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general difficulty of all dungeons



  • araneaxaraneax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 639 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    What it comes down to, in the end Is 2 tires of players with different opinions on what the game represents and are constantly trying to prove their side of the view.

    First one are the players who do not find a challenge in Neverwinter , as a game, any more.

    The first one is divided to a few sub-classes.

    1. Players who are here for a longer period of time, have adapted as the game changed and can do a CN without effort by pure will, effort and ts. With low level gear-score, as shown in vid. Great vid, by the way . Not everyone can do it. You really do need ts to pull one like that. It is a bit harder with pug groups. Especially if there is a lang. barrier.

    2. Players who are maxed out. Have alts. Are basically BIS. And find no challenge within the game.
    Since they are over 4k there is really nothing to do for them except wait for harder difficulty .
    And i understand that. No problem.

    3. Players who quit the game, but are still hanging around, and do not feel it is not a challenge, waiting for a better time, or a change, in order to come back. ( No problem, i have a few friends who are just waiting for the new dungeon to come back )
    And are here to say the first two are not correct in their opinion about difficulty.

    And the second tire would be :

    1. New players who are still adapting to the game.... in game i can say i know a lot of them, still struggling to learn the ropes. :smile: Also , have in mind not all are as skilled or did play an mmorpg before nw. It happens.

    2. Players who are still leveling their gear and where not here when you could get an ench for 50k a piece. Or easy AD, or when we had to learn how to do Lair of the Pirate King, Dread Vault... Old castle never, Spellplague Caverns, Caverns of Karrundax,Frozen Heart,Mad dragon, Throne of Idris, Cloak Tower.
    For us it was an exp. For new guys they do not have that exp. Even if you take they where here, when old Cn was run i was still playing around with T2s and collecting fashion items. I miss that days.. :smile:

    3. Players who do not feel that the current dungeons are not challenging and feel the difficulty should be reduced:smile:

    4. And last but not least players who are still here on nw for an average and longer length of time and feel that it is challenging enough and we should think about little ones and their leveling and learning. The whole process we all passed and have some understanding of what they are going through.

    Just to say, this is not trolling, and no offense was meant by this post. This is also not a jab at anyone. It is just my observation of the current situation . =)

  • ajlir#7970 ajlir Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    araneax said:

    Just to say, this is not trolling, and no offense was meant by this post. This is also not a jab at anyone. It is just my observation of the current situation . =)

    And the gap between those 2 types are getting wider by each mod. Oh well. You have a point there. I'm bickering with the wrong people.
  • bitt3rnightmar3bitt3rnightmar3 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 788 Arc User

    My point is that the game is so broken and the content is so broken that there are players who can do it without gear, artifacts, companions etc. and groups who don't know how to play as a group fail. Don't you think that it's a problem that people with a gs from 300-900 can do CN easily? I wanted to prove that the problem is not only bondingrunestones, gear, stats etc. The problem is the general design of dungeons. I don't know why you can't understand what I want to point out.

    My friends and I have done this for fun. We made a drinking game out of it. XD This is one reason why I get kinda annoyed when people start asking for item level requirements to do dungeons like 3k+. If you learn what you are doing item level is completely meaningless. I really really can't wait to hear more about Fangbreaker island. I'm interested in a challenge and more over- an actually new dungeon. However there are things in this game that are more rewarding for me than loot. Helping people learn dungeons or get gear is really something I enjoy doing. I often would rather do T1s or T2s with people who are still trying to get geared up or gain experience in hopes to help them than run with people who are only interested in 'How quick can we kill the dungeon' easy street. It's why I'm still a healer DC after all this time.
    Relmyna - AC/DC Righteous + Haste| Nadine - CW MoF (working on it)|Buffy - GF SM Tact| Hrist - Justice Tankadin|Healadin (Wannabe Tank)| Lena -MI Sabo TR (Farmer) | Jeska - GWF SM Destroyer (Farmer) | Maggie - HR PF Trapper (Wannabe DPS)
    I'll never retrace my steps.

    Some of my best friends are Imaginary.

  • isabisab Member Posts: 9 Arc User

    @isab, what are you talking? You saw the video? This was CN. The dungeon which was the hardest of all time in this game. Supposed to be the content for endcontent-players. We did it. We do it everyday. What do you want us to do? Only running CN, getting bored and quit playing? Not even CN is hard, it's just boring. I don't get it.

    Then why run even easier content? I do not understand why you claim you care about difficulty and then bother running easier things than what you claim is the hardest. Is it for the sake of novelty? I do understand that doing only the same thing would get stale, but then don't turn around, claim you care about difficulty and then join low level runs where you basically render most of the group members useless.

    I'll try to segment this to try and explain my point of view:

    1. See people whine about game difficulty.
    2. Shrug.
    3. Go in game, see people with your kind of gear joining 3 men instances or running content 1,500+ ilvl under what they have. And it's not even for the sake of helping people.
    4. Stares at the ridiculous ilvl requirement people ask for dungeons (in cases, 1,000+ ilvl than what someone remotely good would need to run an instance).
    5. Has issue understanding why people demand harder dungeons when they're bothering with even easier content or making the content a face roll by making utterly overpowered teams with insane ilvl requirements. Ego? Needs the attention? Weren't hugged enough as children?
  • isabisab Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    tom#6998 said:

    thx Isab you made my day
    cant stop laughing when reading your post :smile:


    Thanks! Glad I can make someone smile, even if it would be at my expense! :smiley:
  • wurmschwanzwurmschwanz Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 35 Arc User
    Still don't really get it. I run every dungeon because I want to do these dungeons. Because I like running dungeons. I don't do dungeons because I want to make other people feel bad. Why do you think it is not okay for people running 3 man dungeons with 3k ilvl or something like this? They run these dungeons because you can get fast, easy ad. Some people don't have time to do other dungeons, so they do these. And then there are players who farm eLoL because they want to. What is the problem? I do all the content, from 3 man dungeons with my low chars to CN, Tiamat, Edemo. Everything. Because I want to. And I still say: The difficulty of dungeons is not okay. Because there is no difficulty.
  • jaegernljaegernl Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 455 Arc User
    isab said:

    5. Has issue understanding why people demand harder dungeons when they're bothering with even easier content or making the content a face roll by making utterly overpowered teams with insane ilvl requirements. Ego? Needs the attention? Weren't hugged enough as children?

    Excellent flame-bait, but I'll try to explain.

    People with high IL don't have a Borg-like collective conciousness. Different people, different playstyles, different attitudes. Just as one shouldn't generalize about the people with a lower Item Level, you shouldn't generalize about people with high Item Level either.

    These inconsistenties you mention mean nothing if they don't come from the same person.
    Isaac the Adequate - Level 70 Oath of Protection Paladin
    Aurelius the Awkward - Level 70 Pathfinder Ranger
    We have looked into reports of players experiencing connection problems and have been unable to identify any server, data center, or client-side issues. We believe this may be ISP related.
  • tom#6998 tom Member Posts: 952 Arc User
    Isab question for you: do you only watch 1 Movie at TV. Everyday everytime only the same Movie. I guess not cause its getting borring after second third fourth or whatever time you watch it.
    So why you want to force us players to only do 1 dungeon all the time. Seems kinda boring for me.
  • weaver936weaver936 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited July 2016

    Anyone remember module 7 (I think)? They raised the difficulty and suddenly people complained that dungeons were too difficult. As a consequence they reverted (most of?) the changes.

    Also keep in mind that dungeons are meant to be run again and again and again. Loot is based on low chances. Most people will likely not want to run dungeons again and again if they fail again and again. If dungeons are too difficult and take too long to run they get pointless. It will feel like a waste of time then.

    Having to farm tons of Dungeoneering Shards also calls for quick dungeons.

    Now that you showed us how easy CN is for you please do this with eGWD and eCC? I'd like to see that.

    CN is more difficult than Underdark content and it came after UD.. right?... I think what people were complaining most about then was that they couldn't PUG with just anyone and succeed... because the Underdark content requires that people actually cooperate more than they were used to at the time. With ANY of the UD content... one person can ruin everything... at lest that was the case at first before most everyone got the rediculous new gear and Mount Bonuses etc available now and a monkey could do the content...

    Honetsly.. I LOOOOOOVE to hear Puggers squeel.... and qq.. I hate that this game (for most of it's life) has catered to puggers with micro-attention spans. They are the PRIMARY problem with this game and has ROTTED the community and game play since the beginning.
    “Improvise, Adapt and Overcome!”

    ― Clint Eastwood, Heartbreak Ridge

    Guild Leader of Ardent Justice HQ: Always recruiting People not Pixels.

    FOUNDER and OWNER of the SKT3K Channel: SKT Only Content 3k+. http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter/#/discussion/1228278/skt-content-for-the-non-elite-video-links-provided
  • darkdruid8darkdruid8 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15 Arc User
    I chuckle when I read posts like these, sure when you learn how the dungeons work and are coordinated with a group of friends it becomes much easier. At the same time plenty of other people fail to get through dungeons or struggle to find gear because of time zone constraints. Not everyone plays the game at peak hours. Not everyone has the same amount of time to learn all the tricks to farm the best equipment.

    If the game is so easy for you, make a new character, experiment with other builds. Why you can even make a foundry that is impossible packed with elite bosses and enemies for your friends to tackle if you wish. I do not think the game lacks difficulty rather the players just lack creativity. Also want a challenge? Enter a dungeon alone. There are plenty of options for you but keep in mind not everyone wants Demon Souls Online Prepare to Die with Your Friends Edition.

    The Developers upped the difficulty by making wild random changes in Elemental Evil and nearly killed the game. People hated it. You can check archived forums if you want. Everyone likes a challenge but not everyone likes the same sorts of challenges. Just try to keep that in mind. This is a massive multiplayer game. A casual one as you might call it just because it keeps a wide range of interests, ages and skill levels in mind. I am fine with that.
  • weaver936weaver936 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    deathbeez said:

    Anyone remember module 7 (I think)? They raised the difficulty and suddenly people complained that dungeons were too difficult. As a consequence they reverted (most of?) the changes.

    It was mod 6 and the majority of players quit including about 80/90% of my guild. I left for half a year. I should of stayed gone, but my GF is still in love with this game even though the writing is on the wall for it's future.

    You'd think they'd be smart enough by now to stop listening to 1 or 2% of their players.
    Lots of people struggle just to finish the T1s. Pug and you'll see it all the time. They don't post on this forum or have insane gear scores. If they develop this game further ignoring that bigger_then_ever gear-gap. It's over. This game can't survive with a player base of 50.
    Stop thinking players are employees. They have agendas, and will skip to the next game the moment your studio has locks on the doors.

    Do yourself a favor. Write down the names of the posters saying yata yata is too easy, use the find person feature in-game and see for yourself why they're so overpowered. They worked hard to do it (or paid). Lowest IL I ever saw for a forum-complainer about difficulty was about 3.4k.

    And THIS ladies and gentlemen is an example of WHY the Dungeons stay moronically easy. IF people are having trouble with a majority of the dungeons in game it's their OWN fault. It's likely because they are not part of a guild that actually knows how to do content. or Build their toons right.. or ANYTHING for that matter. To do MOST of any of these dungeons is SO simplistic.. if you have played this game more than 3 months and can't beat Tier 1 dungeons.. you either need to find a new guild that supports their membership... STOP running in PUGS... or get to know knowledgable helpful players... in other words be SOCIAL in this Massively MULTIPLAYER Online RPG...

    “Improvise, Adapt and Overcome!”

    ― Clint Eastwood, Heartbreak Ridge

    Guild Leader of Ardent Justice HQ: Always recruiting People not Pixels.

    FOUNDER and OWNER of the SKT3K Channel: SKT Only Content 3k+. http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter/#/discussion/1228278/skt-content-for-the-non-elite-video-links-provided
  • wurmschwanzwurmschwanz Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 35 Arc User
    Why should I join dungeons solo? This is a MMORPG! Focussed on guilds and alliances! There are two mods only about guilds. Foundry with super hard bosses? We tried it. But you only can put a certain amount of mobs in a foundry and they are all level 70 so they are weaker than mobs in campaign zones... We tried it, it was funny for about two days but after that it got boring because you can't create a real challenge in foundries. Other chars? I have three chars I play really often, I can't play my other chars because I don't have time for this. And why should I skill my chars ,,wrong" or in a way I don't like it only to make it harder because they is no real challenge?

    And you know what? My guild liked the difficulty of mod 6 because we needed teamplay again. Sure, the DR-Bug was annoying but they also decreased the dmg and the hp of the mobs. This was horrible and led to the situation right know.
  • ajlir#7970 ajlir Member Posts: 367 Arc User

    And you know what?

    I know nothing. Any tips, advice or links to clear out CN like you do? There are people who run CN without fail and I really appreciate if you give some. Thank you.
  • lantern22lantern22 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,111 Arc User

    And you know what? My guild liked the difficulty of mod 6 because we needed teamplay again. Sure, the DR-Bug was annoying but they also decreased the dmg and the hp of the mobs. This was horrible and led to the situation right know.

    I loved the difficulty of Mod 6! As a tank you really had to keep on your toes, Tanks and DC's were needed again after being outcasts in Mod 5. But I know that half our guild left at that time, so its not for everyone.

    I wish they would add "extra Epic" versions of all the dungeons with the Mod 6 touch.

    I fully agree that we want/need harder stuff, but leave the old stuff as is, give us new harder stuff.

    Really is that hard for the Mods to add a heap of ArP, HP etc. to the existing dungeons and make them a T2.5? Don't know.
  • superent666superent666 Member Posts: 133 Arc User
    Regarding creating more challenging content with the foundry: I did a lot of module-design for neverwinter nights 1 + 2. And even though that was an actual roleplaying game with stories and setting design being more important, it was possible to absolutely customize everything - from modeling the whole terrain to adjusting each and every monster. It was possible to script just about everything - so it was perfectly possible to absolutely adjust the challenge (in many ways). So I was a wee bit sad when I looked at the editor of this game.. :(
  • isabisab Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    tom#6998 said:

    Isab question for you: do you only watch 1 Movie at TV. Everyday everytime only the same Movie. I guess not cause its getting borring after second third fourth or whatever time you watch it.
    So why you want to force us players to only do 1 dungeon all the time. Seems kinda boring for me.

    I do not, but here is the difference between your terrible analogy and what the whiners are saying: I do not make the claim that I want 1 type of movie, which I claim that I am only interested into and then proceed to watch every genre out there. That's called pushing your agenda and, quite frankly, being a liar.

    What I am denouncing is the dissonance between what many of you claim to want and what you do. You claim to want difficulty and then proceed to do everything in your power to take decisions which effectively makes the content as easy as possible. There is a certain level of hypocrisy in that.

    Do you ever demand a certain i.lvl, in a group, that is above what's honestly needed to run it?
    Are you ever biased toward group composition in terms of classes?
    Do you run content that is FAR easier than what you could because it is simply more rewarding to do so?
    Do you avoid running "tougher" content because it offers little incentive in terms of rewards?

    If you answered yes to any of those, then please stop with the hypocrisy--you don't really care about difficulty, you just want attention.
  • asterotgasterotg Member Posts: 1,742 Arc User
    isab said:

    tom#6998 said:

    Isab question for you: do you only watch 1 Movie at TV. Everyday everytime only the same Movie. I guess not cause its getting borring after second third fourth or whatever time you watch it.
    So why you want to force us players to only do 1 dungeon all the time. Seems kinda boring for me.

    I do not, but here is the difference between your terrible analogy and what the whiners are saying: I do not make the claim that I want 1 type of movie, which I claim that I am only interested into and then proceed to watch every genre out there. That's called pushing your agenda and, quite frankly, being a liar.

    What I am denouncing is the dissonance between what many of you claim to want and what you do. You claim to want difficulty and then proceed to do everything in your power to take decisions which effectively makes the content as easy as possible. There is a certain level of hypocrisy in that.

    Do you ever demand a certain i.lvl, in a group, that is above what's honestly needed to run it?
    Are you ever biased toward group composition in terms of classes?
    Do you run content that is FAR easier than what you could because it is simply more rewarding to do so?
    Do you avoid running "tougher" content because it offers little incentive in terms of rewards?

    If you answered yes to any of those, then please stop with the hypocrisy--you don't really care about difficulty, you just want attention.
    Thanks boss for telling us how to play or what to think.

    Bc I dont run the 'most difficult dungeon', that is not even difficult at all, all of the time, I am not allowed to complain.

    Bc I dare to think, that there should be something like a reward for completing a dungeon and that said reward should be better for more difficult dungeons, I should not complain.

    Bc I dont see a reward in 'beating challenging dungeons', that I completed hundreds of times and that are challenging, if you try to solo them, I am not allowed to ask for something that is really challenging.

    I think the basic problem here is, that we are playing different games. Some ppl play a game, they played for years and they had the gear and skill to complete the game 'as it is' years ago. Others think this is new exiting and difficult.

    Chars: CW, DC, GF, GWF, HR and TR.
  • weaver936weaver936 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    isab said:

    tom#6998 said:

    Isab question for you: do you only watch 1 Movie at TV. Everyday everytime only the same Movie. I guess not cause its getting borring after second third fourth or whatever time you watch it.
    So why you want to force us players to only do 1 dungeon all the time. Seems kinda boring for me.

    I do not, but here is the difference between your terrible analogy and what the whiners are saying: I do not make the claim that I want 1 type of movie, which I claim that I am only interested into and then proceed to watch every genre out there. That's called pushing your agenda and, quite frankly, being a liar.

    What I am denouncing is the dissonance between what many of you claim to want and what you do. You claim to want difficulty and then proceed to do everything in your power to take decisions which effectively makes the content as easy as possible. There is a certain level of hypocrisy in that.

    Do you ever demand a certain i.lvl, in a group, that is above what's honestly needed to run it?
    Are you ever biased toward group composition in terms of classes?
    Do you run content that is FAR easier than what you could because it is simply more rewarding to do so?
    Do you avoid running "tougher" content because it offers little incentive in terms of rewards?

    If you answered yes to any of those, then please stop with the hypocrisy--you don't really care about difficulty, you just want attention.

    We don't want content so easy you don't have to think and just queue randomly and know nothing about the game and end up carried by others (you know.. Pugging) We want content that REQUIRES you be smart and requires us to do the things you list as what INVALIDATES our desires to beat it.

    The huge difference between people like us that want harder content and people like you (it seems) is that we don't want things just handed to us.. SOME of us actually want to be challenge to think deeper than copy/pasting what someone else figured out and being CARRIED by the good players... in other words.. some of us don't like to be Pugs... (or even run with them).

    And we sure as h*ll don't want to have to NERF Ourselves to make the game interesting. Why should we have to do part of the Devs' just for them? Maybe you don't yet play on the level to know what I mean by Nerf ourselves.. maybe your everyday playing is nerfed and you make it through content anyways... so that's Normal for you... but.. I'm personally sick of having the ONLY thing challenge me in game be the stupidity of other players.
    “Improvise, Adapt and Overcome!”

    ― Clint Eastwood, Heartbreak Ridge

    Guild Leader of Ardent Justice HQ: Always recruiting People not Pixels.

    FOUNDER and OWNER of the SKT3K Channel: SKT Only Content 3k+. http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter/#/discussion/1228278/skt-content-for-the-non-elite-video-links-provided
  • tom#6998 tom Member Posts: 952 Arc User
    isab there are no words to describe people like you ...
    im out
  • revan06100revan06100 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 205 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    isab said:

    tom#6998 said:

    Isab question for you: do you only watch 1 Movie at TV. Everyday everytime only the same Movie. I guess not cause its getting borring after second third fourth or whatever time you watch it.
    So why you want to force us players to only do 1 dungeon all the time. Seems kinda boring for me.

    I do not, but here is the difference between your terrible analogy and what the whiners are saying: I do not make the claim that I want 1 type of movie, which I claim that I am only interested into and then proceed to watch every genre out there. That's called pushing your agenda and, quite frankly, being a liar.

    What I am denouncing is the dissonance between what many of you claim to want and what you do. You claim to want difficulty and then proceed to do everything in your power to take decisions which effectively makes the content as easy as possible. There is a certain level of hypocrisy in that.

    Do you ever demand a certain i.lvl, in a group, that is above what's honestly needed to run it?
    Are you ever biased toward group composition in terms of classes?
    Do you run content that is FAR easier than what you could because it is simply more rewarding to do so?
    Do you avoid running "tougher" content because it offers little incentive in terms of rewards?

    If you answered yes to any of those, then please stop with the hypocrisy--you don't really care about difficulty, you just want attention.
    I think i kinda agree with you, in a way...
    The problem is , there is a synergy between classes, powers, feats, passives that stack with each other, and make all content easy, let me explain =
    Instance = My Op devo, with the transcendant feytouched and the encounter bane, decrease the hits of any mob/boss, of 48%, 18% feytouched, 30% bane).
    On my own, i make the difference, but not quite enough to put the whole party in a constant safety, BUT, if you add (for exemple), a DC or/and a GF, then, eveything gets easy enough for everyone, to just stand there, take the hits, and carry on.
    I ran CN earlier, with a DC, a GF and 2 other DPS, can't remember what classes :open_mouth: , and, got to orcus, we started fighting... There were so many debuff and buffs, that ALL our HP didnt even go down a little...
    If you calculate, i'm prettu sure Orcus's hit went down to almost 0.
    My point is, Orcus is easy, BUT, you need a specific group synergy, if you go with a DC and GF, average IL, more or less good players, then you might fail, but not because you aren't good or bad geared, but because the boss still hits hard compare to how much you can take, but add an OP, either devo or prot, or even another DC using different powers than the one already in party, then his buff/debuff/powers added to the ones running, will be enough to make Orcus deal so low damages, that it will become almost too easy.
    So the point is, CN is not too easy, it's just bad made, when a group with 3 support classes will find it too easy, a regular group, with a tank and a healer, will find it difficult, sometimes almost impossible.
    And there comes the IL, and when i say IL, i include everything (guild boons, mounts, companions etc) you don't realize guys, the MASSIVE gap between, low, average and high geared players, as i saw it somewhere else on another topic, it can go up to 1:20 or 1:30, depending on the class and players, so before saying dungeons are too easy, try run them with different type of groups and IL.

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