I logged in last night to level my HR. While dodging the reds i hit shift + S to dodge backwards and I get a new streaming beta overlay pop up and totally screws me. Once this happens and I click back into the game, my character is uncontrollable. It runs in all different ways and uses up all of my stamina. I haven't figured out what stops it as I end up clicking everything possible to get it to stop. I logged into my paladin and got the same thing. Sanctuary + S to backup and the overlay comes up. It there anyway that I can change this function?
Is there anyway to stop this from happening, or is it no longer possible to dodge backwards with Shift+S if you are playing Neverwinter through Arc Games?
When you are in battle and use the default keys Shift to dodge +S to move backwards the Arc platform pops up the streaming window... that's very troublesome considering you play any classes and especially guardian fighter who live using those keys.
Can you create at least a way to alter that shortcut to the streaming window? Up until this post there is none.
In the settings dialog that pops up, there's a box labeled:
3. Set Activate key
Select the box and enter any key combo you want.
This is just stupid on a way different level. Now i cant dodge/dash/walk/run/raise shield or w/e i want on my shift key while going backwards. Can u please like very fast, like almost instantly disable this program. Since im sure it will take u forever to program in the feature to change the shortcut key...
For now im going back to the steam version. This is just unplayable...
Rise to POWER with <House of Power>.
The Exterminator - (NW-DLNXF3BGG)
Launch "Neverwinter.exe" wherever you installed Neverwinter itself... running the launcher directly should never run the Arc client, so be sure you're not actually running a shortcut to Arc with the Neverwinter icon!
Then click where it says Set Activation Key. Then press 2 keys together that you will never ever accidentally press together.
Hit OK, and you are all set.
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
Normally I can't promise things will change but I think it is safe to assume they will change the default keybind to something which is not going to interfere with gameplay.
But ya shame on Cryptic for pushing such blatant oversights on Live.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
I play a CW and ever since the last update of the Arc launcher some of my key binds are effed up. Most serious is Shift+S, which is backwards dodge. This brings up the Arc Social Overlay (which it shouldn't as that is bound to Shift+Tab). I am not the only one with that problem, just had a chat with a DC in the game who has the same issue.
Also my daily powers doesn't always work in battle. I can hit 1 or 2 repeatedly without any power working in battle. Out of battle, no problem and it's not a key board issue either. Checked.
Any suggestions would be helpful. And yes, I'll go make a report in the Arc forum too. If I can find it.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
Merged the threads just now, was getting messy with several different threads.
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
Because I was walking backwards and none of my dailies worked.. it was just a matter of thinking in reverse .. we still got boss done!
I think even then I would get used to it over time..
Also incidentally, this messes with the dailies too, even though the 1 and 2 keys has nothing to do with anything they still get affected, somehow. Know this isn't anything to do with you and I'll make a report in the proper place later, just giving you a heads up.
Though after this stunt they're beginning to tie.