones with offensive bonuses crit, recovery etc, because everyone wants 3x offensive these days.
> Buffing augments so they work with bondings would be a nice addition too. would give people options for when they want +HP. And would not be overpowered because summoned pets can give nice addition effects.
> I feel the same way.
Yeah buff the weaker thing don't Nerf the compared thing. I can get behind that. To the person talking about the negatives of pets.. they have a lot more positive points than negative Imo. CA,taking aggro off you, various summoned per bonuses that aren't present just being active, various heals ect
* The problem with ever buffing buffing buffing is of course that the players get too powerful compared to the difficulty of the content.
For the good of the game, nerfing bondings a little might be the best option. They ARE rather overpowered
-drop sh boons to half their value. It enough to keep the farming worth it.
Give guildless players a solo version of said boons, scaling 1-2-3-4k each level, achievable through farming of solo content. Might give a reason to go Back To old campaigns after You ve completed Them. Sh and solo boons cannot be activated together. but i might farm solo a boon that my guild did not get, and use it in place of the sh boon. Guilds are an option. Players should not be forced to join a guild or get far behind The guilded players (i'm in a guild with max boons, just to clarify).
-lifesteal should heal some, increase survivability. Not heal back your whole hp and make you immortal. Would make hp potions needed again. Yes guys you have hp potions for solo pve, 35k healing The new ones. Dodge, some little lifesteal and potions are enough for any content. Il not, they Can drop mob damage a bit.
For PVP SH boons can make too much difference right now so a simpler way would be toning down SH boons when you are flagged for PVP.