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How about Double AD weekend before new mod hits?

vteasyvteasy Member Posts: 708 Arc User
Hey all,

If you don't know already, some of the salvage gear is going down in value with the new mod (underdark rings). I am gonna assume that we will have chance to get higher worth gear from the new content.

What do you all think of having a double ad weekend before it hits as a final goodbye to the +1 and +2 underdark rings? Might be a good way to get ready for mod 10...


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    plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,292 Arc User
    I don't think it will happen with the Zax rate is so high. Don't get me wrong. I would like to see that happen as I stocked over 50 salvageable equipment since last 2xAD long time ago.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
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    someonediessomeonedies Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,257 Arc User
    nah, salvage is so boring.
    Dead 🔪
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    klangeddinklangeddin Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 882 Arc User
    ZAX is almost 500 and you want double AD?
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    vinceent1vinceent1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,264 Arc User
    how are underdark rings going down? not 3000 and 6000rad?
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    lwedarlwedar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 790 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    new rings salvage for 2000. I want double diamonds its been too long anyway
    "we all love this game and want it to thrive"
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    urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    vinceent1 said:

    how are underdark rings going down? not 3000 and 6000rad?

    2000 and 4000. It's BS and it'll have no real effect on the amount of AD entering the game so we still won't get 2x AD.
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    vteasyvteasy Member Posts: 708 Arc User
    lets do this
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    vteasyvteasy Member Posts: 708 Arc User
    I still believe
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    namelesshero347namelesshero347 Member Posts: 2,109 Arc User
    I think we'd have to see a severe AD deflation before they bring out 2xAD. At which point, the game would be truly dying.
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    silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    I personally dont think it would be good for the game, prices in AH will just increase. Your not making all that much difference, cash them in before the new mod.

    ostensible they are making the change to force geared players to cease farming t1s, as they provided the same salvage and daily AD + chance at a artifact. Per min runs of AD for t1 were about 1.7k -1.8 ad give or take, per return of t2, at around 1.4k- 1.5k .. so it was just marginally better, but it was a reason to run them. In the end if you did thousands of t1s, you would get 30++ artifacts to sell as well. This made a big difference honestly, netting a total increase return of closer to 2k a run per min of time.

    What could backfire on per min equation is how much increase of glyphs cost.. if blacks get to the ten to fifteen k range, it may actually = going back to t1s lol. They need to source out glyphs to random mob drops , to stabilize there need and return of pricing on them. Im 99.9% positive they didnt even think of that.

    This game has a hard time figuring out how to reward players.. as all they want you to do is run things thousands of times.

    As currently stands, t1 elol/vt nets better return , then CN , then nemo .. then t2s. This will swap to T2 run, then CN, then nemo , then t1. Per min ad.

    Such is life.

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    lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    Lowering the salvage amount again is a total joke. We're already getting a pittance from salvaging gear currently. I want the pre-Mod 6 salvage amounts again, which were decent and made farming dungeons worthwhile. 4k RAD for an epic Underdark ring that hardly ever drops? Sure thing... Remember they already nerfed the drop-rate for Underdark rings. It's hard enough getting one now and they want to give us 2k RAD for them? GTFO!
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
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    silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    There are still poeple complaining there is too much AD into the system, however, the only time I saw a true reduction of actual cost of items, is during the the Cwards and pwards were in the tbar.

    YOU really want to help out players? fight for cwards and pwards to and r5s back into the game, that would be 10000x more of a help to players.

    Half of you fight the wrong fights.

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    beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    Not bloody likely. *Maybe* once they get the salvage value nerfs in place they'll finally come through with 2xAD events that were promised back when they removed it from Leadership. But I'd be skeptical of even that much happening. It's way too easy for PC's exchange rate to hit the max value and stay there for long periods, even now.

    I'd love official firm confirmation that 2xAD events are still not planned on happening any time soon, as I've not yet salvaged my hoard and could really stand to reclaim that much inventory space, but I'm reluctant to do it until the last possible minute because of Cryptic's track record for an incredible sense of timing.

    I can tell you what the general reaction is going to be if they do hold a 2xAD event right after everyone gets rid of any salvage they were holding though:

    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
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    pr3stigexpr3stigex Member Posts: 419 Arc User

    I personally dont think it would be good for the game, prices in AH will just increase. Your not making all that much difference, cash them in before the new mod.

    ostensible they are making the change to force geared players to cease farming t1s, as they provided the same salvage and daily AD + chance at a artifact. Per min runs of AD for t1 were about 1.7k -1.8 ad give or take, per return of t2, at around 1.4k- 1.5k .. so it was just marginally better, but it was a reason to run them. In the end if you did thousands of t1s, you would get 30++ artifacts to sell as well. This made a big difference honestly, netting a total increase return of closer to 2k a run per min of time.

    What could backfire on per min equation is how much increase of glyphs cost.. if blacks get to the ten to fifteen k range, it may actually = going back to t1s lol. They need to source out glyphs to random mob drops , to stabilize there need and return of pricing on them. Im 99.9% positive they didnt even think of that.

    This game has a hard time figuring out how to reward players.. as all they want you to do is run things thousands of times.

    As currently stands, t1 elol/vt nets better return , then CN , then nemo .. then t2s. This will swap to T2 run, then CN, then nemo , then t1. Per min ad.

    Such is life.

    So geared players should be less rewarded for running the content they are geared for like T2's while lower geared players continue running T1's which are more profitable? How about raising the profit margin on t2's instead.
    Lash Urzoth 3.7k GWF, Pr3sTiGe 3k SW.
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    virsalus#4183 virsalus Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    There may be "too much" AD in the system, the problem is that new players DO NOT HAVE ANY of that. Prices however are DETERMINED by the amount of AD in the system. The result is that new players are not able to afford ANYTHING. Taking away sources of AD will NOT solve that problem. Unless of course new players buy ZEN beforehand which they can use to buy AD...
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    strumslingerstrumslinger Member, NW_CrypticDev, Cryptic Developer Posts: 1,724 Cryptic Developer
    I heard somewhere that there's a rumor of 2x AD never coming back. This is untrue! 2x AD will be coming back in the future. The exact timing I can't say though. Not up to me :(.

    Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)!
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    scathiasscathias Member Posts: 1,174 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    See strum, they said that when AD was removed from leadership we would be seeing 2x AD events. Since then we have only had that first event and then exactly zip since then. We get 3 2x enchant events within 2 months and lots of seal events and such, but not a single double AD.
    Double AD is what they will put out, possibly, if they royally mess us over somehow and want to distract the masses for a bit (like last time). Now that is a very negative view, but it is the only one that makes sense. farmable AD generation keeps getting reduced, the salvage changes for mod 10 are just the latest hit to this. Yeah some costs have gone down and weeklies have AD, but things like gmops/smops/pres wards are still primarily bought with AD (gmops and smops drop so incredibly rarely that farming that content for them is not viable) and pres wards are zen store (and then onto the AH) only. RP keeps getting harder to farm so people resort to buying it, but prices go up because it is harder to farm.

    I'd love it if there was no reason to run 2x AD events, a balanced game is much more enjoyable than having to save everything until an event so that you can make meaningful progress (cough 2x RP cough)
    Guild - The Imaginary Friends
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    silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    edited July 2016

    "So geared players should be less rewarded for running the content they are geared for like T2's while lower geared players continue running T1's which are more profitable? How about raising the profit margin on t2's instead. " (snipped from pr3stigex)

    No.. that wasnt my point really, many a month ago, I pointed out HOW bad t2s were in rewards, because after you got the old t2 gear (quickly replaced by the 2 dragonflight/dusk or elemental drow combinations) they were basically worthless.

    Then they nerfed boss drops (they used to at one point , each boss had a good chance at dropping one, now it much reduced) .

    In addition VT and ELOL both droped artifacts worth between 380-500k for the last year.. I won 35 or so myself of these. It of course took thousands of runs to get that.. but each one was a good 2-3 day reduction of grinding time, plus I was able at the time to gear out all of my alts with losty set with it.

    This made the 1 piece of guaranteed purple per t2 run worth the same as a t1 blue (never shouldve been that way anyways), but for the added couple extra mins of running one, it actually = less then running a t1.

    It made no sense ever. ITs just like edemo vs nemo.. apparently most of the difference in rewards is twisted ichor, well if you dont need twisted ichor, you can bam out a nemo with no thought of team set ups to around 6 mins for a gauranted blue ring (soon to be decreased) making it not a great per se replacement for a t1, but if you already run dungeons all day.. adding nemos into the mix wasnt a bad addition of AD..

    Edemo should drop guaranteed PURPLE each time.. plus a MUCH higher increase of legendary chance.

    There SIMPLY hasnt been a great thought out process of progressed material, because they want to limit progression as slowly as possible. Its the players choice to take the most efficient route possible.

    BTW if your running only like 5 dungeons a day on only 1 or 2 toons, I usually tell people to do CN.. the t1 grinding only really works per min with good setups that can farm it in 5-6 mins each give or take and multiple toons (I do 5-6 classes a day x 2) with the vip package on salvage this worked well in terms of AD creation.

    The less alts you run, the more CN works out to your advantage, its really bad in terms of overall stability of loot projection, but if you get a few lucky RNG strikers you actually come out ahead.

    But Ive literally done up to 6-7 CNs in a row for nothing more then 1 salvage blue.. with the second chest not worth opening.

    Oh well.

    We will see what all the new dungeon loot is eventually.. heck maybe that will make it into the mix.

    I miss the old t2s.. and the old salvage pricing thats for sure. If nothing else , fixed standard cost items , you could progress quicker on (like gmops/smops)

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    beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    I agree. "Let them have double AD" does seem to be ultimately reserved for distractive purposes. While some positive changes have been implemented in the AD overhaul, salvage is an integral part of most players' income in the aftermath, and there's no disguising that the proposed changes to that are a huge blow to them once again. And while we were told that having steady income stripped away (for your own good!) would be compensated with the return of these events, we've had only to watch while that never actually manifested. But you took idols out of lockboxes, and removed the ability to buy Drake seals in IWD. You've reduced salvageable drops multiple times, and apparently that's still not enough.

    It honestly would not surprise me at all if they run 2xAD as a "surprise" right after pushing through the salvage changes, in the hamfisted fashion of some other event scheduling (GMoP price reduction on XBox, for example, directly followed a 2xRP event). I'd be disappointed, but not surprised.

    I am mostly annoyed by not being able to plan ahead properly. That bothers me a great deal.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
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    vteasyvteasy Member Posts: 708 Arc User

    I heard somewhere that there's a rumor of 2x AD never coming back. This is untrue! 2x AD will be coming back in the future. The exact timing I can't say though. Not up to me :(.

    yeah Strum! backing me up :) I'm just saying it would be really cool if we had it before the mod hit. Would go a long way to soothe over the salvage changes.

    also this thread was made so that we could all get behind something. Surprised at the turn it has taken...
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    oliboypholiboyph Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 627 Arc User
    vteasy said:

    I heard somewhere that there's a rumor of 2x AD never coming back. This is untrue! 2x AD will be coming back in the future. The exact timing I can't say though. Not up to me :(.

    yeah Strum! backing me up :) I'm just saying it would be really cool if we had it before the mod hit. Would go a long way to soothe over the salvage changes.

    also this thread was made so that we could all get behind something. Surprised at the turn it has taken...
    Time to start stocking some Zen.
    "As the good archmage often admonishes me, I ought not to let my mind wander, as it's too small to go off by itself." -Danilo Thann[/quote]
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    sorce#8115 sorce Member Posts: 1,009 Arc User
    Would also start soothing us over the surprise changes to invoking AD (which ain't mention in the preview patch notes at all).
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    virsalus#4183 virsalus Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited July 2016

    Would also start soothing us over the surprise changes to invoking AD (which ain't mention in the preview patch notes at all).

    Said changes being?


    I take it you're referring to this?

    So no more direct rAD per invocations but capped rAD bonuses that stack. Why do they keep coming up with stuff like that? They're not improving the experience that way.

    @panderus @terramak

    Are Cryptic even realizing how big they are messing things up? THEY made it possible for these passive AD income sources to be established. Who in their right mind who did NOT want this to happen made it possible to have 50 character slots per account in the first place? Did they really think people would actually be playing 50 different chars? Of course they would use those slots to set up a system to get some passive AD via the given game mechanics.

    It is only NOW after lots of work and possibly quite some money (to buy slots for example) have flown into the game that they decide this is a bad thing and they put more and more restrictions on passive AD sources into the game. This is crazy. Do they think people with more than 10 characters will take this lightly? They are rendering those surplus character slots more and more useless without offering anything in return to compensate.

    This has to be the biggest insult in the faces of players since removing AD from Leadership. And observing how Cryptic are handling things it probably won't even be the last. Why should anyone keep bothering with investing time in this game if they keep taking away possibilities to do things after players have heavily invested in them?
    Post edited by virsalus#4183 on
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    silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    2xad is only a small time frame.. it helps only players who can run excessive dungeons, it will not help for the loss of upcoming changes of AD to invoking at all.

    That will not smooth me over one little bit.

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