The giant fluffy bunny. It has formerly been wandering through the vast green hills of a faraway continent and was brought to Neverwinter by curieus adventurers. Now the giant fluffy bunny is on a permanent quest protecting the people of Neverwinter using it's particular set of skills. The soothingly fluffy fur of this mount greatly increases your healing skills while it's stunning cuteness builds a magical shield protecting it's owner against any harm, greatly increasing your defensive skills. Oh look out, there it's hopping past us letting the wind find a way through its magnificient fur while its ears are bouncing up and down in an elegantly smooth manner. Don't let it run away now or it'll seek out for other lands, where its fluffy skills are used by the people.
# I figured putting a stroy behind the request might make it more attractive ;P
I recently redid my main TR's armor skins to match her pirate hat, using lower level armors and matching colors on shirt to make a coat. But a pirate with out a ship is sad indeed! So something that looks like a ship's longboat, probably flying. Sailing through the ground as if it were water would be better, ala Moorcock's Ship that Sails Over Land and Sea. That might be harder to animate given all possible ground textures. There should be a rowing animation and the stationary spacebar motion would be getting rocked by a wave.
a seamonster for a pirate would be pretty awesome as well. a kraken for instance.
But... come on... rabbits ! Just imagine it, hopping around with his fluffy ears .... it can come in white, black , with spots, rainbow color ... that would be amazing!
Quetzalcoatlus would rock. Giant Wasp or giant badger too.
here you take on it. Flying, feathered, reptilian deities have figured in Central American mythology since at least 500 A.D. The Aztec god Quetzalcoatl literally translates as a "feathered serpent" .
Or did you mean the Quetzacoatlus as the largest identified pterosaur that ever lived?
...and not to forget, bunnies. ( refer to my profile picture )
Any kind of winged mount that flies! Just a hover type animation like tensor's disc or the beholder tank where it isn't running on the ground despite having wings lol! An actual dragon for example, or new animation for the griffin and whatnot
I would love it if my Griffon looked like it was flying rather than walking. This would such a great thing, but I get it might be hard to do.
How about outside the box? Lets introduce Dye packs for mounts. Lots of customization there. And allow us to name them like our pet/companions. A little personality never hurt anyone. about mount gear, with an assortment of prosthetics like spikes/horns, various armor/saddles, an aura or trail it leaves, ect. There ya go Cryptic, that one's free of charge.
I think this idea would be great. Sort of Fashion for Mounts. I could add some barding onto my favorite horse or some armor onto my Tiger or make my Charger's colors match my character. What a great idea. I like it. :-)
Would make for a fun idle animation and special attack.
Wasn't there supposed to be a Veserab mount released with the Underdark expansion?
The giant fluffy bunny. It has formerly been wandering through the vast green hills of a faraway continent and was brought to Neverwinter by curieus adventurers. Now the giant fluffy bunny is on a permanent quest protecting the people of Neverwinter using it's particular set of skills. The soothingly fluffy fur of this mount greatly increases your healing skills while it's stunning cuteness builds a magical shield protecting it's owner against any harm, greatly increasing your defensive skills.
Oh look out, there it's hopping past us letting the wind find a way through its magnificient fur while its ears are bouncing up and down in an elegantly smooth manner. Don't let it run away now or it'll seek out for other lands, where its fluffy skills are used by the people.
# I figured putting a stroy behind the request might make it more attractive ;P
Something with lots of feet, like a giant centipede or remorhaz (with their whole body exposed).
Dire bat.
Dynawheel contraption - call it what you want - it would really look cool.
Come one, most of the work has to already be done on those, and you know they would be sweet as candy
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
here you take on it.
Flying, feathered, reptilian deities have figured in Central American mythology since at least 500 A.D.
The Aztec god Quetzalcoatl literally translates as a "feathered serpent" .
Or did you mean the Quetzacoatlus as the largest identified pterosaur that ever lived?
...and not to forget, bunnies. ( refer to my profile picture )
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
I think this idea would be great. Sort of Fashion for Mounts. I could add some barding onto my favorite horse or some armor onto my Tiger or make my Charger's colors match my character. What a great idea. I like it. :-)