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  • scathiasscathias Member Posts: 1,174 Arc User
    edited January 2016

    Well, we know how the stones affect the game, they break it. It is no longer who has the most skill, but who has the best pet and highest ranking bonding stones. The whole Bonding stone idea needs a rework.

    I like the idea of the bonding runestones, it has added a lot of gameplay options. Different scenarios = different pets in use (like Lazalia's VT/MC solo runs where a tank pet was better then a striker pet).

    bonding runestones as an idea work well as an average. you get more stats overall, but you have greater variability to compensate, potentially lower stats, potentially higher but averaging a bit better to compensate. Except r12 bondings are giving 95% of an augment with just 1 stack and everything after that is pure power creep.

    This bit in here is me being wrong. don't pay attention to it
    Cryptic recently tried to hide this by removing the listed cooldown times listed on the companion skills so now in order to find good bonding pets people have to do way more testing rather then picking out the ones with 1s cooldowns and the like.

    Adding to this is the fact that some pets are just better then others for bonding procs, not all pets are created equal.
    So the high power of the bondings offsets the issue of inconsistent companion design (which is a feature really, otherwise all companions would be carbon copies and then once again the only thing we would care about is the active bonus). The pets that only have abilities that go off every 10 seconds can still maintain themselves as a decent bonding pet, because the r12 bond makes up for the face you. With fast attacking companions it becomes very strong though.

    And then there are the pets that attack so fast that they can multi proc the bonding stones.

    So i don't know if a rework is needed. Maybe to fix everything i just mention it would be. But the idea was a good one. before everyone used an augment because it was just better. Now we have many more options
    Post edited by scathias on
    Guild - The Imaginary Friends
    We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    scathias said:

    Cryptic recently tried to hide this by removing the listed cooldown times listed on the companion skills so now in order to find good bonding pets people have to do way more testing rather then picking out the ones with 1s cooldowns and the like.

    Uhhhh... no they didn't. You must have looked at some powers with no cooldown (either functionally an at-will or a persistent buff of some kind). Most companion powers do give a cooldown time, honest.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
  • scathiasscathias Member Posts: 1,174 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    I am horribly wrong. Don't look.
    I recall that the warlock had no timer on the one ability it has, but others like the blink dog teleport said things like "can only happen once every 20 seconds" i can't recall what any of the cooldowns were and i don't know where a record of these might have been kept (the wiki didn't keep accurate records). But i went through most of my inactive companions and none of them was showing a cooldown of any kind
    Post edited by scathias on
    Guild - The Imaginary Friends
    We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    That's quite odd. The warlock's lack of cooldown is the "functionally an at-will" and is why she procs bonding so well. She does attack constantly.

    This is maybe a dumb question, but you're looking in the right place? Inspect companion, click over to powers, and view the tooltip. Cooldown is in the upper right info summary. Only 2 of the 5 will likely show a cooldown since the level 30 ability unlock is a buff to one of the others.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
  • scathiasscathias Member Posts: 1,174 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    I am horribly wrong. Don't look.

    Yep. I just went through my whole companion tab and looked at their powers like you said and none of them show cooldowns on their powers any more. Some have descriptions that say XX effect can't happen more then once every 22 seconds (the fire/ice sprites) but not how often they cast the actual power anymore.

    have a look at your companions when you get back into the game. And if it is displaying for you and not me then i have issues to sort out somehow
    Post edited by scathias on
    Guild - The Imaginary Friends
    We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
    metalldjt said:

    But having them only drop from dragonflight runs does not help the smaller guilds that can never have 5 people online at the time. That is why vouchers should be able to be made in leadership.

    now i belive this is what is actually a insult, you know...

    i will agree with one thing and that would be that alone : there needs to be more ways of gainin vouchers that you can donate by doing the content, but i wont agree with your silly request that a small guild with 10 players should ever ever benefit from the same things like a guild with 100 players, maybe like someone said , if they insert somehow a alliance between themslfes or something similar, but here you are requesting something when you are basically alone in your guild? this doesnt make sense at all, just join a higher level guild if you want Stronghold,if not play by yourself, cus the way you manage your guild it's only a pipe dream of obtainin any higher ranks.
    Even if Stronghold Vouchers would be made available through Leadership, a guild with a lot of active players would still reach a "better"/higher ranking stronghold faster then a smaller guild.
    But a small guild would at least have a realistic chance of getting something set up within a reasonable amount of time and effort.

    On the other hand, the "alliances" idea is really a pipe dream, the Devs would probably have to rework the complete Stronghold system to make that even possible... and only because it's working over in STO, doesn't mean it will work here in NWO too.

    Reducing the costs for a stronghold is a realistic option, and the same goes for adding stronghold vouchers to leadership.
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • edited January 2016
    This content has been removed.
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    scathias said:

    Yep. I just went through my whole companion tab and looked at their powers like you said and none of them show cooldowns on their powers any more. Some have descriptions that say XX effect can't happen more then once every 22 seconds (the fire/ice sprites) but not how often they cast the actual power anymore.

    have a look at your companions when you get back into the game. And if it is displaying for you and not me then i have issues to sort out somehow

    I was looking at them in the game prior to writing. I actually checked to make sure nothing had been removed before I said they had not, then checked multiple companions again over the course of this conversation.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
  • scathiasscathias Member Posts: 1,174 Arc User
    Alright. I fail at reading comprehension. I missed the key word 'Tooltip' there and somehow forgot that that is what i was looking at when i first saw the cooldowns. apologies :S
    Guild - The Imaginary Friends
    We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
  • galaxyrabbit#6339 galaxyrabbit Member Posts: 2 New User
    I have just one question for the Devs, and i hope it is a yes. Is a dueling system in the open world going to be implemented?? Is it possible for you guys to add it as a option in the F interact menu when targeting someone? I would love this so much because this is one of my favorite features of a MMORPG is to just 1v1 someone around my level to help learn better pvp skills!! also i think dueling should be restricted to atleast lvl 10 players but just add dueling please@!!@! thanks great game sofar
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    For my $0.02, don't add a dueling system unless you ALSO add a means for players to block duel requests. The last thing I want to deal with as a pure PvE player is people bugging me to duel them.
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  • reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    even though I dislike PVP, I have no idea why can't we have a duel in NW, even champions online has the option. it can be done, but for some reason they don't want to. (they should probably not allow it in PE though)
  • edited January 2016
    This content has been removed.
  • linoge63linoge63 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 373 Arc User
    Can all our our toons be released from the amnesia program?

    By the time someone reaches level 70 even with one avatar, one has identified probably every green in the game.
    To have to re-identify something you spent money and attention on (by the act of obtaining a scroll, using it and becoming aware of its identity) to continue to have to do over and over again...well.
    Imagine if you applied this reasoning to many other basic functions, that would break the game and it would place you in the psych ward if you applied that in your "real " life. Functionality would grind to a halt.

    What positive role does re-identifying things endlessly have for the game anyways, except for those who may earn ADs from selling them to those that do not have VIP.

    Whatever that positive function that may have that i am missing that may be brought up, i am certain that function could be met with an act that doesn't presuppose we are all afflicted with chronic amnesia.
  • osostizzyoosostizzyo Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    lit up for all the work in this game.
    •*°••°*•Sak pasé•*°••°*•
    •*°••°*•HERB DOG.•*°••°*•
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    metalldjt said:

    regenerde said:

    metalldjt said:

    But having them only drop from dragonflight runs does not help the smaller guilds that can never have 5 people online at the time. That is why vouchers should be able to be made in leadership.

    now i belive this is what is actually a insult, you know...

    i will agree with one thing and that would be that alone : there needs to be more ways of gainin vouchers that you can donate by doing the content, but i wont agree with your silly request that a small guild with 10 players should ever ever benefit from the same things like a guild with 100 players, maybe like someone said , if they insert somehow a alliance between themslfes or something similar, but here you are requesting something when you are basically alone in your guild? this doesnt make sense at all, just join a higher level guild if you want Stronghold,if not play by yourself, cus the way you manage your guild it's only a pipe dream of obtainin any higher ranks.
    Even if Stronghold Vouchers would be made available through Leadership, a guild with a lot of active players would still reach a "better"/higher ranking stronghold faster then a smaller guild.
    But a small guild would at least have a realistic chance of getting something set up within a reasonable amount of time and effort.

    On the other hand, the "alliances" idea is really a pipe dream, the Devs would probably have to rework the complete Stronghold system to make that even possible... and only because it's working over in STO, doesn't mean it will work here in NWO too.

    Reducing the costs for a stronghold is a realistic option, and the same goes for adding stronghold vouchers to leadership.
    it's not really a pipe dream, it's about how many things will end up being discarded in the coffer, cause kinda what it is the SH coffer, a eating beast that discards everything in the game, until everything will reachs a balance point, they will problably not move a finger. But i am pretty sure they are fine with the things that are now goin on...
    cus honestly think about how much AD the coffer consumes until it gets to rank20, thats only AD, and if you also transform the stuff that you donate as :genies etc into AD , you can problably reach more than a few hundreds of millions AD.
    Well, instead of
    a. upgrading Leadership and
    b. giving small guilds at least a solid chance of getting somewhere on their own
    we'll probably get an adjusted version of that STO armada system here in NWO too, which will probably create even more problems...

    And to force more people into bigger guilds, you have to have access to a horse stable for the new mount system.
    Post edited by regenerde on
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
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