Preview is back up.HighlightsDungeon Key Chest Update UpdateAs mentioned in
this thread, we will be reverting the change to dungeon key chests.
That change is not yet in this build; the dungeon key chests will still function on Preview as they did since Saturday 10/22. This will change in a later Preview build, before this module goes live.
Release NotesContent and EnvironmentBoat Travel and Fishing
- Another audio pass has been made to improve fishing sounds.
- Cast Line and Set Hook no longer state a "still recharging" error message when used off cooldown.
- Companions are now consistently dismissed when embarking on a khyek, and re-summoned when disembarking.
- Cooldowns and sweep effects no longer display in the power tray while on a khyek.
- Dragon Turtles no longer knock players out of their khyek.
- Everfrost damage resistance from Armor Kits and Boons now properly shows in the character sheet, and properly contributes toward queue requirements, while on a khyek.
- Fish catching messages now read as "You caught: " to address "a/an" disagreements.
- Hypothermia now escalates in damage over time, and slows the player. Attempting to run on the water is not advisable.
- Some treasure maps have had their art updated.
- Various fishing animations and visual effects have been improved and made more consistent.
Sea of Moving Ice
- An audio pass has been made to various voice and environmental sound throughout the zone and its instances.
- Several colliding or intersecting objects have been adjusted.
- Several locations where players could become stuck have been addressed.
- The dragon turtle now consistently retreats at the end of its heroic encounter.
- The dragon turtle no longer leaves collision around for an extended length of time while it retreats.
- The spawn rate of Ostorian Relic nodes in this zone has been reduced by 50%.
- Various enemies are no longer stuck in the environment.
- Various quality-of-life improvements have been made to certain quests.
- Wolf Riders without wolves have been replaced with Bear Riders with bears.
Sea of Moving Ice - Instances
- Royal Allies: This quest is no longer requires the player to return to Princess Serissa.
- Royal Allies: Waypoints for this quest now properly update when engaging groups of runes in varying orders.
- Runestead: Enemies no longer follow the player to the campfire if they die and respawn.
- An audio pass has been made to various powers and music in this trial.
- Characters no longer incorrectly disappear for a few seconds during the intro cutscene.
- Duumvirate's damage has been increased.
- If the trial ends in the players' defeat, the cutscene now properly has audio and updated text.
- If the trial ends in the players' defeat, the trial now properly counts as complete, allowing players to leave the instance without being prompted to return.
- Jarl Storvald's health has been increased.
- Players can no longer become stuck behind the throne after completing the trial.
- The delay before Skoll and Hroogandr attack after landing has been reduced.
- The health of Skoll and Hroogandr have been increased.
- The Master difficulty of this trial now properly gives out Master rewards.
- The queue's error text now explains when a player below the required Everfrost Damage Resistance queue, rather than saying "just because."
- Winter's Fury and Duumvirate can no longer kill players outside the combat area.
- Fangbreaker Island: Catti-brie has an additional bit of optional dialog at the end of this dungeon, once complete.
- Icewind Dale: If players donate currencies to their Stronghold coffer while on the quest, The Long Night, they are now able to progress by returning the next day to complete daily quests.
- Storm King's Thunder: Fishing nodes no longer get into a non-interactive state when players take certain actions.
- The mount tutorial quest no longer incorrectly keeps the Level Up UI active once complete.
Combat and PowersHunter Ranger
- Players can no longer swap stances while Forest Ghost locks out powers.
Oathbound Paladin
- Absolution: This power now triggers effects that activate on Encounter power use.
- Absolution: This power now properly states that it can be placed on any number of allies. It previously incorrectly stated that it could only be placed on the caster and one ally.
- Bane: This power now triggers effects that activate on Encounter power use.
- Banishment: This power no longer makes targets immune to damage when the control component is resisted.
- Binding Oath now properly deals all of the damage indicated in its tooltip.
Scourge Warlock
- Tyrannical Curse: The damage-increasing effect of this power no longer incorrectly scales with the player's power.
- The effect now consistently increases the damage affected enemies take by 20%, as indicated in the daily power.
Trickster Rogue
- Impossible to Catch: This power now triggers effects that activate on Encounter power use.
- Ambush Drake: This companion's Deadly Infection debuff no longer scales with Power.
- Ambush Drake: The Deadly Infection power now properly shows its duration in its tooltip.
- Frozen Galeb Duhr: This companion's Active Companion Bonus now properly reduces incoming damage based on the damage the player has taken.
- Frozen Galeb Duhr: This companion's attacks now properly use the expected animations.
- Galeb Duhr: This companion's Hurl Stone attack now has a shorter cooldown time!
- Manticore: This companion's Active Companion Bonus can no longer knock control-immune enemies.
- Manticore: This companion's Active Companion Bonus now properly unlocks at rank 30, rather than rank 1.
- Manticore: This companion's Spine Flail power can no longer knock control-immune enemies.
- Repentant Dragon Cultist: This companion's Acidic Stab debuff no longer scales with Power.
- Repentant Dragon Cultist: Acidic Stab now properly shows its defense reduction value in its tooltip.
Enemies and AlliesGeneral
- Dragons no longer become so indignant when affected by knock or repel powers that they refuse to continue fighting altogether.
- They insist, however, that they continue to be unaffected by such powers, as no self-respecting chromatic dragon would be vulnerable to being pushed around by lowly humanoids.
Notes longer than expected - Part two below!
Items and Economy
Changes to Artifact Weapon Stats
With the addition of relic artifact weapons, we've taken a look at the way stats progress as artifact weapons are ranked up. As a result we have resolved some long-standing issues and made the following changes and improvements:
- The amount of stats granted at uncommon, rare and epic ranks of artifact weapons have been increased.
- This includes stats that increase incrementally with rank, such as: power, recovery, etc.
- Stats that either do not increase at all (AC on shields) or increase only with rarity/item level (weapon damage) have not been increased.
- As a result of this change, the difference in power between weapons of a given item level should be more predictable.
- The amount of stats on legendary artifact weapons has also increased very slightly to accommodate for the adjustments.
- The effect of ranking up an artifact weapon on stats has been increased in order to create a more contiguous increase in power.
- For example, the stats on a rank 34 rare artifact weapon will now be much closer to a rank 35 epic artifact weapon, (weapon damage excluded.)
- An issue wherein classes that dual-wielded received less total stats from their weapons than those that did not has been resolved.
- As a result, the amount of stats from bows, ranger blades and daggers has been increased.
- In addition, the amount of stats granted from off hand items like sword-knots and grimoires has been reduced. However, as the stats on all artifact weapons have been increased, this decrease will only be visible on legendary rank off hand items and primary weapons stats will be increased as well.
- These changes affect the following sets:
- Twisted Weapons
- Stronghold Weapons
- Drowned Weapons
- Burning Weapons
- Howling Weapons
- Earthen Weapons
Sea of Moving Ice- Artifact Weapons
- Oathkeeper's Shield: This now has stats appropriate for an off-hand item of its level.
- Overcharge: Defense: The tooltip on this set bonus has been clarified.
- Everfrost Overload Enchantments
- Buffs from these enchantments now properly have icons.
- Crit now properly procs.
- Deflect now properly procs Deflect, rather than Defense.
- Deflect and Defense now properly give 1000 stats, as described in the tooltip.
- Deflect now properly has an internal cooldown (ICD).
- Eye of the Giant
- A typo in this artifact's flavor, lore, and collection entry have been addressed.
- Several Legendary items gained via the Glorious Resurgence Lockbox now properly trigger Collection completion.
- This artifact's buff now has an icon.
- This artifact's buff now increases Power and Damage Resistance by the appropriate values, as stated in its tooltip.
- As a result of the aforementioned changes, this artifact now properly contributes to the thrill of the fight, and helps the player rise up to the challenge of their rivals.
- A green-quality fishing rod has been added to the campaign vendor.
- Greater Potion of Everfrost Resist: This potion now informs the player of the task required to unlock it in the Storm King's Thunder campaign vendor.
- Relic crafted materials now properly have icons.
- The campaign vendor now properly sells bait as soon as the Explore Sea of Moving Ice task is complete.
- The cost of the Volume 1 testimony from the Ostorian Historian has been reduced to 1 Tale Carving, down from 2.
GeneralUser Interface
Auction House
- Expired auctions once again consistently actually expire, rather than hanging around on the auction house in an expired state for an indeterminate period of time.
HUD- Pressing the Artifact key while using a ground-targeted artifact no longer causes the targeting indicator to appear.
Restoration- Restoration no longer incorrectly references Double Refinement during such events.
- Restoring original relic armor pieces now properly says "Restoration Success!" instead of "Upgrade Success!"
Sword Coast Chronicle- Storm King's Thunder: The progress percentage on this campaign no longer incorrectly increases when completing certain non-progression tasks.
- Storm King's Thunder: The text for each of the Sea of Moving Ice factions now properly states that five rewards can be stored, rather than four.
VendorsGraphics, Effects, and Animation
Performance and Stability
And again " How much health increase " is it this time? Did you increase it only because a 4k gs bis group did svardborg in under 10 min ? sigh..........................................................................................................................................(shakes his head )
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
Will the SW recieve any buffs in return?
i know its a fix but the scaling debuff from TC was the only thing keeping SW viable as DPS char. The fact that we were only able to compete with double or tripple the effektivness of other classes shows how low our base dmg is.
This is a big hit since it cuts down our dmg by alot.
Ty in advance
Oh, and please do not say it is an anti-bot measure >:)
I laughed! Thank you for having a sense of humor. This is pretty HAMSTERing funny ;P
Good work guys.
I'll never retrace my steps.
Some of my best friends are Imaginary.
So, you are cutting us off from the AH if we have unclaimed mail messages, adding more junk to store in our bags, and still not addressing all the old back pack space issues we players have been raising for the last 6+ mods.
We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
I think the Devs are actually doing great (since Mod 7) at making this game challenging, interesting, and rewarding. I've desperately longed for something that makes the game more SOCIAL... need for working together over a long period of time to accomplish something worth doing.
BTW.. if you have Maxed (or even half maxed) guild boons and you still have difficulty with content or doing dmg... you're doing it wrong.. for real.
(Please take note that my above comments are meant to be a compromise between complete silence and the rage I feel against certain "feed me" and "it's too hard" comments above.)
― Clint Eastwood, Heartbreak Ridge
Guild Leader of Ardent Justice HQ: Always recruiting People not Pixels.
FOUNDER and OWNER of the SKT3K Channel: SKT Only Content 3k+.
Regarding the bags slots problem i've been checking what more fills up my bags and here are is what i think would solve a lot of problems:
Make vouchers and influence and Thaumaturgic Stones bound to account.
They will turn into marks no matter the chararcter. Those marks will then turn into unbound items for sale or bta items for other characters.
About bots, limit the dailly farmable amount of the account, for example 4000 influence.
About the thaumalurgic stones, enchantments can be passed allong the characters and be refined but it's much more boring.
About the celestial bags of refining, a major problem here is people with lots of characters can take lots of RP from it if they have a elemental weapon set because they are bound to account, if we supose that each character drops 2500 worth refinement points in a day, that will be 5000 in double rp day and 250k thousand if a player has 50 characters, that's 37 days to refine the main and off-hand artifacts that can be botted easly, if i'm not wrong the fact that those stones are BoP was to eliminate those situations, who pays with that are the people that dont bot, so what to do to make them bta, viable for players with other weapon artifacts and reduce the profit in botting?
Limit the amount of celestial bags of refining that can be obtained dailly, improve slightly the chance to obtain better marks/stones and make all items from it bta.
Example: Limit the bags to 50 a day for but with:
1% chance to find a Greater resonance;
2.5% chance to find a Resonance stone;
5% chance to find a lesser resonance stone;
25% chance to find a minor resonance stone;
Same distribuition for marks and thaumalurgic stones.
People that payed for lot of characters would feel inferiorized in relation to other people so to in someway compensate them, the dailly limit on rewards like dragon hoard enchant, celestial bags, etc would scale with the number of the characters in more or less this way:
x chars: base amount * (log (15 + x) - log(15) + 1)
Create a "Magical bag of preciosities" or whatever you wanna call it, what does it do? Simple it will be a free bound to account bag given when the first character of the player reaches level 70, it will have 5 slots at first and every character can acess it, even that it will only fill space in the equiped character, the main purpose of this bag is the big mess of waderers fortune, dragon hoard enchant, fey blessing quartermaste, etc, the comun stones between chars would fall in that bag. as it would only have 5 slots at first improvments in the zen market would be avaliable.
A pvp Wardrobe, PVP equipment takes a lot of space specially if it inlcludes diferent rings artifacts etc
Dread ring cache:
Finding a solution for this one wasn't easy because then again, people could just do it with 50 characters and comparing the weight of artifact refinement to enchantment refinment it's very clear that this is much heavier benefit for the character so the solution i propose:
Talk to makos and ask to break the chains that conect the cache to the character but by doing so reducing the amount of RP in it.
That's all i can remember that makes btc items that fill a lot of space needlessly.
Replace any of the previous ones.
It's some very odd and old design that has no legitimate reason to exist.
What's about fixing things for HRs like these below? Unstable self-damage buffs occur in loss of HR damage.
thanks for your answer
Its good to hear that are aware of the sitation.
Since sw got alot of dps nerfs lately u could change the sw curses so they work for the hole Party.,13jicik:15550z1:1000000:1z00u00&h=0&p=hlb&o=0
PoP always up and easy to apply taking some situations apart giving both damage over the targets and protection;
Off hand class feature bonus in npnm;
Dark revelry;
Infernal wrath;
[Sellsword companion:
T.Dread enchantment}
I was giving a lot of buffs to the team like many other SW's are but they dont reallize it and cry because they want to be paingiver.
Please add to preview fixed weapon damage weapons for us to see bugs and test powers faster.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
and thank you too treesclimber but i wanted my dps class to have maximum dps output since i already have 2 x 3k+ clerics for party buffs etc. I wanted to feel the tension of a dps class without crushing my keyboard (hr trapper) or a soon to be nerfed (rework in 2017) gwf that i don't like the gameplay that much as well.
This is disappointing to hear. If you already know there is a disparity why further widen that gap? The SW striker seems to shine in single target situations and this change will significantly impact that. You really need to make some change to offset this massive nerf to TT. I see this as no different than the failed attempt at changing key behavior on chests w/out buffing the loot!
Yeah...thats the spirit. A fix is coming and ofc a beg for buffs...just wait and see. Its no honour in using well known "strange things".
So now you can show what a SW ( if you play him good) can do with legit circumstances. I appreciate the fix. I like the other fixes too and i hope the devs will continue this work. Thumbs up !