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Will VIP ever be good again?



  • yokki1yokki1 Member Posts: 451 Arc User

    one note to your is vip worth it calculations, you assume the player logging and playin every day in the month. For cassuals playing a few hours 1-2 times in the week value drops rapidly due to reward expiration every 24h.

    You only need to log in once per day, collect the keys on each character, do 1 dungeon on each character and then log out. That takes 30 mins to 1 hour.
    sounds like a fun game.
  • hfleethfleet Member Posts: 139 Arc User
    Point I'm hearing is that one can enjoy the game, and benefit from VIP, without being a multi-hour-a-day ultra-dedicated player. Good for casual too.
  • wildfiredewildfirede Member Posts: 886 Arc User
    i know, but there are players who don't have the option to log daily for the key and i was having those in mind.

    Imo keys should autocollect else they feel like the free daily rewards in facebook/handy games except not being actually free..

    Imagine the cassual gamer who logs only on weekends - he gets only ~9 keys/month
    Please fix Zhentarim Warlock companion's skill "Arcane Warping" to the originally intended "Arcane Boost"

    Pure -> Transcendent Plague Fire weapon enchantment giving 80damge/20 seconds for 500k+ AD is a joke.
  • lindseylewislindseylewis Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    For those of you defending Cryptic and PWE for this nonsense, do you not know or care about principles or ethics?

    I complain because I want this game to get better because I see the potential in it and love the combat system. Heck, Star Trek Online is better, and is also PWE and Cryptic! Difference, I bet CBS is watching closely because Star Trek is a treasured franchise, and they don't want this HAMSTER coming back on them as a corporation. I also play one other game, but previous experience has taught me not to name any non-PWE property on these forums.

    I like the game idea and want it done right! Honestly, I wish someone would buy Cryptic from PWE. I would if I had a fortune.
    Lindsey Lewis
  • jazzman#2455 jazzman Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    So far I've only done vip twice for one month at a time, only started playing in December, both times it was when I knew I would be able to log in daily. I just pulled the trigger and got the package today for three factors.
    -I only have one blue companion, rest are green.
    -There was a bonus on the Zen Purchase
    -I got a 15% coupon from the invocation bag
    So even if I go away for a week or two, miss a night, etc, I won't feel as bad as since I got the best deal possible.
  • yokki1yokki1 Member Posts: 451 Arc User

    For those of you defending Cryptic and PWE for this nonsense, do you not know or care about principles or ethics?

    I complain because I want this game to get better because I see the potential in it and love the combat system. Heck, Star Trek Online is better, and is also PWE and Cryptic! Difference, I bet CBS is watching closely because Star Trek is a treasured franchise, and they don't want this HAMSTER coming back on them as a corporation. I also play one other game, but previous experience has taught me not to name any non-PWE property on these forums.

    I like the game idea and want it done right! Honestly, I wish someone would buy Cryptic from PWE. I would if I had a fortune.

    i would like for the ip to change hands completely so another one gets a go at the world. cryptic already tried.
  • lindseylewislindseylewis Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    The coupons are the most worthless thing of all.

    Lindsey Lewis
  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User

    For those of you defending Cryptic and PWE for this nonsense, do you not know or care about principles or ethics?

    I complain because I want this game to get better because I see the potential in it and love the combat system. Heck, Star Trek Online is better, and is also PWE and Cryptic! Difference, I bet CBS is watching closely because Star Trek is a treasured franchise, and they don't want this HAMSTER coming back on them as a corporation. I also play one other game, but previous experience has taught me not to name any non-PWE property on these forums.

    I like the game idea and want it done right! Honestly, I wish someone would buy Cryptic from PWE. I would if I had a fortune.

    The question you proposed is, "when will VIP ever be worth it again" to which I responded explaining how, if you go to the effort to make it worth it, than yes, it is worth it already. VIP not being worth it is a choice, as with minimal effort in the worst possible circumstances it pays itself off and the only way for it to not pay itself off is if you are literally unable to log on for 30 mins to 1 hour a day every day, that is ALL it takes to make VIP worth it and quite frankly, since the concept of VIP is to cater to people who can and DO log in for that long, its not marketed to people who don't anyhow.
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  • wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    i remember how well Cryptic studio was, way before PWI bought them and in my opinion, they corrupt this studio and made them look very bad.
    CBS had firm hand with Star Trek, they dont allow PWI or they would void the contract and move to other studio who would follow with CBS and take those team who work on Star Trek for years, they know the program.
    but as for Neverwinter, Hasbro should had done samething to prevent or to nullified the contract, since the original dev team doesnt exist working with neverwinter, they are all gone, and all these new guys are clueless, and getting more bugs than needed. it made me think they hired amatuer "brown-nosed" programmers who would follow PWI's methods.

    how many times did most players give feedbacks, and still gets ignore or have the posts deleted by moderators, telling them that it's flawed, i have seen many other online games that went in 2000-2012 had failed and only few got some success. these guys in market team are clueless and using outdated concepts and repeating same market mistakes. just my opinion, they need someone who has +20 years with online games experiances, and these current team look like they are just fresh off from collages or lowly trade schools with limited business vision who tries to think big or becoming greedy, or they maybe possible as con-artists, but i dont know.

    i just suspected some original dev teams may not want that "mod 6" launched which they may have no control and to destroy players' faith and ruin the game like we hadnt seen so bad, and they may knew they would be forced to get terminations either way. no one heard from these guys since mod 6.

    i remember how much fun that game was 3 years ago, it was simpler and classic, Neverwinter isnt same game as it was, just same looks and same codings, but all different rules and all different little things when we log on, and lot of other stuffs vanished from the game.

    and Foundry seem got destroyed or abandoned, and poor Rhyx was just another victim, most of the astral diamonds got nerfed, and no more idol resonances, removed from lockboxes, and professions are now completely unorganized and tasks broken up out of pattern, no directions. just because "devs said so", blame on bots they said.

    Bait and Switch mode isnt popular, it seem more like another scam ploy. that isnt very nice. stop saying "it is players' fault"!, but who made this game design in first place, it is really PWI fault in first place and they are still in denial mode. no one in the management came up to accept that responsiblity.

    it is better to shut down NWO and restart with better coding and less bugs, and more experienced team with years of understanding the codings and with past job with other games they work on.
    other players waited more than several months to see some bugs resolved and it still the main problems, no one lives forever. they dont want to wait any longer and some had it enough.
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  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,172 Arc User
    I went VIP. The wards in the tradebar store, which we were told back in September would not be leaving there, was a major factor in me buying in. Now the wards are gone and it seems that progress is hidden behind a paywall.

    Saying that "anything above level X is for PvP only" is a crock of HAMSTER. PvP is a secondary aspect of the game.

    The wards were removed; nothing of value was added to the tradebar store.

    The OP was reduced in effectiveness; nothing was added to the OP to bolster the class.

    Seems to be a downward trend here.

    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • edited May 2016
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  • vinceent1vinceent1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,264 Arc User
    but games are still supposed be be about fun. you can play tetris forever, but fun diminished over time. if you must every basic stuff buy for huge prices fun quickly diminished. Prices of coal wards and preservation wards are unacceptable. stuff need to be more access able over time and not the opposite, like is in this game (Wards, Leg mount etc.) its not fun run with the same lesser soulforged and and normal vorpal for two years on your character
  • scathiasscathias Member Posts: 1,174 Arc User
    I'll lay it out for everyone who is crying about zen shop prices. As long as you are still playing, cryptic is winning. What you are in this game for is to provide enough bodies so that the people who are willing to pay for things have people to play with.
    If everyone who was f2p quit the game would go under because there would not be enough players around and it would be a ghost town. So, as seen by zen store prices not changing for the last years, people are buying them, and in large enough numbers that they don't care that you don't. And as long as you stick around they will continue to not care because you are serving your function as playmates for the RL money spenders.

    And things have gotten cheaper in many ways.enchants are more accessible, fashion is cheaper since trade bars need to be spent somehow so the AH price is slowly being driven down, old lockbox artifacts and mounts are available more widely at much decreased prices from their release. All of this stuff is meant to keep you f2p people around without compromising the zen store. They protect their bottom line.

    Remember this though, cryptic moves slowly on things like prices changes. Like months slowly. The TB store rework launched in like November? October? And the wards didn't leave until Feb 19th. That is how long it took for them to get and process the data on their zen sales. Now it is May, we should be back around the same level as before the rework. Give it another 3 months and if enough players had stopped spending they might do some price adjustments, maybe. But the spenders are always there. You obviously are not one of them though and they don't mind.
    Guild - The Imaginary Friends
    We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
  • subnoctesubnocte Member Posts: 341 Arc User
    VIP isn't great value really.

    Saying 'it pays for itself in keys' might be true, but it's a completely flawed argument. Cryptic created the lootbox RNG and massive refinement grind, and they sell a solution to it. That doesn't make great value, just as someone repeatedly punching you in the face and then selling you a painkiller isn't doing you a favour.
  • vinceent1vinceent1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,264 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    scathias said:

    I'll lay it out for everyone who is crying about zen shop prices. As long as you are still playing, cryptic is winning. What you are in this game for is to provide enough bodies so that the people who are willing to pay for things have people to play with.

    If everyone who was f2p quit the game would go under because there would not be enough players around and it would be a ghost town. So, as seen by zen store prices not changing for the last years, people are buying them, and in large enough numbers that they don't care that you don't. And as long as you stick around they will continue to not care because you are serving your function as playmates for the RL money spenders.

    And things have gotten cheaper in many ways.enchants are more accessible, fashion is cheaper since trade bars need to be spent somehow so the AH price is slowly being driven down, old lockbox artifacts and mounts are available more widely at much decreased prices from their release. All of this stuff is meant to keep you f2p people around without compromising the zen store. They protect their bottom line.

    Remember this though, cryptic moves slowly on things like prices changes. Like months slowly. The TB store rework launched in like November? October? And the wards didn't leave until Feb 19th. That is how long it took for them to get and process the data on their zen sales. Now it is May, we should be back around the same level as before the rework. Give it another 3 months and if enough players had stopped spending they might do some price adjustments, maybe. But the spenders are always there. You obviously are not one of them though and they don't mind.

    i have zero problem to be a used as a filler and i think majority of not spending right now feels the same. only i asking is mmo basics actually working and not every 2 months making sweeping changes and then wait 6 month to fix one issue
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  • sm0ld3rsm0ld3r Member Posts: 236 Arc User

    No listing fees on the AH is nice, as is the discount at the Wondrous Bazaar. Bonus XP, bonus AD for things, Epic Dungeon keys, Scrolls of ID. Plus, your bank, salvager and mailbox... What's not to like?

    Actually it's a bad thing. Now you have people trolling the AH with ridiculous prices because they don't have to worry about losing their posting fee.
  • edited May 2016
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  • urlord283urlord283 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,084 Arc User
    I think VIP is good... could be better, but worth the money
  • neos472neos472 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    from what i have been reading seems like there is a lot of lookin at something to find something wrong i honestly feel Cryptic is on the short end of the VIP stick because every day we get a key which is 125 zen then multiply that by 30 which is about 3750 zen in keys if you go by 125 per key which a windfall profit for you since you are essentially getting 20 keys absolutely free. also the epic keys are character wide epic keys allow lower levels alts to grab AD at an alarming rate aslo immunity to injuries can help ya so much in dying/traps stacking them up.
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  • deathbeezdeathbeez Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 789 Arc User
    wylonus said:

    i remember how well Cryptic studio was......

    I agree with every sentence of your post. Its like you read my mind typing that.
  • neos472neos472 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    kalindra said:

    The problem is, how can we trust cryptic to stick to it's promises?
    They already changed the contract once after we pay for it when they removes the TB and the items from the TB shop; what keeps them from dong it again, like changing free keys from lockbox- to dungeon- (to "fight botting")?
    "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me." - that's the way to loose customers support.

    they won't change box keys due to botting it actually is severely inefficient to even attempt it since it costs $10 per VIP for a month and you get a key once a day per account not per character then to add another level it is entirely random what is in the box and they cannot trade the keys away. so while it is extremely beneficial to a singular account the usefulness degrades exponentially when multiple accounts come into play and as a botter you want the goods fast and efficiently. also yo do know tradebar shop is accessable in your assets tab?
  • manyvengeancemanyvengeance Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    The Ward fiasco hurted everyone, nowadays you have to pay 19k Zen for ONE Transcendent, or let's say you buy your 8 Lesser something out of the AH, for 200k AD each (at the very least) for something useful like a Vorpal, Negation, Elven battle, Shadowclad, etc. There's 1.6 mill AD for the ingredients you will need to make yourself a Perfect, what's the exchange atm? 400? You will still need another 11k Zen to get your Transcendent, 9k if you only want a Perfect. Not even the fancy Dragoborn pack cost that much. I'm not even counting all the refinement you will need to put into them though.

    See where I'm going now? Let's take all the fun out of the VIP and sell and farm EVERYTHING you get from it on a daily basis, after how long you will get a Transcendent? I've been VIP since the first month it came out, and VIP 12 the month after that, and I barely have a Perfect Vorpal, a Perfect Negation and a worthless Greater Plague fire, now I'm "working" on getting a Dread and an Elven Battle, but I'm so very tired. The RNG of the lockboxes hate me, btw, the nicest thing I've got from them was a Water Symbol artifact, which sold for 200k at that time.

    Cryptic has been taking everything away from us to make us spend more and more, the only thing useful to buy from the Zen market are the wards, but they are so overpriced is not even funny. Mod 6 (the introduction of VIP) introduced injuries from traps, as well as injury immunity for VIP 7, everything became either Bound to account, bound to character and unbound along with the introduction of the brand new Runic bags (I've pulled FIVE Eyes of Lathander out of Dread Ring and they were all bound to account so I can't even sell them), the rewards for completing dungeons downgraded from the possibility of getting really nice armor sets to Account bound salvage, the hourly open dungeon chest don't exist anymore because you get keys from VIP, so VIP will be totally worth it!! Plz...
  • nimandiirnimandiir Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    I'm still irritated that they removed wards etc. from the Tarmalune Trade Store right after VIP was released. That was one of the most dirty underhanded shady nasty tricks a company ever pulled on its player base. I personally haven't spent a penny on Neverwinter since they did that.

    And I doubt I will ever stop being irritated by it. I mean, its been months since that happened and my grudge meter is still at full...

    Then they added the companion for the 6 Month VIP purchase... I mean wtf?!??! I bought the 6 month VIP, Why shouldn't it be back dated to anyone who bought more than 6 months worth of VIP?

    Another game I play continues to add and back date and give out for free, loyalty rewards to its player base. In fact, everytime a new DLC is released, everyone who either purchases the DLC out right or sub's gets the free 'thing'.

    That's customer appreciation.
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