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Patch Notes: NW.60.20160307a.6



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    ainarelainarel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 49 Arc User
    rynardm said:

    I can't find the keys. Went to the zen market, looked under keys and not there. Am I missing it????

    Not just you. I saw them earlier today after the maintenance, but then they vanished.
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    rifter1969rifter1969 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 516 Arc User
    rynardm said:

    I can't find the 20 lockbox keys. Went to the zen market, looked under keys and not there. Am I missing it????

    I'm not in game yet.. but its gone from Gateway's Zen store too.
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    instynctiveinstynctive Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,885 Arc User

    "...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
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    katrina913#2530 katrina913 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    i have a question: why have GUARDIAN FIGHTERS AND TRICKSTER ROGUES not been nerfed?( damage on gf is HAMSTER and too easy to stack) and TR's 1 hit is an obvious issue for the last year?? EASY FIX YET YOU DO NOTHING
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    marushiatronmarushiatron Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Are goats going to be retroactively changed to BOE?
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    jumpingmorksjumpingmorks Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 876 Arc User

    This patch is a complete failure. All I get is rubberbanding, frequent disconnects and the same stupid, broken pvp queue system. No one asked for more pointless prompts after queueing for any group content. No one wants more pointless prompts. Just transfer us to the map. If the point of this is supposed to be synching opposing pvp premades then just make a separate queue for premades like you should have done seven mods ago.

    Actually people have been asking for a better queue system since Tiamat, no-one has ever wanted to pug it, even when it was easy. Personally I like it, but like all new systems the teething issues need to be sorted out. It did take me a couple days to realise why there has to be a party leader and a queue leader but it makes total sense now.
    melodicah said:

    melodicah said:

    ghoulz66 said:

    The warlord's bonus was obviously broken beyond belief. If you invested money into using this and not expecting it to be nerfed/removed then it's all on you.

    This. There's no way that having such inflated stats was an intended design decision. Anyone who invests $$ or AD in something in a new mod release before all the kinks have been ironed out is just asking to be disappointed.

    No way that having such inflated stats was an intended design decision? Are you suggesting they had other reasons for releasing the bonus the way they did?

    Lack of QC? Laziness? Oversight? It's not like this is the first time they've released something that was broken.

    In any case, they've now changed it and you or anyone who was stupid enough to spend a lot of currency on it are SOL. Get over it.
    Read my post 12 posts before this one to see how stupid I am as you suggested. I do have 2 small issues with you calling those that invested in Warlords stupid however, I know several people, all intelligent and well regarded in the communities they are involved in burned by this affair and now left with a hole in their pocket and their trust in the Zen market further more eroded.

    On a side note, people are buying the new 20 key pack expecting the Dread enchant and instead getting the Shadowclad enchant.

    Is it not reasonable to expect that when you buy something, either with exchanged ad or zen bought with $ that you receive what you pay for? And by the same token is it not reasonable to expect that the carpet will not be pulled away from your feet when you invest in something that is supposed to be WAI?

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    putzboy78putzboy78 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,950 Arc User

    Fix pvp crashes as well please ! Lots of players reports freezing during dom and client crash to desktop !

    agreed. ANd pvp queue is not fixed either. Stil getting penalty for someone else's decline...

    Yeah for game crashes to desktop during pvp since the patch. Reward is a half hour leavers penalty and who knows what happens to people left in that instance short a person.
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    mattia78mattia78 Member Posts: 87 Arc User

    Where can we get Dread shards? Have not seen one yet.

    Actually you can't. Dread shard and enchatns were removed and replaced by shadowclad. Description in void locket hasn't been updated yet.
    404 Italians Not Found Guild Leader
    Matt Shieldheart 3.5k GF Conq PVE _ Matt Shieldheart 0 3.5k GF Tactician PVE _ Matt Shieldheart II 4.1k Buffer DC _ Matt Shieldheart III 4.3k Thauma CW _ Matt Shieldheart IV 3.5k Exe TR _ Matt Shieldheart V 3.9k Destroyer GWF _ Matt Shieldheart VI 3.1k Trapper HR _ Matt Shieldheart VII 3.1k Fury SW _ Matt ShieldheartVIII 3.6k OP Justice _ Matt Shieldheart -8 3.1k Healadin _ Matt Shieldheart -9 3.1k Mof Rene CW
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    izworizwor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 238 Arc User
    Server maintnance again? ;/
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    wildfiredewildfirede Member Posts: 886 Arc User
    so wait what? dread enchantment will go live and be in the box?
    Please fix Zhentarim Warlock companion's skill "Arcane Warping" to the originally intended "Arcane Boost"

    Pure -> Transcendent Plague Fire weapon enchantment giving 80damge/20 seconds for 500k+ AD is a joke.
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    twoedge1twoedge1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    The warlord buff's were very OP and needed to be adjusted, but this patch took it from one extreme to the other. Removing the stat boost completely makes this bonus only useful to people who own a shadow demon or maybe a SW with a soul puppet.
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    aaramis75aaramis75 Member Posts: 348 Arc User

    so wait what? dread enchantment will go live and be in the box?

    Apparently, yes. But no word on all those who bought the Void Lockets yesterday hoping for a Dread and got a Shadowclad, which is incredibly unfair to them. False advertising, and all. There *should* be a refund, or allow for a trade via ingame NPC or something, but I sincerely doubt that'll happen - law of averages and all suggesting so.
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    eoleeeolee Member Posts: 264 Arc User
    Dread enchant is going to be like Plaguefire then. No shards, only this bundle with a chance to get one or... a goat :-1:
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    urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User
    aaramis75 said:

    so wait what? dread enchantment will go live and be in the box?

    Apparently, yes. But no word on all those who bought the Void Lockets yesterday hoping for a Dread and got a Shadowclad, which is incredibly unfair to them. False advertising, and all. There *should* be a refund, or allow for a trade via ingame NPC or something, but I sincerely doubt that'll happen - law of averages and all suggesting so.
    Cryptic has always shown a pretty cavalier attitude when it comes to false advertising.
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    mytholusmytholus Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Glad to see the Locket being fixed to properly give Dread Enchantment (or Goat). but what about the people who already bought this 20 key set and received the wrong enchantment?
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    mstrssihrmstrssihr Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited March 2016

    Nice, thanks for fixing some of the issues of the new patch so fast.
    Guys, i still think if you make PTR testing easier you will make your life easier too - most of the things could be tested out (stress test on queue system, warlord's *****) if PTR was more testing friendly - consider a NPC that gives Insignias and maybe some 'rush hours' aka play with the devs (but w/o stream - players should play and test - not watch).
    Go go - few more hours a maintenance and then weeekeend ;)

    rapo973 said:

    I've only one comment: please stop releasing broken, untested and no-performing features.
    The new features are ok but I would prefer to wait 2 weeks more instead of playing a game where everything is drammatically difficult and/or bugged i.e. "Hey! Cannot q!", "How does it work?, "Cannot run DGs anymore, waiting for 1 hour and nothing happens", "PvP is bugged", "I've slotted the insignas on the mounts, no bonus received".
    The above are few comments captured in game.

    lirithiel said:

    The same bonehead who came up with the UD pvp rings prolly. It's the last thing pvp needed in the state it was in and just got worse with the addition of those UD rings. Q&A team is a myth, stuff does not get tested otherwise we wouldn't be sitting with the issues we have today.

    To the Devs,

    I thank you dearly for all of the fixes and improvements you've managed to crank out! I'm quoting the above because the although the fixes are great, they are for the most part avoidable.

    ** A suggestion or an idea, similar to the above... Bring the PTR server into the spotlight so to speak. Atm it's there, yes, but most people don't bother logging into it. PTR seriously NEEDS a breath of fresh air--- IMO you should have an all access Zen store where everything is FREE. Also the Tarmalune Trade Bar Store, ALL of the Zone Store Vendors, the Mount Vendor, Companions, Ardent Coin Vendor, Celestial Coin Vendor, EVERYTHING FREE. So we can TEST IT! Incentivise queing up and completing anything whether it be a run in a dungeon, skirmish, pvp, a raid, an event quest, etc. Upon completion, after we've managed to make all the way to those shiny gold chests at the end, they should also - require NO KEYS, yes, more free stuff. "How do I know if I really want this item?" "Because I've tried it on PTR and it rocks!"

    Announce the PTR schedule regularly, keep your megaphones handy and broadcast that shizz. PLEASE**

    ADD: And if you really wanna kick it up a notch from all that, then you could make it so that:

    The Player Test Realm now features the "NeverwinterPreview Reclamation". Reclaim treasures during your various adventures. Contributions to the Neverwinter Preview Coffer will be shared with other players. A greater number of people reclaiming a greater amount of treasure will unlock higher tiers of rewards and beneficial effects for all!

    ^^ Like Well of Dragons Reclaiming the Hoard. Raising tiers results in.....? Double/Triple your chances for Epic Insignias?

    - Major Peachy Bottom * Gutbuster's Brigade -

    "Last request - microtransactions for alllll old skins for zen/weapon appearance changes, 500 zen to make ur wep glow the color/enchant you want it... You will make more off that one item than any other zen item ever made." freshour

    "beckylunatic" Gateway AH should have column headers to sort by buyout, bid, end time, quantity, etc. These disappeared iirc with the module launch. It's obnoxious.
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    urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User
    mstrssihr said:

    Nice, thanks for fixing some of the issues of the new patch so fast.
    Guys, i still think if you make PTR testing easier you will make your life easier too - most of the things could be tested out (stress test on queue system, warlord's *****) if PTR was more testing friendly - consider a NPC that gives Insignias and maybe some 'rush hours' aka play with the devs (but w/o stream - players should play and test - not watch).
    Go go - few more hours a maintenance and then weeekeend ;)

    rapo973 said:

    I've only one comment: please stop releasing broken, untested and no-performing features.
    The new features are ok but I would prefer to wait 2 weeks more instead of playing a game where everything is drammatically difficult and/or bugged i.e. "Hey! Cannot q!", "How does it work?, "Cannot run DGs anymore, waiting for 1 hour and nothing happens", "PvP is bugged", "I've slotted the insignas on the mounts, no bonus received".
    The above are few comments captured in game.

    lirithiel said:

    The same bonehead who came up with the UD pvp rings prolly. It's the last thing pvp needed in the state it was in and just got worse with the addition of those UD rings. Q&A team is a myth, stuff does not get tested otherwise we wouldn't be sitting with the issues we have today.

    To the Devs,

    I thank you dearly for all of the fixes and improvements you've managed to crank out! I'm quoting the above because the although the fixes are great, they are for the most part avoidable.

    ** A suggestion or an idea, similar to the above... Bring the PTR server into the spotlight so to speak. Atm it's there, yes, but most people don't bother logging into it. PTR seriously NEEDS a breath of fresh air--- IMO you should have an all access Zen store where everything is FREE. Also the Tarmalune Trade Bar Store, ALL of the Zone Store Vendors, the Mount Vendor, Companions, EVERYTHING FREE. So we can TEST IT! Incentivise queing up and completing anything whether it be a run in a dungeon, skirmish, pvp, a raid, an event quest, etc. Upon completion, after we've managed to make all the way to those shiny gold chests at the end, they should also - require NO KEYS, yes, more free stuff. "How do I know if I really want this item?" "Because I've tried it on PTR and it rocks!"

    Announce the PRT schedule regularly, keep your megaphones hand and broadcast that shizz.
    A lot of this stuff was known(at least players knew about it and reported it) from testing on the preview server but never made it to live for whatever reason.
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    joyousdecieverjoyousdeciever Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 127 Arc User
    ghoulz66 said:

    The warlord's bonus was obviously broken beyond belief. If you invested money into using this and not expecting it to be nerfed/removed then it's all on you.

    expecting it nerfed and made more reasonable yes expecting it to get broken so it is worthless for 75% of pets(non striker pets) no
    i spent $150 on zen prepping for mod 9 and got banned for using zax to get ad ... so .... yeah they dont give 2 flying you know whats about players even ones that spend money on game!!! i didnt spend excessively on warlords ...cause it is easy to get with a few blue mounts but i was looking foreward to it in a reasonable and functional form that benefits all pet types not just one! how is having it help a healer pet with 3 defensive slots going to break the game if it grants only a % of the pets pre warlords bonus stats? not crying about over investing ... calling cryptic on their panic attack heavy handed nerfs.... they go from broken op to broken worthless and dont have the foresight to find some balance!!!!!!

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    joyousdecieverjoyousdeciever Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 127 Arc User
    o and about augments they are still good for consistant stat increase where companions gift is burst ... like choosing ring of rising vs ring of brutality/ sudden and most pets only keep 3 stacks of gift up for a few seconds at a time ... my dc uses slow af casting silver scaled cleric desciple 2 stacks is norm one is common and 0 or 3 are occasional
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    joyousdecieverjoyousdeciever Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 127 Arc User
    mstrssihr said:

    Nice, thanks for fixing some of the issues of the new patch so fast.
    Guys, i still think if you make PTR testing easier you will make your life easier too - most of the things could be tested out (stress test on queue system, warlord's *****) if PTR was more testing friendly - consider a NPC that gives Insignias and maybe some 'rush hours' aka play with the devs (but w/o stream - players should play and test - not watch).
    Go go - few more hours a maintenance and then weeekeend ;)

    rapo973 said:

    I've only one comment: please stop releasing broken, untested and no-performing features.
    The new features are ok but I would prefer to wait 2 weeks more instead of playing a game where everything is drammatically difficult and/or bugged i.e. "Hey! Cannot q!", "How does it work?, "Cannot run DGs anymore, waiting for 1 hour and nothing happens", "PvP is bugged", "I've slotted the insignas on the mounts, no bonus received".
    The above are few comments captured in game.

    lirithiel said:

    The same bonehead who came up with the UD pvp rings prolly. It's the last thing pvp needed in the state it was in and just got worse with the addition of those UD rings. Q&A team is a myth, stuff does not get tested otherwise we wouldn't be sitting with the issues we have today.

    To the Devs,

    I thank you dearly for all of the fixes and improvements you've managed to crank out! I'm quoting the above because the although the fixes are great, they are for the most part avoidable.

    ** A suggestion or an idea, similar to the above... Bring the PTR server into the spotlight so to speak. Atm it's there, yes, but most people don't bother logging into it. PTR seriously NEEDS a breath of fresh air--- IMO you should have an all access Zen store where everything is FREE. Also the Tarmalune Trade Bar Store, ALL of the Zone Store Vendors, the Mount Vendor, Companions, Ardent Coin Vendor, Celestial Coin Vendor, EVERYTHING FREE. So we can TEST IT! Incentivise queing up and completing anything whether it be a run in a dungeon, skirmish, pvp, a raid, an event quest, etc. Upon completion, after we've managed to make all the way to those shiny gold chests at the end, they should also - require NO KEYS, yes, more free stuff. "How do I know if I really want this item?" "Because I've tried it on PTR and it rocks!"

    Announce the PTR schedule regularly, keep your megaphones handy and broadcast that shizz. PLEASE**

    ADD: And if you really wanna kick it up a notch from all that, then you could make it so that:

    The Player Test Realm now features the "NeverwinterPreview Reclamation". Reclaim treasures during your various adventures. Contributions to the Neverwinter Preview Coffer will be shared with other players. A greater number of people reclaiming a greater amount of treasure will unlock higher tiers of rewards and beneficial effects for all!

    ^^ Like Well of Dragons Reclaiming the Hoard. Raising tiers results in.....? Double/Triple your chances for Epic Insignias?


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    lordsiedlordsied Member Posts: 20 Arc User

    wow really qqing about something purchased before a mod even comes out, fully knowing that everything cryptic does has massive issues , not to mention the fact they do not even fix current issues, lmao oh well tough luck if you went an blew a pile of cash before anything was implemented as i am sure its the p2p mentality to get everything before anyone else has it, oh well just like iphone an people who stood in lines for hours waiting for the next big thing, yet 2 weeks later could buy it for 1/5 of the price.

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    mysteriasdrassamysteriasdrassa Member Posts: 299 Arc User
    i have to agree,, diving in and buying something based on PTR and first day out of the box updates, knowing that something is clearly "not quite right" is just plain inane and obtuse. stop complaining. I never, ever purchase anything new for at least a couple weeks to a month after it comes out because I KNOW there will probably be changes made to it,, especially if it "looks or sounds to good to be true" Buyer Beware
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    mstrssihrmstrssihr Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited March 2016

    i have to agree,, diving in and buying something based on PTR and first day out of the box updates, knowing that something is clearly "not quite right" is just plain inane and obtuse. stop complaining. I never, ever purchase anything new for at least a couple weeks to a month after it comes out because I KNOW there will probably be changes made to it,, especially if it "looks or sounds to good to be true" Buyer Beware

    That's because you have common sense and a true grip on the fact that this is a F2P play game with a long history of disappointments. Not everyone is so well equipped and forgiving.

    ADD: Toned it down a little.
    - Major Peachy Bottom * Gutbuster's Brigade -

    "Last request - microtransactions for alllll old skins for zen/weapon appearance changes, 500 zen to make ur wep glow the color/enchant you want it... You will make more off that one item than any other zen item ever made." freshour

    "beckylunatic" Gateway AH should have column headers to sort by buyout, bid, end time, quantity, etc. These disappeared iirc with the module launch. It's obnoxious.
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    jumpingmorksjumpingmorks Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 876 Arc User

    wow really qqing about something purchased before a mod even comes out, fully knowing that everything cryptic does has massive issues , not to mention the fact they do not even fix current issues, lmao oh well tough luck if you went an blew a pile of cash before anything was implemented as i am sure its the p2p mentality to get everything before anyone else has it, oh well just like iphone an people who stood in lines for hours waiting for the next big thing, yet 2 weeks later could buy it for 1/5 of the price.

    People who put real money into this game pay for this game to be free for those that cannot or do not wish to, a simple thankyou would suffice rather than rubbing someone's nose into something clearly unpleasant because they bought one thing and received another.

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    ulthran77ulthran77 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    Still eDemo HAMSTER up, gonna quit after spending hundreds of dollars, thanks Bugtic.
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    melodicahmelodicah Member Posts: 35 Arc User

    Read my post 12 posts before this one to see how stupid I am as you suggested. I do have 2 small issues with you calling those that invested in Warlords stupid however, I know several people, all intelligent and well regarded in the communities they are involved in burned by this affair and now left with a hole in their pocket and their trust in the Zen market further more eroded.

    On a side note, people are buying the new 20 key pack expecting the Dread enchant and instead getting the Shadowclad enchant.

    Is it not reasonable to expect that when you buy something, either with exchanged ad or zen bought with $ that you receive what you pay for? And by the same token is it not reasonable to expect that the carpet will not be pulled away from your feet when you invest in something that is supposed to be WAI?

    I'll repeat - anyone who was stupid enough to invest money in something right after it's released that is obviously broken can only blame themselves. There are usually fixes implemented after large releases because not everything works as intended. Wait until the smoke clears and THEN invest after everything has been normalized (or nerfed into the ground, as in this case). Don't jump the gun and do it the day of release.

    I agree that the people buying the key should expect to get what they paid for and for the ones who did, they should get a refund of their zen or some way to exchange their enchant for the correct one.

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    vteasyvteasy Member Posts: 708 Arc User

    i have a question: why have GUARDIAN FIGHTERS AND TRICKSTER ROGUES not been nerfed?( damage on gf is HAMSTER and too easy to stack) and TR's 1 hit is an obvious issue for the last year?? EASY FIX YET YOU DO NOTHING

    because if they straight nerf TR ability they would need to delete the class from pvp....
This discussion has been closed.