I really do feel bad for @strumslinger for being on the front line of this endless whining.
Thanks . It's part of the job.
Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)! Follow Neverwinter on Twitter: NeverwinterGame Like Neverwinter on Facebook: Neverwinter Follow me on Twitter: StrumSlinger
I really do feel bad for @strumslinger for being on the front line of this endless whining.
Thanks . It's part of the job.
I appreciate the job, it has to be a rough one... However, to be fair... it is not all whining, there are some extremely legit concerns here.
Well strum has severely disgruntled me by calling me "Exploiter" in his dev blog comments...
...for using an in-game mechanic from the in-game interface, for what it's been inteded, with 17 played and four storage chars.
Not personally and specifically, but that's scratched out all sympathy I've ever had for his job. I'd have expected some more PC empathy and sensitivity from someone of higher education and from a non-caucasian background...
So: No sympathy from me for the guy who's dishing out globalized insults to me and my likes...
It still doesn't make his job as a CM any less ****. It's not like he can do anything but forward stuff to the dev team when **** hits the fan.
Heck, look at Suicidalgoat accusing Strum of writing the Astral Diamond blog that was written by the devs. That's pretty tame and rational compared to some of the stuff they have to deal with.
I really do feel bad for @strumslinger for being on the front line of this endless whining.
[...] Heck, look at Suicidalgoat accusing Strum of writing the Astral Diamond blog that was written by the devs. That's pretty tame and rational compared to some of the stuff they have to deal with.
So I can safely assume he's at least proofread it, but he IS responsible for its content.
With all due respect for workplace obligations, don't sign stuff that's completely cross to your opinion - especially for publication - or take the backlash...
...and if some higher-ups urge / force you to sign it / publish it, it's maybe a wise idea to look of a different place to make you skill and talent pay.
And for my side of the deal: I spent my 100 this Friday on other games... ...namely WarThunder, where PvP is balanced, and The Witcher for my Fantasy fixx...
I really do feel bad for @strumslinger for being on the front line of this endless whining.
[...] Heck, look at Suicidalgoat accusing Strum of writing the Astral Diamond blog that was written by the devs. That's pretty tame and rational compared to some of the stuff they have to deal with.
So I can safely assume he's at least proofread it, but he IS responsible for its content.
With all due respect for workplace obligations, don't sign stuff that's completely cross to your opinion - especially for publication - or take the backlash...
...and if some higher-ups urge / force you to sign it / publish it, it's maybe a wise idea to look of a different place to make you skill and talent pay.
And for my side of the deal: I spent my 100 this Friday on other games... ...namely WarThunder, where PvP is balanced, and The Witcher for my Fantasy fixx...
Strum posted it on the site because that's his job as a CM ...
The end of the post makes it pretty obvious when it's signed "-Rob Overmeyer, Executive Producer".
I really do feel bad for @strumslinger for being on the front line of this endless whining.
[...] Heck, look at Suicidalgoat accusing Strum of writing the Astral Diamond blog that was written by the devs. That's pretty tame and rational compared to some of the stuff they have to deal with.
So I can safely assume he's at least proofread it, but he IS responsible for its content.
With all due respect for workplace obligations, don't sign stuff that's completely cross to your opinion - especially for publication - or take the backlash...
...and if some higher-ups urge / force you to sign it / publish it, it's maybe a wise idea to look of a different place to make you skill and talent pay.
And for my side of the deal: I spent my 100 this Friday on other games... ...namely WarThunder, where PvP is balanced, and The Witcher for my Fantasy fixx...
Strum posted it on the site because that's his job as a CM ...
The end of the post makes it pretty obvious when it's signed "-Rob Overmeyer, Executive Producer".
...yeah, but he's definitely not the sole author here, because it contains factual information, too, and from what I noticed from Rob Overmeyer so far, that's not his style...
I really do feel bad for @strumslinger for being on the front line of this endless whining.
[...] Heck, look at Suicidalgoat accusing Strum of writing the Astral Diamond blog that was written by the devs. That's pretty tame and rational compared to some of the stuff they have to deal with.
So I can safely assume he's at least proofread it, but he IS responsible for its content.
With all due respect for workplace obligations, don't sign stuff that's completely cross to your opinion - especially for publication - or take the backlash...
...and if some higher-ups urge / force you to sign it / publish it, it's maybe a wise idea to look of a different place to make you skill and talent pay.
And for my side of the deal: I spent my 100 this Friday on other games... ...namely WarThunder, where PvP is balanced, and The Witcher for my Fantasy fixx...
Strum posted it on the site because that's his job as a CM ...
The end of the post makes it pretty obvious when it's signed "-Rob Overmeyer, Executive Producer".
...yeah, but he's definitely not the sole author here, because it contains factual information, too, and from what I noticed from Rob Overmeyer so far, that's not his style...
CMs generally have no input on stuff like this nevermind CMs that work for a publisher. Maybe if he worked for Cryptic that might be possible but you're making a lot of assumptions based on the fact that strum copypasted this onto the blog. If anyone else had input on this it was probably other members of the dev team.
Me, having been in the service industry, have a small amount of sympathy for Strum. Many is the time I've had to bite my tongue rather than blare out what I really felt about something a "customer" did, or the abuse they heaped on myself or another. Many is the times I've seen "customers" and "supervisors" (not really that super..more like inferiorvisor) feel it was their "right" to belittle, berate or abuse myself or another. Just because you are a customer or in a managerial role, it does not confirm on you the right to treat me or others in a less than civil manner, I too, am a human being and don't desire to be treated less than so.
I've had fellow employees ask me why my eye was twitching that way, and I had to respond "I don't know". (I did know in reality, it was the physical response to my internal voice telling me "no, strangling that clown is NOT a good choice, it might feel good at the moment, but nothing good will come of it.....). Maybe someday Strum's fantasy can come true and he get's to unleash what he REALLY thinks about things (I'm sure it would be proceeded by a resignation notice)
However, with that all said, it was a small sympathy, he did "sign on" for it so to speak. Like the presidential spokesperson's job does, when you signed on, you were aware that you were going to have to lie and shade the truth all the time. That's why they "make the big bucks " that you trade on your reputation for the truth for some compensation. I always hope it's worth it, quite often, in the long run it isn't. Here's hoping that Strum get's to tell it right and not toe the Corp. line someday!
Anywhoo, about Mod8...what mod8? For anyone not at or near L70 and a good gear score, you don't get to even SEE mod8....you do get to experience about 8 minutes of R.A. Salvatore's "Dwarven King" story, then you come to a screeching halt when you face the vampire. So yeh, Mod8, what Mod8? at least with past mods (not all) you have some content to experience or map to explore etc. But then this is really Mod 7.5 isn't it? You know everyone is calling it a .5 Mod right?
Me, having been in the service industry, have a small amount of sympathy for Strum. Many is the time I've had to bite my tongue rather than blare out what I really felt about something a "customer" did, or the abuse they heaped on myself or another. Many is the times I've seen "customers" and "supervisors" (not really that super..more like inferiorvisor) feel it was their "right" to belittle, berate or abuse myself or another. Just because you are a customer or in a managerial role, it does not confirm on you the right to treat me or others in a less than civil manner, I too, am a human being and don't desire to be treated less than so.
I've had fellow employees ask me why my eye was twitching that way, and I had to respond "I don't know". (I did know in reality, it was the physical response to my internal voice telling me "no, strangling that clown is NOT a good choice, it might feel good at the moment, but nothing good will come of it.....). Maybe someday Strum's fantasy can come true and he get's to unleash what he REALLY thinks about things (I'm sure it would be proceeded by a resignation notice)
However, with that all said, it was a small sympathy, he did "sign on" for it so to speak. Like the presidential spokesperson's job does, when you signed on, you were aware that you were going to have to lie and shade the truth all the time. That's why they "make the big bucks " that you trade on your reputation for the truth for some compensation. I always hope it's worth it, quite often, in the long run it isn't. Here's hoping that Strum get's to tell it right and not toe the Corp. line someday!
Anywhoo, about Mod8...what mod8? For anyone not at or near L70 and a good gear score, you don't get to even SEE mod8....you do get to experience about 8 minutes of R.A. Salvatore's "Dwarven King" story, then you come to a screeching halt when you face the vampire. So yeh, Mod8, what Mod8? at least with past mods (not all) you have some content to experience or map to explore etc. But then this is really Mod 7.5 isn't it? You know everyone is calling it a .5 Mod right?
People really don't seem to get where on the totem pole a CM is, they're not responsible for making those kinds of decisions.
99.9% of the time CMs have interests in common with players and do their best with what they're given. That's why it's kind of ridiculous to imply he should "not toe the company line" because frankly it's not that kind of job. He's just a liason for the community. He can make suggestions but all the people that think he could wave his magic CM wand and change things if he grew a spine are being ridiculous.
Me, having been in the service industry, have a small amount of sympathy for Strum. Many is the time I've had to bite my tongue rather than blare out what I really felt about something a "customer" did, or the abuse they heaped on myself or another. Many is the times I've seen "customers" and "supervisors" (not really that super..more like inferiorvisor) feel it was their "right" to belittle, berate or abuse myself or another. Just because you are a customer or in a managerial role, it does not confirm on you the right to treat me or others in a less than civil manner, I too, am a human being and don't desire to be treated less than so.
I've had fellow employees ask me why my eye was twitching that way, and I had to respond "I don't know". (I did know in reality, it was the physical response to my internal voice telling me "no, strangling that clown is NOT a good choice, it might feel good at the moment, but nothing good will come of it.....). Maybe someday Strum's fantasy can come true and he get's to unleash what he REALLY thinks about things (I'm sure it would be proceeded by a resignation notice)
However, with that all said, it was a small sympathy, he did "sign on" for it so to speak. Like the presidential spokesperson's job does, when you signed on, you were aware that you were going to have to lie and shade the truth all the time. That's why they "make the big bucks " that you trade on your reputation for the truth for some compensation. I always hope it's worth it, quite often, in the long run it isn't. Here's hoping that Strum get's to tell it right and not toe the Corp. line someday!
Anywhoo, about Mod8...what mod8? For anyone not at or near L70 and a good gear score, you don't get to even SEE mod8....you do get to experience about 8 minutes of R.A. Salvatore's "Dwarven King" story, then you come to a screeching halt when you face the vampire. So yeh, Mod8, what Mod8? at least with past mods (not all) you have some content to experience or map to explore etc. But then this is really Mod 7.5 isn't it? You know everyone is calling it a .5 Mod right?
People really don't seem to get where on the totem pole a CM is, they're not responsible for making those kinds of decisions.
99.9% of the time CMs have interests in common with players and do their best with what they're given. That's why it's kind of ridiculous to imply he should "not toe the company line" because frankly it's not that kind of job. He's just a liason for the community. He can make suggestions but all the people that think he could wave his magic CM wand and change things if he grew a spine are being ridiculous.
Lol, that's my point. he is the small cog in the big machine. He is the cog that if you pulled it out, the machine would wheeze and grind on for a bit, but it would then start seizing up and eventually grind to a halt, throwing out a few springs and bolts and leaking hydrolic fluid with a cloud of foul smoke. He is closest to the "customer" (players) than any other employee is as liason, he does not have as we call it in Vegas any juice i.e. he holds no sway it the scheme of what the company does. His is a "advisory" slot, he disperses players concerns to the appropriate department at the corporate level, and communicates what the company desires posted to the players in turn. My analogy to the Presidential spokesperson is fairly on don't you think?
His interests may, as you say, align 99.9% of the time with the players, he just can't say what he wants off the cuff and retain the job. I'm confident he has had to bite his tongue a time or three. But who in the service of customers, or in the employ of a manager hasn't fantasied about letting it all hang out?
I am in RL a very large and fairly muscled man, think wrestler a bit out of shape (I used to wrestle ) I learned early on in my youth, that I had to keep a tight rein on my reactions to others, else I could do great physical harm, intentional or not. I have a whole bunch of younger sisters, if I ever let their needling and bickering get to me, I could (and would really be broke up if I did) have snapped them in two. But I must confess, I have had day dreams of "release the beast" and throttle some 'tard for their provocations. You would be amazed how many idiots equate: big=dumb, dumb=clear to insult, clear to insult=my rights, my rights=everyone is lesser than me.
He doesn't need to "grow a spine", he is fine in his own right. But he does have to toe the corporate line, don't be fooled otherwise. The day he doesn't is they day he isn't the liason. If that day comes about, that he decides to chuck it and don't need a recommend or a resume builder, I cheer that freedom, and hope for anyone they get to "tell it like it is". Even if "as it is" is in reality not as is .
The guy I respected the most over the years, was a guy that told our boss, "you are a stupid, bigoted, crazy old man, who will not quit riding me and everyone else in this place, I do not intend to be a target for your abuse any longer and am changing into my street clothes and leaving,,,,please don't say another word to me, I'm out of here." I wanted to cheer, he was all that and more, and had I been in a position at that time to walk as well, I would have. Who hasn't had that "take this job and shove it!" moment?
Me, having been in the service industry, have a small amount of sympathy for Strum. Many is the time I've had to bite my tongue rather than blare out what I really felt about something a "customer" did, or the abuse they heaped on myself or another. Many is the times I've seen "customers" and "supervisors" (not really that super..more like inferiorvisor) feel it was their "right" to belittle, berate or abuse myself or another. Just because you are a customer or in a managerial role, it does not confirm on you the right to treat me or others in a less than civil manner, I too, am a human being and don't desire to be treated less than so.
I've had fellow employees ask me why my eye was twitching that way, and I had to respond "I don't know". (I did know in reality, it was the physical response to my internal voice telling me "no, strangling that clown is NOT a good choice, it might feel good at the moment, but nothing good will come of it.....). Maybe someday Strum's fantasy can come true and he get's to unleash what he REALLY thinks about things (I'm sure it would be proceeded by a resignation notice)
However, with that all said, it was a small sympathy, he did "sign on" for it so to speak. Like the presidential spokesperson's job does, when you signed on, you were aware that you were going to have to lie and shade the truth all the time. That's why they "make the big bucks " that you trade on your reputation for the truth for some compensation. I always hope it's worth it, quite often, in the long run it isn't. Here's hoping that Strum get's to tell it right and not toe the Corp. line someday!
Anywhoo, about Mod8...what mod8? For anyone not at or near L70 and a good gear score, you don't get to even SEE mod8....you do get to experience about 8 minutes of R.A. Salvatore's "Dwarven King" story, then you come to a screeching halt when you face the vampire. So yeh, Mod8, what Mod8? at least with past mods (not all) you have some content to experience or map to explore etc. But then this is really Mod 7.5 isn't it? You know everyone is calling it a .5 Mod right?
People really don't seem to get where on the totem pole a CM is, they're not responsible for making those kinds of decisions.
99.9% of the time CMs have interests in common with players and do their best with what they're given. That's why it's kind of ridiculous to imply he should "not toe the company line" because frankly it's not that kind of job. He's just a liason for the community. He can make suggestions but all the people that think he could wave his magic CM wand and change things if he grew a spine are being ridiculous.
Lol, that's my point. he is the small cog in the big machine. He is the cog that if you pulled it out, the machine would wheeze and grind on for a bit, but it would then start seizing up and eventually grind to a halt, throwing out a few springs and bolts and leaking hydrolic fluid with a cloud of foul smoke. He is closest to the "customer" (players) than any other employee is as liason, he does not have as we call it in Vegas any juice i.e. he holds no sway it the scheme of what the company does. His is a "advisory" slot, he disperses players concerns to the appropriate department at the corporate level, and communicates what the company desires posted to the players in turn. My analogy to the Presidential spokesperson is fairly on don't you think?
His interests may, as you say, align 99.9% of the time with the players, he just can't say what he wants off the cuff and retain the job. I'm confident he has had to bite his tongue a time or three. But who in the service of customers, or in the employ of a manager hasn't fantasied about letting it all hang out?
I am in RL a very large and fairly muscled man, think wrestler a bit out of shape (I used to wrestle ) I learned early on in my youth, that I had to keep a tight rein on my reactions to others, else I could do great physical harm, intentional or not. I have a whole bunch of younger sisters, if I ever let their needling and bickering get to me, I could (and would really be broke up if I did) have snapped them in two. But I must confess, I have had day dreams of "release the beast" and throttle some 'tard for their provocations. You would be amazed how many idiots equate: big=dumb, dumb=clear to insult, clear to insult=my rights, my rights=everyone is lesser than me.
He doesn't need to "grow a spine", he is fine in his own right. But he does have to toe the corporate line, don't be fooled otherwise. The day he doesn't is they day he isn't the liason. If that day comes about, that he decides to chuck it and don't need a recommend or a resume builder, I cheer that freedom, and hope for anyone they get to "tell it like it is". Even if "as it is" is in reality not as is .
The guy I respected the most over the years, was a guy that told our boss, "you are a stupid, bigoted, crazy old man, who will not quit riding me and everyone else in this place, I do not intend to be a target for your abuse any longer and am changing into my street clothes and leaving,,,,please don't say another word to me, I'm out of here." I wanted to cheer, he was all that and more, and had I been in a position at that time to walk as well, I would have. Who hasn't had that "take this job and shove it!" moment?
Well that's my point. It's not even worth discussing him needing to toe the company line because that's the whole point in his position. But the fact that he's toeing the line doesn't mean he agrees with it, heck, I'd assume that he doesn't agree with it quite a bit of the time.
Also, 99.9% of the reason people work at places like PWE is to build their resume so I wouldn't hold my breath for that scenario.
Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)!
Follow Neverwinter on Twitter: NeverwinterGame
Like Neverwinter on Facebook: Neverwinter
Follow me on Twitter: StrumSlinger
...for using an in-game mechanic from the in-game interface, for what it's been inteded, with 17 played and four storage chars.
Not personally and specifically, but that's scratched out all sympathy I've ever had for his job. I'd have expected some more PC empathy and sensitivity from someone of higher education and from a non-caucasian background...
So: No sympathy from me for the guy who's dishing out globalized insults to me and my likes...
and it would be nice to get some updates on those two threads too.
Heck, look at Suicidalgoat accusing Strum of writing the Astral Diamond blog that was written by the devs. That's pretty tame and rational compared to some of the stuff they have to deal with.
Quoted insult removed - Ironzerg
So I can safely assume he's at least proofread it, but he IS responsible for its content.
With all due respect for workplace obligations, don't sign stuff that's completely cross to your opinion - especially for publication - or take the backlash...
...and if some higher-ups urge / force you to sign it / publish it, it's maybe a wise idea to look of a different place to make you skill and talent pay.
And for my side of the deal: I spent my 100 this Friday on other games... ...namely WarThunder, where PvP is balanced, and The Witcher for my Fantasy fixx...
The end of the post makes it pretty obvious when it's signed "-Rob Overmeyer, Executive Producer".
I've had fellow employees ask me why my eye was twitching that way, and I had to respond "I don't know". (I did know in reality, it was the physical response to my internal voice telling me "no, strangling that clown is NOT a good choice, it might feel good at the moment, but nothing good will come of it.....). Maybe someday Strum's fantasy can come true and he get's to unleash what he REALLY thinks about things
However, with that all said, it was a small sympathy, he did "sign on" for it so to speak. Like the presidential spokesperson's job does, when you signed on, you were aware that you were going to have to lie and shade the truth all the time. That's why they "make the big bucks
Anywhoo, about Mod8...what mod8? For anyone not at or near L70 and a good gear score, you don't get to even SEE mod8....you do get to experience about 8 minutes of R.A. Salvatore's "Dwarven King" story, then you come to a screeching halt when you face the vampire. So yeh, Mod8, what Mod8? at least with past mods (not all) you have some content to experience or map to explore etc. But then this is really Mod 7.5 isn't it? You know everyone is calling it a .5 Mod right?
People really don't seem to get where on the totem pole a CM is, they're not responsible for making those kinds of decisions.
99.9% of the time CMs have interests in common with players and do their best with what they're given. That's why it's kind of ridiculous to imply he should "not toe the company line" because frankly it's not that kind of job. He's just a liason for the community. He can make suggestions but all the people that think he could wave his magic CM wand and change things if he grew a spine are being ridiculous.
His interests may, as you say, align 99.9% of the time with the players, he just can't say what he wants off the cuff and retain the job. I'm confident he has had to bite his tongue a time or three. But who in the service of customers, or in the employ of a manager hasn't fantasied about letting it all hang out?
I am in RL a very large and fairly muscled man, think wrestler a bit out of shape (I used to wrestle
He doesn't need to "grow a spine", he is fine in his own right. But he does have to toe the corporate line, don't be fooled otherwise. The day he doesn't is they day he isn't the liason. If that day comes about, that he decides to chuck it and don't need a recommend or a resume builder, I cheer that freedom, and hope for anyone they get to "tell it like it is". Even if "as it is" is in reality not as is
The guy I respected the most over the years, was a guy that told our boss, "you are a stupid, bigoted, crazy old man, who will not quit riding me and everyone else in this place, I do not intend to be a target for your abuse any longer and am changing into my street clothes and leaving,,,,please don't say another word to me, I'm out of here." I wanted to cheer, he was all that and more, and had I been in a position at that time to walk as well, I would have. Who hasn't had that "take this job and shove it!" moment?
Well that's my point. It's not even worth discussing him needing to toe the company line because that's the whole point in his position. But the fact that he's toeing the line doesn't mean he agrees with it, heck, I'd assume that he doesn't agree with it quite a bit of the time.
Also, 99.9% of the reason people work at places like PWE is to build their resume so I wouldn't hold my breath for that scenario.