A Modest Proposal For Preventing the Botters in Neverwinter From Being a Burden on the Game and for Making Them Beneficial to the Gaming Public.
As we all know, Neverwinter Online has a 'botting problem. For those of you who do not know what that is here is the "dumbed down to Mikey level" explanation; A 'botter is a person who sets up accounts in the game specifically to farm resources and sell it for real money or trade it for things they can sell for real money.
To my knowledge every MMORPG ever made that has resources that players desire within it has gained a team of 'botters that find the weak points of the system and utilize it to their advantage and, in the process, wreak havoc upon the game's economy. The 'Bots take up space in the game and cause load upon the servers that degrade the system resources devoted to operating the game. They generally make the game less enjoyable and cause the company hosting the game to lose money, which affects their ability to add to the game, improve the game and generally deliver a product the player base desires.
Taken to the extreme, 'botting can ultimately lead to the downfall of a game. As players who enjoy playing these MMORPG's, specifically Neverwinter. I have come up with an idea to resolve this situation to the satisfaction of players, 'botters and the company itself. This solution is:
Hire the 'botters.
That's right. Hire them. Make them Cryptic Studios employees. Get them to do what they are doing already and take a cut. This will open up a new revenue stream for the company. The 'botters are then given rules to follow which act as controls to keep the economy stable. Also, have them police the game for 'botters not employed by the company. They will have a personal interest in keeping these leeches out of the game and I am certain they will take to this task with zeal! I am certain they will soon come up with a cool catchphrase about it which will catch on like, "Botters Don't Bother Me" or "'Botters do it over and over again." The company could even sell t-shirts with these catchy slogans on them for an additional revenue stream.
The extra revenue gained from this can be used to improve upon the game, pay the developers more, give the company greater profit and the players a better experience.
I strongly urge Perfect World Entertainment and Cryptic Studios to implement this perfet solution to all the games problems as failure to do so will quickly lead to the downfall of internet gaming forever! Do you really want that on your conscience?
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
what they didnt approved, it was "speed hack", it is lag hog, causing other players look slow or getting disconnected.
Neverwinter has Auction House for players to trade with or to buy.
Definitely top 10, no doubt.
Even if the bots were hired, they'd still be breaking the game, because essentially, the game would turn into a pay2win model which will make many of the current players loose their interest in the game. Suddenly anyone who can afford the most AD will get the best guild, better gear and more high-level alts. Worse off - the PW or Cryptic are going to loose money in this, because you can exchange zen to AD and the other way around. They won't be making as much money from people buying AD from bots as they would by just selling Zen.
And, if botting will be allowed, more players will start botting for XP, astral diamonds etc. Why pay the bots, if you can bot it yourself?
Another thing worth mentioning is the audience this game has attracted. From what I've noticed so far, most people here hate spammers, adds, having a purchase offer shoved down their throats, and most importantly - BOTS! Many of them will quit.