I hadn't have time to read all posts, but after new preview build is up I will definitely test HB/SB and all rotions I will feel useful. I'd like to try every encounter/power but I don't have that much time
Mod 10: [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Killing Flames deals 16636893 (1009292) Fire Damage to Ethraniev Marrowslake.
Mod 9: [Combat (Self)] Your Murderous Flames deals 376274433 (18876929) Fire Damage to Red Tiamat Head.
treesclimberMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,161Arc User
edited August 2016
@bloodyspammer maybe you should try other power rotation, i've almost soloed bearclan tribe invasion, one of the HE's i consider most dificult in IWP.
The problem i see with HB and HR archer and that makes them a disavantage is the speed of runs where SS timed well can take huge bites out of critters HP while HB has to wait recharge time. About pop i never really thought in using it in continuous fight, only in fix rooms, prababily increase area wouldnt hurt.
@bloodyspammer maybe you should try other power rotation, i've almost soloed bearclan tribe invasion, one of the HE's i consider most dificult in IWP.
The problem i see with HB and HR archer and that makes them a disavantage is the speed of runs where SS timed well can take huge bites out of critters HP while HB has to wait recharge time. About pop i never really thought in using it in continuous fight, only in fix rooms, prababily increase area wouldnt hurt.
Ohh I try other power rotations. I actually have 2 power rotations for my furry Hellbringer. One DoT + TT combo. Second Fire + gate of hell. First one for hard group/monsters including dungeons Second for non epic dungeons and trash cleaning.
But also I checking other trees and most importantly checking is there are possible to implement PoP and other changes in gameplay. And check if u can notice its benefits in gameplay at all. Not like ~1% performance increase over old build
So for today I made Hellbringer: temptation (offensive version)
At wills: hand of blight + hellish rebuke Encounters: BoVA + PoP + Vampiric embrace Feature: no pity no mercy + prince of hell Daily power: Gate of hell + accursed soul(panic button)
Obviously dmg and survivability still remain one BovA. While its on u can go to face large group of monsters. PoP provide kinda some benefits. But itself without BoVa its simply can't provide enough DR for survivability. And biggest problem remain, if monsters have CC ability u are screwed up. Vampiric embrace provided this build warlock only to restore HP until BoVa recharge. And its performance in battle where same as HP potion, Thats mean his main role where to be as mini buffer until real life restoration via BoVa starts.
Feedback: at will: hellish rebuke As for Hellish rebuke, without trying hide in soft words I can say simple. >Sucks as hell<, U hit with DoT which dmg comes by time, and u facing group of them. Even if TempLock have feat to increase damage ressisance by Hellish rebuke affected targets. Its still 1 monsters from 20 who attack you. Suggestion: implement Cw's master of flame Scorching Burst mechanic to Hellish rebuke and its dps and performance boost up ~200%. For templock adding Hellish Condemnation effect. warlock gain high survivability. For Furry high aoe DoT For Damination..... ( need testing, but probably still boost anyway) </font>
Feedback: daily power: Accursed soul Good, work as panic button. But still provide high chance to die while casting this power even after draining HP. Suggestion: remove effect to apply lesser curse to enemies who where damage/life drained. Add: Dc's sun burst aoe Cc effect which push all surounding monsters away. Benefits: survivability after using this power boost up 50%++++
Feedback: encounter: Pillar of Power. Small range, no covering combat advantage losing. No ability to even chance to resist CC from monsters which mean they can throw u like ball from one side to other. Over all still PoP is hard to utilize, and mainstream players will probably skip it at all.
Suggestion: add extra feature: Negate combat advantage loosing when monsters surround warlock and hit from all side. add feature: chance ~30 to resist/negate incoming CC effect. Adjustment: widen area of effect to be same size as BoVa adjustments: buff overall encounters dmg itself, Possible that PoP dmg and provided damage reduction debuff combo would deal at least ~80% of BoVA done in its effect time. add feature/require information: Still lack info since I love do stuffs alone. Does this power provide extra benefits to party or its buff warlock only? If possible add ability to other players get benefits from this power. Benefits: would be powerful power which would attract more warlocks to play HB. Power boost require to cover current dmg lack by choosing this power over others. Not mentioned there is no tool to counter any CC effects in pve. So kill any reason to go meele fight agains them. :
Overall. Looks nice, After testing in epic dungeon would be clear is such build is good or not, But its clear, old templock style to bulldoze through dungeon is posible with templock.
Suggestion: feat Vengeful Curse merge it with Infernal Wrath - Your Lesser Curse also causes the target to have 1/2/3/4/5% less Damage Resistance<<<</div> to give benefits for own and team mates. And boost temptation warlock performance over all.
Feedback: Encounter: curse bite. Sucks as hell. do try combo, BoVa + PoP + Curse bite and dmg so bad. That for moment I stopped use it and I didn't notice lacking dmg... So its sucks beyond understanding. Not only lack dmg, he can't get boosted via feats, neither have any effect. I have no idea why he exist at all. He is same as Deadly Curse feature, which is total nonsense. And requires either to be cut out and replaced or remodel.
Suggestion: class feature: Warding Curse freed up from curse bounding. Let this power provide its effect without needing to curse. Add extra: either life steal or any other defensive ability;
Suggestion: class feature:no pity no mercy in tool tip write numbers how many Combat advantage u get when u land crit hit. Add: crit severity or outgoing dmg boost by ~5% Reason: more space for builds, plus this power is Ok only if u land crit. Plus artifact weapon already provide same effect. So over all its dmg would be lifted even more over all. Regardless if he hit cursed or non cursed target.
Post edited by hadestemplar#9918 on
======================================================================== “The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim. Gustave Le Bon. ==================================================
@bloodyspammer maybe you should try other power rotation, i've almost soloed bearclan tribe invasion, one of the HE's i consider most dificult in IWP.
The problem i see with HB and HR archer and that makes them a disavantage is the speed of runs where SS timed well can take huge bites out of critters HP while HB has to wait recharge time. About pop i never really thought in using it in continuous fight, only in fix rooms, prababily increase area wouldnt hurt.
Ohh I try other power rotations. I actually have 2 power rotations for my furry Hellbringer. One DoT + TT combo. Second Fire + gate of hell. First one for hard group/monsters including dungeons Second for non epic dungeons and trash cleaning.
But also I checking other trees and most importantly checking is there are possible to implement PoP and other changes in gameplay. And check if u can notice its benefits in gameplay at all. Not like ~1% performance increase over old build
So for today I made Hellbringer: temptation (offensive version)
At wills: hand of blight + hellish rebuke Encounters: BoVA + PoP + Vampiric embrace Feature: no pity no mercy + prince of hell Daily power: Gate of hell + accursed soul(panic button)
Obviously dmg and survivability still remain one BovA. While its on u can go to face large group of monsters. PoP provide kinda some benefits. But itself without BoVa its simply can't provide enough DR for survivability. And biggest problem remain, if monsters have CC ability u are screwed up. Vampiric embrace provided this build warlock only to restore HP until BoVa recharge. And its performance in battle where same as HP potion, Thats mean his main role where to be as mini buffer until real life restoration via BoVa starts.
Feedback: at will: hellish rebuke As for Hellish rebuke, without trying hide in soft words I can say simple. >Sucks as hell<, U hit with DoT which dmg comes by time, and u facing group of them. Even if TempLock have feat to increase damage ressisance by Hellish rebuke affected targets. Its still 1 monsters from 20 who attack you. Suggestion: implement Cw's master of flame Scorching Burst mechanic to Hellish rebuke and its dps and performance boost up ~200%. For templock adding Hellish Condemnation effect. warlock gain high survivability. For Furry high aoe DoT For Damination..... ( need testing, but probably still boost anyway) </font>
Feedback: daily power: Accursed soul Good, work as panic button. But still provide high chance to die while casting this power even after draining HP. Suggestion: remove effect to apply lesser curse to enemies who where damage/life drained. Add: Dc's sun burst aoe Cc effect which push all surounding monsters away. Benefits: survivability after using this power boost up 50%++++
Feedback: encounter: Pillar of Power. Small range, no covering combat advantage losing. No ability to even chance to resist CC from monsters which mean they can throw u like ball from one side to other. Over all still PoP is hard to utilize, and mainstream players will probably skip it at all.
Suggestion: add extra feature: Negate combat advantage loosing when monsters surround warlock and hit from all side. add feature: chance ~30 to resist/negate incoming CC effect. Adjustment: widen area of effect to be same size as BoVa adjustments: buff overall encounters dmg itself, Possible that PoP dmg and provided damage reduction debuff combo would deal at least ~80% of BoVA done in its effect time. add feature/require information: Still lack info since I love do stuffs alone. Does this power provide extra benefits to party or its buff warlock only? If possible add ability to other players get benefits from this power. Benefits: would be powerful power which would attract more warlocks to play HB. Power boost require to cover current dmg lack by choosing this power over others. Not mentioned there is no tool to counter any CC effects in pve. So kill any reason to go meele fight agains them. :
Overall. Looks nice, After testing in epic dungeon would be clear is such build is good or not, But its clear, old templock style to bulldoze through dungeon is posible with templock.
Suggestion: feat Vengeful Curse merge it with Infernal Wrath - Your Lesser Curse also causes the target to have 1/2/3/4/5% less Damage Resistance<<<</div> to give benefits for own and team mates. And boost temptation warlock performance over all.
Feedback: Encounter: curse bite. Sucks as hell. do try combo, BoVa + PoP + Curse bite and dmg so bad. That for moment I stopped use it and I didn't notice lacking dmg... So its sucks beyond understanding. Not only lack dmg, he can't get boosted via feats, neither have any effect. I have no idea why he exist at all. He is same as Deadly Curse feature, which is total nonsense. And requires either to be cut out and replaced or remodel.
Suggestion: class feature: Warding Curse freed up from curse bounding. Let this power provide its effect without needing to curse. Add extra: either life steal or any other defensive ability;
Suggestion: class feature:no pity no mercy in tool tip write numbers how many Combat advantage u get when u land crit hit. Add: crit severity or outgoing dmg boost by ~5% Reason: more space for builds, plus this power is Ok only if u land crit. Plus artifact weapon already provide same effect. So over all its dmg would be lifted even more over all. Regardless if he hit cursed or non cursed target.
So I started some rounds with HB fury. Stripped my legendary dog, took out 3x r12 Bondings, slotted an augment. power 28k, crit 16k, LS 2500 ...not enough I thougt about two options to go for a damagespec: 1. fury/damnation 30/10 using PoP for buffs etc or 2. fury/temp 25/15 using dark revelry skipping the use of PoP and gaining one damageencounter.
I went 10 point Damnation, 5 point Temp hopestealer and 3/3 soul reaper, all boons focussed on LS chance a bit, to cover the loss of 7k Lifesteal from SH boon, ending with 18% LS in combat and 13% out of combat. Otherwise maps like WoD or IWD should not be entered, makes no sense to me.
My setup is like this:
At Will: HoB+Heelish rebuke encounter: Bova (must have)+Pilla of Power (must have in this build) last encounter switchnig beteween: 1. Hadar hand-> pretty nice working with ACC and LC procs doing a constant prone effect to mobs 2. Curse bites, good burst damage vs mobgroups 3. Dread theft for heavy mpbsgroups, HE´s encounter
class feature: ACC (must have) for LC procs NPNM (optional) against mobs/trash Flames of empowerement (optional) since it is for singel target use -> 15% bonus damage stacking 3 times sounds good but is from no use to grind stuff. Prince of hell (optional) --> PVP or low level toon missing lifesteal, an option in case life get´s hard in WoD or tough encounter adding 9% Lifesteal wich is huge ! Slotting PoH I reach 21% LS, in combat 26% wich makes this setup pretty tanky. Having SH Boon you may not need PoH in PVE any more.
Daily for trash is gates of Hell --> deals solid damage like 100-200k and onehits mobs in that area refilling my AP pretty good. By sure a nice burst damage for low trashgroups, buffed in a group I am sure this will just onehit some areas in CN at once I can cast that daily at every singel mobgroup at least once even not having feats like Dust to Dust. The more I exercised the better the daily works, you only have to wait till the gate appears, a bit clumsy could be improved.
Impression: Entering a mobgroup I do : 3xWC , cast Bova and PoP and do some atwills Hellish rebuke and cast either CB or DT or Hadar Hand wich deals a pretty nice job proning cursed target, also working with LC. DT seems to deal some more damage and rises your Defense pretty good but espec. against groups with cc HoH is "handy"...:) Curse bite also deals solid damage but I am not convinced , underperforming is my first impression.
I do not have any probelms with mobgroups and HE´s in IWD. Pillar of power and Power of the nine hells do work having that buff/debuff active all time.
At mayor HE´s like hammerstone invasion it´s time for TT+hadar hand , casting hellish rebuke on mobs, filling the display with endless procs , keeping me alive. I have to kite these 5 elite mobs to avoid their prone and are in need of stamina, this may work with little changes of artifacts and boons. --> hellish rebuke is a pretty strong at will killing mobgroups alone and is nice for soloplay, nothing for clearing trash for sure.
Next attemp will be stripping my gear down to 2,5 IL but I am sure having SH Boon you won´t have big issues with content.
Atm I deal more damage on single target being HB fury than SB fury, due to Flames of empowerment and Pillar of power, my KF and Hellgate deal much higher numbers. Would be really intersting how much GoH deals in dungeons You clear mobgroups faster being HB than SB, you can feel the difference definitely, higher crits from encounter etc. In a group SB might get above leeching buffs, who knows.
Post edited by schietindebux on
ghoulz66Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,748Arc User
Curse Bite should deal double damage with WC and lesser curse on the target.
And still hoping for Gates of Hell's AoE getting a QoL improvement.
--> hellish rebuke is a pretty strong at will killing mobgroups alone and is nice for soloplay, nothing for clearing trash for sure.
Next attemp will be stripping my gear down to 2,5 IL but I am sure having SH Boon you won´t have big issues with content.
Hellish rebuke is not weakest power. But the way how u have to utilize is head pain. Even if u apply it, and even if u have feats which provide extra dps or effect. Its still work on single target. And what u will say about others 20+++ enemies? If it would be burst dmg as SB's at will: Essence Defiler then sure I don't mind current changes. But its DoT< so kinda tricky with it. So I suggested to add mechanic which have CW master of flame Scorching Burst. Longer u hold/charge = wider will be affected by Hellish rebuke. Now add feat/class feature combo with current changes have been done. So after Aoe hellish rebuke any encounter/ daily power, even primary at wills will done more dmg. So Flame of empowerment become more reasonable to use in dungeons or in any situation. Even in pvp would be big impact.
Atm I deal more damage on single target being HB fury than SB fury, due to Flames of empowerment and Pillar of power, my KF and Hellgate deal much higher numbers. In a group SB might get above leeching buffs.
Single target dmg output is stuff which warlock can always proud. But as mentioned before, its not like monsters in epic dungeon or in simple ares will stay in line and way till u apply Hellish rebuke to them all and start fight While they hitting you, you losing HP, so instead marking them with this at will I think majority of HB's would cast any other encounter to do dmg + heal.
Curse Bite should deal double damage with WC and lesser curse on the target.
And still hoping for Gates of Hell's AoE getting a QoL improvement.
For this moment I am more like happy with Current gate of hell changes. But as Curse bite, way way way not happy. Dmg low and bounded to Curse/lesser curse. Without TC is just not worth even cast. Even if use TC and apply currses Curse bite's dmg done still low beyond understanding. I think Simple Hand of blight hit does more dmg that Curse bite, not mentioned he have cool time<.
Post edited by hadestemplar#9918 on
======================================================================== “The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim. Gustave Le Bon. ==================================================
--> hellish rebuke is a pretty strong at will killing mobgroups alone and is nice for soloplay, nothing for clearing trash for sure.
Next attemp will be stripping my gear down to 2,5 IL but I am sure having SH Boon you won´t have big issues with content.
Hellish rebuke is not weakest power. But the way how u have to utilize is head pain. Even if u apply it, and even if u have feats which provide extra dps or effect. Its still work on single target. And what u will say about others 20+++ enemies? If it would be burst dmg as SB's at will: Essence Defiler then sure I don't mind current changes. But its DoT< so kinda tricky with it. So I suggested to add mechanic which have CW master of flame Scorching Burst. Longer u hold/charge = wider will be affected by Hellish rebuke. Now add feat/class feature combo with current changes have been done. So after Aoe hellish rebuke any encounter/ daily power, even primary at wills will done more dmg. So Flame of empowerment become more reasonable to use in dungeons or in any situation. Even in pvp would be big impact.
Atm I deal more damage on single target being HB fury than SB fury, due to Flames of empowerment and Pillar of power, my KF and Hellgate deal much higher numbers. In a group SB might get above leeching buffs.
Single target dmg output is stuff which warlock can always proud. But as mentioned before, its not like monsters in epic dungeon or in simple ares will stay in line and way till u apply Hellish rebuke to them all and start fight While they hitting you, you losing HP, so instead marking them with this at will I think majority of HB's would cast any other encounter to do dmg + heal.
Curse Bite should deal double damage with WC and lesser curse on the target.
And still hoping for Gates of Hell's AoE getting a QoL improvement.
For this moment I am more like happy with Current gate of hell changes. But as Curse bite, way way way not happy. Dmg low and bounded to Curse/lesser curse. Without TC is just not worth even cast. Even if TC dmg still low beyond understanding. I think Simple Hand of blight hit does more dmg that Curse bite, not mentioned he have cool time
Hellish rebuke works in soloplay against elite mobs pretty good and against single target, I said it is not benefitial to clear trash in 2 seconds. I have to disagree about tankyness and gameplay. I cut through mobgroups in IWD using POP, BoVa and Arms of hadar finishing with GoH, it works pretty easy and I have no issues with getting killed all 30 seconds. The usage of shift+Bova+Pillar works good and the extradamage from Pillar is an advatage vs SB who is quite slower farming that spot. Gates of hell performs ok in singleplay, a bit slow but if nothing is left after casting that spell, I am fine. Take rampaning madness and elven fury it´s a big powerboost, get some LS from feats and boons on PTR to have at least 20% LS, otherwise lot´s of classes will suk in IWD/WoD.
Hellish rebuke works in soloplay against elite mobs pretty good and against single target, I said it is not benefitial to clear trash in 2 seconds
Keeping DoT at will only for strong enemies. Hmm kinda interesting idea. Thats mean 80% of time u don't use it at all. And even if u get in front of Elite monster. This power will not take him down, and more chance that u will cast encounter to take him down.
Plus making at will which suppose to be most used powers only to be usable for 2 times per 30min or even less times. Actually kill reason even keep it. But as I wrote before, its not for me to judge other players gameplay
Also I think u misunderstand my idea. Its not like it would do more dmg. it would do same dmg as it does now. Just the way how u apply slightly changes. To be fair here i link video where u can see how CW's master of flame at will work and this is how I suggest it should work. Just mechanic to apply DoT. https://youtu.be/ar29T1opvL4?t=4m6s
I have to disagree about tankyness and gameplay. I cut through mobgroups in IWD using POP, BoVa and Arms of hadar finishing with GoH, it works pretty easy and I have no issues with getting killed all 30 seconds.
Even before changes, without guild boons with my warlock I do not have problem to take down group of monsters in icewind dale or dwarf valley. Actually I am surprised when players claim that is too hard to fight there at all. Plus tank build is about ability go against multiple targets with medium dmg. And I don't think is possible for 2.5k SW with tank build die easly in icewind dale. Unless u do it on purpose, and most time read book/letter/sms rather looking in your pc screen
The usage of shift+Bova+Pillar works good and the extradamage from Pillar is an advatage vs SB who is quite slower farming that spot.
SB slower? How so? Pick BoVa + Fiery bolt and Arm of hadar and u can go same speed as HB or even more faster. Or even Fiery bolt + BoVa + KF, and also most of monsters would die fast, and if happens that strong one will be among them u take him with KF< or even with SS. So this statement is kinda interesting one, and I would like to see such situation.
Gates of hell performs ok in singleplay, a bit slow but if nothing is left after casting that spell, I am fine. Take rampaning madness and elven fury it´s a big powerboost, get some LS from feats and boons on PTR to have at least 20% LS, otherwise lot´s of classes will suk in IWD/WoD.
elvish fury, rampaging madness, also u can add twisted weapon sets Bloodlust power boost. Guild power boost. These makes gameplay easy.
I use boons. But also When I compare to other striker I know that they will use them too. So more like I exclude boons, insignias, mounts and companions when write suggestions.
======================================================================== “The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim. Gustave Le Bon. ==================================================
Two reasons why HB encounter deal much better damage. One is known for long, the otherone was improved significant and is worth to build arround using the feat from damnation tree.
Pillar of power-buff /debuff : In addition to increasing your damage, it now also grants you damage resistance while you stand within it. The Pillar no longer builds up and explodes when an enemy enters it. Instead, it lowers the enemies damage and damage resistance, and deals damage to them.
NPNM grants combat advatage against a whole mobgroup in case one of your powers crit, -->significant more damage
Gates of Hell is a very huge aoe spell imo. I recognized hits up to 350k and somewhere I saw a 550k using ACT running solo, no clue how, maybe a incidental buff.
That´s why SB is slower in grinding for sure. You said HB is too squishy and powerless, I only can write what I experiece atm. And that´s no squishy nor powerless class. It might be problematic to hold against a CW and a GWF in terms of aoe, but in case I cast my daily GoH fully buffed down the corridor after first CN-boss, I don´t know what class should do anything against those numbers. 350k solo will be much better in a group !
HB even will outdamage a SB in PVP having prince of hell (14% RI+9% LS), in case you can get enough LS on top some might give it a try, who knows. 14% Resistance ignored is pretty nice and 9% Lifesteal from a classfeature on top i huge! Since CD is a huge damagesource now, I fear there are not much options to run any other tree in PVP, temptation will lack in damage desperately, I fear
treesclimberMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,161Arc User
edited August 2016
This page has simply great ideas. Adding double damage to curse bite on targets with wc + lc seems great idea but i wonder how the damage would compare to single target habilities in single target.
About helish rebulke the spread idea seems very good and also justified by helish condemnation being so bad. My sugestión: 2 seconds after the appliance of Helish rebulke it will contamine another target nearby and so on and so on. All the dots would trigger 1 stack of flames of empowerment that could use a buff in multi target.
Some consolidation on others HB class features would also make sence:
Npnm: If you already had c.a. Over the target all the sources of c.a. over that target will deal 5/6/7/8 more damage to it. This is intended because of parties with renegade cw's, gwf, hr were npnm has it's boost highly decreased.
Prince of hell, if you're already piercing through all the target armor it will simply work has a damage addition.
As for Soul binder: Ss damage reduced by 30%, a chance to regain all the 6 soul sparks back in each attack of 10/12/14/16% and stunning your target, cast time slightly reduced.
In adition to this also a boost of 5% to all single target encounter powers and at-wills to bring HB closer to SB.
POP area increased to 20' instead 13'. And DoT over targets increased by 50%(yeah 50% go over to some enemies and watch the dot).
So for today I made Hellbringer: temptation (offensive version)
At wills: hand of blight + hellish rebuke Encounters: BoVA + PoP + Vampiric embrace Feature: no pity no mercy + prince of hell Daily power: Gate of hell + accursed soul(panic button)
First guy to test the worst of the worst : Hellbringer Temptation ! WOW ! I GIVE YOU ONE COOKIE ! Errr ... THE WHOLE COOKIE PACKET !!!
I'll try to test it too, next time.
This time I've (re)tested the Soulbinder Temptation with "the close combat build" in solo. At wills: Hand of blight (+ artifact debuff) + (put something here) Feature: Borrowed Time + "Lesser Cursing on critical" Encounters: HarrowStorm + BoVA + DT Daily : "SlowMoting" + "Panic button (found to be useless)"
Feat: Lesser Curses do 5% debuff ( as i haven't ArPen SH boon ).
It's sooooooo loooooong but soloing IWD HE "Protecting the marchants" and "Auril Totem" is by far possible for a 2.5k. ( At least a decent 2.5k ^^ )
The result is a cute little circle of mob surrounded by AoE with a warlock doing small move and hitting like a crazy. That look more like a vampire, if the green smoke of SW powers was red.
Some remarks/infos: # To be using the debuff at-will only, I need a Synergy build to avoid using the "spark at-will". Those 3 spark generator's encounters are doing a great job. # HarrowStorm is hard to place when surrounded ( soooo loooong to cast ! ), often need to time it just after BoVA or run further but then breaking the cute little circle of death --> Less dammage, less debuff then less heal = it doesn't smell good. # Borrowed Time is a just a must, +13k HP every 2 seconds . 4k life steal is so far behind. I add my purple healer compagnion, 4/5 mounts healing powers, healing boons and healing artifact. Then it's okay, potions are just for show. # I took the SlowMotion daily to see how it's trolling. And suprisingly it work with the cute little circle, it give me movement advantage, Yeah ! # I never used the panic button daily, cuz this debuff build give time to see things going bad, so I just run 10 metters see if it's better, if not then I run for good. So it's possible to slot a daily for anohter purpose.
Conclusion: changes to do: + Self heal for Temptation. I say it again, even if that's already so obvious. ( Reliying on Mounts powers for that is a real shame. ) + Overall dammage improvement ( that's soooo looooong to finish anything, and I can always die a miserable death ... ) + Reduction of HarrowStorm casting time
+ Change color of SW power smoke for Parangons ! ( Cuz the contract is not with the same demon lord ! ) # Fury keep the creepy green # Damnation ?blue/violet? # Temptation red/purple/pink
Adding double damage to curse bite on targets with wc + lc seems great idea but i wonder how the damage would compare to single target habilities in single target.
About helish rebulke the spread idea seems very good and also justified by helish condemnation being so bad.
My sugestión: 2 seconds after the appliance of Helish rebulke it will contamine another target nearby and so on and so on. All the dots would trigger 1 stack of flames of empowerment that could use a buff in multi target.
Curse bite. I have couple ideas: 1) remove cool time, add debuff effect and slightly increase dmg to make more appealing to use this power. 2) little bit increase damage done by this power, add short ~3s DoT effect. 3) little bit increase damage + add Furry tree: murderous flames feat bonus effect which convert this power to small range aoe. (for furry tree), Temptation: add extra effect tear 4 feat: that by using this power cause target slow down or stun for ~2s. Or transform ~50% done dmg to his HP and ally HP. OR apply Heal over time. (still working with this suggestion) damination: tear 4 feat: curse bite affected targets stun for ~1s + apply short time DoT. 4) transform this power to Aoe dmg that would work as Killing flame + murderous flame combo at all.
However I am aware of what kind impact it could cause by combining with TC.
Some consolidation on others HB class features would also make sence:
Npnm: If you already had c.a. Over the target all the sources of c.a. over that target will deal 5/6/7/8 more damage to it. This is intended because of parties with renegade cw's, gwf, hr were npnm has it's boost highly decreased.
Since this power No pity no mercy activates only after crit. I was hoping to add effect like crit severity boost ~5% as artifact offhand provide.
Prince of hell, if you're already piercing through all the target armor it will simply work has a damage addition.
I wonder if adding ~5% dmg more damage done as old Flames of Empowerment was. Would it be better option. Meanwhile life steal relocate to Warding Curse feature. So warding curse would be for survivability due 4% less damage reduction from cursed ones + life steal. And Prince of hell would become offensive one: current damage resist ignore + ~5% damage boost.
What do u think about such ideas??
======================================================================== “The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim. Gustave Le Bon. ==================================================
treesclimberMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,161Arc User
Debuff it's not a bad idea, but that would be a cost over damage, but that option would be to the developers to decide wich they want dps boost or debuff from curse bite.
I dont agree with DoT effect, we have enough dots already, if you watch fernuu's videos you will see many curse bites are cast near the end if the dot was added most probably beggining damage would be decreased.
I dont think adding specialties to a single encounter would be a good way to handle, it surelly would be the best way to balance the classes if applied to all encounters but remember i can perfectly build my sw without a cap feat, he wouldn't be good but possible.1 single approach it's best for all power's and specialization in feats if necessary.
Aoe it's not bad idea, no dots etc, straight damage.
Crit severity boost is already the acc off hand artifact class feature, the 5% dr diminuition (damage boost from all sorces) is really good i dont think it needs a change.
I dont know about prince of hell the thruth is i dont know why the ls was added, maybe there is a sence behind that.
My opinion about curse bite: Keep the idea of double damage on targets afflicted with wc, i think that would be enough to reach other powers, if not add the aoe you mention, but it would only be triggerable if 3 targets were affected by wc, it would be awesome if this aoe had the lightnight enchant visual effect but in green conecting the 3 cursed targets, but this part i'm dreaming already.xD
@amenar is it possible for temptation capstone in addition to its current effect also apply healing depression to cursed targets? Something like Warlock's Cursed targets receive less healing equal to 2x the warlocks life steal chance. Lesser curve can apply this effect to NPCs.
This can be great pvp utility and also help slower damage dealing templocks to keep enemies in pve from healing.
I hadn't have time to read all posts, but after new preview build is up I will definitely test HB/SB and all rotions I will feel useful. I'd like to try every encounter/power but I don't have that much time
Try gates of hell while in pillar of power, I use Feytouched and I've seen crit as high as 285k on mobs in Icewind Pass, I wonder how much could you hit for, if you got buffed and used vorpal.
I think HB can become a nice buffer supporter pve build too.
I've tested GoH and can't reach that high numbers, got max 120k on dummy
I use NPNM+ACC, PoP plus one critical encounter for Combat advantage leads to 255.000 in sharandar and 196.000 in WoD max. hits (WoD and IWD = 15% less from all sources, i recently learned), wearing an augment (not maxed) 3.3IL i get Do you got all power boosts like rampening madness, elven fury, eldrichs runestone, insigniaboni, if you use wheel on top it will get 30% more (I did not) Low level mobgroups get wiped sometimes and GoH deals a big part of overall damage.
Frankly the ideas of decreasing incoming and/or outgoing healing on cursed target I would put them on deadly curse because frankly the feature would at last live to its name and it would be limited to a feature that would be a tactical choice for PvP, not a freebie from a feat tree
treesclimberMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,161Arc User
Frankly the ideas of decreasing incoming and/or outgoing healing on cursed target I would put them on deadly curse because frankly the feature would at last live to its name and it would be limited to a feature that would be a tactical choice for PvP, not a freebie from a feat tree
Agreed and it's little more than useless at it's current state (patches included).
pyrosorcererMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 137Arc User
Another idea could be making the new effect for warlocks curse to decrease incoming healing a paragon mechanic for the Hellbringer to compete with the sparks.
For example making Hellbringer change warlocks curse to Hellbringers curse making the target take 30% more damage (this will divide as usual between targets, but is a bit more than regular soulbinder) and the target recieves 100% less healing (75% if on a player)
Then the warlock could have a unique role and be very useful in a party, especially in pvp.
Frankly the ideas of decreasing incoming and/or outgoing healing on cursed target I would put them on deadly curse because frankly the feature would at last live to its name and it would be limited to a feature that would be a tactical choice for PvP, not a freebie from a feat tree
Frankly the ideas of decreasing incoming and/or outgoing healing on cursed target I would put them on deadly curse because frankly the feature would at last live to its name and it would be limited to a feature that would be a tactical choice for PvP, not a freebie from a feat tree
For pvp good, for pve questionable. Plus in pvp regeneration from insignia still is biggest problem. However I wonder if such feature like curse which decrease regeneration and incoming healing rate implement to Curse bite? In pvp would be outstanding encounter. Imagine Infernal Spheres, hunting PermStealth TR, Spheres hit and apply lesser curse, then bang u hit with Curse bite.. After than TR would have hard time in pvp :P
As for curse mechanic augmentation. Hmm, In some way I like. But then we stuck on 3 targets only, boosting other curses for Hellbringer would make epic rage/complains from other class players.. Even now either live or preview I met players who claim that SW's curse mechanic provide to extreme dmg outcome.. Also imagine Tyrannical threat with such combo.. ? Then it would negate current adjustments. Some time ago I even though what if we add extra feature for curse mechanic to boost up life steal chances. And thats how boost up over all warlocks survivability chances.
Post edited by hadestemplar#9918 on
======================================================================== “The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim. Gustave Le Bon. ==================================================
pyrosorcererMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 137Arc User
edited August 2016
Feedback: Vengeful Curse
For five feat points only a 10% chance to proc lesser curse on enemy hitting you is a bit low, and boosting this to 20% at max would make this feat more viable. This way it could be a nice way to proc some lesser curses by sacrifising some damage from another feat that would boost damage.
(From a PvE perspective, in PvP you probably will be hit plenty for this to be enough)
For five feat points only a 10% chance to proc lesser curse on enemy hitting you is a bit low, and boosting this to 20% at max would make this feat more viable. This way it could be a nice way to proc some lesser curses by sacrifising some damage from another feat that would boost damage.
(From a PvE perspective, in PvP you probably will be hit plenty for this to be enough)
yeah such chance rates to apply lesser curse is way to low. So + for idea Also suggestion, add extra. effect: ~20% chance that next incoming hit redirects ~15% incoming hit back to attacker. =======================================
Also needs information for Furry warlock feat.
Executioner's Gift- At-Will and Encounter powers deal up to an additional 3/6/9/12/15% Necrotic damage as the target's health diminishes.
And I notice that this feat only start to work only monster/target have ~30% remained. Till that no effect at all. Aren't it have to work once targets HP start to decrease???
Plus also I would suggest to increase boost values for this feat 5/10/15/20/25% ===========================================================
@amena from this list changes which will probably reviewed on stream I assume changes for warlock ended?? Or do we still have some hopes?
======================================================================== “The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim. Gustave Le Bon. ==================================================
So I went for Hellbringer Templock as sentenced to death ... I simply take back everything I could have said before about it.
You need lot's of LifeSteal (I've 30%), but with that it's wonderfull, PvE things melt while you face tank in a spam of Pillars ! Tested as the Soulbinder: in IWD soloing "Protecting Marchant" and "Auril Totem" in a duration bringing more than twice more shame to the Soulbinder (SB is still way more secure).
I still don't know what it willl be for low IL (under 2.5K) those will probably have the same hard time without decent LS. I guess it will be SB till decent LS level is achieved then respec and go for HB.
NB : I still think (and want) distinct colors between Parangon is a good idea !
Frankly the ideas of decreasing incoming and/or outgoing healing on cursed target I would put them on deadly curse because frankly the feature would at last live to its name and it would be limited to a feature that would be a tactical choice for PvP, not a freebie from a feat tree
For pvp good, for pve questionable. Plus in pvp regeneration from insignia still is biggest problem. However I wonder if such feature like curse which decrease regeneration and incoming healing rate implement to Curse bite? In pvp would be outstanding encounter. Imagine Infernal Spheres, hunting PermStealth TR, Spheres hit and apply lesser curse, then bang u hit with Curse bite.. After than TR would have hard time in pvp :P
As for curse mechanic augmentation. Hmm, In some way I like. But then we stuck on 3 targets only, boosting other curses for Hellbringer would make epic rage/complains from other class players.. Even now either live or preview I met players who claim that SW's curse mechanic provide to extreme dmg outcome.. Also imagine Tyrannical threat with such combo.. ? Then it would negate current adjustments. Some time ago I even though what if we add extra feature for curse mechanic to boost up life steal chances. And thats how boost up over all warlocks survivability chances.
Increased lifesteal vs cursed targets is a great idea.
I think it has to be enough to test stuff and sacrifice my time on PTR. Giving a prove for obvious bugs or not working feats like MF rank 4 and lots of more stuff will just take too much time in my case, uploading videos and screenshot. Otherwise it´s up to you @tssq2014 to do so to get things improved and take part in a constructive way. Waiting for your feedback and some nice pics and videos
maybe a BUG: Flames of Empowerment: No longer increases your damage when your AP is full. Instead, applies a debuff to your target when you hit them with an At-Will power. This debuff increases the damage you deal to the target by 2% (+1% per rank, to a max of 5%), and stacks up to 3 times.
This classfeature should stack 3 times, and it´s a huge buff (15% + damage) but the stacks disappear very fast and drop to 5% in no time, maybe there is some hidden bug that prevents those stacks from working correctly? I think this feature is a big issue for Hellbringer perform on singel targets, anyone recognized same effect?
@amenar please take a look into it and maybe fix or improve that feature by stabilizing those stacks before mod 10 starts. I recognized that hellish rebuke tends to not stack FoE correctly sometimes
Mod 10:
[Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Killing Flames deals 16636893 (1009292) Fire Damage to Ethraniev Marrowslake.
Mod 9:
[Combat (Self)] Your Murderous Flames deals 376274433 (18876929) Fire Damage to Red Tiamat Head.
The problem i see with HB and HR archer and that makes them a disavantage is the speed of runs where SS timed well can take huge bites out of critters HP while HB has to wait recharge time. About pop i never really thought in using it in continuous fight, only in fix rooms, prababily increase area wouldnt hurt.
Ohh I try other power rotations. I actually have 2 power rotations for my furry Hellbringer. One DoT + TT combo. Second Fire + gate of hell.
First one for hard group/monsters including dungeons
Second for non epic dungeons and trash cleaning.
But also I checking other trees and most importantly checking is there are possible to implement PoP and other changes in gameplay. And check if u can notice its benefits in gameplay at all. Not like ~1% performance increase over old build
As for He, maybe latter I will check it.
So for today I made Hellbringer: temptation (offensive version)
At wills: hand of blight + hellish rebuke
Encounters: BoVA + PoP + Vampiric embrace
Feature: no pity no mercy + prince of hell
Daily power: Gate of hell + accursed soul(panic button)
Obviously dmg and survivability still remain one BovA. While its on u can go to face large group of monsters.
PoP provide kinda some benefits. But itself without BoVa its simply can't provide enough DR for survivability. And biggest problem remain, if monsters have CC ability u are screwed up.
Vampiric embrace provided this build warlock only to restore HP until BoVa recharge. And its performance in battle where same as HP potion, Thats mean his main role where to be as mini buffer until real life restoration via BoVa starts.
Feedback: at will: hellish rebuke
As for Hellish rebuke, without trying hide in soft words I can say simple. >Sucks as hell<, U hit with DoT which dmg comes by time, and u facing group of them. Even if TempLock have feat to increase damage ressisance by Hellish rebuke affected targets. Its still 1 monsters from 20 who attack you.
Suggestion: implement Cw's master of flame Scorching Burst mechanic to Hellish rebuke and its dps and performance boost up ~200%.
For templock adding Hellish Condemnation effect. warlock gain high survivability.
For Furry high aoe DoT
For Damination..... ( need testing, but probably still boost anyway)
Feedback: daily power: Accursed soul
Good, work as panic button. But still provide high chance to die while casting this power even after draining HP.
Suggestion: remove effect to apply lesser curse to enemies who where damage/life drained.
Add: Dc's sun burst aoe Cc effect which push all surounding monsters away.
Benefits: survivability after using this power boost up 50%++++
Feedback: encounter: Pillar of Power.
Small range, no covering combat advantage losing. No ability to even chance to resist CC from monsters which mean they can throw u like ball from one side to other. Over all still PoP is hard to utilize, and mainstream players will probably skip it at all.
Suggestion: add extra feature: Negate combat advantage loosing when monsters surround warlock and hit from all side.
add feature: chance ~30 to resist/negate incoming CC effect.
Adjustment: widen area of effect to be same size as BoVa
adjustments: buff overall encounters dmg itself, Possible that PoP dmg and provided damage reduction debuff combo would deal at least ~80% of BoVA done in its effect time.
add feature/require information:
Still lack info since I love do stuffs alone. Does this power provide extra benefits to party or its buff warlock only?
If possible add ability to other players get benefits from this power.
Benefits: would be powerful power which would attract more warlocks to play HB. Power boost require to cover current dmg lack by choosing this power over others. Not mentioned there is no tool to counter any CC effects in pve. So kill any reason to go meele fight agains them.
Overall. Looks nice, After testing in epic dungeon would be clear is such build is good or not, But its clear, old templock style to bulldoze through dungeon is posible with templock.
Suggestion: feat Vengeful Curse
merge it with Infernal Wrath - Your Lesser Curse also causes the target to have 1/2/3/4/5% less Damage Resistance<<<</div>
to give benefits for own and team mates. And boost temptation warlock performance over all.
Feedback: Encounter: curse bite.
Sucks as hell. do try combo, BoVa + PoP + Curse bite and dmg so bad. That for moment I stopped use it and I didn't notice lacking dmg... So its sucks beyond understanding.
Not only lack dmg, he can't get boosted via feats, neither have any effect.
I have no idea why he exist at all. He is same as Deadly Curse feature, which is total nonsense. And requires either to be cut out and replaced or remodel.
Suggestion: class feature: Warding Curse
freed up from curse bounding. Let this power provide its effect without needing to curse.
Add extra: either life steal or any other defensive ability;
Suggestion: class feature:no pity no mercy
in tool tip write numbers how many Combat advantage u get when u land crit hit.
Add: crit severity or outgoing dmg boost by ~5%
Reason: more space for builds, plus this power is Ok only if u land crit. Plus artifact weapon already provide same effect. So over all its dmg would be lifted even more over all. Regardless if he hit cursed or non cursed target.
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.
power 28k, crit 16k, LS 2500 ...not enough
I thougt about two options to go for a damagespec:
1. fury/damnation 30/10 using PoP for buffs etc or
2. fury/temp 25/15 using dark revelry skipping the use of PoP and gaining one damageencounter.
I went 10 point Damnation, 5 point Temp hopestealer and 3/3 soul reaper, all boons focussed on LS chance a bit, to cover the loss of 7k Lifesteal from SH boon, ending with 18% LS in combat and 13% out of combat.
Otherwise maps like WoD or IWD should not be entered, makes no sense to me.
My setup is like this:
At Will: HoB+Heelish rebuke
encounter: Bova (must have)+Pilla of Power (must have in this build)
last encounter switchnig beteween:
1. Hadar hand-> pretty nice working with ACC and LC procs doing a constant prone effect to mobs
2. Curse bites, good burst damage vs mobgroups
3. Dread theft for heavy mpbsgroups, HE´s encounter
class feature:
ACC (must have) for LC procs
NPNM (optional) against mobs/trash
Flames of empowerement (optional) since it is for singel target use -> 15% bonus damage stacking 3 times sounds good but is from no use to grind stuff.
Prince of hell (optional) --> PVP or low level toon missing lifesteal, an option in case life get´s hard in WoD or tough encounter adding 9% Lifesteal wich is huge ! Slotting PoH I reach 21% LS, in combat 26% wich makes this setup pretty tanky.
Having SH Boon you may not need PoH in PVE any more.
Daily for trash is gates of Hell --> deals solid damage like 100-200k and onehits mobs in that area refilling my AP pretty good. By sure a nice burst damage for low trashgroups, buffed in a group I am sure this will just onehit some areas in CN at once
I can cast that daily at every singel mobgroup at least once even not having feats like Dust to Dust.
The more I exercised the better the daily works, you only have to wait till the gate appears, a bit clumsy could be improved.
Entering a mobgroup I do : 3xWC , cast Bova and PoP and do some atwills Hellish rebuke and cast either CB or DT or Hadar Hand wich deals a pretty nice job proning cursed target, also working with LC.
DT seems to deal some more damage and rises your Defense pretty good but espec. against groups with cc HoH is "handy"...:)
Curse bite also deals solid damage but I am not convinced , underperforming is my first impression.
I do not have any probelms with mobgroups and HE´s in IWD. Pillar of power and Power of the nine hells do work having that buff/debuff active all time.
At mayor HE´s like hammerstone invasion it´s time for TT+hadar hand , casting hellish rebuke on mobs, filling the display with endless procs , keeping me alive.
I have to kite these 5 elite mobs to avoid their prone and are in need of stamina, this may work with little changes of artifacts and boons.
--> hellish rebuke is a pretty strong at will killing mobgroups alone and is nice for soloplay, nothing for clearing trash for sure.
Next attemp will be stripping my gear down to 2,5 IL but I am sure having SH Boon you won´t have big issues with content.
You clear mobgroups faster being HB than SB, you can feel the difference definitely, higher crits from encounter etc.
In a group SB might get above leeching buffs, who knows.
And still hoping for Gates of Hell's AoE getting a QoL improvement.
Hellish rebuke is not weakest power. But the way how u have to utilize is head pain. Even if u apply it, and even if u have feats which provide extra dps or effect. Its still work on single target. And what u will say about others 20+++ enemies?
If it would be burst dmg as SB's at will: Essence Defiler then sure I don't mind current changes.
But its DoT< so kinda tricky with it. So I suggested to add mechanic which have CW master of flame Scorching Burst. Longer u hold/charge = wider will be affected by Hellish rebuke.
Now add feat/class feature combo with current changes have been done.
So after Aoe hellish rebuke any encounter/ daily power, even primary at wills will done more dmg.
So Flame of empowerment become more reasonable to use in dungeons or in any situation. Even in pvp would be big impact.
Single target dmg output is stuff which warlock can always proud. But as mentioned before, its not like monsters in epic dungeon or in simple ares will stay in line and way till u apply Hellish rebuke to them all and start fight
For this moment I am more like happy with Current gate of hell changes.
But as Curse bite, way way way not happy. Dmg low and bounded to Curse/lesser curse. Without TC is just not worth even cast. Even if use TC and apply currses Curse bite's dmg done still low beyond understanding. I think Simple Hand of blight hit does more dmg that Curse bite, not mentioned he have cool time<.
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.
I have to disagree about tankyness and gameplay. I cut through mobgroups in IWD using POP, BoVa and Arms of hadar finishing with GoH, it works pretty easy and I have no issues with getting killed all 30 seconds.
The usage of shift+Bova+Pillar works good and the extradamage from Pillar is an advatage vs SB who is quite slower farming that spot.
Gates of hell performs ok in singleplay, a bit slow but if nothing is left after casting that spell, I am fine.
Take rampaning madness and elven fury it´s a big powerboost, get some LS from feats and boons on PTR to have at least 20% LS, otherwise lot´s of classes will suk in IWD/WoD.
Thats mean 80% of time u don't use it at all. And even if u get in front of Elite monster. This power will not take him down, and more chance that u will cast encounter to take him down.
Plus making at will which suppose to be most used powers only to be usable for 2 times per 30min or even less times. Actually kill reason even keep it.
But as I wrote before, its not for me to judge other players gameplay
Also I think u misunderstand my idea. Its not like it would do more dmg. it would do same dmg as it does now. Just the way how u apply slightly changes.
To be fair here i link video where u can see how CW's master of flame at will work and this is how I suggest it should work. Just mechanic to apply DoT.
Even before changes, without guild boons with my warlock I do not have problem to take down group of monsters in icewind dale or dwarf valley. Actually I am surprised when players claim that is too hard to fight there at all.
Plus tank build is about ability go against multiple targets with medium dmg. And I don't think is possible for 2.5k SW with tank build die easly in icewind dale. Unless u do it on purpose, and most time read book/letter/sms rather looking in your pc screen
Or even Fiery bolt + BoVa + KF, and also most of monsters would die fast, and if happens that strong one will be among them u take him with KF< or even with SS.
So this statement is kinda interesting one, and I would like to see such situation.
elvish fury, rampaging madness, also u can add twisted weapon sets Bloodlust power boost. Guild power boost. These makes gameplay easy.
I use boons. But also When I compare to other striker I know that they will use them too. So more like I exclude boons, insignias, mounts and companions when write suggestions.
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.
One is known for long, the otherone was improved significant and is worth to build arround using the feat from damnation tree.
Pillar of power-buff /debuff : In addition to increasing your damage, it now also grants you damage resistance while you stand within it. The Pillar no longer builds up and explodes when an enemy enters it. Instead, it lowers the enemies damage and damage resistance, and deals damage to them.
NPNM grants combat advatage against a whole mobgroup in case one of your powers crit,
-->significant more damage
Gates of Hell is a very huge aoe spell imo. I recognized hits up to 350k and somewhere I saw a 550k using ACT running solo, no clue how, maybe a incidental buff.
That´s why SB is slower in grinding for sure. You said HB is too squishy and powerless, I only can write what I experiece atm. And that´s no squishy nor powerless class.
It might be problematic to hold against a CW and a GWF in terms of aoe, but in case I cast my daily GoH fully buffed down the corridor after first CN-boss, I don´t know what class should do anything against those numbers.
350k solo will be much better in a group !
HB even will outdamage a SB in PVP having prince of hell (14% RI+9% LS), in case you can get enough LS on top some might give it a try, who knows. 14% Resistance ignored is pretty nice and 9% Lifesteal from a classfeature on top i huge!
Since CD is a huge damagesource now, I fear there are not much options to run any other tree in PVP, temptation will lack in damage desperately, I fear
Adding double damage to curse bite on targets with wc + lc seems great idea but i wonder how the damage would compare to single target habilities in single target.
About helish rebulke the spread idea seems very good and also justified by helish condemnation being so bad.
My sugestión: 2 seconds after the appliance of Helish rebulke it will contamine another target nearby and so on and so on. All the dots would trigger 1 stack of flames of empowerment that could use a buff in multi target.
Some consolidation on others HB class features would also make sence:
Npnm: If you already had c.a. Over the target all the sources of c.a. over that target will deal 5/6/7/8 more damage to it. This is intended because of parties with renegade cw's, gwf, hr were npnm has it's boost highly decreased.
Prince of hell, if you're already piercing through all the target armor it will simply work has a damage addition.
As for Soul binder: Ss damage reduced by 30%, a chance to regain all the 6 soul sparks back in each attack of 10/12/14/16% and stunning your target, cast time slightly reduced.
In adition to this also a boost of 5% to all single target encounter powers and at-wills to bring HB closer to SB.
POP area increased to 20' instead 13'. And DoT over targets increased by 50%(yeah 50% go over to some enemies and watch the dot).
I'll try to test it too, next time.
This time I've (re)tested the Soulbinder Temptation with "the close combat build" in solo.
At wills: Hand of blight (+ artifact debuff) + (put something here)
Feature: Borrowed Time + "Lesser Cursing on critical"
Encounters: HarrowStorm + BoVA + DT
Daily : "SlowMoting" + "Panic button (found to be useless)"
Feat: Lesser Curses do 5% debuff ( as i haven't ArPen SH boon
It's sooooooo loooooong but soloing IWD HE "Protecting the marchants" and "Auril Totem" is by far possible for a 2.5k.
( At least a decent 2.5k ^^ )
The result is a cute little circle of mob surrounded by AoE with a warlock doing small move and hitting like a crazy.
That look more like a vampire, if the green smoke of SW powers was red.
Some remarks/infos:
# To be using the debuff at-will only, I need a Synergy build to avoid using the "spark at-will". Those 3 spark generator's encounters are doing a great job.
# HarrowStorm is hard to place when surrounded ( soooo loooong to cast ! ), often need to time it just after BoVA or run further but then breaking the cute little circle of death --> Less dammage, less debuff then less heal = it doesn't smell good.
# Borrowed Time is a just a must, +13k HP every 2 seconds
# I took the SlowMotion daily to see how it's trolling. And suprisingly it work with the cute little circle, it give me movement advantage, Yeah !
# I never used the panic button daily, cuz this debuff build give time to see things going bad, so I just run 10 metters see if it's better, if not then I run for good. So it's possible to slot a daily for anohter purpose.
Conclusion: changes to do:
+ Self heal for Temptation. I say it again, even if that's already so obvious. ( Reliying on Mounts powers for that is a real shame. )
+ Overall dammage improvement ( that's soooo looooong to finish anything, and I can always die a miserable death ... )
+ Reduction of HarrowStorm casting time
+ Change color of SW power smoke for Parangons ! ( Cuz the contract is not with the same demon lord ! )
# Fury keep the creepy green
# Damnation ?blue/violet?
# Temptation red/purple/pink
Curse bite. I have couple ideas:
1) remove cool time, add debuff effect and slightly increase dmg to make more appealing to use this power.
2) little bit increase damage done by this power, add short ~3s DoT effect.
3) little bit increase damage + add
Furry tree: murderous flames feat bonus effect which convert this power to small range aoe. (for furry tree),
Temptation: add extra effect tear 4 feat: that by using this power cause target slow down or stun for ~2s.
Or transform ~50% done dmg to his HP and ally HP. OR apply Heal over time. (still working with this suggestion)
damination: tear 4 feat: curse bite affected targets stun for ~1s + apply short time DoT.
4) transform this power to Aoe dmg that would work as Killing flame + murderous flame combo at all.
However I am aware of what kind impact it could cause by combining with TC.
Npnm: If you already had c.a. Over the target all the sources of c.a. over that target will deal 5/6/7/8 more damage to it. This is intended because of parties with renegade cw's, gwf, hr were npnm has it's boost highly decreased.
Since this power No pity no mercy activates only after crit. I was hoping to add effect like crit severity boost ~5% as artifact offhand provide.
Meanwhile life steal relocate to Warding Curse feature.
So warding curse would be for survivability due 4% less damage reduction from cursed ones + life steal.
And Prince of hell would become offensive one: current damage resist ignore + ~5% damage boost.
What do u think about such ideas??
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.
I dont agree with DoT effect, we have enough dots already, if you watch fernuu's videos you will see many curse bites are cast near the end if the dot was added most probably beggining damage would be decreased.
I dont think adding specialties to a single encounter would be a good way to handle, it surelly would be the best way to balance the classes if applied to all encounters but remember i can perfectly build my sw without a cap feat, he wouldn't be good but possible.1 single approach it's best for all power's and specialization in feats if necessary.
Aoe it's not bad idea, no dots etc, straight damage.
Crit severity boost is already the acc off hand artifact class feature, the 5% dr diminuition (damage boost from all sorces) is really good i dont think it needs a change.
I dont know about prince of hell the thruth is i dont know why the ls was added, maybe there is a sence behind that.
My opinion about curse bite: Keep the idea of double damage on targets afflicted with wc, i think that would be enough to reach other powers, if not add the aoe you mention, but it would only be triggerable if 3 targets were affected by wc, it would be awesome if this aoe had the lightnight enchant visual effect but in green conecting the 3 cursed targets, but this part i'm dreaming already.xD
This can be great pvp utility and also help slower damage dealing templocks to keep enemies in pve from healing.
Well Endowed (Xbox)
Do you got all power boosts like rampening madness, elven fury, eldrichs runestone, insigniaboni, if you use wheel on top it will get 30% more (I did not)
Low level mobgroups get wiped sometimes and GoH deals a big part of overall damage.
For example making Hellbringer change warlocks curse to Hellbringers curse making the target take 30% more damage (this will divide as usual between targets, but is a bit more than regular soulbinder) and the target recieves 100% less healing (75% if on a player)
Then the warlock could have a unique role and be very useful in a party, especially in pvp.
However I wonder if such feature like curse which decrease regeneration and incoming healing rate implement to Curse bite?
In pvp would be outstanding encounter. Imagine Infernal Spheres, hunting PermStealth TR, Spheres hit and apply lesser curse, then bang u hit with Curse bite.. After than TR would have hard time in pvp :P
As for curse mechanic augmentation. Hmm, In some way I like. But then we stuck on 3 targets only, boosting other curses for Hellbringer would make epic rage/complains from other class players.. Even now either live or preview I met players who claim that SW's curse mechanic provide to extreme dmg outcome.. Also imagine Tyrannical threat with such combo.. ? Then it would negate current adjustments.
Some time ago I even though what if we add extra feature for curse mechanic to boost up life steal chances. And thats how boost up over all warlocks survivability chances.
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.
For five feat points only a 10% chance to proc lesser curse on enemy hitting you is a bit low, and boosting this to 20% at max would make this feat more viable. This way it could be a nice way to proc some lesser curses by sacrifising some damage from another feat that would boost damage.
(From a PvE perspective, in PvP you probably will be hit plenty for this to be enough)
So + for idea
Also suggestion,
add extra. effect: ~20% chance that next incoming hit redirects ~15% incoming hit back to attacker.
Also needs information for Furry warlock feat.
Executioner's Gift- At-Will and Encounter powers deal up to an additional 3/6/9/12/15% Necrotic damage as the target's health diminishes.
And I notice that this feat only start to work only monster/target have ~30% remained. Till that no effect at all. Aren't it have to work once targets HP start to decrease???
Plus also I would suggest to increase boost values for this feat
@amena from this list changes which will probably reviewed on stream I assume changes for warlock ended?? Or do we still have some hopes?
p.s anyone know name of neverwinters game engine?
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.
I simply take back everything I could have said before about it.
You need lot's of LifeSteal (I've 30%), but with that it's wonderfull, PvE things melt while you face tank in a spam of Pillars !
Tested as the Soulbinder: in IWD soloing "Protecting Marchant" and "Auril Totem" in a duration bringing more than twice more shame to the Soulbinder (SB is still way more secure).
I still don't know what it willl be for low IL (under 2.5K) those will probably have the same hard time without decent LS.
I guess it will be SB till decent LS level is achieved then respec and go for HB.
NB : I still think (and want) distinct colors between Parangon is a good idea !
Giving a prove for obvious bugs or not working feats like MF rank 4 and lots of more stuff will just take too much time in my case, uploading videos and screenshot.
Otherwise it´s up to you @tssq2014 to do so to get things improved and take part in a constructive way.
Waiting for your feedback and some nice pics and videos
maybe a BUG:
Flames of Empowerment: No longer increases your damage when your AP is full. Instead, applies a debuff to your target when you hit them with an At-Will power. This debuff increases the damage you deal to the target by 2% (+1% per rank, to a max of 5%), and stacks up to 3 times.
This classfeature should stack 3 times, and it´s a huge buff (15% + damage) but the stacks disappear very fast and drop to 5% in no time, maybe there is some hidden bug that prevents those stacks from working correctly?
I think this feature is a big issue for Hellbringer perform on singel targets, anyone recognized same effect?
@amenar please take a look into it and maybe fix or improve that feature by stabilizing those stacks before mod 10 starts.
I recognized that hellish rebuke tends to not stack FoE correctly sometimes