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    dufistodufisto Member Posts: 537 Arc User
    banaanc said:

    that is why bosses are like 5x taller than the other mobs, there are some places where there is no room and range can be an issue, but for most part its a bonus, sine a majority of red attacks hit near the boss, so you can run out of it and dps, gwf has not only evade it, but run back in.

    the problem is not in gwf being op, its that gwf gets most of the broken lostmauth set and that there is no content in game for 3k+ ilvl ppl. take a sub3k ilvl gwf without lostmauth and GF tank and ull see there is nothing broken

    you keep blaming it on lostmauth. well lostmoth on my tr is 25% of his damage. but he's not putting up 100k hits. or doubling the next highest dmg output with the same party buffs and the same need to duck in and out of combat range.
    im not a better player on my gwf than i am on my tr. but run the same dungeon on each and my gwf will easily deal twice the damage that my tr will with the same il . could i squeeze some more damage outta my tr. sure. but holding left mouse button and hitting tab every few seconds is all i need to do on my gwf. oh yeah gotta remember to ibs when the mobs health gets low.

    40 % dmg from hidden daggers, 50 % dmg from destroyer capstone, 46.5% dmg from destroyer passive. 20% power from defense, 25% power from recovery/arpen,

    so 136.5% dmg bonus. before CA, before critsev, before external buffs. and thats not including the attack speed buff from unstoppable. and tack on the power buffs that are always active ( slotting azures in defense slots increases damage....).

    seriously saying the gwf isnt overpowered is about the same as saying permabubble is working as intended.

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    banaancbanaanc Member Posts: 472 Arc User
    holy HAMSTER, huge HAMSTER sword deals more sustained damage than 2 toothpicks, no HAMSTER, in other news gau 8 avenger deals more damage than a slingshot

    we have a good gwf in guild thats close to bis, in tos runs tr(didnt check his gear) did 2/3 to 3/4 of his damage(we did run and blow everything up instantly so gwf couldnt do max possible damage), as a paladin i deal 1/4 to 1/3 of gwfs damage, but gwf doesnt provide anything to the party while tr provides awesome large area cc, so a fix of lostmauth would more or less fix the issue, the reason tr isnt allowed to do more damage is pvp

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    zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User

    first they try nerf gwf because do more damage than cws. you show the devs notes about.

    so they try nerfs again because sws are note competitive, you show a sw that can do the same or MORE damage than a gwf EVEN BY LEGIT WAYS. Now they will try trs...


    The despair is so big that they are calculating all the boosts of different resources like if that is a point against the class and not in favor. yes, the damage of gwfs depends to maintaining and sustaining multiple mechanicals, not just spam a atwill like people say... or a dot.
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    dufistodufisto Member Posts: 537 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    banaanc said:

    we have a good gwf in guild thats close to bis, in tos runs tr(didnt check his gear) did 2/3 to 3/4 of his damage(we did run and blow everything up instantly so gwf couldnt do max possible damage), as a paladin i deal 1/4 to 1/3 of gwfs damage, but gwf doesnt provide anything to the party while tr provides awesome large area cc, so a fix of lostmauth would more or less fix the issue, the reason tr isnt allowed to do more damage is pvp

    think about what you just wrote:
    so when you kill things fast enough that the gwf isnt able to get his self buffs rolling he STILL out damages everyone. and if your killing that fast its burst damage not sustained. you know the thing tr's are supposed to be good at.

    nerfing lostmauth puts us back in the exact same position. because i guarantee you the tr and the cw and the rest of the dps there were wearing it. so we'd still be in the position that the gwf would be doing 25%-33% more damage than anyone else without all his self buffs going.

    and 25-33% more would be acceptable. so removing half the self buffs would solve the issue too wouldnt it? i mean its obvious they don't needed it.

    and just so we're clear flanking maneuvers is cc, and it fires off like mad with wms

    and i do agree that lostmauth needs to be adjusted. or imperial dragon & black ice boosted. or both

    the choice to be the best single target dps or best AE dps should be more complicated than whether i hold the right or left mouse button down.
    Post edited by dufisto on
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    zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    dont exist some forum rule against repeating the same lie / fallacy ad nauseam?

    gwf dont 'outdps everyone", just the non primary strikers and others strikers that have better utility tools or a secundary function. sw, if well played, still on pair W/O need bugs,

    that is not a opinion, are facts. your entire premisse is just wrong... verbalize a idea is not understand the reality.

    ignoreme dont will change nothing. you are destroyed in every argument. everthing here is just a sad trolling cruzade and everyone here can see.

    flanking maneuvers...
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    banaancbanaanc Member Posts: 472 Arc User
    gwf gets a lot more from lostmauth cause of those % buffs

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    izworizwor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    First thing first gs/item lvl is not by any means measure of player 'power'.
    It does not calculate campaign boons, companions and gives you the same amount of points for r7 in utility slot as in weapon enchantment slot... I hope you see the difference

    GWF is best dmg dealer if build properly, but other classes do not fall that far behind,
    I run a lots of dungeons and skirmishes, mostly eLoL, eCC, eToS, Kessel and I do Tiamat and dragon runs regulary as well.
    At 3k item lvl range - I assume at this point everyone have all campaigns completed, augment companion, greater/perfect wpn enchantment and decent companions in active slots.
    GWF compared to other classes deal up to 1.5xDPS other classes (CW, HR, TR) can do, no more.
    Decent SW with bugged Soul Puppet can do the same damage.
    And my MI Exec can outDPS most equally geared toons ;)

    The ATC shows that things are bugged now (shocking, isn't it?) ;)
    First SW class... Old Malabog set gives huge boost to DPS, being 80-90% of dmg SW deal.
    Second SW again... with bugged Soul Puppet dealing huge dmg if buffed and kept in combat for a long time (2-3 hits ad elite mob in eCC is dead). Here is side note - without Puppet SW is a big mistake, no DPS at all.
    Then goes GWF who get way too much extra damage from Lostmouth set, because of possibility to reach very high crit stat (up to 95% when buffed) and huge base weapon damage. While for other classes extra damage is ~10%, for GWF its ~25% of their total.
    And there is one more thing, GWF gets much better than other classes at BiS lvl, because of how stats are stacking for them.
    There is other thing, that GWF is no brainer at some lvl. You may jump into pack of mobs, use Daring Shout and heal yourself with LS, because of how huge dmg you deal with at wills. And you can do it for a long time...
    To be at the same lvl DPS wise its much more difficult for other classes. TR have long cooldowns and need to rely on aplying SoD asap and its mostly single target. HR must jump around like crazy, making use of all of his encounters. CW will try to CC and fails, because everything is dead already ;p And SW is just watching their puppet kill things (same lvl of boringness).
    But you must remember that all that GWF brings to party is DPS and little buff, because of Mark.
    HR can bring very good control and nice buff to survivalability.
    CW can do some controlling and buffing.
    TR can help with CC as well and is very usefull in wipe situations.
    SW... well SW is annoying thing, may help sometimes with boss or two, but most of time Puppet steals agro from a tank and mess around.
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    dufistodufisto Member Posts: 537 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    izwor said:

    First thing first gs/item lvl is not by any means measure of player 'power'.
    It does not calculate campaign boons, companions and gives you the same amount of points for r7 in utility slot as in weapon enchantment slot... I hope you see the difference

    GWF is best dmg dealer if build properly, but other classes do not fall that far behind,
    I run a lots of dungeons and skirmishes, mostly eLoL, eCC, eToS, Kessel and I do Tiamat and dragon runs regulary as well.
    At 3k item lvl range - I assume at this point everyone have all campaigns completed, augment companion, greater/perfect wpn enchantment and decent companions in active slots.
    GWF compared to other classes deal up to 1.5xDPS other classes (CW, HR, TR) can do, no more.
    Decent SW with bugged Soul Puppet can do the same damage.
    And my MI Exec can outDPS most equally geared toons ;)

    The ATC shows that things are bugged now (shocking, isn't it?) ;)
    First SW class... Old Malabog set gives huge boost to DPS, being 80-90% of dmg SW deal.
    Second SW again... with bugged Soul Puppet dealing huge dmg if buffed and kept in combat for a long time (2-3 hits ad elite mob in eCC is dead). Here is side note - without Puppet SW is a big mistake, no DPS at all.
    Then goes GWF who get way too much extra damage from Lostmouth set, because of possibility to reach very high crit stat (up to 95% when buffed) and huge base weapon damage. While for other classes extra damage is ~10%, for GWF its ~25% of their total.
    And there is one more thing, GWF gets much better than other classes at BiS lvl, because of how stats are stacking for them.
    There is other thing, that GWF is no brainer at some lvl. You may jump into pack of mobs, use Daring Shout and heal yourself with LS, because of how huge dmg you deal with at wills. And you can do it for a long time...
    To be at the same lvl DPS wise its much more difficult for other classes. TR have long cooldowns and need to rely on aplying SoD asap and its mostly single target. HR must jump around like crazy, making use of all of his encounters. CW will try to CC and fails, because everything is dead already ;p And SW is just watching their puppet kill things (same lvl of boringness).
    But you must remember that all that GWF brings to party is DPS and little buff, because of Mark.
    HR can bring very good control and nice buff to survivalability.
    CW can do some controlling and buffing.
    TR can help with CC as well and is very usefull in wipe situations.
    SW... well SW is annoying thing, may help sometimes with boss or two, but most of time Puppet steals agro from a tank and mess around.

    hurray a item set no longer attainable and a bug people have been complaining about for 6 months can outdmg you. heck i can bug traven into the pit with my tr. we should balance the classes around me being able to instakill that boss.

    a tr can easily get their crit rate to the same lvls as a gwf. what they cant get is 136.5% self buff. and thats where the insane amount of damage from lostmauth is coming from (you can watch the graph in act when the mob hits 40% and 30% trs lostmauth damage increases). because those buffs and all external buffs buff lostmauth.
    as i said before lostmauth is a good 15-20% of my tr's damage. but im not even close to putting out gwf numbers. how do i know because i've taken my chants off my tr and put them on my gwf and ran the same dungeons with the same people.

    and my gwf does some controlling via flanking maneuvers proc while spamming WMS. if the mobs cant stand up they cant hurt you.

    i'll say it again, the decision on whether to be the best single target dps and best aoe dps should be more complicated than deciding between spamming sure strike or weapon master strike.

    look at the tr forum. theres a decent amount of builds for all 3 feat trees. look at the cw forum. theres a decent amount of builds for all 3 feat trees. look at the GWF forum. everyone is a destroyer, .
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    dufistodufisto Member Posts: 537 Arc User
    edited October 2015
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    romotheoneromotheone Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 729 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    I approve, @dufisto is absolutely right on this one.
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    zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited October 2015

    1 - your presumptions about flanking maneuvers are just a bunch of hilariuous theorical HAMSTER.
    and my gwf does some controlling via flanking maneuvers proc while spamming WMS. if the mobs cant stand up they cant hurt you.

    yep, gwfs just perma prone everthing w/o take a counter attack... remember, is aoe, so... A SHARD ATWILL!!!

    2 - Here is the most important proof about your trolling

    the decision on whether to be the best single target dps and best aoe dps should be more complicated than deciding between spamming sure strike or weapon master strike.

    look at the tr forum. theres a decent amount of builds for all 3 feat trees. look at the cw forum. theres a decent amount of builds for all 3 feat trees. look at the GWF forum. everyone is a destroyer, .

    what is the point here? gwf need be nerfed because... is a easy class to do your role? because just have one viable tree and no others options of builds? what that matters for a balance discussion between classes? how that can be a argument against the class?

    that just make sense if you say "is not fair that a idiot player playing a gwf have better perfomance than a idiot playing another class"; ahn... ok. i have nothing against give more buffs and smart playing styles for gwfs... os just turn the gameplay of another class acessible for idiots too. "one-way street" for everyone!

    3 - about that "tr card" - because sw/cw cards fail - iam not against buffs rogues AND HRS under some circunstances... and turn sws a easy"one-way street" too.
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