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  • auntjimimaauntjimima Member Posts: 94 Arc User
    PVP! I don't care about class balance so much, same HAMSTER different patch. I just want some more incentive for people across the board to pvp in the way of new maps/ different types of games maybe? AND definately low number easy to que matches. Something completely fresh and definately PVP centric.
  • arcanjo86arcanjo86 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,093 Arc User


    1. When is the Feytouched Weapon Enchantment (all ranks) random buff debuff gets fixed, it randomly bugs?
    2. When is the game gonna get server quality to a point when game population is high and game starts lagging and gets lots o "Server not Responding" message, this problem also happened awhile in past, when Community Manager played with a Developper and game got the same Message(it was so dissapointing to see that happening), stopps appearing?
  • nameexpirednameexpired Member Posts: 1,282 Arc User

    Thanks for all the fish!

    THE perfect quote for these circumstances!
    I wonder how many understand the meaning.
    *heads out to train the double-backward somersault through a hoop while whistling the "Star Spangled Banner"*

    Imaginary Friends are the best friends you can have!
  • wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    funny, i dont remember one of my post either went missing or i forgot to hit post when i was so tired, that i had an idea for PvP.

    i like concept of finding "rare skills" by hunting elite ringleader bosses like original Guild Wars with Capture Sigils tokens, and then use those skills for PvP, so most of our PvE skills dont get nerfed since those players always find way to abuse, i dont like seeing my regeneration became useless.
    once going to PvP zones, then most PvE skills get disactivated, have to use PvP skills to play. it needs 2 set of hotbar skills, one for PvE standard play in any areas, and then enter into pvp zones, skills get switch to pvp hotbar.
    like that STO's multiple skill hotbars, pvp hotbar would be "red" when you select skills after collected from several ringleader bosses. it would suppose to level the fields on pvp zones with only the skills you find, but there nothing we can do with rank 12's, but the devs could make companions disabled in restricted zones.

    hopefully if devs make those PvP almost classless skills with few class specific pvp skills, 3 any pvp skills and 1 specific class pvp skill on limited hotbar slots.
    concept is, find 20 standard non-class pvp skills and 5 specific skills for classes so the players can pick and place in red hotbar sockets. it easy for devs to built instead of nerfing some or breaking character skill trees, easier than fixing for class rebalances.

    Devs only need to keep watching new pvp skills dont get boosted by rank 12's. then it would be even or close enough, and create new pvp fields for different types of challenges with rough landscapes.
  • thereaper005thereaper005 Member Posts: 1 New User

    Main Reasons this game was remotely successful and why this game is dying and is nowhere near successful on any front.

    1. Foundry (single biggest "selling point" this game ever had - gold mine - completely made useless

    2. Difficult PVE - Beta CN - most challenging PVE this game ever had. With stat creep and "balancing"/boons/insignias,companions, bondings - Just no... you guys lost this a long time ago

    3. PVP - Believe it or not you have one of the best combat systems around STILL since beta. You never made a new map, you created a power creep and never made pvp gear obtainable enough to give balance to newer players, and it was what... like 8 or 9 mods until you "class balance"....

    So far... all discussion has been related to these three topics. People hate the endless grind. Which contributes to the powercreep in PVE and PVP. People hate that the foundry is pointless. It was your biggest selling point when the game was released. People hate getting destroyed in PVP - ELO doesn't work, and gear is impossible for new players to get. I mean you can swing how you want but those are the 3 topics that should be suggested and not mod 12. mod 13. mod 14. mod 15.

    The complaints have been the same since mod 3-4. The problem is that whoever fronts the bill and tells the developers what to develop does not care in any shape/form what the community actually wants. Take coalescent wards for example. They were 10 dollars for years. If they were 1 dollar you would have made exponentially more money off that alone than any other item in the entire game. Players didn't pay 10 dollars, instead they bought characters slots and prayed endlessly. You then rather than fixing the problem, create a new one making them bound trying to force players to buy them. Instead they just get the enchant, use the coalescent then sell it. You lose again and now the system sucks. I believe they call them "band-aids". But instead of now being at mod 11 and at the worst state the game has ever been in.... If they only took 1-2 mods to bring the game back to what it was when it had twitch streamers, pvp, foundry, amazing PVE... you would be one of the most successful games around now instead of having a 5 (maybe) man dev team who literally only makes stuff, never changes it, then 1-2 guys most likely as their 2nd 3rd job try and band aid fix when if any real time went into in the first place... it'd work.

    In summary - You have a GOLD MINE and you have let it slip through you fingers. PVP - remove boons, remove power creep, make it about skill again - let foundry guys make maps for it for competitions - all of those would bring thousands of players to your game. PVE - tone down ALLLLLLLLLL stats, make them have diminishing returns again, you can then balance it and not just increase numbers more and more and have to generate as many forms of self healing as you possibly can (water weapons, boons, insignias) RATHER THAN JUST FIXING THE PROBLEM - you now created 3... I'm sure there are loads more.. companions.. there 4.

    Rather than a poll about what you want to discuss when in reality it is already known what you will discuss which is why the options were so vague.... Why not use a Q and A to actually be what it is supposed to be. Players want to know when PVP will looked at. When the foundry will be what it was supposed to (THE MAIN SELLING POINT OF THE GAME). When PVE will be about PVE and not endless and I mean endless hours of boons and more and more RNGesus. Keep it simple for once... mod 12 isn't the answer. You had enough in mod 1 to have the best MMORPG ever made (Yeah I said it) - and you tossed it for a quick buck which in reality was not a quick buck because if you actually priced things reasonably you wouldn't have the "othe resources" problem that you've had since beta. I digress.... I loved this game more than almost anyone I've ever met that plays it and I dedicated years and thousands of hours to it. I had the most fun I've ever had on any game here. But I watched it get trashed again and again and decided to leave on a good note. But seeing this is just sad. I know you guys know it, and I know it isn't your fault.. It is whoever is writing the checks and there isn't much you can do about it. But please... do not HAMSTER on us and call it rain with these options. Just be honest for once...
  • jasperfichtejasperfichte Member Posts: 5 Arc User

    If many ppl still play to NWO instead of Black Desert is cuz NW is easier and it doens't requir to have an alternative life to play it. So, devs should care of PvP comnunity instead of frustrating it, and also trying to find a meltin point by PvP and PvE players, to avoid the madness of GRINDING just to have better stuff to hit dmg ranking or be little stronkier in PvP.

    I mean: most PvP players see the PvE like an annoyng moment to get new stuff and then get back fast to Domination; PvE players see the PvP like an useless moment we're ppl with caveman's istincts play to "who is the best, or what pvp guild is the best", with no mercy for who doens't understand their world.
    Probably, could be an interesting solution make PvP desiderable for PvErs, in the same way the PvE are for PvPrs, adding PvP new content (or like only you devs are able in, to recicle some old content) and stuff useful in PvE.

    Imho, creating a mutual interest and benefit could be the right solution to please both communities.
    Hag of Many-Daggers
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