So, I'm a new player looking to see all the content along the way, so sue me. But why in god's name would you make quest exclaims disappear for over levelled quests so that I have to talk to every friggen NPC in a given area to figure out what I need to do? Please institute the use of grey quest exclams ffs.
That is all.
I have never actually seen a piece of feedback from a person saying they prefer the system of overlevelled quest markers being hidden.
(Making a distinction from the few players who dislike the presence of quest indicators, full stop, and would have preferred a game that requires totally independent exploration.)
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Now I think in fairness they did make several improvements initially doubling the level requirement up from 11, and I 'thought' had even removed it when Third Eye campaign was released. As now their are rewards for adventure zone completion.
Sounds like there may still remain a few improvements that could be made.