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Official Feedback Thread: Stronghold Economy Changes



  • weaver936weaver936 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    This will only be used by people who don't know enough (or care enough) about the game to use their professions efficiently. The costs (in time and AD) that are associated with each of the tasks given are not worth the rewards from them. It takes less (by other means) to get Coffer points for each of the ones offered in the professions task than it does to make them in Professions. The ONLY way this will help guilds level their SH more than hurt them is if they have a butt load of alts they don't do anything with and don't have the time to use the cheaper (smarter) ways to get their Coffer points.

    It's really sad that the Devs continue to give us things take them (I assume) huge amounts of their time and barely (if at all) meets the needs or interests of the NW Community. I'm beginning to believe that the only people that enjoy this game anymore are the people new to it. A lot of the rest of us are here out of habit.... emotionally and financially invested in an abusive and manipulative Gamer/Game Company relationship.

    I'm not over stating the point. If any of the Devs (or Strum) would like to understand how I come to this conclusion.. I can explain in detail.
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  • andrew33#3082 andrew33 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    The discounts are awesome. Thank you!
    I guess the AD task in leadership can be performed only once at the same time!

    Btw I think Influence isn't a big problem if you have at least 20-30 ppl online daily.
    AD, Conqueror's shard and campaign currencies is much more of a problem for a non/barely pvp guild.

    Lowly geared ppl afraid of pvp like animals from fire! And its hard to convience them to do dailies again when they have already finished it!
    Post edited by andrew33#3082 on
  • fernuufernuu Member Posts: 453 Arc User
    Feedback: Why do you punish players that did most effort to push their Guild Hall
    I am really looking forward to SH economy changes. This will make whole PvE and PvP looking better. But what you are missing is that we (2-3 guilds) did really put effort in upgrading our Stronghold (my guild is already upgrading GH to 20). We're looking forward in this changes but as you can imagine - you really messed up (and that's a nice word) our supplies - including AD. If you could find any solution in some "extra prize" (like extra boon spot) we're gladly looking forward to it. This is totally unfair that you made as spent like billions of AD, keep us farming like hell and now you don't even want to talk about it. We worked for our SH boon till Module 6 started, we put a much of our time, effort, resources to keep our Guild Hall at best.
    Again - I (and my guild) are really appreciating the work that Devs are doing - but we also value ourselfs - and I'm damn right looking into your response into that.

    Cheers and regards,
    Fernu Stormborn@fernuu form Gutbusters Brigade.

    Mod 10:
    [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Killing Flames deals 16636893 (1009292) Fire Damage to Ethraniev Marrowslake.

    Mod 9:
    [Combat (Self)] Your Murderous Flames deals 376274433 (18876929) Fire Damage to Red Tiamat Head.
  • brkkfybrkkfy Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Feedback: Too late that we all feel our time wasted for absolutely nothing.
    You just made the decision to decrease the resources needed, Why didn't you do it before?
    Before we farmed influence more then 3 chars a day, doing sharandar again and again for fey, spending our money on bells and doing multi dragonflights for hours?
    Now you just decrease the resources, that our efforts mean nothing?
  • sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    brkkfy said:

    Feedback: Too late that we all feel our time wasted for absolutely nothing.
    You just made the decision to decrease the resources needed, Why didn't you do it before?
    Before we farmed influence more then 3 chars a day, doing sharandar again and again for fey, spending our money on bells and doing multi dragonflights for hours?
    Now you just decrease the resources, that our efforts mean nothing?

    There is always a premium cost to be the first in anything. You want to be the first on your block with the newest electronic gadget. You will pay more for it then the people who are willing to wait a few months.

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  • mstrssihrmstrssihr Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    Oh my.... Devs you really screwed us super bad. </3 With our very well organized, incredibly active and helpful guild, we are about to achieve GH20. This should be a time for us to celebrate but game changing news like this makes our members gutted. We would've happily waited a bit longer to get there. smh #gonnablowupsharandar
    - Major Peachy Bottom * Gutbuster's Brigade -

    "Last request - microtransactions for alllll old skins for zen/weapon appearance changes, 500 zen to make ur wep glow the color/enchant you want it... You will make more off that one item than any other zen item ever made." freshour

    "beckylunatic" Gateway AH should have column headers to sort by buyout, bid, end time, quantity, etc. These disappeared iirc with the module launch. It's obnoxious.
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    Feedback: new Leadership quests: unable to reach Tier 3 results
    There don't appear to be many/any ways for most people to achieve the Tier 3 result, since stacking white leadership assets won't get you there. While there are green "Basic" versions of Leadership assets here and there on the AH (well, not any more since I just bought them all up), it's not clear how anyone can benefit from the higher tiers. There also don't appear to be any ways to upgrade leadership assets since there are no tasks to do so.

    As the leader of a very small guild, these changes are welcome. Are they enough? I don't yet know. Farming influence is killing us. I'm so glad, though, that since AD was removed from leadership I've been steadily pushing professions up on all of my alts.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
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  • instynctiveinstynctive Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,885 Arc User
    Y'know.. it's not like smaller guilds didn't bust their butts and work and organize and grind grind grind to get to where we're at.

    Besides... we don't PvP. Why does it matter to anyone when we get our boons? It doesn't. Well, it shouldn't.
    "...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    edited February 2016

    Y'know.. it's not like smaller guilds didn't bust their butts and work and organize and grind grind grind to get to where we're at.

    Besides... we don't PvP. Why does it matter to anyone when we get our boons? It doesn't. Well, it shouldn't.

    Or spend **literally** dollars in the thousands buying Zen, which we immediately sell for AD, which we then immediately had to spend to buy up all those purple vouchers on the AH. It was either that or have our progress be a tiny fraction of what it was, and not be able to retain **any** members as they would leave for faster-moving guilds. As it is, roughly 80% of our small active membership has been entirely burned out on the game by the grind to date. I could count our remaining active members on one hand.

    Unlike others, I'm not asking for any kind of restitution for what we went through before. To me, the idea is patently absurd. You work with the hand you're dealt, and if conditions change, then they change. That's life. What I would like to see is a bit more willingness on the part of the devs to take player feedback to heart. When some of us say, "don't do this (or don't do it this way), because it's a huge ****ing mistake," it's just possible that we might actually be right.

    These changes are extremely welcome, despite what I had to spend to get to this point. At first glance I didn't see a profession task for influence (which is indeed killing us), but I might have missed one.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • drakhaniandrakhanian Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    I agree that lowering SH costs sux. And i don't speak only about all those players who invested in guild improvements their time and money, i am also speaking about those guild who improving slowly. let's say they will gain max level of guild after week of changes. and then what? boring grind in 2.5 epik dungeons? the whole fun of SH when all guild members working together on pushing their guild forward, but when goal achieved and nothing more to do, who will run dragon flights or gather influence? all those maps with encounters and resources was made for nothing?
  • jugger71jugger71 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    Gutbusters Brigade will be first in what is to date the most difficult grind in this game. Through loyalty, pride, dedication and a massive amount of grind our membership stepped up to the plate and knocked it right out of the ballpark. Thats good enough for me.

    Even with these changes 90% or more guilds will still never make it to level 20. No change to influence? Seriously? If you dont reduce the cost of or increase the amount of influence that can be farmed per day nothing has changed.

  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    I am in a "typical" guild, I guess - large enough to take down all four dragons on weekends, but only at GH 10, so we still have quite a bit to go. I welcome the cost reductions - yes, I can understand the frustration of people in the largest and most active guilds who are at GH 20 and feel like they have lost something, but well... it's like buying something, and then see it go on sale for a 50% discount a while later.

    At least they got to enjoy being among the first to reach this.

    The biggest bottleneck for the smaller guilds may however be the Influence needed, and I don't see that changing.


    The new crafting tasks are pretty much pointless - in particular the alchemy task to make gold. Just look at the cost of the materials on the AH - no sane person will ever do this task, unless you SIGNIFICANTLY increase the amount of gold produced.
    Hoping for improvements...
  • malfoirmalfoir Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 39 Arc User
    weaver936 said:

    lol I know folks who have blown about 100mill AD or more on their stronghold already, so imagine how those folks feel

    1. The rewards given in these profession tasks are not even close to being worth doing.. with maybe a couple exceptions..
    2. Those guilds that spent all that money on being first or whatever... they got ACTUAL USE for a longer period of time when what you got from leveling your SH mattered... unlike now (Mod 8) and more so in Mod 9... the complaint should be more that SH's are pointless... except for the Boons you get.
    3. Count rewards, use 6 HOURS to make 25 surplus points or use same time for some other task?
    4. 9x slot open, 6 HOURS per task 25 surplus per task = HOW MANY POINTS PER 24H?!!! (900 surplus points)

    I wondering if I count it right, but is ONE "Purple" -item 810 surplus or is so that RP -task´s gives much more return... IDK.

    Anyway, Direction is nice and "Stable Mount" -system is nice looking.
  • josephskyrimjosephskyrim Member Posts: 356 Arc User
    Would be nice if there were more reductions across the board or alternatively less gates to gain stuff.
    Like: Remove 400 influence limit, remove cleric quests and instead give dungeon shards for all and every dungeon run.
    Personally I'd also like a method of exchanging gold to purchase stronghold resources. Like influence. Because rich people are influential. :P
    If you can't stand on a chest, it is a mimic!
  • cbniacbnia Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 77 Arc User
    Feedback: Timeline for SH economy changes

    We have run into a problem with upgrading our structures at the moment now that this information is available on preview. As we know that these changes are coming soon, it's not really a good idea to continue upgrading our stronghold until they are live (it's a big waste of resources). It is leaving guilds in a difficult situation whereby upgrading is essentially on hold on the live servers. We really need to know some sort of time frame for these changes happening in order to make decisions and let our guild members know what to do.

    I also think something really needs to be done about Conqueror Shards of Power. Unless you are a PvP focused guild, it's very difficult to get the necessary shards for Barracks and a really huge amount is needed for each upgrade. It's not a PvP structure, so I don't think the requirements for these shards is fair.


    Guild Medieval *GH20*
    We are always recruiting mature, family-friendly, helpful and courteous people
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  • darkstarcrashdarkstarcrash Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,382 Arc User
    malfoir said:

    3. Count rewards, use 6 HOURS to make 25 surplus points or use same time for some other task?
    4. 9x slot open, 6 HOURS per task 25 surplus per task = HOW MANY POINTS PER 24H?!!! (900 surplus points)

    I wondering if I count it right, but is ONE "Purple" -item 810 surplus or is so that RP -task´s gives much more return... IDK.

    I want to point out that you can only do 1 of a given task, and you can get 4-6 crates: so in Mailsmithing you can do at the same time Adamantine Scales for 100-150 Equipment points, Mithral Scales for 60-90 points, Steel Scales for 40-60 points and Iron Scales for 20-30 points.

    It's probably not worth running the lowest task, but it might be worth running the top two -- so you can use the other 7 professions slots for Leadership RP or whatever you would normally do. If you run the top two tasks 5 times a day (using epic tools and epic workers), you could get up to 1200 points a day with the two slots -- worth 1.5 epic equipment donations.

    Again, for those who run eToS 5 times a day, this will not make a big difference for equipment donations, but every bit helps -- and not everyone is capable of running the T2 dungeons daily. Personally, I will run the tasks when I have the mats for them, but probably not grind the resources specifically for these tasks.

  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    T4 crafting materials sometimes sell for gobs of AD. Not as much now as when people were trying to kick off Masterwork, but can still be a fair bit. You want to watch that.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

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  • lwedarlwedar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 790 Arc User
    Great changes. The cost reduction has been something that many many people have been asking. I could make a poll but we all know the answer.

    "we all love this game and want it to thrive"
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  • soullesslordssoullesslords Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 54 Arc User
    I like the idea of the reduction in requirements we are struggling hard to make a dent in things even though we just got to 113 members not every member donates every day we have a very small few that do and I;m sure its the same with other guilds and yes influence needs to be included also surplus equipment vouchers need to be added to the boxes.

    Another change that needs to be fixed is the wait time to upgrade we ground months to make the upgrade why make us wait days to get it that's just stupid we earned it don't make us wait.

    also I would like to have a ZEN stronghold instant upgrade we have sharandar and dreadring along with icewind dale why not stronghold upgrades I would pay $200.00 for an instant level 20 upgrade with ALL boon structures or be able to add instant additional boon structures for a nominal price or instant upgrades for for zen.
  • vteasyvteasy Member Posts: 708 Arc User
    Feedback: Increase profession tasks so that you can have 3 of the same one going at once, in line with other profession tasks

    for the lower level tasks, please add EXP for that profession. For those with 25 rank yet it can help them level it

    Leadership task has 4 slots with tier 3 possible. However there are no epic item for leadership that increase quality...
  • kaenkirakaenkira Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    $200 for instant GH 20 structure? It takes way more than that. They won't give you an I WIN button for that cheap lol
  • soullesslordssoullesslords Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 54 Arc User
    kaenkira said:

    $200 for instant GH 20 structure? It takes way more than that. They won't give you an I WIN button for that cheap lol

    probably true but that's all I'm willing to pay at this point after dropping close to or a little over $2,000 on this game over the years.
  • madziggy1madziggy1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 8 Arc User
    On one hand, the reduction is a good thing. Cuz the prices are ridiculous the more you upgrade it. Especially with the 150 limit guild members.
    But on other hand, we spent hours farming like crazy to get to 20. And farming sharandar, influence etc cant be called a fun gameplay. Not to mention all the ad we threw into that damned coffer. When we could easy upgrade our enchants.
    Im not claiming refund, but devs shall compensate some guilds for spending their real time to upgrade that damned gh to 20 or close to it. After all in first place its your fault as developers with the crazy prices, and you have to solve it somehow.
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  • kemi1984kemi1984 Member Posts: 849 Arc User
    vteasy said:

    Feedback: Increase profession tasks so that you can have 3 of the same one going at once, in line with other profession tasks

    for the lower level tasks, please add EXP for that profession. For those with 25 rank yet it can help them level it

    Leadership task has 4 slots with tier 3 possible. However there are no epic item for leadership that increase quality...

    Please make Leadership boxes account wide, thank you...
    Nancy - Dragonborn, SM Guardian Fighter
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