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No New Weapons please thank you



  • hastati96hastati96 Member Posts: 499 Arc User
    I pretty like the idea of new boa marks :) no p2w, just some grinding. I am glad that I will be forced to play the content:)
    Nero - Palacetamol - Essence of Aggression
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  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    asterdahl said:

    All the new runic marks are available from Assault on Svardborg. You will only be able to upgrade from Epic to Legendary with marks obtained in the master version. In general, completing the master version will help you earn progress on the weapon faster.

    We're experimenting with this unique reward structure. If you can complete this difficult content, upgrading the relic weapon will actually be faster than a normal weapon, as special refinement items that grant extra RP when fed to a relic weapon will be available. Normal refinement items can also grant relic weapons refinement.

    In addition, as the legendary rank will require completion of master mode, it will be quite difficult to obtain. That being said, even the first rank of the new relic weapon is strong, and unlike standard artifact weapons at the uncommon level, it will have an open enhancement slot.

    For those who are not interested in endgame trials, we are not replacing marks of potency, union and power for upgrading all artifact weapons moving forward. The next set of weapons we release will be upgraded normally. However, we'd like to reward those of you who challenge this difficult content.

    More information will be coming in next week's Svardborg blog which talks more about the fight.

    1) all chests require a legendary dragon key.
    2) i have no intention of wearing a set of gear just to run specific content. Im happy with my pvp set, this means i cannot access the new content regardless me having 200k hit points.
    3) more rng for marks drop rate
    4) 50k ! more voninblood required .... really...

    im not looking forward to next mod, like i did not for mod 10.
    should we wait for the "normal mod 12 weapons"?

    Keeping it short:
    Less rng
    Dont lock content behind specific gear.
    Everfrost resistance may help but is definitely not needed if you character is built right. Mine is ok and i wont farm useless gear i dont want to wear only to access a dungeon
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  • foxxy#4211 foxxy Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 563 Arc User
    Only 1 reason: Money thirst. And it is understandable but very obvious. With every expansion, new items to grind for come along, this means players will be "encouraged" (as if!) because there are new best in slot items; and probably there will be many who do it by grinding and many others by spending real money to speed up things, and this is what they want.
    If you realize is the same thing over and over every expansion, and as the developper itself stated a new set of weapons will come in the future, outdating the relic one, so that is another grind. They could do it the friendly way: by not outdating current weapons, but not... they want $$, and they need income, i wont argue about that.
    So is up to every player, if they decide to go with the new stuff that require gear to do certain content or wait for another expansion and see how things are, after all everything gets outdated at 1 point. I said in another thread that twisted weapon are still good and u can complete with not problem the current end game so. i have 3.9 item level, i havent unlocked FBI (i have 120 reputation), im taking my time and i have 0 interest in the new expansion and grinding because it is boring and tiresome and i will have 0 interest in the sea ice, so see? it is up to everyone. What i have loved of this expansion and next module is the beautiful environments. dont u agree? <3
  • emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    rayrdan said:

    asterdahl said:

    All the new runic marks are available from Assault on Svardborg. You will only be able to upgrade from Epic to Legendary with marks obtained in the master version. In general, completing the master version will help you earn progress on the weapon faster.

    We're experimenting with this unique reward structure. If you can complete this difficult content, upgrading the relic weapon will actually be faster than a normal weapon, as special refinement items that grant extra RP when fed to a relic weapon will be available. Normal refinement items can also grant relic weapons refinement.

    In addition, as the legendary rank will require completion of master mode, it will be quite difficult to obtain. That being said, even the first rank of the new relic weapon is strong, and unlike standard artifact weapons at the uncommon level, it will have an open enhancement slot.

    For those who are not interested in endgame trials, we are not replacing marks of potency, union and power for upgrading all artifact weapons moving forward. The next set of weapons we release will be upgraded normally. However, we'd like to reward those of you who challenge this difficult content.

    More information will be coming in next week's Svardborg blog which talks more about the fight.

    1) all chests require a legendary dragon key.
    2) i have no intention of wearing a set of gear just to run specific content. Im happy with my pvp set, this means i cannot access the new content regardless me having 200k hit points.
    3) more rng for marks drop rate
    4) 50k ! more voninblood required .... really...

    im not looking forward to next mod, like i did not for mod 10.
    should we wait for the "normal mod 12 weapons"?

    Keeping it short:
    Less rng
    Dont lock content behind specific gear.
    Everfrost resistance may help but is definitely not needed if you character is built right. Mine is ok and i wont farm useless gear i dont want to wear only to access a dungeon
    Thanks for summing it all up. I'll just point sth else - adding even more new RP stones to the RP item cesspool is not a good idea devs.

    For the longest time Cryptic has chosen the path of frustration instead of the path of fun in their effort to make players p(l)ay. Keeping customers happy is one way to make money, unfortunately you cryptic guys always choose to frustrate your customers in order to make them p(l)ay. This great ip is wasted on pwe/cryptic studios.
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    @asterdahl I think it would makes sense to have these new marks and materials unbound, as they represent a potential reward for players who might not be interested in the actual weapons, as well as present another "fallback" option for those players who can't constantly tackle the new battle, but would like to have a chance at upgrading their gear.

    Seems like a win/win. Players finally get some BoE loot added to a very hard encounter that's worth selling, and other players have more avenues to upgrading gear.
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
  • demonmongerdemonmonger Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,350 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    Yea... I think it's time for me to retire from neverwinter.

    I still use golden dragon weapons at legendary rank for most of my combat.
    I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
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  • ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User

    would be better off making our current weapons Mythic, besides making new weapons all together

    With the RP system the way it is now, no thanks.....
  • feanor70118feanor70118 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,170 Arc User

    would be better off making our current weapons Mythic, besides making new weapons all together

    Absolutely not. The refinement grind is already beyond insane and is a justified cause of discontent and discouragement among new players. It should be slowly phased out, not made worse.

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  • urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User

    and if you want me to be honest we got enough damage in this game as it is, people out here doing plenty of damage, lol and we need more dmg stronger weapons WHAT?? makes no sense why you would cram new weapons down our throats, im really against your new weapon idea sure do what ever else you like, but anything but new weapons =(

    lol. The next update revolves entirely around the new weapons. A bit late at this point.
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  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    Player A - Please make professions relevant in some way. It's so lame that they are not needed for anything useful.

    Cryptic - *Does a thing to make professions relevant and needed.*

    Player B - I hate you for making professions relevant in some way. Needing stuff from professions is lame.

    Can't win!
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
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  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    Considering that the items in question are going to easily be one of the most easily obtained components, you're barking up the wrong tree. Lots of players do have rank 25 in professions having had a significant time to level them up, the materials are dirt cheap, and the tasks don't take long. Competition will drive the prices right down, or just ask a friend/guildmate to make it for a fair price. I doubt anyone stands to make a fortune or rule the market, but it does give crafters something ostensibly a slight bit martketable (even without masterwork).
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
  • frozenfirevrfrozenfirevr Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,475 Community Moderator
    edited November 2016
    emilemo said:

    metalldjt said:

    emilemo said:

    metalldjt said:

    Let me explain how this GEAR PROGRESSION that ironzerg is talkin, and it's just a blatant illusion that he is makin as a point.

    Module 0-1 where our weapons were the usual ones you could obtain as a REWARD from bosses or chest in DreadVault, and CN, afterwards the new module came with Fomorian, that clearly made them better than Ancient ones, few months later others were released dread legion and Fallen dragon with a new module, and for PvP there were the Profound weapons in trade for blades store, aswell as other ones that you could craft through black ice shapin, using black ice.

    Fomorian, Fallen dragon and Black ice weapon were all obtainable through crafting, by farming ingredients (sounds familiar to what we have now prepared for the new module)

    in module 4 we recived Legendary Belts and Weapons, we had the Golden Weapons that required everyone to finish TOD campaign, the CRAFTING AGE was DONE, so it began the REFINING AGE, not so long all Golden weapons were made obsolete by Elemental Weapons which it didnt take long for them to be obsolete and few months later Drowned, Earthen , Howling and Burning weapons came out, soon followed by stronghold and twisted.
    Do i think that they have to stop with this called "Gear Progression" ? THEY SURERLY HAVE TO.

    the new weapon is gated behind all of the failed attempts from above

    CRAFTING , exactly as fomorian, and also using REFINING aswell as the Golden... UAU GEAR PROGRESSION MY HAMSTEEEEEER.

    Real Progression would mean you release a new weapon as good as what we already have, and increase for all of them the RANK to 70, to ofcourse to make the new content relevant and also keep the old content relevant , the increasing in rank was even discussed by you DEVS when module 6 came out, you only choose to make the artifacts to mythical, as in you choose instead of releasing artifacts from rank 100 to 120, you choose from 100 - 140 and leave the artifact equipment alone, but it was mentioned on the forum by you DEVs that artifact equipment was also discussed to be rank 70 - mythical... what other good time to do that than now?

    How to do it, you release the new weapon with the same weapon damage as the others at rank 60, and further let us increase all the weapons to rank 69-max by refining, and use the new ingredients someth to craft so that we can get a new RAEGENT to maek the gear rank 70, this way you will achieve what you wanted, and keep the diversity goin on... OFC you still have to BALANCE THE SET BONUSES.

    so ironzerg , your whatso called GEAR PROGRESSION of what will be released by DEVS, is nothing else than a RECYCLED of the PAST FAILED ATTEMPTs

    All around good points, you nailed it. Ironzerg has no choice in the matter but to defend the dev's position and that is fine really. Whats not fine is that something like what you described is unlikely to happen, would be nice but unlikely. Heck I was really looking forward to playing with twisted weapons because I like them but now the simple increase of weapon damage makes them obsolete.. bummer
    DEVS MINDSET has completly FAILED these past 10 modules.

    REWARDS AGE = you could obtain weapons as a reward from dungeons dread vault and CN
    CRAFTING AGE = you could farmed the ingredients from the dungeons such as Malabog/Valindra or IWD
    REFINING AGE= you could have finish the campaign, or farm linus favor to obtain the weapons, and use botted RP to refine them.

    so for module 10.5 we have it all mixt up...bcus some guy thinked he had a good idea, if DEVS DO HAVE SUCH GREAT IDEAS, WHY DID WE HAD TO GO THROUGH 3 DIFFERENT AGES ... because you have whats so called unbeatable dev mindset.

    Dude I'm surprised they haven't banned you yet for naming and shaming the devs considering how sensitive our mods are.

    Looks like he is indeed banned. *slow clap*
    asterdahl said:

    All the new runic marks are available from Assault on Svardborg. You will only be able to upgrade from Epic to Legendary with marks obtained in the master version. In general, completing the master version will help you earn progress on the weapon faster.

    We're experimenting with this unique reward structure. If you can complete this difficult content, upgrading the relic weapon will actually be faster than a normal weapon, as special refinement items that grant extra RP when fed to a relic weapon will be available. Normal refinement items can also grant relic weapons refinement.

    In addition, as the legendary rank will require completion of master mode, it will be quite difficult to obtain. That being said, even the first rank of the new relic weapon is strong, and unlike standard artifact weapons at the uncommon level, it will have an open enhancement slot.

    For those who are not interested in endgame trials, we are not replacing marks of potency, union and power for upgrading all artifact weapons moving forward. The next set of weapons we release will be upgraded normally. However, we'd like to reward those of you who challenge this difficult content.

    More information will be coming in next week's Svardborg blog which talks more about the fight.

    More refinement items?! Seriously?! This is bloody insane! Do you play the game? I have all bag slots filled (incl. Runic, Greaters) and all bags other than the base bag are choke full of RP items, Mail and Bank too. Do you think we need more RP?!! Everybody's asking for lesser RP and you go ahead and increase it? Do you remember why Fusion was changed to Refinement?
  • macaran5123macaran5123 Member Posts: 122 Arc User

    ... Do you remember why Fusion was changed to Refinement?

    I have to admit I laughed out loud. If we still had Fusion instead of the "simpler refine system" I would have twice to three times as much bag space.

  • darthpotaterdarthpotater Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,262 Arc User
    We need a Refinement currency so you can burn all the rp and have that currency stored and wont use space like voninblood.

    Then when you want to refine a enchantment or weapon you use that resource. And if It is account shared via bank, better.

    The space needed is really out of hand even with all maxed. And mail storage will be dead in mod 10.5 Too!!!!

    I want space!!!
    Lescar PvE Wizard - Sir Garlic PvE Paladin
    Caturday Survivor
    Elemental Evil Survivor
    Undermontain Survivor
    Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
    Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
  • frozenfirevrfrozenfirevr Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,475 Community Moderator
    edited November 2016
    Post edited by frozenfirevr on
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User

    ... Do you remember why Fusion was changed to Refinement?

    I have to admit I laughed out loud. If we still had Fusion instead of the "simpler refine system" I would have twice to three times as much bag space.

    ??? "Do you remember why Fusion was changed to Refinement?" = To eliminate bag space issues... -_- Nobody is saying Fusion is better... Now I'm laughing out loud, or so I think @macaran5123 xP And, I seriously doubt you'd need 3x Bag Space with Fusion... If you had all 4 base enchantments from R5 to R12 in inventory, it needs 32 slots... The reagents we have itself is more than that, and they're only gonna increase...
    "I would have", not "I would use". He was also saying fusion would free up space.

    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
  • frozenfirevrfrozenfirevr Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,475 Community Moderator

    ... Do you remember why Fusion was changed to Refinement?

    I have to admit I laughed out loud. If we still had Fusion instead of the "simpler refine system" I would have twice to three times as much bag space.

    ??? "Do you remember why Fusion was changed to Refinement?" = To eliminate bag space issues... -_- Nobody is saying Fusion is better... Now I'm laughing out loud, or so I think @macaran5123 xP And, I seriously doubt you'd need 3x Bag Space with Fusion... If you had all 4 base enchantments from R5 to R12 in inventory, it needs 32 slots... The reagents we have itself is more than that, and they're only gonna increase...
    "I would have", not "I would use". He was also saying fusion would free up space.

    Okay... That was a misinterpretation xP I thought he said he'd need 3 times the bag space.
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